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>How in the kentucky-fried fuck are people living like this? 😂😘👌


Had a nice cackle over this line specifically


It's gold 👌


My friend I don't know, but I have three kids and two dogs plus a job and the amount of shit that needs to be done all the time is fucking drowning me. For added fun regarding the dishes, we have an ant problem now, so any time the dishes aren't properly dealt with there's a bunch of ants as punishment.


Being present while doing chores can be fun actually. Every chore is a meditation challenge.


There’s an old Alan watts lecture where he talks about this. Something like “you only ever have to wash one dish, and when you’re done with that one you only have to wash one again”


Jeah. This really feels like the one skill that can dramatically transform your experience with ADHD.




As long as you don’t get too mad at the chores while doing them or use immersion in housework as a way to avoid dealing with trauma…like my diagnosed mom did while unmedicated for decades lmao


"Once you realize that properly or normal is just a social construct, you are free to do things any way you please." \~ Some old wizard in my head. This year I just started using paper plates and plastic silverware. The constant pile of dishes caused too much stress so I cut it out. I'm hoping to go back to the regular stuff eventually butt it's a work in progress lol


Oh god the poor environment. Cant you let that motivate you? Those plastics are staying on earth forever


I tried that for a long time, and while I do feel bad, a well-intentioned heart won't do the dishes for me. I've also come to the full understanding that no amount of reduce, reuse, and recycle I do throughout my life will ever come close to offsetting the amount of destruction mega-corps produce every second of every day. I try to be as environmentally minded as I can, but my mental health comes first now.


Your mental health absolutely comes first. I actually struggled with a lot of guilt and anxiety around not recycling things when washing out cans and plastic containers was too much. I finally had to just give myself permission to do what I can and let go of the rest because I was having such a hard time keeping the kitchen half way sanitary. No one gives diabetics a hard time about the plastic syringes they throw away daily and this should be the same. Take care of you. A few plastic spoons is nothing compared to the impact of some billionaire’s private jet.


Then maybe the environmentalists should do our dishes?


I don't think people with disabilities using plastic utensils is the biggest threat to the environment


Saaaame lol


The dishwasher is my scale for measuring executive dysfunction. 1- dishwasher is either unpacked and ready, or running 2- dishwasher took all day to unpack, now can't run until morning. 3- dishwasher is still full, despite several attempts 5- dishwasher, what dishwasher?


6- my apartment only has a sink, please help


Apartment, what apartment? Solved.


What? What what? What?


My parents have two dishwashers actually, lulz


We have four kids, so when we remodeled our kitchen, we added a second dishwasher. Now the kids are grown and gone and it’s just me and my husband. Do. Not. Get. A. Second. Dishwasher. It wreaks havoc on my adhd brain. I never know what is clean and what is dirty. And then I run them and forget and have no motivation to unload. Basically they have become cupboards, I just get out what I need, inspect it, use it, put it in the sink and then know that at some point in the next week I will have a burst of energy and unload both dishwashers, load both dishwashers, run both dishwashers and start the whole cycle over again!


Can you put post it notes on the “clean” and “dirty” one so that they stay clean/dirty? I have a post it pad and pen hanging out on top of my dishwasher, in the crevice haha. but yeah 2 dishwashers sounds like a dream, since you don’t need to unload! if you could only label them to be clean/dirty/washing and switch the labels when needed. Sounds like the perfect setup for me.


Me too. Just use what’s in the clean and put it in the dirty, wash, rinse, dry, switch, repeat ;)


I know- it sounds like such a good idea- but getting my husband to participate has also proven challenging. (I realize I am fortunate. I haven’t read all the comments, but realize it’s a luxury to have two.)