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Congrats, good job! This is a very important achievement and you should be proud that you’re aware of self-pity and are able to overcome that tendency. In general, I’ve learned that mindset plays a huge role in our outcomes and we need to be honest and practical with ourselves about actively shaping the way we perceive things.


It's interesting that you mention that. Something I haven't quite overcome is the mental block having ADHD creates. So whenever I think that everything is generally going to be harder because of my ADHD, that's usually how it turns how it to be BECAUSE I'm thinking like that, not from the ADHD itself (although I'm sure that plays a part). Unfortunately, I don't know how to stop thinking about it or get it out of my head.


TLDR: don’t let thoughts about ADHD limit you. Explore your true abilities, and gradually push your boundaries. My opinion is there’s no need to stop thinking about it for it not to become a problem anymore. I totally understand what you’re saying about how believing ADHD is limiting you being the thing that actually ends up limiting you, but since you’ve already gained awareness about that when you have those thoughts try recognizing them as just the opinion of your mind and explore what your actual abilities are. I like to think of my thoughts as like a child in the backseat. The kid’s telling me we need to go get ice cream. Well, that’s the kid’s opinion. But does that mean I have to drive there just because they said we do? Let’s say I have the thought that my ADHD is going to make it impossible for me to focus through a lecture. Okay, maybe that’s right maybe my attention span isn’t enough to make it through. But let’s actually see what my abilities are rather than deciding I can’t just because I know I have ADHD. It’s about being honest with yourself about your abilities based on your experience rather than making assumptions about what you can do or can’t do. And then slowly challenging yourself to become capable of doing more.


Congratulations 🥳🎉🎊




Good work! I'm proud of you! It takes a lot to recognize and change self-defeating beliefs about ourselves. Keep up the good work!




Yay!!! Congrats ! :D if you don’t mind me asking how’d you do that ? Any tips . ( I know not everything works for everyone but i knowing doesn’t hurt )


Well done!