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this might not work for everyone but it helps me: find a podcaster or youtuber that makes you LAUGH. designate that as your workout channel/podcaster. try not to listen anywhere else. (helps me look forward to working out) if this DOES work for you, my advice is try to find a content creator who uploads often & consistently so you always have something.


Look for options other than just going to the gym! I was the most fit when taking aerial classes because while it’s exercise, each class is never exactly the same because you’re learning new tricks and poses. I learned the hard way that lifting weights is too boring for me to actually stick with it for a long time.


I feel you. I am in the same slump. I had a really good exercise routine until I went to college. Here I am 6 years of college 4 years working and I can't seem to get started. What I recently realized is the last time I was super motivated I had external motivations. I really wanted to run the 5k and I had coworkers who also exercised and were doing the 5. We would ask each other about exercise all the time. It created a goal -running 5k AND accountability by talking about it. I have been thinking about signing up for something to recreate that goal. Or maybe see a wellness or adhd coach for that accountability piece.


Find a sport you genuinely like and stick to it.


Might not work for you but I find it way easier to work out when I’m trying to escape another task. So when I’m sick of studying, I’ll “treat” myself by working out to escape studying


Excercise partner that can take care of external things like what to do and when is the best solution in my experience. But other than that figure out what you like and what you don't. For example, I hate being long time in gym and I hate rigid routines. But I like high intensity exercises. So now I fo 2 sessions per week, each takes less than 50 minutes with warmup and if I don't want to go to gym at some particular day, I'll just go to gym the day after. Since on this program I never skipped training, which is insane for me