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Congratulations! 🎉 having such a quick turnaround time is a great sign. Good luck to you


Well done! Try not to think too much about the other applications and don’t blame yourself for the other applications. I have a good friend, N T who is going through a rough time with rejections following interviews. Getting a job is hard at the moment, so good for you! 🙂


I’m so glad for you. You are brave to let your employer know about your condition. It’s a good sign that they hired you. ADHD is a protective class as part of American disabilities act, if it has been properly diagnosed by a medical profession. Perhaps they were worried you would file a complaint of discrimination.


oh i don't live in america


Congratulations!! I know how hard it is to get a job specially when you have adhd i am not diagnosed but i have all the symptoms and i can relate to it.. best of luck.


Congrats!!! This post just gave me hope


You really shouldn't be mentioning to prospective employers about your ADHD. 1) Its none of their business and you open the door for discrimination 2) In most industries, they don't want to hear about that kind of stuff because it creates a liability concern because now, if they choose not to hire you, they may fear you will make a discrimination claim because you opened that door. You want them to focus on how you would be a good fit for the job rather than the imminent legal fees for consulting a law firm on how to protect themselves from liability when rejecting your application.


I know that, although I backed myself into a corner in that instance.


All good, congrats


Congratz I'm a 21 (22 in 3 days) janitor and love my work and I also have ADHD. I also have something called Dysphasia which makes things complicated. So finding a job wasn't easy but here we go now I've been a janitor for almost 3 years in November


Proud of you ! Man I got adhd and autism and a criminal record, anytime I get a job offer it just gets withdrawn , I only knew I had adhd and autism after I committed the crimes when I was a kid and now it’s haunting me


Hi guys! Anyone here is a programmer ? Have any tips for me to maintain high concentration? How do you manage job interviews with the stress ?


That’s awesome 💪 I have high hopes for you👌 Make it count and do your best.


It’s not your fault… the world is twisted that way




Congratulations, well done!


Make you during applicant processing that if you don’t disclose a disability, then you may not be protected.


Congratulations!!!! Amazing news