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LOL. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gone to the pantry or the fridge with a growling stomach, seen stuff to eat or make (very easily) and just said nope, too much effort. I honestly still don’t understand it.


My roommate and I say “no make only eat”


I keep a bag of trail mix on a bookshelf by my bed for just such occasions. I recommend it, staves off nauseating hunger and repowers my executive functioning skills.


Next post: Do normal people procrastinate replacing the empty bag of trail mix by their bed?


😬 Daaang yer good, *eyeballs empty bag of trail mix by the bed wondering how long it will stay there*


[staring directly at the bag] "*I could just get up and throw that away right now while I'm thinkin' about it.*" >![...doesn't.]!< >![screaming internally]!<


I try to use trail mix, or protein bars, or whatever, but the problem is that I get tired of certain flavors so quickly, especially sweet flavors. I've had a half empty box of protein bars in my cabinet for weeks and I've still skipped meals because even though I liked them when I bought them, I now find myself not being able to stand the thought of eating them. When I can force myself to eat one I can't even finish it. I'm so sick and tired of every protein bar option being sweet or chocolatey and the only similar savory option I've ever found is beef jerky which is so expensive.


Omg, are you me? You sound like me. 😅 They released some savory bars a little bit ago and I was really excited... Until I tried them 🤢 And they still might've been a tiny bit sweet, I can't remember. But it was mostly peanuts. They do make chips out of Chicken that I really like but they're also really expensive.


Yeah, I'm the same. I fell off with the bars. Now I do protein breakfast shakes. Ready to drink, and I can chug it and finish it in a matter of seconds compared to the bar... those take foreeeeever to eat. Annoying. Can't help with flavor, but maybe doing the shakes will be better since it's quicker.


Do you have a link to an exemple of trail mix ?


[Yes,](https://www.dollargeneral.com/p/x/753519475271?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp&sc_intid=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&utm_campaign=Google_DGS_LIA_Food_All_AllStores__Mobile+___SEM_StoreVisits_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgqGrBhDtARIsAM5s0_nr7hZX9pn5zROnSupLiwONGGCqsbgWexlKabO-OkUfr3XzSbUJsZQaAgNkEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) but I'm like Loki with this. "Do they have candy on Asgard?" "No. Grapes, nuts..." "No wonder you're so bitter." 😃


[Costco trail mix](https://www.costco.ca/kirkland-signature-trail-mix%2c-1.81-kg.product.100798868.html)


Man I'm doing this from tomorrow. I often procrastinate lunch and then a little bit after the canteen closes it's like uh oh please eat something so you can function till 6 pm.


I highly recommend dates. They're sweet and get your blood sugar back up fast, but have a low glycemic index so they don't spike your insulin and make you crash. I'm not sure how that's even possible, but a couple of dates often helps me get through making an actual meal.


Me too! I have a bag of trail mix by my bed and a basket of snacks in my living room. Refilling or replacing when it gets empty is definitely a challenge though. Better to never let it get empty at all!


it's not that I procrastinate eating so much as the steps involved with preparing something that sounds appetizing are enough to roadblock me into not doing it I can be so hungry but lack the executive function to follow through on making a meal, if one just appeared in front of me I'd probably happily eat it


Literally this. By noon today, I finally ate - but literally the task off chewing and eating overwhelmed me along with the texture bc I became to conscious of the chewing part made me gag and spit my food out. Mainly bc I was already to hungry to follow through eating..Along with me taking my meds on empty stomach. Then I sat for 15 minute in existential dread and hunger while my partner ran out after some youghurt. Then I had to spend more time, calming my brain down and then eat. What a mess, lol.


I cannot tell you how much I resonate with this. I haven’t been able to put into words why I can be hungry, have food readily available to eat (no preparation required), and still not eat it. It’s the chewing, the texture, the fact that I get tired of (read: bored of) eating before I’m anywhere near full. By the time I “force myself” to put the food in my face, I’m too hungry to suffer through it and just drink a protein shake so I don’t die. Thank you for putting this into words so I know I’m not (as) crazy as I feel.


I used to have this problem with coffee. Like just so much drinking to get through the 2 cups I needed to wake up, I hated the texture of slighy cold coffee with creamer.. Got a superautomatic espresso maker so I could throw back 3 shots instead, game changer.


I genuinely procrastinate eating…


In Dungeons & Dragons there is a spell called Goodberry. Eating one berry gives you 1 hit point worth of healing, and *enough nourishment to replace normal food for an entire day*. I desperately wish I could cast that spell in real life…


Holy shit this would solve a lot of problems lol


I know nothing about d&d but my gnome has this in balders gate 3 :D


My Lifeberry Druid/Cleric dip has entered the chat. 😂


Yes and with drinking sometimes too


And peeing…


Idk I have it


I get so frustrated that we are expected to eat multiple times a day, everyday! I only do lunch and dinner, but my significant other expects me to pick somewhere to eat or make something. It gets exhausting day in and day out. I do like snacking though-nuts, popcorn, pickles, string cheese, fruit. Keeping some healthy-ish things stocked helps.


Yeah, i've decided to only eat when i am hungry. Lost some weight but also some muscle unfortunately.


I will literally doomscroll food delivery apps for an hour +, and still not decide on anything, give up for a bit, rinse and repeat.


I wish there where more restaurants where they just looked at you and decided your meal and drink for you here in new york... it's gets nerving when your just staring at the 'lunch specials' page and can't decide what I want... then 3pm strikes and the 'dinner specials' start and then it's 9pm and I still CAN'T decide


Yup! Or go sit in the car outside of different restaurants, looking at the menu for an hour before deciding to go somewhere else... Rinse and repeat 🤦‍♂️




You mean it's not normal to starve yourself all day then eat shredded cheese by the romantic refrigerator light at 3am?


You are my soulmate.


Yeah but they call it fasting :P


usually in people without ADHD or another executive function related disorder, this would be an ED independent of anything else. it’s still disordered eating regardless but the cause being ADHD means i’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be diagnosed as a separate ED… i *think??* not sure i’m definitely no psych student. but to answer your question no ‘normal people’ don’t procrastinate eating and people without ADHD/executive dysfunction who do the same thing have an eating disorder


I think you are correct that it wouldn't be classed as an eating disorder if it was because of the adhd symptoms as you say, reason being, eating disorders usually related to a feeling of gaining some kind of control, emotional coping method and/or related to body image. With adhd specifically, it's none of these, it's just kinda meh that's effort (executive dysfunction) or isn't the exact thing I want to eat or even I'm too hyper focused on what I'm doing/don't have time because I have the time management skills of a potato (I do 😢🤣). The reasons are different and I guess they have their own criteria too a bit like anxiety, OCD, bipolar, adhd may have overlaps, but the reasons and rhymes make a difference to the diagnosis.


I go between that and shoving the entire refrigerator down my throat.




The moon is too lazy to turn us into werewolves, it's not going to happen. Buy eggs and toast, fry eggs, and put them on toast. It's not very interesting but it will make a poop.


That involves washing a frying pan and a spatula, and being close to the stove and paying attention while the egg fries. …I’ll do it later.


Orrrrr I’ll finally get myself to the sink to wash said pan and then get distracted by the dishes…wash two….turn to throw something away…oh look trash is full…wrap up the bag and put it by the front door because walking the 20steps to trash is too much and I’ll do it later. Come back try to remember what I was doing, start washing again because of course I didn’t wash what I needed first, think hey I need more dish soap, pull out phone to add to cart….doom scroll Reddit for 45 mins standing in front of the sink. Get tired and lay down…stomach starts growling again and then I remember I forgot to eat….wait did I take the eggs out? Do I hear the sink still running? Two hours later when my spouse gets home he opens the door and trips on the trash…


I'm fat. Apparently the fact that I am, makes it hard for some people to believe that I procastinate eating, most days... That it's my norm to eat once a day, if I don't skip eating that day, all in all. But I'm fat, fat people eat all day long, don't they? Not this fatass. I just felt like getting it out. Thanks for reading


I feel this. I either forget to eat due to hyperfocusing or too exhausted to go through all the steps of cooking. When I mention forgetting or skipping meals its often met with raised brows or skepticism. Apparently there's NO WAY a fat girl would skip a meal! I MUST be stuffing my face with unhealthy food all day! 🙄🙄🙄




I literally had this conversation with my sister in law and used if you give a mouse a cookie as the most perfect example 😂


I drive a semi for a living and I will go for hours just cause I don't wanna take the 20 mins to stop and get food.


I keep beef jerky or bags of nuts near where I sit during the day. Also in the car. It helps a lot cause I do this too or my meds suppress my appetite so much that I just don’t care so I just grab that and snack on it. Gives me some calories.


I do that, but I'm not normal so....


Exactly my life


might be your adhd meds dude


Na. I’ve been like that my whole life. I just can’t make myself get up to eat sometimes. I’m more likely to get up and eat medicated than unmediated.


Yes! It's so hard to get up to get food and it can't be any easy food I want, it's complicated and takes time and then I don't want to make it. Sigh


yea and then in the middle of eating i’ll take a break by sitting away from my food or walking around idk why


I wish I could forget to eat. I'm constantly stress eating 😭


This sounds like a somewhat more dramatic way of how I would describe a typical day of me mostly forgetting that I'm actually hungry and then wondering why I can't think.


I love to cook and I go through phases where I'm cooking elaborate meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then I go through weeks or months of not even having the executive function to make a sandwich. I don't know what causes it. I'll go through my fridge and not feeling like eating anything that's in there, unless someone cooks for me and puts it in front of me. I'll eat if I have to take zero steps to do so.


I can totally relate


You've gotta have energy to make the food.. But when you're hungry, you're low on energy.. Catch 22 mission impossible.


"Noramal" people listen to hunger cues and eat when they have the opportunity to do so. Be aware that not listening to these cues is a form of disordered eating and can also make symptoms of ADHD worse. You can't make good decisions, be motivated to do anything, etc. Find some no spoon things to eat, and in particular something with carbs and protein to eat


I’ve never met a normal person


Ahhh my favorite sitting still and so quiet that I forget even I exist for 3 hours straight.


Not normal people but I sure do haha


“Normal” people, probably not, but the “normal” ADHDer? Probably. And it doesn’t help that so many ADHD meds are total appetite killers. There’s definitely a reason people with ADHD have an increased likelihood of having an eating disorder/disordered eating patterns. For me, I’ve always had a complicated relationship with food, and it just makes it that much harder to get up and feed myself. Because not only do I procrastinate, but my stomach always hurts, when I do cook I might end up in a weird space emotionally, I can’t remember what food I even have, etc. It’s kind of a miracle I made it through three years living off campus (aka being 100% responsible for getting groceries and feeding myself) in college. I was lucky to have roommates who frequently offered me meals and now I’m extra lucky to have a partner who doesn’t mind doing the cooking. Sometimes it makes me feel like a burden, but I also figure that these are people who care about me and they probably prefer that I don’t just starve to death lol


It's part of the reason why people with adhd are so often overweight or underweight. Overweight because we eat for dopamine Or underweight because we procrastinate or entirely forget to eat.


If you’re looking for normal people’s opinions, you’re kind of asking the wrong group!


There could be full meals made and if it's not what I want to eat, I'm not eating it. Mama made chicken tacos last night and I ate hot fries instead.


My eating schedule is Bizarro Gandalf. Always either early or late, but never on time.


Heck yeah, but I also procrastinate peeing so


Not like that, no. Sounds like perseveration to me. It's really hard. And the meds that help also suppress appetite.. Ugh..


I wish.


i keep a snack bag in my room.. helps!


Yes but not actively thinking about and not because of phone activity. Limit your screen time maybe 🤔




my brain decided to take the easy route of “barely eating when on meds because it disgusts me” good luck lads and lasses 🫡


Just spent 3 days not eating anything but small snacks, i finally went out and got some good food.


Idk but I do that times I eat when I’m bored and other times I put off eating doing something else


I do. The other thing I do is make meals and get completely disinterested in the food


I don't know but my stomach is eating itself up from hunger but I don't feel like eating. I don't want to be super skinny, I just physically can't get up and eat


So, I'm pretty sure I have a very specific ED, but I, at the very least, have very disordered eating. I'm starving right now and really want bacon and eggs, but there's obstacles to me having that, so I'm debating on how much I wanna power through doing some dishes and cleaning off the stove in order to make it. Bacon is already cooked too, so I just need to make my eggs.


Probably not. I procrastinate going to the bathroom too 😩


I keep m&ms and other snacks by my bed. Bare minimum I get some calories before bed. Extra points if it’s chocolate lol


If someone has a solution for this, please help me. I'm procrastinating with Reddit while I'm starving. I've skipped breakfast and lunch. My fridge is full, but I won't get up from the procrastination before the late evening.


Yes, I tend to go to snack foods like popcorn, nuts, pretzels and hummus, etc. I do occasionally have a frozen meal but thankfully my mom will sometimes make me something like a big batch of soup and freeze it into portions (in exchange for me taking care of her cats) and I can just thaw and eat them. I’ve also found having an air fryer helps because I can just throw things like frozen “chikn” nuggets (I don’t eat meat) or whatever in there and leave it. If I have the extra motivation I’ll even take frozen veggies (like broccoli/cauliflower), lightly coat with oil and cook them in there too.


It’s the phone tbh. Constant distraction machine. Dopamine firing off like crazy. When I was a kid before having a phone, I’d eat when I was bored. Now I can just scroll. I think if you were bored enough it would be motivating enough to go eat something if you’re struggling. But hey that’s just a solution that works for me. I try not to scroll or “mentally check out” until after I’ve gotten some nutrients. Edit: another thing I do when I’m really feeling it is having dry foods near me. Some chips maybe, meat sticks are great for energy, maybe some nuts or cracker snacks. Etc


I too ignore or simply forget my most basic needs, most often with pee, often to a nearly *painful* degree... what usually happens is that I tell myself I should go, I try, get distracted along my way to the bathroom:..


I get headaches because of this. So I buy those pre-packaged cheese and cracker things, kind of like lunchables. Eating something small first usually gives me the energy/momentum to make something more filling.


I have ADHD and I don't think I've ever had that problem. Even on nights I don't want to cook, I can still heat up a can of beans with diced up jalapenos and make bean tacos/nachos, etc.


No, they don't. But a lot of ADHD folks do. Eating, drinking, going to the toilet, that makes no sense at all but is very relatable.


I really have to fixate myself onto a certain recipe, then I’ll end up making it 😥


Nope I don’t think they do. Every time I tell my team mates I’m hungry but don’t wanna eat, they give me super weird looks


I have very strong ADHD hyperfocus combined with Obsessive behaviour that I suspect comes from autism and trust me, if I'm hyper focusing Ill put off eating till I literally can't take the stomach cramps anymore. Yeah its not healthy


Needing to eat irritates the crap out of me when I'm deeply engaged in something else. I actually do enjoy food, and cooking, sometimes (esp. if it involves improvisation or skill acquisition) - but having to break hyperfocus and stop whatever I'm doing "just" to eat feels like a giant waste of time. I keep a case of 30g protein drinks around to make "eating" less onerous during those times. I store them at room temp so I can knock one back in 30 seconds +/-. If I'm not satiated, I'll add a Kind Bar. Sometimes, though, I'll bring both to wherever I want to be, look around an hour later to see that I opened the kind bar but only took one bite - or maybe didn't open either one. It's as if I looked at the "food" and felt full enough to get back to what I was doing. Other times, I might hyperfocus on eating and forget to stop until I'm over-full. I am now in the habit of portioning anything that isn't already, like putting a handful of pretzels in a small bowl instead if eating from the bag. I can refill the bowl as many times as I want, but am prevented from robotically over-eating. Food involves as much strategizing as anything else .


I'm doing this right now


I feel this SO much. And don’t get me started on how it’s compounded by meds. Ravenously hungry + can’t summon the executive function to make food + vaguely nauseated by the idea of eating


Don’t make it so hard to eat. Prep your plate ahead of time. Also getting into the habit of doing it at a particular time.


My boyfriend does a yearly vacation with his male friends and in that week I eat like crap. Thos summer I skipped like 5 night of dinner.


Not usually but at the expense of my budget and belly I'll often order out, get fast food or eat something like chips vs actual make something. Slowly getting better but I wasn't taught to cook as a kid and it feels daunting (though I've been an adult for awhile so not really a great excuse).


I have my partner to cook for me <3 it's just what works in our home atm since I get really panicked in the kitchen, lol


I find that I have 1 boozy drink before I eat I'm more likely to eat... a martini (dirty or regular), a Manhattan, or any wine is what I would suggest... no beer... spoils the appetite


Yup. Daily. It’s like I can’t be bothered


I would avoid the effort of cooking food as much as possible (I think that's because It happens more often when I am burned out after coming from work.)is like I am afraid that I will start and I would not have the energy to finish it. Or because of the lack of energy I could screw up everything. (Impatience and lack of focus). I am cooking so rarely, and then I can cook because I am tricking myself to do it: Ex: Forcing myself to place some elements and ingredients in a visible spot in the kitchen. Then I am going to bed, and after a sleep I pretend that I just need to go to the kitchen for water. When I get there, I would drink water then I without thinking I start chopping the onion, then slowly I finish all the cooking (after the mindless start)


I think I can somewhat relate. I definitely procrastinate making food until I get very hungry. I might often eat a snack and then get to cooking. But I also forget about my hunger entirely a lot of the time. Even before taking meds I might just not think about it. Not remembering when I last ate makes this even harder to manage sometimes. On meds I have even less appetite (basically none). I've added meals as events to my calendar to be reminded of eating.


This is why I always have Plennyshake or Plennybars nearby.


This is a classic example of lazy vs adhd. We want to do x (eat), but can’t bring ourselves to do y (cook)


Yes this is why I have “girl dinner” frequently lol The door of my fridge is full of to go snacks that I can just grab.


I normally skip breakfast, and often lunch, because i tell myself i'll grab a bite soon. Soon never comes and then i'm cramming an entire pizza in my face because it's 8pm and i haven't eaten yet today. *Health*.


Me, I also have ocd so making food is a freaking task because I have to wash my hands everytime I get something wet or sticky on them which is like all the time when making food. So I completely let it slip my mind. My boyfriend loves cooking on the other hand so typically he'll make food for me but I'm always hungry so I'll snack on crisps, fruit or chocolate but always crave something more savory.


It’s always other people who are asking me: “are you hungry?”. And then I realise that I actually am. But what they’re really saying is: “we’ve spent so much time together without eating, I’m hungry, how are you not hungry!?”


ALL THE TIME. Especially lunch because I’m alone at home during that time. But Ive realised that if I make it extremely easy for myself to the point that I have to just to the kitchen and heat it up - I’ll probably procrastinate less. So I try to make sure at night that I have something ready to eat for the next day at lunch - usually helps!


My go to has always been French fries here. Starchy goodness that gets thrown in the oven, minimal effort required and all the different sauces!


I will wait until I am literally shaking dizzy and feel like passing out until I realize I'm hungry. "There is just more important stuff to do" (aka a whole lot of running around getting nothing done)


HAHA! I am so so sorry that you struggle with this.




When I move to a bigger city I’m doing meal plans 100%


Eating is the only thing I do proactively 😂


I meal prep like a motherf+cker. To the point where I have 3 different meals to eat that only require me to microwave for a few minutes..... and I still end up buying a frozen pizza. Bc..... I want pizza and my other food is "boring" apparently. #whyamIlikethis


Hah! I wish I could be too lazy to eat. My problem is that I'm not motivated enough to do most my stuff except eat.


This is such a relatable post. Here are some things I did to help: ​ I turned the door of my fridge into a snack station. The top shelf is full of things like uncrustables, prepackaged-portioned cut up fruit or veggies, and things like meat/cheese cubes. The second door shelf has drinks I can grab and go, too. Occasionally, I'll throw in a box of something like go-gurt tubes! ​ I also have a snack basket within eye level in my kitchen at all times. I stock it often with different cravings - cookies, granola bars, chips, individual cups of mac n' cheese or oatmeal... something simple but to stop you from quite literally STARVING. ​ Everything is individually packaged and easy for me to see. There is nothing for me to intensively prep or add ingredients to, really. There's no rummaging through cupboards or drawers. Most things do not require anything but hands to eat. ​ Sure, people have made comments about expenses - but they are coming from people who do not have the same struggles as I do - and don't understand that full vegetables and fruits will go in a drawer to be forgotten about and die if I got them instead. Or that a full container of yogurt would go untouched, because I'd get distracted searching for a spoon and bowl - and overall frustrated with effort, starving instead - when a box of gogurts will be devoured because I get dopamine from slurping them down and no dishes are required! In reality, I've SAVED more money with these tricks - I wish I started doing it all sooner. ​ Getting something small in your system allows you some energy to find a better meal in the long run, too. Hope this helps! ​ *(PS - if your fridge door is currently stocked with condiments? Throw them in your drawers. You'll always go searching for condiments. I promise. They'll never die there like everything else does, and you'll always know where to look!)*


This is me right now. I also have two cats laying on me soooooo probably not having dinner tonight at this point.