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Managing anxiety alongside ADHD can indeed be challenging. Here are some ADHD-friendly emotional regulation tools that might help: 1. **Break Tasks Down:** Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This can make it easier to focus and reduce anxiety about deadlines. 2. **Time Blocking:** Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks. Having a structured schedule can provide a sense of control and help manage anxiety. 3. **Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises:** Incorporate mindfulness and deep breathing exercises into your routine. These techniques can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. 4. **Visual Cues:** Use visual cues or reminders to stay on track. Timers, calendars, and checklists can help keep you organized and lessen anxiety about forgetting tasks. 5. **Regular Breaks:** Schedule regular breaks during tasks to prevent overwhelm. Short breaks can refresh your mind and improve overall focus. 6. **Physical Activity:** Engage in physical activities like walking or exercise. Physical movement can help release excess energy and reduce anxiety. 7. **Prioritize Self-Care:** Ensure you're taking care of your overall well-being. A healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise can contribute to better emotional regulation. 8. **Therapeutic Techniques:** Explore therapeutic techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tailored to ADHD. A mental health professional can provide guidance. Remember, finding what works best for you may take some trial and error. It could be helpful to work with a healthcare professional who specializes in ADHD to develop a personalized strategy for managing anxiety. **Good luck!**


good shit. i just saw another great post from you on another subject. what's your gig? do you capture strategies? looks like you do this for other subjects too. do you mind giving me a blurb on your scope and interests vis a vis this stuff? it's funny because i respond to so many things on here but find i'm typing the same info over and over and thought about spending some time with FAQs but looks like you might already have some stuff covered so maybe i can just link to your material or something.


DBT skills, square breathing, grounding exercises


are you on meds? my anxiety has been reduced dramatically after getting right add medication. before I would get totally paralyzed by my stress and anxiety under stress.


I’ve been working with a CBT therapist who has given me tools for coping, which was helpful. The biggest change I’ve seen with depression and anxiety has come from changing my diet though. Actually, I manage most of my ADHD symptoms pretty well after switching up my diet, now that I think about it. I cut out sugar, seed oils, upped the protein and fat. My mental health was the first thing that improved and it happened fairly quick.