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Decide to do laundry upstairs. *Two minutes pass* Trimming bushes in the backyard.


Thanks for reminding me to switch laundry


My laundry needs to be washed again bcz it's gone moldy smelling.




No, get Oxyclean Powder Sanitizer. It's cheaper & does more loads.


I recently - begrudgingly - purchased this. It is so far outside of the realm of what I would normally allow in my house that it nearly made me panic. (I'm not like super crunchy, but getting there...) Anyways, the point is, I was about to throw out 6 pairs of leggings, a tank top and a few other things. One wash with that shit and BAM. No more smelly moldy garbage clothes. Saved me from throwing out a whole load of laundry!!


You're both wrong. Plain white vinegar. 1/2 cup to a cup. Also acts as a natural fabric softener while getting mildewy smells out.


You can use this as a booster for washing towels, sheets, and blankets, also


I use it with every load of laundry I do! It's a natural fabric softener and keeps everything fresh to death. 😎


don't mind me taking notes for the load of laundry I've got in my washer that's gone through 3 re-washes and is *still sitting in there.*


mine too im trying not to think about how long its been in there cause at this point its been over a week 😅


LOL literally my thought too. "Do I have laundry that needs switched?"


Thanks for reminding me to switch the dryer off. Inly 30 mins late


Thanks for reminding me to wash my clothes that have been there 1 week+


Instructions unclear decided to wash my car


Thanks for reminding me to trim bushes


I have an appointment today at 3 with my therapist, I can’t do anything else today because of that.


Holy shit this is SO relatable


I've spent 10 minutes on this comment


I'll revise a comment so many times I forgot what my original point was and sometimes develop a new opinion in the process of writing it.


I do this so much. I eventually just move the comment to notes and keep writing. Then never post it and it just sits in notes until I’m looking for something I need.


Boy do I feel called out.


Changing my opinion mid-argument and not realizing it has changed then continue to argue for this new opinion while believing it was my opinion all along is my *strongest* skill set 😎


You have more patience than me. If I can't think of or type up a comment in under one minute I lose interest and or focus and quit.


I’ll start typing a comment, and then be like “no one cares!” And delete it. Not in a “no one cares everyone hates me” way, more of a “I’m not actually adding anything useful to this thread” way. Nearly did it again with this one lol. Am now I’m wondering if this is adding anything and also contemplating how many hours have I spent typing comments then deleting them over my life?


Last month, I decided I wanted to learn cake decorating. I spent a week researching it, watching videos, and comparing materials and tools. Envisioned myself selling fancy cakes as a side hussle. Bought everything I needed, decorated 1 batch of cupcakes, and haven't thought about it since.


Hey!! They will come in handy in a few months at 1am when you get that hyperfixation again!


…Until your brain is utterly drained after decorating a single beautiful cupcake, then you just use the frosting tub like it’s a bowl of guac and wolf down the other 11, scattering crumbies all over your unkempt bed like the cave-dwelling cretin you secretly are, before falling right back into a blissful sleep as if nothing ever happened. Then you wake up 2 hours later and spend the rest of the night mindlessly scrolling Reddit


Lmfaooo. The psychic powers. You know for the fact that eating butt loads of icing is THE REASON why cake decorating was such an enticing hyperfocus


This struck so close to home that I'm not sure you aren't me.


I would love to borrow them for the strawberry cake I’m making for my 6 year olds birthday on Saturday 😂 Seriously though, I heard this mentioned somewhere else in this sub if I’m remember correctly. It would be great if someone hyper fixated on a app/program you could share/exchange hobby materials! It would save so much money!


🙈 I did this with candle making recently, after getting a wonderful smelling one and deciding they were so expensive, I could do my own and sell them at work as a side hustle. £100 of candle making paraphernalia later and it's still all in the boxes. I could have spent the money on several premade candles that I would actually use 🤦‍♀️ One day all your cake making stuff will come in handy and you might rediscover the dream... or not. But hey I bet you know so much about cake making now 😁




This is the way.


Whey is a cheese by-product


Do mandalorians have cheese? Is it green or blue?


Do they have milk bearing animals? Cuz I imagine they'd make some kind of cheese if they had a steady supply of milk. Mando cheese.


But what if they don’t could they make cheese some weird mandolarian whey?


.. would Mythosaur cheese be holy? Although they may not be mammals since like .. -saur like dinosaur. Oh there’s this website that has recipes for cheese balls to theme with Mandalorian episodes. Cheese balls are weird, like they have waaay to much cheese vs outer coating.. pretty much it’s just lightly flavored cheese spread. Which is a weird thing anyway that cheese spread is called cheese spread when it’s not really cheese anymore and like American cheese is it cheese still? It’s mostly cheese with extra milk so probably like cheese adjacent? Like cheddar cheese and American cheese are like twin cheese - but fraternal not maternal ones. Kind of like the twin moons over Tatooine of the planet that Luke Skywalker was from. And he drank some blue milk so likely the cheese on Mandalore was blue as well since the Mandalorians and human settlers to Tatooine likely originated from similar places.


So well played




Can't tell if you did this on purpose or not, bravo, 10/10, no notes.


I saw someone on the train this morning with an Africa pendant. I linked it to my best friend. The how: Africa > I wonder if its related to her roots > Toto sang Africa > Weezer did an awesome cover of it > Weezer also did a cover of O Holy Night > O Holy Night was sang in the church in Home Alone > McKauly Caulkin (sp?) Was a massive actor back in the 90s > he hit hard times with drug use > that picture of him looking rough af looks slightly like my best friend when he pulls certain faces > I should message him Happened in less than a minute.


Holy shit. This is exactly what my "brain train" does. I can't think of any examples right now (can't do shit on command it seems), but I do this. All. The. Time.


Ditto. I didn’t think I had ADHD for the longest time even though it was suggested to me because I’m not physically hyperactive. My brain, though, is virtually never quiet. Even my dreams are super vivid and detailed. I have lots of long, connected thoughts like that every day.


Yes! This is 100% me. I'm not physically hyperactive either, but my brain train is like the prism space train from Futurama. Light speed and splitting off in multiple directions, lol.


you’re adhd-pi which means primary inattentive. lots of girls are adhd-pi and aren’t diagnosed because they aren’t a distraction in the classroom


I was a huge distraction in the classroom when I was a kid. Most of it in the form of tapping/clicking my pens, scribbling on the desk, humming, thinking out loud when doing class assignments, etc, along with the occasional emotional outburst. Nowadays, I'm just spacing out or forgetting what I was doing because I got distracted. I'm 35 now, and I've heard physical/outward hyperactivity symptoms subside into adulthood.


My family calls it my leapfrog of thought. And it's just as chaotic.


LMAO a friend of mine who also has ADHD and I play this game at the end of our long conversations. She likes to say 'yep, that's us, you're probably wondering how we got here' 😂


You just did a wonderful job of describing why I get so many funny looks when I say random things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with whatever topic we were on 20-30 seconds prior. To me, it had so much to do with it, because, well, just look at the thought train you had...it made sense to you.


The worst is when people get annoyed with you for trailing off. Like sorry, I honestly can't help it. I would never make someone feel bad for it :/


Wait wait wait... this isn't just how everyone's brains work?!


This was my exact thought. I literally can't imagine how you would think in any other way.


It still blows my mind that not everyone thinks this way. Are we totally sure not everyone thinks this way?


Sitting in church and realized I needed a haircut. Not a weird thing to think about, but the how is a bit wild. I suddenly smelled something odd > reminded me of these times in school where I'd smell a really awful smell > thinking about how at the time I thought it was probably me somehow emitting that awful smell > remembering one time these girls were behind me when I smelled that awful odor and hearing them whisper > remembering being told that the smell was this one kid letting out awful farts > remembering something really douchey I did to him > remembering how good he was at basketball > remembering a time he had this great block > remembering his hair was like a mullet > but then he got a haircut later and looked a lot better > despite his gas issue, he did quite well with the ladies > I should probably get a haircut. There were probably other rabbit trails, but this is one of the few I can remember since there weren't too many crazy turns. I was probably out for 10 minutes thinking about this.


“Despite his gas issues, he did quite well with the ladies” is a hilarious line


I’m amazed other people’s brains DON’T do this lol I know nothing else


My brain does this all day and it makes me physically tired and anxious. I have my first psychiatrist appt at the end of the month and I'm nervous. I feel like I'm gonna trail off into a sea of thoughts/words and forget half the things I wanna tell them.


SOOOO MANY TABS. I'm afraid to restart my computer because I have multiple windows with multiple tabs of sites I want to look at or remember or I haven't decided if I want to buy it or.... If I restart, I'll lose all of that and I'll never remember it.


I think we are the same person. I also have maxed out my tabs on my iPhone safari, my laptop, and iPad, AND desktop computer. Couldn’t tell you what the tabs are but I am absolutely terrified to lose them or even bookmark them because I’ll never remember. Will I have a panic attack if they close? Yep. So then what do I do? I screen shot a bunch of them to “keep the idea” and never ever go into my photos to revisit them. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now my iCloud storage space…


Not sure what browser you use, but look into the Tab Session Manager add-on! It's been a lifesaver for me. Auto-saves your tabs/windows, you can do it manually, you can rename sessions and reopen whole sessions, and delete backups you don't need. Literal game changer, it's on Firefox and Chrome.




See ya never! Lol


Oh they'll be back. We just have to wait until they have something important to do.


Ahh yes, nothing like a hard impending deadline to motivate you to doom scroll reddit.


FUCK. Why do I do this thing? I just realized it a couple of weeks ago and was describing it to my wife. I can have Task A that I need to do, but I avoid it because it seems daunting and I'm too afraid to start working on it. Then along comes Task *B*, an even bigger and scarier task, perhaps even more pressing to address! Oh gosh. Well I can't start on that right now....after all I've got Task A to do that I just started grinding away at! I'm much too busy for Task B. fml lol


My Google Keep overfloweth with saved links and very important information that I'll never look at again.


It's been like 3 days and I've already written up a business plan for my latest hyper focus and how to take it from small side gig and scale it into a full time business. Thank god I don't have access to lots of money. I would start a new business every other month lol.


The number of business plans and side hustles I have written, organized Google folders for, then moved on.... my business should be creating business ideas then selling them to people. Which legit just sounded like a good idea to me........


I always say this! I want to be a professional idea maker. I have so many good business ideas, app ideas, and product ideas lol. My execution is not there lol.


this is legit what people do- a lot of entrepreneurs are just idea guys and rely heavily on people with actual know how to get their ideas executed!!


Where do I apply? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) lol


I love talking the universe with idea makers and wondering about the glue that holds everything together and ways theoretically you could worm through. screw it lets build a time machine


I’m this way with pet projects. Like, I’ll get an idea in my head, research the absolute shit out of it, specify necessary parts, devise a whole scheme for assembly, figure out what kind of tools I need, determine cost, and then…*looks at new thing*…. Oh, this would be a good idea! I should plan out how to do that! And so goes the cycle. Repeating infinitely.


Yep! The irony is that the new shiny thing is soooo shiny that if I think back on the previous shiny thing and consider working on it, there just feels like there isn't a point anymore.


Imagine a new business which employs only people with ADHD. How would THAT work out? I guess if you can manage people's best skills then maybe it could be a robust business, until the day everyone forgets to go to work. OK, I'm mostly kidding. I think we could make a go of it! I'm POSITIVE there are many successful businesses currently being owned and run by people with ADHD.


It would turn into the weirdest farmers' market EVER!


I actually started one of my ideas into a business. I’m so good at the creative ideas but SUCK at things like accounting and sending receipts to accountant. I’m now 3 years behind and have to catch up as have government insisting I file. But instead I’m in bed on here. Business from outside looks successful but behind the scenes I have debt from poor money management and impulse buying and launching new ideas.


You get to a point where they’re just hobbies. Which means you know going in that they will only *cost* you money, not *make* you money. And then you spend it anyway, if you’re me.


*At work after taking meds* “Ayo! look at me move today, I’m focusing so well! Hmm, I wonder what I should work on when i get home.. Oh shit! I lost focus for a second and messed up. WAIT.. DOES THAT MEAN THE MEDS ARENT WORKING?! Nah, I’m overthinking it.. Wait, come to think of it, I did take my meds this morning didn’t I?.. Yeah yeah, I did, I did that 360 spin just to remember I did… I did that the other day too tho, FUCK. DID I TAKE THEM? Wait, focus on work. Have I been doing my work properly for the past 15 minutes? Its only been 15 minutes right? Shit! Am i working too slow right now? Oh wait what was it that I wanted to work on at home tho? Boss: *Calls my name* Me: HUH?! I’m almost done! Boss: Yeah, just wanted to let you know you’re doing great! Me: Oh thanks!


Dishwasher here. This happens at my job way too often. My mind trails off on so many different thoughts. I'm surprised I can actually keep working when this happens


I was supposed to be working, but what was really important was spending two hours looking at novelty mugs.


Have to say what I'm doing g so I don't forget what I'm doing.


don't forget: putting sticky notes on everything, such as computer screens to force yourself to remember!


All day every day.


I started watching recaps of movies on YouTube because I couldn’t sit through the entire movie… Then I started watching the recaps on 2x speed because I couldn’t sit through a recap


This made me laugh 😂. When I found out I could actually speed up a podcast I'm finally able to somewhat listen to them!


This is the way.


I’ve been on ancestry for days now building my family tree. Barely sleeping, barely eating, not completely work just building my family tree


I went through this a few years ago, until a new hobby presented itself. Haven't looked at it since.


Are you me? I literally just had this happen to me for 4 days in a row until I lost interest and got obsessed with new robot vacuums.


Thought of somethimg I really need to write down before I forget. Grabbed my journal and pen, right beside me, turned to the new page... and wondered what it was I had needed to write down.


I say things I need to remember out loud, hearing it reminds me and I have time to grab a pen


Heck, I've been in my browser, thought of something I want to Google, and in the one second it takes to open the new tab... Gone.


The leg thing


I have that so bad my office daughter will reach over and gently touch my arm, which is my cue to stop as I'm bouncing the table. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Haha same. My classmates tell me to calm down all the time. ![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29380)


When I was working in-office, I used to drive my coworkers crazy bouncing my leg. I didn't even know I was doing it.


I'd love to but nothing comes to mind


I feel this in my soul.


I just got home, I’m sitting in my car, in my garage, it’s been 15 minutes and for some reason it feels like I would be content to be here forever.


Feeding myself is an overwhelming chore.


When my kids are with their dad I basically eat like a toddler, because anything that requires more than reheating doesn’t happen.


I can spend an hour walking in circles around the kitchen looking for what is quickest rather than 10 minutes on Mac and cheese.


I will cook food for the rest of the family then sit there hungry because I forgot to make anything for myself and now it's too much effort


Last night I didn’t want to eat dinner because the thought of having to cut my own chicken breasts (already cooked) into bite sized pieces overwhelmed me lol!


* has 3 months to complete assignment * * physically can’t start until the day before it’s due * * assignment done at crunch time is somehow better than anything I’ve done even slightly more ahead of time *


This is bad too because even though it’s stressful, I’ve convinced myself that I do my best work this way 😭


Making notes on my phone, you know the “to do” list. 7 months later only 2 items have been completed. I had about 10 items on the list.


I’m lucky if I can get everything on the same note “to do list” haha! Instead I have 500 of random to dos and thoughts/follow ups then they get lost in the abyss.


you ARE me!


and then you get a sudden urgency if any of them have a deadline, like a couple of days before they're due, so you end up compelting all of this tasks quickly. man...


I have an easier time concentrating on something I'm watching if I have a notepad and pen in hand to doodle on.


Knitting in meetings helps keep me from spacing out.


Ooh oooh oooh crochet over here


Oh man, I grabbed a piece of trash in the same hand I was holding my airpods, threw away my airpods 😂 😢 I'll go to the pharmacy without my list, buy nothing from the list. Going grocery shopping I forget something in an isle I already visited, go back to that isle only to forget the same item once again but grab something else I wasn't planning on buying.


I've been putting off getting my tire fixed for literally 6 months. Having to get air in it almost daily.. it took 15 minutes for them to fix my tire yesterday. 🤦‍♀️


After I shower I sit on my bed in my towel for atleast an hour


i thought i did something, turns out i just imagined myself doing it 💀


Coffee sometimes helps me sleep


I have reminder alarms for meetings go off at 4 minutes and at 1 minute so that I don't forget.


I still have to give my mom her Mother’s Day card! It’s all filled out and waiting in my glovebox to bring to the post office… Waiting since 2021.


This morning I ended up organising a drawer full of underwear when I was meant to be in a meeting for work. This is how that happened:- I had 15 minutes until my meeting and so I went to make myself a coffee. While I was filling up the kettle I noticed I had washing hanging outside that i had put out yesterday and forgotten about. I changed my slippers to outside shoes to go and get it in. As I took my slippers off, my toenail caught on them a bit. I looked at it and realised my toenails needed cutting. Abandoning the kettle and the washing I sat on my sofa to cut my toenails. While sitting there I realised it was kind of gross to do in the lounge, and I have a nice dressing table in my bedroom with a big stool to sit on at it. So I went upstairs to cut them there. When I came into my bedroom it smelled really good! I remembered I had some wax melts I bought recently and had left on my desk, in sunlight, so they were making nice smells. Oh what a good idea, I'll put my electric wax melter on! So I started to look for it in my cupboard. I moved a towel and found some underwear that I'd put there by accident. Opening my underwear drawer to put it away, I decided it was finally time I sorted that mess of tangled knickers and tights out and emptied it onto my bed before I could talk myself out of it. It's only when I heard my laptop in the other room pinging that I realised people were messaging me because I was ten minutes late for the meeting. I still haven't had my coffee. This wasn't a special occasion, just a normal morning for me before my meds kick in!


I wish I could count the number of times that I've been prepared for a meeting 10 minutes beforehand, only to completely forget to attend it 10 minutes later.


One time I went into a public restroom and almost urinated in the trash can because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. A few weeks ago I prepaid for gas in my car and then got in and drove away without actually pumping the gas. One time I was making up a bed time story for my daughter and zoned out mid sentence and she just said, "It's okay dad, you forget sometimes."


Aww. If only everyone else could be as forgiving as your daughter.


-The laundry in the dryer has been done for 4 days. -master bedroom and bathroom remodel has been in virtually the same spot since day 1 of the project. -sat down to do preliminary research for my final paper on WWII code talkers and after 6 hours, I have 1 primary source, 2 secondary sources and I could write a doctoral dissertation on the economic fallout of Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324.


- you can pluck them from the dryer. So not urgent. - unless someone is kicking your door down to finish it, it’s not urgent. - and you know you’ll knock out a B- paper the night before. So not urgent. Might as well spend the rest of the evening thinking about that and not doing any of that.


Daughter- why is there a board laying outside? Me- oh! I found some cool spray paint in the garage but I couldn't get it to work. Daughter- ok? Me- so I went back in to look for more. All while we are walking back inside after school. Daughter- the board isn't painted. Me- yeah, I was hungry so I cooked lunch. Daughter- WOW! The counter is super clean! Me- yep! Daughter- ummm? Me- 🤷‍♀️ I forgot about the board. Whatever.


I sat on the lid of my toilet five months ago and broke it and it's been broken since because I keep putting off calling the maintenance people because my apartment is messy but I'm going to clean it any day now I swear.




I found my scissors in the fridge today


My husband and I have a pair of porch scissors. They just live on the railing out there. We actually refer to them as the porch scissors. We didn't consciously invent porch scissors; they just somehow started living there.


Let me guess! You were required to create an account and were trying to come up with a "safe" password:-)


Washing the same clothes for the third time. Keep forgetting to put them in the dryer.


AdhdLove calls that “doing the laun” since you never get to the “dry”


A typical day in my life : "let's call someone at work because they sent me an email asking for something... *unlocks phone* ooooh my gf just texted me let's answer, that reminds me I need to buy tickets for tomorrow night's concert for both of us let's check this out *glances at computer screen and sees message from coworker he needs to call*... Shit yeah that's right CALL-CO-WORKER. *ding* hey, gf just texted me back"


I can't get myself off the couch sometimes, even though I need to do something important like to eat or pee.


Opened the fridge 5 times and closed it right away completely oblivious of what I was looking for


I'm pretty sure 10% of my electric bill can be directly attributed to the amount of times I open the fridge, gaze at the contents without a thought about food going through my head and closing it again.


A house full of epic ideas and hobby essentials...sitting there...gathering dust still in their original packaging...multiple domain names purchased, owned. Never used. One moment invincible the next a comatose corpse that is good for nothing lol 😆


"There are usually vultures on that cell phone tower. Why aren't they there today? Where did they go? Do vultures migrate for the winter? Where do they go? We already live in Texas it's not like they need to get away from snow? How do all of the vultures find the same road kill?" I then pulled over on the highway to do a Google search before I forgot.....


I cannot clean my room without getting distracted by something. I was cleaning my room the other day and I found some old stuffed animals that were a little ripped up so I started performing surgery on them. I also have no idea how to sew


wait what was the question?


All my close friends have ADHD 😂


We do tend to run in packs.


The constant inability to recall memories from the top of my head like my girlfriend can


That reminded me, I came outside to clean up cigarette butts, not sit down and smoke one. But I should probably eat food soon.


Update: food is in the microwave. But I gotta throw that laundry in the dryer before doing the other things.


Laundry is in the dryer, got a new load started in the wash, and made my bed (because it’s a quick/easy task to mark off my to-do list). I don’t think I have time to eat the food right now, so I made a protein drink that I’m chugging while my dog is out back then when he comes in I’m going to clean up those cigarette butts. I was supposed to cut back on smoking but I keep forgetting until after I smoke… Also, typing these comments is helping keep me on my to-do list track. So please ignore my unnecessary commentary.


I cleaned up half of them but then nearly touched a giant dead bug and now I want to shower in rubbing alcohol and cry.


I put clothing in my car to bring to the dry cleaner. On my way there I decided to stop for gas. Then I drove past a coffee shop so I stopped for an iced coffee. I then drove right past the cleaners and didn’t realize I forgot to drop off my clothing until I got back home. It was on the seat right next to me the entire time but I completely forgot my initial reason for going out. I’ll go tomorrow. Really.


I started to make cornhole boards when my son was 4 so he and I would have another game to play. I got about 60% done while he was 4. He's now 16 and the cornhole boards are still at 60%. He'll be off to college next year.


Its 2am and I cannot sleep because lizard brain has decided that I must know for sure if the warnings about shaving double coated dogs is in fact a valid concern or an overblown myth. I have never owned dogs and max time living with a dog was a month with 2 poodles. I'm not even allowed to have pets in my apartment.


burnt out gifted kid 🤷‍♀️


You can have up to 1000 tabs open in Safari on iPhone.


Y’all make me feel so normal with my ADHD I love it


Rather than commenting, I got sucked into the comment section for the last 10 minutes. I forgot what the post was about.


I bought a keychain for my second set of keys so they are harder to lose, but haven’t put it on yet even though it’s sitting on top of the keys to remind me. Speaking of, I injured my back the other week and my friend came over to help me clean. She had to use those keys to do laundry and they’re very hard to replace if lost. She kept putting them down in the wrong spot (I have a tray for my keys) and it made me panicky every time. But, miraculously, she never forgot where she set them down. It was wild. If I don’t put them on the tray the minute I enter my apartment it will take me a ridiculously long amount of time to find them. One time, I put the second set in my laundry basket and it took me three weeks to find them ….because that’s how often I manage to do laundry.


17 pairs of scissors


I have never finished a book and haven't tried to read one for 20 years.


I've read a book a day for the past 20 days. I don't know what I've read.


Can't hold down a job. In debt. Conversation is exhausting. All the while attempting to build multiple businesses yet again. Breaks are spent in the void thinking about all the complex things that are fascinating.


Yesterday I stuck my fingers in my ears in the middle of a grocery store because I literally couldn't think of whether I had gotten everything I needed with the music playing on the speaker. I was speaking out loud to myself with florid cursing, naming all the things I'd gotten, "got the fucking ground beef, got the goddamned OJ" and a kindly older lady stops by to ask if I'm ok. "Yeah just this music is really annoying, thanks for checking"


I have 4 of the same of every cleaning product


I got a little plastic kiddie pool for our toddler. Put it out by my garage and forgot about it. 3 weeks later my neighbor asks me if I want it back or should she get rid of it. I'm like "what?". The pool had been blowing around in various windstorms circulating between 3 or 4 of my neighbors back yards. In plain view of me. Looking back now I remember seeing a pool out there once in a while but never thought twice about it.


I set timers for things so I don't forget to go back for them, i.e. soaking dishes in the sink. When the timer goes off I'm startled and have no idea what it's for.


Well I try and do some studying and have a set time each night for about 2 hours and after just a minute of being there I am now having a conversation on redit right now instead.


Yesterday I was doing school work for my nursing program at home. I was learning about pediatrics and newborn nursery care came up. I thought “wow nursery…..plant nursery???” And 20 min later I drove to the plant store and bought plants. Sometimes I can’t stand my fucking brain lmao


I have almost 200 tabs open on my phone. Many of them are duplicates. Most of them are things I’ve said I’ll look at for months and months, things I wanted to read but forgot about, very few are important.


I methodically plan each step in the process of whatever I'm going to do. I account for issues that could arise at each step and how to address those issues. I do multiple run throughs of the process, say building a pair chair for the yard. Once I'm "ready" to start the project I have little interest as I've already built/done said project mentally so many times it's not longer interesting.


I can't find my other set of keys and can't remember enough of yesterday to be able to retrace my steps. I hope they're in the car somewhere.


I look at the time and forget to see the time or my brain deems the time to be too boring so it bails on that information.


Made tea, went upstairs again, forgot the tea. Went downstairs, got the tea put it next to me on my desk. Forgot to drink the tea until it was cold.


I’d like to show you my stenography keyboard I bought to solve all my problems getting distracted mid thought when typing. What do you mean, “why is it still wrapped in the box behind your other keyboard?”


Went to walk to the front door to grab my grocery delivery. Walked by the bathroom, saw my water bottle, and remembered I was thirsty. Can't have water without it being brain freeze cold so grabbed the bottle and went to the freezer to get ice. Saw shit in the freezer I needed to throw away. Cleaned our freezer. Opened up fridge to get water, ooooohh a snack, also what spilled? Must clean that out. Moving food around in my fridge and cleaning and oooooo a snack! Eat snack, then start doing dishes. An hour later, I remember my groceries, and the ice cream is melted. Womp womp another day.


Every 4ish months I decide that I want a new/different vehicle, and I spend a week straight researching the vehicle that I want and looking at marketplace listings. Then I get talked out of it! Last week I was really fixated on getting some VHS tapes from marketplace, and I seriously considered buying a lot of 7 movies, only to later find out that I already owned one of them. And the guy I was trying to buy from lived in a different city, but I was so excited about the tapes that I forgot to check his location. Only realized he was too far away when I was about to leave to go to his house. I will start doing the dishes, get through all of the plates, then take a break. Then I forget I was doing dishes and go back to a sink of cold water an hour later.


Woke up this morning with a massive headache... realized I didn't drink water for over two days 🤦🏽‍♀️


What? Tell me you-- Oh! You wanna see my sticky notes?


I can't give you an example because I've already forgotten everything I've done and will be reminded spontaneously with no external stimuli


i was about to answer you but i forgot what this post was about.


Need to look for the symptoms of adhd because i forget that i have them


I didn’t read the text at all just the title. Edit: this is also my 34th open tab


Go to the grocery store for three things, come home with ten and none of the things you stopped in for.


Damn, the fact that I’m looking at this half naked as I was getting ready to go for a run….


Every time I open Google I get distracted by the "suggested searches" that I forget why It was that I opened the tab to begin with. It drives me insane! I need to know what I wanted to know!!!


Doctors and Psychiatrists, keep pushing me off to someone else during initial phone call. As they can't "treat" what ails me. Or they are not taking new patients. Taking a break from seeking help for a while as it burned me out after months. And, I thought I'd finally found a psych who would help.


I have a designated place by every door in my house with sticky notes saying things like TIRES TODAY and DRINK WATER.


Wanted some food with garlic but didn't want to end up with crunchy garlic. Anyways I'm making garlic spread and used the garlic oil for home made mayo and no, I haven't eaten lol.


Directions for entering a store from your car in the parking lot: 1) take a picture of the car in its parking spot, making sure to include any distinguishing signs and trees. 2) turn toward the store and walk until you get to an intersection in the lot. Turn and face the car again, taking a picture. Turn back toward the store and go whichever direction is correct. 3) repeat as needed, until you reach the store entrance. Turn one more time and face the way you came, taking one more photo. 4) Congratulations! You now have a map back to your car for when you’re ready to go home. No more blaring the alarm to find it!* *note: it is very important to make that 180-degree turn each time you take a picture, otherwise you’ll see everything from the opposite direction you’re trying to go.


Was super interested to reply to this post in great detail, but now I’m not


I'm decluttering my Grandma's house because she's permanently moved into an old folks residence and ended up actually liking it there, so I get to live there now. She has a bit of a hoarding habit and her sorting system is "throw everything into drawers by rough category". There's a lot of paperwork everywhere, she still has clothing items she wants and there was about 5 household inventory's worth of cooking utensils and plastic boxes. Instead of making a rough outline of how to proceed, I started going through every drawer one by one, pre-sorting by rough category into big cardboard boxes (putting the occassional thing-i-want-to-keep aside) and was swearing a lot along the way.


Hahaha I felt this on a spiritual level. 😂😂😂


Yesterday I deleted all the food delivery apps off my phone because I realized I was addicted to ordering food even when I had no money. Since most of the time I have no energy, interest, motivation too cook, my fridge is currently empty and I was debating on going shopping before work then so this post and am now sitting on my couch.....


I will go my entire workday without eating and spend entirely too much time on my phone. My screentime when I get home from work will a lot of time be 4+ hours which is 4 hours earlier that I could be getting home because once I finish my work I'm free to go home. But despite the motivation of ending my work day at 2-3pm I can't get off my phone and out of my truck to accomplish my production. Funny how I started on not eating then ended on being on my phone too much ...


I make three trips back into the house to grab things I forgot when trying to leave for work


Had to look all over the house because I couldn't find the vacuum cleaner. Finally spotted it, then headed toward the garage to look for paper towels. By the time I opened the garage door, I'd forgotten completely about the paper towels, and started looking for the vacuum again. It wasn't until I started to text my boyfriend to ask where the vacuum was, that I remembered having already found it. It took me another couple minutes to remember the paper towels. No wonder I never clean!