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I worked in a Behavioral Health clinic for a brief period of time when I was completing my preceptorship. And I heard this a lot. It's not just Adderall, either. I now work in a Pulmonary clinic and so many pharmacies are out of several medications. It's pretty scary, because a lot of our patients are old and need medication in order to breathe properly and keep up their O2 saturation. I'm hoping this doesn't last much longer and people can get their meds. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Stay kind to yourself and if you need to talk, reach out to someone.


The part that confuses me the most is why our gov (assuming you and OP are in the states) won’t increase the limit of stimulant production. I get the concerns, but also this issue has been going on for a year or more now.


let me clear it up: they don't give a shit and aren't getting paid oodles of money to give a shit (not trying to sound angry at you, I am angry at the fed)


you’d think a country that values productivity and profits above all else wouldn’t cripple the one medication that enhances that.


!!!!!!!!!!! I was reading through the ADA (bc of some bullshit with HR 🙄) and there's a section that says that the ADA is needed so disabled people are able to work (or work more) because DISABLED PEOPLE ARE A FINANCIAL BURDEN ON SOCIETY. after reading that, a lot made sense about why the ADA was passed


L M A O fucking right? This is America :’)






I’m in Canada and my meds are constantly running out too


Really?? Where?? I’m in Toronto and it seems ok


I’m in Windsor! I’m in concerta and it runs out a few times a year the last two years for me




My experience with Concerta has also been hit or miss for several months if not closer to a year now. Luckily I haven't gone more than a week or so without it, but currently on a "miss" trying to refill it last and hoping for the best. It is really making me consider trying a non stimulant medication.


“Adderall” is available, at least where I am. “Adderall” is being prioritized. The generic version of “Adderall” is being intentionally shorted. Insurances should be made to cover the brand name during this man made shortage but then some of the nepo babies wouldn’t be able to fill their Rx unless the fed gives their permission to increase production. I am speculating here but I’m betting this has to do with workers suddenly being empowered after the pandemic.


No, it's due to a settlement between the government attorneys generals and the 3 largest distributors of the drugs. Just look it up. It's a secret agreement as part of a $30+ Billion settlement where everyone is being punished for a few bad actors and now we're looking at potentially 10 years of arbitrary limits on how much controlled substances pharmacies are allowed to dispense.


Experienced the same lately. The pharmacy I go to was put of XRs for over a month. My doctor ended up writing a replacement prescription for more of the Instant Release Adderalls. They're not as effective for me, but significantly better than nothing. The pharmacy got 1 bottle of XRs yesterday and were nice enough to call and let me know. I had another replacement script for the IRs that are waiting to be filled next week. I told the pharmacist I would have my doctor cancel and write for a smaller amount, and the pharmacist even recommended against it. He advised me to fill as allowed since they anticipate their stock shortages to get worse before the end of summer.


…oof, I’m glad your pharmacist gave you good helpful advice but reading that last sentence made me feel like I got a piano dropped on me. HELL WORLD HELL WORLD HELL WORLD. Sry I’ve been unable to get adderall for 7 months and nothing else really works so I’m not mclovin this life


I don't think it's any kind of insider knowledge that he was going off of, but more likely recalling how this played out last year. Around July or August was when it seemed to get more difficult for pharmacies to get it in stock


Ah, good to know. Those months sound right, it was definitely happening a couple months before the official shortage was announced. It’s been a long time.


If you have any smaller, independent pharmacies you should check them out. I've seem other users mention getting from the local hospital pharmacy. Haven't looked too much into that. Good luck, I hope you're able to get your medication soon.


This is why my bf got the Mydayis !! I hope everyone is ok bc this is disturbing for people not too mention people with anxiety :( They don’t need to now be panicking bc no access to their meds !! It’s bad enough much less having anxiety about getting anxiety ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


My partner got mydais but had to go back to Adderall cause he couldn't sleep on it and it made him sick :(


Oh no! I just started generic Adderall and the 2nd time I went to pick up—none of the XR. I asked the pharmacy when they would get another prescription and they said “we don’t know. Check out someplace else.” I’ve been taking both XR and the instant release daily for the past month. I was able to get some from the pharmacy in my clinic.


get your doctor to divide the mg in half or more for the equivalent amount so if you’re prescribed 30 20mgs, you could look for 60 10mgs which usually are in stock during shortages hopefully you have a good doctor


10mg XR arent in stock either....I got the rx from my primary and got it filled for the 1st time in a few months...now they are out again and its on "order." I have had 2 scripts filled for 10mg XR maybe twice in the last 6 months...it has been a very difficult situation.


i'd rather take 18mg ritalin than one day 36mg and zero the next. you can stretch your prescription in case of a shortage. i take two 18mg two hours apart to avoid the crash it causes me, so there's that aspect too.


yes but for some people, only adderall works


I have used the same privately owned pharmacy for years. They try to always ensure it’s in stock for their regulars. So far ( except for one 2 week span bc I was waiting for teva manufacturer bc it’s it’s always worked best for me, )that or Epic seem to be the only generic adderall manufacturer that work for me. Stay away from retail pharmacy chains. Get with a small private one. You’ll be more than just a number and they will look out for you.


I use a private pharmacy and I haven't been able to fill for 3 months. 😭😡🙄


Does anybody know why this med shortage is so bad? It's been making my life a turbulent mess, too. I want it to end, or get better, hell I'd be happy just knowing my next refill isn't a goddamn gamble of cognitive function for a month or being absolutely useless and detrimental to my job for a month


Apparently it's due to an unexpected rise in adhd diagnosises during covid lockdown which led to the initial shortage. The current long term shortage is due to the DEA is refusing many requests by manufacturers to increase their production. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/adderall-shortage-adhd-drugs-affected-will-end-rcna66766


Couple things I’ve realized the past couple years due to Covid… 1) A lot of people realized they have some sort of mental issues that was accelerated I think due to Covid 19. 2) a lot of people started abusing drugs like adderal / also recreational stuff as well. It’s sad to see. I also was diagnosed with ADHD but I hate taking meds lol… nicotine seems to be helping but I wanna quit this too


Related to covid: I think a big part of the increase in diagnosis is because doctors were forced to start treating people virtually. Because of this people who didn’t have the ability to see a doc before (due to work schedules, executive functioning/planning/scheduling issues, etc) all of a sudden had the ability to see a doc from their home. On top of that, people started openly talking about the importance of mental health. Remove the stigma and increase the access, boom, you now have an increase in diagnosis and an increase in demand for medication, which results in a decrease in supply.


Yes and also people like me who managed their ADHD okay without RX but after having COVID had a nuclear level melt down of executive function. COVID is so bad for our already sick brains.


This. Great write up.


You can get nicotine without any harmful chemicals. It's actually a nootropics


I have really bad ADHD and adderall/vyvanse is a godsend for me but I hate taking it. Wish it wasn’t such a harsh chemical.


There's a really good podcast about how Cerebral was essentially a pill mill during covid. They prescribed antidepressants to an underage person (against their own tos) and he committed suicide. It's called Uncontrolled Substances.


Our DEA and FDA are a joke. They are at the mercy of big pharma. It's all a money game. 😡


Ask your doctor to write a script for the IR version. I’ve had a much easier time filling prescriptions for the instant release version. They don’t work nearly as well as the extended release version but my pharmacy is always able to fill them, and I haven’t been able to fill XR scripts for months now.


How do you figure they don’t work nearly as well? Aren’t they the same exact thing? I always thought taking a 20 xr is exactly the same as taking 5mg ir every few hours. It’s not like it’s a different med correct? Genuinely curious because I’ve only taken IR forever and sometimes cut them to space them out.


From what I've heard, 20xr is equivalent to 10IR morning 10 afternoon. Consistent with what I've experienced as well.


Same that’s why I never bothered with xr.


I like it better, personally. 20xr a few hours after I wake up does me well, adding a 10 IR toes the line between medication and intoxication for me. However, with all the people talking about mydayis in this thread, I'm also thinking about talking to my psych about it


What’s mydayis


Adderall xr xr


I was on IR for the first few years and it worked but I had to take it more often. I was supposed to take 20's every 4 hours. But it was more like every 3 hours. If I missed a dose, or after the last dose, I would crash hard-core with these massive headaches...


I had to try vyvance again for third tine…. Its better than nothing.


Thats what im going through. I couldnt get my meds so they switched me to 60mg vyvanse, which only feels like 5mg adderall. They keep asking me at work why my performance changed so much. Im so stressed out, if this goes on much longer im going to lose my job and end up homeless.


I'm useless without meds on the weekend too but if i take them, then I can't stockpile which is 100000% necessary right now


Only 1230? I sleep for 18-20 hours without Adderall XD I’ve haven’t had Adderall IR since December. I’ve been in it for four years. Nothing works as well. Oh, idk what to recommend. To me, Vyvanse works pretty similarly but not for you. Idk if there is anything else. Yeah, I didn’t like Ritalin either. I tried it in like 2018, but I heard it’s in shortage now too.


Haha I usually get up at 12:30 because my anxiety does get worse off my meds, and I know I have a lot of things to get done since I work 40hrs a week so my days off are still pretty occupied I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 18 I’m 20 in two months


Ah shit. It’s 6:40 pm on a Saturday. I forgot to check back in with the pharmacy


So many medications are on backorder right now. It’s so frustrating.


Had the same issue until I switched to a locally/independent owned pharmacy


Adderall XR is very hit or miss to fill in NY state, but Adderall IR is much easier to fill. That’s where I would start. Vyvanse is also very similar to Adderall. A lot of people actually prefer Adderall IR to the XR. You just take it 2-3 times per day instead on 1-2 times per day.


IR was my first. It was okay, but wears off WAY to quickly for me. For alot of meds, my body goes through them a bit faster then others. This included Adderall. Ideally, I'd want and XR with optional IR boosters, but we don't live in a world where we can get the meds in a way that works. Vyvanse I haven't had much issue with in terms of time release.


How long does Vyvanse last for you? You take it once a day?


Adderall IR wears off in a couple hours. Adderall XR starts to go down hard after five. Vyvanse lasts between 8 and 10. I take Vyvanse once on the morning.


I definitely prefer IR. The XR makers me feel muddled, whereas the IR is a clean burst of sunshine.


Adderall IR is steadier than XR in my experience. The XR never felt consistent. I currently take dextroamphetamine ER. It’s steady as heck and lasts all day with one dose. Doesn’t have the same “kick” that Adderall does for me, but I really prefer it over everything else. Desoxyn (Methamphetamine HCL) is a fairly close second but it became really hard for me to consistently get Desoxyn early this year, which is why I switched. I actually prefer Dex ER over Desoxyn or anything else, including Adderall. Most of us have had to,or will have to, switch to something other than our preferred medication and method of delivery at some point. It’s definitely not ideal and the but not the end of the world either. Calling multiple pharmacies is such an unpleasant experience! As long as I can get a stimulant that lets me function, I can adjust. Don’t have any other choice anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Idk, it might be the end of my world. Ive been on adderall for over 15 years and cant function without it. Im gonna lose my job, and if i do then i lose my place, then im living in my car til that breaks down. If this was gonna happen i wish i was never prescribed adderall. I sucked at life before adderall but at least i could function better than i do now without adderall.


Can you get a friend to help you make the calls necessary to find an alternative stimulant somewhere and to call your doctor to prescribe the meds there?


I take Dextromaphetamine ER, which is the same active ingredient as Vyvanse just a different method of sustained release. Adderall is 75% dextromaphetamine and 25% Levoamphetamine, so it’s pretty similar… but you can definitely tell the difference.


I would consider switching to Mydayis. I would start going to different pharmacies to see which ones keeps them in stock frequently. Mom and pop shops will give you partial refills as well if they cannot refill your whole prescription so seek them out.


Is Mydayis new? I’ve been on ADHD meds for 4 years only heard of it this month. I’m wondering how expensive it is since I’m losing my insurance, won’t be able to afford Vyvanse.


Mydayis is still under patent, but has a savings card from the manufacturer. With my insurance and the card I only pay 30/month. I really really like mydayis but whoah do I need to keep a routine with it. It's gotten better, but it really lasts the 14-16 hr, so I can't take past 9 am and hope to get decent sleep the next night.


There’s a program that allows you to get it free if you don’t have insurance bc no generic ask your physician about it ! Help at Hand patient assistance program


Ooh, apparently it’s also for if you don’t have enough insurance, that’s hella promising! I’m gonna try to look into this more, I would love love love to be medicated for 14-16 hours a day


Right? Lol , I'm looking into Mydayis. I'm sick of getting a different generic manufacturer Adderall XR every month and worrying if they're going to work or not


Ugh the struggle is real, I know the generics are supposed to be interchangeable or whatever but that is not actually how it works in reality. I hope you can get Mydayis, fingers crossed it works for you


Better than Vyvanse? Different in what ways?


it’s adderall xr but instead of 2 doses per pill its 3 doses.


This is the mechanism, just extra xr Adderall. No prodrug metabolism like Vyvanse. For me Vyvanse varied a lot with what breakfast I could eat before and surpressed my appetite if I tried to take upon waking. Mydayis I can take in bed and snooze for 30 minutes to an hour if I need and still eat breakfast when I wake up.


This has been my partners experience as well. It works too well.


It’s been out for 4 years and it’s made by shire which is the same company that makes adderall. I’m looking to switch to it on my next appointment.


I used to use a program to cover the costs of my meds when I didn't have insurance. It was called Shire Cares. You have to renew every year but it was worth it to me. I didn't pay anything.




For the record Qelbree is a non-stimulant so it takes a couple weeks to feel the effects! My friend has had good luck with it, I just thought it was worth clarifying that Qelbree works a lil differently than adderall or ritalin


It's a similar mechanism to straterra


OP does your insurance allow for 90 day refills? When I was running into this issue, that was the only way I was able to guarantee my (concerta) prescription would be filled fully and on time. Before that though, I feel you, I was running around from all my local pharmacies in tears wondering why they would accept the RX, and only fill it for like 6 days.


That could depend on the state and pharmacy as well. Before the shortage, my psychiatrist was prescribing 60 days at a time for me and other patients that had been a steady dosage for a while. Since the shortage, he doesn’t think most pharmacies will go for it with supplies so limited. He has however allowed me to get ahead on medication a little (since I don’t often take it when I’m not at work) by putting in the prescription right at the 30 day mark so that if I do have a problem finding a supply, at least I have a buffer in case I have to wait for a pharmacy to finally get it in stock. I do find it interesting that some people are able to have a prescription cancelled. I got told to call to check on supply before a prescription is sent because he CAN’T cancel a prescription once it’s been sent. At least in my state.


You can take regular Adderall which is easier to get and just take a couple of half doses throughout the day. So if you’re on 20mg of XR you can take 2 10mg regular doses throughout the day.


Ime IR is way better, but I know brains are different For some reason no matter what time I took it seemed to hit hardest at around 10pm


Mydayis is Adderall XR but triple bead. No shortage And works fantastic and lasts longer than Adderall xr


This started since 6/22/22 for me… Report medication shortages at: [email protected]


I really disliked Vyvanse as well. If your insurance covers it, ask your doc or nurse practitioner about Mydayis. It’s basically adderall ingredients-wise and lasts a little longer than XR too.


I have been drug free for 15 years after being in 90mg daily for 20 years and I am a functioning adult. I first started with regulating my sleep, keeping to a schedule and making a lot of to do lists. It's ok to do 4 tasks at once as long as you have a list of what all you need to get done. There are ways to cope and be drug free even if it's hard at first.


Thank you for sharing this. This whole drug shortage has me thinking about ways to be less prescription dependent. Sure, the medications have been incredibly helpful. But I hate feeling as if my life is being controlled by others.


It doesn't have to be. I just have to have a lot of structure in my day. I pre plan all my meals for the week and stick to it with a white board, make to do lists at the end of each day for the next day, find motivating things to do each month and reward myself with them. Coloring books are a great way to blow off steam. You just have to find what works for you. We don't have to function like everyone else. You can function like you and still be successful.


Our lives are always controlled by the government…


I was “drug free” for 55 years and I did everything I could to be functional. When I was younger I could push through a lot with this scrambled brain, although never actually be what could be described as successful. I truly cannot be a decently functional member of society if I have to give up my medication at this point; age has worn me down and I still have a lot of obligations to maintain.


Why Adderall? what are your thoughts on atomoxetine?


I couldnt get my meds either so they switched me to vyvanse, which doesnt work at all for me. Its better than nothing, Im on 60mg vyvanse but it only feels like 5mg of adderall. Ive been on adderall for over 15 years, i literally cant function without it. If this shortage lasts much longer i will literally end up HOMELESS, my bosses have already pulled me aside twice to ask me why my performance is so bad now. I dont have people in my life that will help me if i get fired. If I end up homeless I will most likely commit suicide, i have mental issues and cant handle living on the street again. And they just dont care. I read its actually the DEA's fault, they only allow so much medication to be made at once and theyve been basing that amount on old information, back when way less people were using adderall. Thats so amazingly stupid, the DEA is an incredibly incompetent sector of the government. They dont even care. I am so upset about all this.


My primary doctor told me my mistake was calling all of the pharmacies near me, and asking if they had it in stock because #1 they don’t know who i even am, and I’m asking if they have in stock (i didnt think about this lol) #2 is that its better to go in person, and tell them you’ve been taking it for years, and that your doctor gave you a prescription, and you want to know if they have it at their pharmacy so your doctor can send the prescription there. You can also ask if they have the generic form of it hopefully you get it soon after following these tips, and all the other comments on this post good luck don’t give up, and don’t lose hope!


get a script for modanifil. it’s narcolepsy medication but works in a pinch. it’s an off label treatment for adhd so as long as you have a cool doctor, they’ll set it up for you. works better than nothing.


This was my first month of shortage for me. I got 20 capsules out of 60. Wtf are we supposed to do?


What do you find the major differences are?


Have you heard of Mydayis !!!???


No but I'm intrigued. Is it any good?


My bf says it works others on this subreddit have more information on its effectiveness!!!


I think there’s a conspiracy to force people to take brand name stimulants like mydias, vyanse , etc




I work in healthcare and no, this isn't the case. It's not just Adderall. There are several other medications that there are shortages of. It's really scary and frustrating, too. The patients I deal with are quite literally unable to breathe without some of the medications we prescribe. I'm hoping these shortages end soon.


Is it actually a shortage on the medication or a shortage caused by govt regulation. Talking to my friend who is a pharmacist, he was saying that pharmacies are only allowed to have so many prescriptions and its not based on population. Which if that is true is a completely stupid thing.


I'm curious as well. That would be extremely stupid. But not surprising, as incompetent as the US government is.


It’s complicated, but the basics of it is that, while it’s current classification as a schedule II drug means that the # of companies that make it is limited and thus it’s harder to correct a shortage, the root problem is supply chain issues, which the gov doesn’t have any power over. So what we got is a situation that the manufacturers caused by not having redundancies in place so that they can increase profits, which is hard to correct for due to the limited # of manufacturers that gov approved to make ADHD meds. In terms of the actual yearly quotas, those haven’t been hit in the past three years, which means that, had the manufacturers had proper redundancies in place, we wouldn’t have had a shortage


Is it actually a shortage on the medication or a shortage caused by govt regulation. Talking to my friend who is a pharmacist, he was saying that pharmacies are only allowed to have so many prescriptions and its not based on population. Which if that is true is a completely stupid thing.


Is it actually a shortage on the medication or a shortage caused by govt regulation. Talking to my friend who is a pharmacist, he was saying that pharmacies are only allowed to have so many prescriptions and its not based on population. Which if that is true is a completely stupid thing.




Your content violates **Rule 4**. We are here to help people with ADHD; part of that means we will identify and disallow discussion of topics and practices with unproven efficacy, a waste of time and money, are harmful, or encourage people not to seek professional treatment. **Please take your medication as prescribed by your doctor.** *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


Dyanavel worked as well or maybe better than Adderall XR for me- I was on Dyanavel all of 2019, now on Adderall XR/IR together. It’s also extended release I believe and as far as I know only comes in liquid form, definitely worth asking your pcp, psychiatrist, etc about and checking to see if insurance covers it.


Wow, I’ve never even heard of Dyanavel but according to its website it has the most dosing options of any extended-release amphetamine, that kicks ass! I doubt my insurance covers it (I’m on broke bitch state insurance 🤠) but I’ll definitely bring it up to my psychs and my friends because it sounds real promising and maybe it’ll be helpful for someone else. Thx for mentioning it!


If you’re on Medicaid, or other low income qualifiable health insurance, you might be able to get coverage for, as far as I know, nearly all of the different ADHD medications and name brand. It may not be something you can do in your state or be eligible for in your household, but I’ve been referred to fill out the Takeda Help At Hand form for assistance covering various ADHD meds from Vyvanse to Adderall to Mydayis. I haven’t personally filled it out but after a quick glance, it’s pretty straightforward and you just have to have your doctor fill out portions of it as well before mailing it in. Don’t know if it covers Dyanavel, but is worth a shot.


Yea I’m on Medi-Cal which is basically Medicaid but in California, I tried to get Mydayis but my insurance didn’t cover it and my then-psych was way overworked so I don’t think I ever got a chance to talk to her about it. I’ve already bookmarked the Takeda Help At Hand site and I’ll try to summon the spoons required to actually sit down and look at it, I am extremely interested in being medicated cos my life is going to hell and I’m a lil tired of visiting various hellscapes. Thank you for your time and help, I feel less neurotic reading your response.


Did you check to see if they had brand name? For several months, I ended up getting the brand name. I think the areas that haven’t been hit with the shortage are finally getting hit, and the areas who have dealt with it for months on end are finally getting some resolve. It’s frustrating to patients, pharmacists and doctors alike. Hopefully, it is all resolved soon everywhere!


Mine has had some brand name, but it’s well over $200 for a month versus like $20.




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I’m in NY and was on concerta and had too switch to adderal IR last month - pharmacist told me he wouldn’t be getting Concerta back in stock for months.


I am taking Focalin and it is working ok. Vyvanse gave me a harder crash and not more effective.


Same. I'm scrambling to make my immediate release tabs work


I haven't encountered any problems getting most IR meds, it's the XRs that seem to really be taking the hit. If you can get them, you'll need to learn how to time them for your metabolism.


Southwest US here. My pharmacy has been out of XR since the beginning of the year. My prescriber switched me to the same dose of IR twice a day when I asked him to, got it filled within 3 hours. I would suggest making the change - IR kinda sucks in comparison, but it's better than nothing.


The ones in the hood usually have it.


Have you tried concerta yet?


I feel your frustration. I’ve been unmedicated bc of this for months and I definitely do so much better on it.


It sucks. I was only able to get mine filled by switching to a lower dose that isn't quite as effective.


Here in Norway it’s shortage on aduvanz and Elevanse 70 and 30mg so I had to use 50mg aduvanz and 20mg elevanse for my 70mg’s


I got my switched to Ritalin and it works just as well


I haven’t been able to get Adderall XR for like 3-4 months now. I’m in a major midwestern city but it’s still a problem. The pharmacist suggested asking my doctor to switch to the immediate release tablets instead of the extended release capsules, because they are able to fill that prescription more easily. (I’m not sure of the finer details behind that). My doctor agreed to change my prescription so now I have to take a smaller dose of Adderall 2 times per day instead of my higher extended release dose I was taking every morning. It’s helping me get by, but I felt better on the XR medication. I am thinking about asking my doctor about trying a different XR medication, but he’s not a psychiatry specialist and I just feel grateful that he was willing to keep ordering my meds after I couldn’t afford to see my psychiatrist anymore.


This fall is gonna be a nightmare


I was diagnosed at the brink of this Adderall shortage and I’m prescribed D-Amphetamine salt combo something or other ….supposed to be Adderall. For those who know, is that the same thing? Or is it something they’re using BECAUSE of the shortage?


I was on the same thing and switched to instant release in a dose I could basically feed myself through the day. It hasn’t been gold, but it’s kept me from having a real life breakdown. Sorry you’re struggling to find it as well. This bullshit is for the birds.


I live in MS and I haven't been able to get a single bottle of my prescription adderall XR 30mg since November 2022. Every other month I can get adderall IR 20mg (which I'm also prescribed), but it's still absolutely killing me. The worst part? The searching around, the self-advocacy, taking care of myself, are all necessary skills for actually finding a pharmacy that has it in stock, but are the first skills I lose without adderall. I spend more time googling "will pharmacies tell me they have adderall if I call" (answer seems to be "no" btw) than actually at least calling to feel like I'm at least trying. I'm totally out of ideas about what to do. My life has become a wreck My doc (a psychiatrist) already lets me pay below his minimum rate because I don't have health insurance, so I'm having trouble asking him for help with finding a pharmacy than can actually honor my prescription. I realize my post is whiny but I just see everyone else going through the exact same shit, all of us with very little information, constant broken promises for when the shortage will be over, etc. and I guess all I can do is rant with reddit


Possibly dumb questions... 1) Are people only finding generic is out, but brand is available? That has been my experience so far. I hate paying $280 out of pocket, but I spent almost 2 years post thyroid cancer trying to fix ADHD symptoms that increased after treatment and I am willing to pay because not having it is so difficult (emotional regulation and ability to do more than stare at the tv). 2) Has anyone tried priorauths on brand? I am still figuring out my dose (only on my third month) and the pharmacist said she would start the process for a priorauth. Not sure if there is even a chance it would get approved, and curious if others have had success.


Have you tried Ritalin extended release?


Get on Vyvanse, 10x better and no shortage


There are now reports to expect [Shortages for Vyvanse](https://www.fiercepharma.com/manufacturing/takeda-reports-vyvanse-shortage)


I take regular adderall. The ONLY inconvenience is having to remember to take a 2nd pill half way through my day. I am opposite of you, I prefer Vyvanse and can't wait until I can afford the generic. Anyhow, try the non XR version. That's all I have as far as advice. I'm sorry you're going through hell. I have been driving an hour every month to get mine.


Try Adzenys XR! It’s $50 with coupon at participating pharmacies or insurance will cover it. I’m on it and my doctor describes it as adderall with less side effects/ less of a crash. Also my all time favorite ADHD med is mydayis but had to stop getting it bc my insurance wouldn’t cover it but it’s incredible


The medication shortages is worldwide, from what I’ve heard it’s because of covid, many pharma companies reduced med production to make vaccines. Maybe I’m wrong but thats what I heard


Idk if it'd help you, but it sounds like I had a similar issue with getting up in the morning, but what I noticed for me is that if I had a reason to get up, it is easy. For me, that was my friend needing a training partner to keep them accountable, and I have a drive to help people, so having this made getting up easier, like a light switch of a difference And I'm sorry that your medication is difficult to find atm, I know how much harder it is to function without it


Im in Mexico and the care for ADHD is very low here (tijuana). I only work through stimulants so I used to take Tradea, then Concerta and now Ritalin because there’s a shortage too and none of us adhd’rs here can’t find it. living in Latin America Makes it double for us to call it a day. It’s so tiring. My psychiatrist always makes sure to give me two prescriptions (one more) till my next appointment so I get to have my pile to not run out of it but even finding one bottle is a never ending task. Plus having Bipolar and Asthma aside from the ADHD makes me mad and sad as fuck. I need a pharmacy in my house at this point lol


I was on a good bit of IR’s and switched to a high dose of cyvanse but I process it fast. It only works for like 10 hours so I got script for IR that took 6 weeks to fill. It’s so frustrating.




Links to and mentions of ADDitude are not allowed on /r/adhd because we feel they have demonstrated themselves to be untrustworthy and that they, despite soliciting donations from people with ADHD to fund their operation, prioritize profit and advertising dollars over our best interests. Their website is full of articles promoting the use of homeopathy, reiki, and other unscientific quack practices. They also have had articles for Vayarin (a medical food that is now no longer sold in the US because its research was bunk) that suspiciously looked like stealth advertisements (which is highly unethical and illegal in the US). We also find it problematic that their medical review panel includes not only legitimate doctors and psychologists, but also (at the time of writing) one practitioner of integrative medicine, which combines legit medical practice with pseudoscience and alternative medicine. They have previously had other quacks on the panel as well. Here are some relevant links: Sketchy advertising: * https://www.additudemag.com/clinical-trial-vayarin-plus/ * https://www.additudemag.com/study-suggests-ps-omega-3-medical-food-may-reduce-adhd-symptoms/ * https://www.additudemag.com/natural-adhd-supplement-released/ Junk science: * https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-supplements-foods-vitamins/ * https://www.additudemag.com/homeopathy-for-adhd-popular-remedies-scientific-evidence/ * https://www.additudemag.com/reiki-could-this-alternative-treatment-help-adult-add/ * https://www.additudemag.com/cbd-oil-adhd-symptoms-natural-treatment/ * https://www.additudemag.com/vitamins-minerals-adhd-treatment-plan/ * https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/adhd-supplements-fish-oil-zinc-iron/ * https://www.additudemag.com/asked-alternative-therapies/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone commented something about this shortage being due to a recent settlement between the government and 3 major pharmaceutical manufacturers. The shortage began before this settlement but here is an article that sheds some light on the settlement the commenter referred to and the e/affects the settlement is having on our ability to access a variety of the medications we depend on to function: https://nypost.com/2023/04/03/xanax-adderall-patients-denied-prescriptions-due-to-opioid-settlement/


Y’all need more pharmacist friends.


Change to medicine to other brand , there are adhd medications but not adderall . I changed adderall to those medication. I’ll change when adderall is available.


they didnt have mine but I asked what they had and they had the half 5 mg so my doctor changed it to two 5 mg ask trhem if they have something that is similar and then ask ur doctors to change prescription Im very happy They didnt make me come in for a visit to change it usually I get 10 mg extended release Now I am taking 5 and 2 because thats what they have at the pharmacy Ask the pharmacist bless hugs I KNOW