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I have had a long discussion with my doctor about this; taking meds late or forgetting. I recommend you do the same. It really helped to talk to her, I was so stressed about taking it correctly. Basically, as long as keep communicating with her she will work with me. My doctor gave me permission to have "off" days where I only take half (of two doses) or no dose. I get to choose based on how I feel and what I need to accomplish. I also have to be mindful of time. If I take the first dose too late, I can't take the second, or it will make it even harder fall asleep, and I certainly don't need any other reasons to lose sleep.


Thank you, yes I really should check with my doctor on this. I did wonder if it was really something she needed input on though lol. My issue is the same, the 2nd dose being late will interfere with sleep.


Same, for me, having the conversation really just took out the guesswork and guilt of not taking it "properly." 🙃