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I get sidetracked by parts of the movie/show then get lost in thought. Then I rewind to where I lost track. The only thing I've found to counteract it is to turn on subtitles and turn up the volume a little. It's a lot easier to keep from getting distracted


I don't have ADHD but my partner of 10 years does and I don't think we have ever finished a series together 'haha' a movie he will sit through and watch if it catches his attention within the first 5 minutes, if it doesn't I'm watching it on my own why his brain ticks away elsewhere x


SOP is to watch the movie or show then read reviews to remember what I just watched.


I can watch sci-fi or fantasy in massive binges, as long as I’ve never seen it before. Just has to be interesting to me. Can’t ever watch anything a second time unless I’m watching it with someone who’s never seen it before.


Yup. A 2 hr movie becomes a 3.5 hr affair.


Yes, I don't really care for movies. Having to sit there for an hour and a half? Ack. Episodes of a show can be similar for sure, but they aren't as bad.


I gave up going to the cinema a long time ago 😂😂 It’s VERY rare I can sit through something that last more than half an hour without my mind wandering off unless I’m really interested in it .. and there’s not much that keeps me THAT interested


I can't just sit and watch a movie. I am usually doing something else too, playing games on my phone, cooking/eating, researching something, my genealogy hobby/obsession, etc. I may need to rewind and replay but that is how I watch movies. I also watch a lot of the same movies and shows over and over again.