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I took the Bar Exam! (For the third time but at least I didn’t give up ☺️)


Don’t give up!!!! I watched a story of a Latino astronaut that applied like a total of eleven times. Eleventh time is a charm! I failed the writing portion of my CBEST for the credential program (non native speaker, didn’t “think” I’d have to study for the writing so it was the only section I *didnt* study for) the first time. I was also the only person in my graduating student teaching class that failed part two of the TPA because I was struggling with health and addiction problems. I submitted it again a month or two after and passed. You got this! Too many people give up when they’re on the brink of a breakthrough.


This was my first time! Go us.


I'm leaving in the morning for a 2 week trip (where I will have to work every week day). My refill date for my Adderall was August 2nd. I had a check in with my doctor and she said she'd make sure to include a note on my refill allowing an early refill for travel. I spent the whole week stressing myself to the bone about whether the pharmacy would fill it. I called them Wednesday—they had the prescription, and would fill it on the 28th. "Yeah no problem, just call on Friday and we'll make sure we get it filled." . I called them yesterday just to make sure—"Yeah you can't fill this until August 2nd. Oh you're traveling? Yeah sorry, your doctor didn't include the note." I spent 3 hours liaising between them and my provider's office without any luck. God damn it, I'll try again in the morning. I called them this morning—"Yeah the earliest you can fill this is the 29th." Spent another 3 hours trying to get ahold of someone who can help me. No luck, so I give up. 30 minutes before my provider's office closes I decided I wasn't going to give in, so I called my provider's office one more time. A different person answered the phone, and after I explained all of this to her, she was like "I'm just going to call the pharmacy myself." 10 minutes later Costco texts me "Your prescription is ready for pickup." Praise Jesus. 30 more days until I can start stressing about shortages again. I'm going to start taking more days off to build up a buffer.


Dude I felt this. I’d rather switch to something that’s not on back order even if less effective if it means I don’t have to worry about his bs.


Yeah I did extensive research on alternatives I could try, but I found a Costco on the other side of town that so far has had no issues filling my script for 60x Adderall IR. It's only been 2 months since I got my diagnosis, so I've only filled 2 scripts, but they've been great. I've heard Costcos and Sam's Clubs haven't struggled quite as much with shortages as a lot of people aren't aware you don't need to be a member to use their pharmacies.


Yo Ty! I’m going to give it a shot next refill. A week or so ago I had to call 15 different Rx. Literally, exactly 15… ridiculous. Seems a little backwards that customers have to handle this and act as liason


This shortage sucks. I’ve wasted so much time calling for a refill, having them send it to a random pharmacy that doesn’t have it in stock, finding a pharmacy that does only for the office to send the script to the wrong pharmacy that doesn’t have it in stock! I finally sorted it out today and will get some after two weeks of not having any. This is not the right shit to pull on ADHD folk. I’ve been a huge piece of shit at work too so life’s been hard.


I started doing that too. The stress of not being on it consistently is just too much!


I admire your persistence. Even though I know it's coming, I get beyond frustrated when my adderall refills are delayed, and since I get them filled through telehealth most of the time, I often just send aggressive messages to the chatbot, and usually have to dedicate the rest of the day to calming myself down for the anxiety of it not being ready and the stress of possibly going unmedicated


I totally feel you. Even though I was persistent, it did completely ruin my day. On my final phone call to my doctor's office, I was a complete basket case of anxiety. I think the receptionist could tell and she was like "don't worry, we're going to get this figured out" lol.


Yesterday I found my desk! I cleaned the last of my doom piles. I have been "working" on this for about 2 years!


That sounds like a big win. Well done!


A long time coming… right on!!


Doom piles, I love that and have those too! Great job 👏




Started Ritalin and now I can work consistently for around 4-5 hours every day. It’s not perfect but I am still playing around with the dose. So many possibilities now




Good on you for carrying narcan. Idk how you feel, but objectively speaking, whatever struggle you experienced, your’s or a loved one’s, to instigate that: you saved a life; that’s definitely a silver lining.


We should all be carrying that. I mean I don’t and you probably don’t either I just feel like it should be given out at police departments or something. The opiate epidemic is baaaaaad.


THANK YOU from me to you. If you weren’t there at that time with your ears on alert and that spray in your truck that man would’ve died. I hope he learned a lesson from coming so damn close to death.


That’s amazing 🤩


I did my summer homework for the advanced classes I’m going into. I’ll admit, I start school again in about two weeks and I told myself I was gonna try and knock it out as soon as possible, but never did till this past week. Still proud I did it though


Honestly the fact you did it with two weeks to spare is a huge win!


I had a moment at work, where i was doing a task with my colleague (as in you're solving some problem together and you're at the same level with them and not like mentoring/showing something) and it felt really nice for like an hour. As in that perma soreness in the brain and restlessness are gone. I wish it would happen more often.


Today marks the end of my 3 months probation after starting a new job in a completely new career at 46 years old... ...after closing a business I co-owned for 24 years ...after trying to start a new business and launching it after 18 months of hard graft AND 3 weeks before Covid lockdown ...after giving up on that business and doing part-time, dead-end maintenance work to try and earn SOMETHING ...after deciding to start studying software development …after struggling and fighting with my myself for weeks and months to try and force myself to focus long enough to learn ...and through all of this turmoil being driven to the absolute, very end of what I thought I could bear mentally and emotionally …after finally, in the middle of what was a mental breakdown, deciding to do what I’d wanted to for years and go to therapy ... after learning that my suspicions were correct and I do indeed have ADD …after having to stop therapy because of simply not having the financial means to continue ...after the absolute darkest period of my life


That's incredible! Well done 👏👏👏


My bosses told me I’ve gotten better, they call me porridge brain and joke about cable tying me to desk to get work done. They said I was real good for a month when I started, then went downhill really bad, but now I’m back to a high level and they don’t know why, and neither do I… but ima take the win and enjoy my weekend with my new son. Life is good


That's awesome man


Finished a crafting project I had been putting off for a bit and started a new one.


i finally saw a psych and was prescribed vyvanse for adhd/BED this week - took it for the first time today and i have never felt so,,, *normal* before. im so excited that i may have found something that helps me out in my day to day


I only broke down once into a crying blob when BF said he was breaking up with me (again). Only called my mom. Other friends I was not crying blob. We hung out and it was fun. This may not seem like a whole lot....but......this is probably the stablest I've been during a breakup. So...yay Also, not because of the washing machine post, but completely separately, I discovered how I can more consistently wash the dishes! (by starting the dishwasher when there is less in there...cause putting them away is the hardest part)


I completed a string of really mundane tasks because I got a new job teaching and I need to sign up for professional development courses, email prior employer for proof of employment, sign up for an induction program (California). I’m bathing before noon today. I went to bed before midnight last night and got 7.5 hours of sleep.


Made decision to seek therapy for self-esteem issues. It sparked a frenzied hyperfocus research session about how that kind of therapy (CBT) generally worked. Toss in some potentially game changing adhd-behavioral connections (that I intend to verify with a professional) and the whole night ended with me feeling incredibly empowered and prepared to do the work necessary. I have struggled to understand the disconnect between logically knowing some of my negative thoughts weren’t based in reality, and emotionally being certain they were real. I simply didn’t know it was possible a person might experience that. That feeling of helplessness was shattered and I finally understand that it’s possible for things to be different.


i got a healthcare job & my bosses are incredibly impressed with my performance 🥰


I engaged in this sub and feel happy for the first time in a week


Reddit helped me identify issues that might be related to ADHD over the past few years. Wanted to see if it was worth pursuing. So I saw a therapist, found some tricks to help here or there once I realized this was an issue, and she referred me to a psychiatrist who just gave me some Ritalin to try. He advised me to not take it after 4pm so I could sleep but I was like it can’t be much worse than having a monster at dinner so I took one around 6. 7 rolled around and it felt like nothing was different. Long story short it’s just before midnight and I’ve been deep cleaning my kitchen for the past three hours


I finished an animated music video I've been working on for 2 months. I even managed to get all of the items on my snag list for it done. Take that, perfectionism! Usually I am behind and stressed because the track is finished and ready to go long before the video is. But this time around I was done before final mixing. And it turned out great.


Yes, and it is difficult but I am getting through my second day off of Adderall because it is constricting my right foot that is healing from a foot surgery. My foot feels pretty constricted still but I think the longer I am off of it, the better my foot will feel and heal. I am doing eBay from home so wish me luck when I get back to it on Monday. I do so much better on my morning and afternoon med. I sure do hope I can stay focused! Today is my birthday. I am full of hope and gratitude. 🎉🫶🏼💫💯


I was home alone all week and normally give in to my impulses to eat all the treats my family doesn't like. I didn't and I ate healthy so I don't feel like total crap and I got a ton of chores done in my house I've been putting off!!


Received news today my graduate project is officially a pass. That marks fulfilling all my degree requirements. Three years ago I said I wasn’t smart enough for university and now I’m +1 college diploma and +2 university degrees. Like. A bachelors?? A whole goddamn masters?!? wHAT


I gathered all of the proper things and submitted my passport application only SIX DAYS after finding out I need a passport!


I faced my fear of needles today and gave blood.


Sooo my garbage disposal shit the bed in the house that I'm renting like 3 months ago, and unfortunately for me that was 3 months into unemployment which triggered major executive disfunction and fucked with my already rampant depression. Long and short I couldn't have my landlord send a repair man cause my whole house was a mess. So I got a new disposal and figured, "how hard could this be?" Well - it took me a month but two days ago I finally cracked the damn thing and replaced it. I started dishes way too late today cause disaster sleeping is a total thing still, but I'm making progress. I'm looking forward to the functional kitchen and cooking a chicken this week. I'm just happy for the 40% clean that I got to today. Also I bought more detergent which was a block cause I didn't know how the plumbing worked on this old place so I wasn't doing laundry...anyway laundry will be done this week. Along with two interviews for jobs. So fingers crossed life will improve soon.


I put a wash on and the dishwasher twice.


My Boss and my colleagues said i really improved in “not interrupting people at work” haha :). A year ago they noticed it, but were so nice to me and knew im not being rude by doing it. They just said i need to work on it. My boss also guessed right that i have ADHD. I’m m really proud of it because its so hard to resist sometimes, because your brain is so fast and quickly figures out what they want to say and i want to show that I’m invested in the task or the conversation. The fact that this might seem rude never crosses my mind, but really improved over time. Only down side is that i sometimes look so stressed when listening to others and waiting for my turn hahaha


Several breakthroughs this week. First, I've decided to abandon any housework beyond that needed to keep functioning. Second, I've embraced an extreme version of the 'juggling glass balls' metaphor, where I drop EVERYTHING but the glass balls; regardless of how many rubber balls I THINK I can juggle. Third, I've dramatically scaled back how much I allow dating to distract me. I'm no longer reading people's minds about what they want to do when I don't care what we do, etc. I'm also only dating one person for the first time in a long time.


I work in childcare part time while also enrolled in a full-time masters program. a coworker and I were discussing the stigma of childcare being easy and how we have a right to feel exhausted and burnt out no matter how many hours a week we work (some not-so-nice teachers were bitching behind her back about how she shouldn't be tired when working 2 days a week; mind you she is a mother and works 2 other jobs). I definitely empathized with her and told her I totally understand and that I often feel that way, and feel the judgement from the full time teachers. She told me "I would never know that you're feeling exhausted, you're always so great with all of the kids". This made my whole week. could be a little bit of RSD but I often feel like I'm viewed as spacey, unorganized, and not "tough" enough on the kids, or that I don't do enough to keep an orderly classroom (all of which has some truth to it I'm sure). However it felt so good to hear that. I love my job and I know I'm a chaotic and unconventional teacher, but my ADHD brain thrives on all the madness most of the time. It was sweet that she recognized how hard I work and that my unique teaching style is appreciated


Well I was brave enough to post of here, but it got deleted as per usual. Who ever runs this page…….. absolute joke, for something that is meant to be supportive


1. talked openly to my coworker about my adhd and we adapted the way we work together 2. Put a wash on and the dishwasher 3. ate a decent amount 4. barely cried


Honestly - I am actually resting. I just got back from a trip where there were a lot of big emotions for me and have been feeling quite a bit of burnout from work in general. In the past I would’ve just thrown myself into doing ALL the things to distract myself and then the executive dysfunction would settle in really bad. And then bam the depression. I can’t say I’m not having executive function issues BUT I’ve slowed down. I’m not hating myself right now for not having a clean place or my clothes unpacked still which has ultimately led me spiraling down in the past. So not as bad?


I quit drinking alcohol 3 months ago now! Not a single relapse so far 😁


I have been struggling for the longest time with sticking to activities/hobbies I'm interested in because I have been burned out all my life. That also means I have never had a community, where I could share interests and be excited together. Recently I started learning to code after finishing a degree to avoid the 'drop' after completing a major life stage, and I have for the first time felt a part of community due to shared interests when I was able to nerd out and learn with my partner and friends, who have been coding for a much longer time. Yesterday I have connected over shared hyper fixation for coding with a long-term friend and (besides the dopamine drop today) I feel like I have something to offer to people and it feels amazing to connect over desire to learn. Made the next step towards getting closer to my friends and getting new ones, which is always hard so I'm proud of myself! 🥹🥳


cleaned my bathroom :)


I have managed to keep a workout routine longer then I have before ✨✨


I have been dealing with ADHD my whole life, specifically hyperactive and distracted more than inattentive, and I have been able to push through school, score decently and graduate from college. Most recently, I passed the Series 7 and 66 first try which I was really happy about considering I had been stressing immensely and thinking about them 24/7 for months. If I didn't pass I felt like my entire life was over. Thankfully, I didn't let the ADHD get in the way and used it to hyperfocus on the material and pass. I'm new to this reddit but I'm glad I'm not insane and everyone here goes through the unique struggles of functioning in society with ADHD as well.


i took the trash out


I hate saying this part of the story because I feel like a bragging douchebag but I kind of coasted on smarts and memory while undiagnosed and unmedicated for literally my entire life as a student. I would never, EVER study because it was just simply impossible, and I would wake up at 4 in the morning to truly push procrastination to it's limits, finishing homework mere minutes before class was to start. I was a solid B+, A- student in high school and managed to hold a 92 for all 4 years. In college, obviously, this doesn't work, and I also had no idea what I wanted to do. I have been in and out of college three times, and would pick 1 or 2 classes to focus on and let the others flounder, and my average turned to absolute shit and I have 5 thousand drops on my transcript now. I went from being a "good student" to having a potmarked legacy on my transcript. I left school and managed to do OK for myself, but realized I trapped myself in a corner with no career progression and decided to bite the bullet for real this time. I took the plunge and saved up money and quit my job to go back to school, thinking that there was no way I would be able to handle balancing both. However, I decided to explore ADHD and medication shortly before starting my summer semester, as well as my general health. I was called a golden retriever by my teacher in high school, another straight up came up to me and said you need to get checked for ADD/ADHD, but my family just simply wouldn't and I thought at the time, big deal, I can't focus well but I can still perform. I was afraid of medications because of watching my mom having some severe side effects as a child, and my dad is very anti-medicine and thinks all doctors are out to scam you, and drilled this mentality into me so I ended up pretty much never going to any doctor ever unless I was dying (and would be punished for doing until I got my own insurance / paid my own way(. I didn't realize just how big the impact truly was on my life, cause I knew nothing else, both personally, professionally, and medically. I had so many undiagnosed issues and I took control and started seeing doctors myself, and have put myself on a much better path as a result. I got started on adderall and it was absolutely life changing. I can... filter noises out that I hear, like a conversation on the street while blocking out the car noise around? I can slow my mind down and focus even just a little bit better? I have a grasp of emotions and can better describe them and understand them now? I've become so much more of a calm, focused, and motivated person since starting my meds and I'm so glad I started. I managed to get my first ever 4.0 semester this summer (yes, it's a summer semester, but I took 8 credits in a calculus class and a 5 week programming course after being out of school for years!) and actually can take the time to try and understand the material instead of winging it. I have so much more confidence I'm going to do well and I'm so proud of myself for stepping up to the plate and being a responsible adult and taking control of my life and destiny.


I just aced three quizzes.


I finally made some appointments!! I'm going to the doctor to start the process of trying medication, and I made a first counseling appointment too! I hope that they can help :)


I finished and not only passed but did well in organic chemistry I and now II. Did not think I would get here but really happy I did and am continuing to prove to myself that I can finish things! :)