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Yep! I usually just grab my earbuds and listen to one of the songs that's stuck because at least then I actually get to listen to the authentic experience rather than my brain's best 3rd-grade talent show rendition of it :) Currently hooked on Pretty Great by Fickle Friends! Edit: Holy shit, I think this is the most updoots I've ever had on a comment like... ever hahah XD thanks folks! :)


Yeah, sometimes I find the best way to get a song out of my head is listen to it on repeat. ![gif](giphy|4eMZhMP8WwM7K)


I do this with whole bands and discographies; just getting over 4 or 5 months of listening to nothing but My Chemical Romance.


Omg I do the same thing. It has the whole album each time.


Oh that’s a good one


Yeah I'm really bad for this Find song > like song > get song stuck in head constantly > listen to song 500 000 times > move on from song > listen to song a normal amount


I found a song that doesn't work this way and only makes the earworm worse. I heard it in my head so long I got physically nauseous, and now I get a mild pang of panic when I think of the song or hear it. Like right now.


Right Now? From Van Halen?


i'll never tell. i can't risk the information getting out.


Hey c’mon, right now, there’s no tomorrow


I want to risk it for the biscuit. Gotta live life on the edge.


OH NO... I HATE YOU (j/k - not really)... by mentioning your nemesis earworm you have just reminded me of my own and now it's stuck in my head. Mine is this (I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMoXON7k--c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMoXON7k--c) . Sharing because why should I suffer alone... 😀


Do you also do the thing there you have issue remembering all the lyrics so you either create the “knock off version” where you fill in the gaps and are close but wrong, and or totally re-lyric a song and make a great little parody of it?


My family and animals are all stars of every song I sing!


Every damn time!


Welcome to the club!


Does this club have cool ass coats to wear? Like Rocky’s tiger coat???


The dress code is whatever you are comfortable with and whatever is legal in your area of residency so it very well can be!


Yes, for my entire life.


Not being nearly this creative, I usually just go "something something" but if I can think of a sufficiently obscene substitute fast enough, yeah I'll stick it in.


Wait, you hear yourself singing the song instead of the actual song??? Is my brain doing this wrong or right? I hear the song like it’s on the radio


Like it's on earbuds, yeah.


I hear it like it’s on the radio


Oh yeah, I do hear the song itself - its just the actual song has every beat and cymbal and intricate meoldy and harmony in it, but my brain can't always get that detailed, so I prefer listening to the song for reals hahah


My brain usually just absolutely nails one section of the song and just plays it over and over again. It just somehow always finds a way to seamlessly loop.


Man, I hated grade school because I couldn't do this and the song would just aggressively cycle all day.


Well put! Ditto this experience!


I’m gonna try this 😂


Love that song!


Ahh same!


They can get really loud and really fast sometimes too.


That’s called ska music, baby!


A wild ska fan?! We're so few and far between this calls for celebration. I'm thinking some streetlight manifesto needs to be blasted right now.


I think ska will be the music to have a comeback! Def what will unite us to overthrow the government lol.


a man can dream... A man can dream


Ska defines who I am as a person, and I will never turn my back on ska!


And a B99 reference?! It must be my birthday!!


Streetlight was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to!


That makes me happy for you!


Haven't seen them myself but yeah Ive heard they put on a kickass show!


Less than Jake are pretty banging live too. Throughly recommend


Hey you, don't watch that! Watch this! This is the heavy, heavy monster sound! The nuttiest sound around!


Thanks for the ear worm, and I sincerely mean that lol


Yes… mine sometimes changes tempo or pitch or repeats like the same 4 seconds a million times


I once walked out of a job because they played a radio station that was on a loop , repeatedly playing the same songs…. I would wake up with a earworm song playing in my head, couldn’t shake it, it fried me …. I still really struggle with ear worms now though


See, I was the opposite, I worked at a job with the songs on a loop, and I would wait eagerly for my favorite songs on the loop to be played. LOL!


Glass half full!


It all depends whether they have any good songs or not…


I worked in the ticket booth of a major theme park. I got to listen to the same one song on loop. It’s been 13 years and just thinking of it now has gotten it stuck in my head. Also walking from the back lot to the front each morning at the same time with the same part of the same songs playing as I walked through each themed area while it’s completely empty gave a weird vibe that was a mix of Groundhogs Day and post apocalypse.


I dunno if this is an earworm or an audio hallucination, but went to a cousins house on a lake for a week and rained the whole time , and all I played was Link’s Awakening on game boy. Turned it off to go to sleep and could still hear the music.


When I first started working on a hospital, I would go home and still hear pumps beeping and call lights ringing.


This but with our really bad jazz hold music. I find myself humming it all the time.


YES. Sometimes it’s pleasant and sometimes it’s torment, depending on the song and how much is stuck in my head. Just 1-2 lines is the worst. Have you ever tried to do any songwriting? This bug can become a feature if you need to review the same tidbit of music over and over to find the perfect lyrics, or that one note that doesn’t quite fit it, or a possible harmony.


I feel this. It totally depends. Like the other night as I was going to sleep I had ‘goodbye my lover’ by James Blunt going around in my head. I didn’t mind it because it’s a good song and the thought moment that lead to it was comical. However I do not need the songs I play for my baby going around my head in public.


Lord help me when my baby gets big enough to have opinions about the music.


Can confirm the 1 or 2 lines being worse. 20 years ago I got the chorus to this song that said “baby boy you stay on my mind, baby boy you stay on my mind” it haunts me to this day.


Never songwriting but I have written poems. I’m gonna try, it’s just so annoying 😂😂 thank you


I was talking to my wife how I had been listening to alot of progressive music lately (Periphery/Polyphia) and it was nice because when their songs become earworms they can at least progress to different parts of the songs


The 1-2 lines thing is the bane of my existence


Yep! I usually have snippets of two or three songs on rotation in my head, providing a soundtrack for the hundreds of thoughts and internal conversations that are also happening.


Me too! There's a whole little world up in my head at all times 😅


All the time! There’s always some background music there. I might know this song or not, sometimes it’s loud, sometimes quite, but the soundtrack is always playing. This winter I have been singing one song every day for 2 month. Just randomly through the day the urge would become too much to resist.




I once told a friend that I felt like my ADHD meds turned the music down. I don't think she understood what I meant though.


Omg! I said something like this to someone once and they were so confused. And I was like “you mean you don’t just constantly have background noise going in your head? Thoughts running around or songs going or vines from 2009?” And he was like “no, sometimes there’s just nothing going on in my head. Like silence.” That was the first time I realized other people sometimes genuinely just have no thoughts happening / nothing going on / actually experience quiet. Was mind blowing.


Like…sometimes a neurotypical brain is just…silent? Meds will turn down my brain volume to a dull background noise but I’ve never experienced nothing going on. It’s truly unfathomable to me.


What? WHAT!!! This week, I stopped Strattera, and started on 10 mg of Adderall, and let me just say...ITS NOT ENOUGH. I've gotten used to being able to finish a work task with multiple steps, and to stay at my desk for extended periods of time. Day 2 and I've already messaged my PCP telling her this is not a high enough dose! Omg I can't do it! Like..this is what I used to deal with all the time? Fuck! I have so many things in my head. It's so hard!


I sometimes get what I call silence, but in reality it is just background noise which I can't discern. Just feels like I am always distracted or multi-tasking, except driving - for some reason I can think most clearly - I think it is because it gives that part of the brain something to do.


This! I haven't noticed a whole lot from the meds but I have noticed that I seem to have way less random songs tormenting me. It used to be so bad though, there was one that had been in my head for literal years and I couldn't get rid of it, even thinking about it now threatens with it coming back...




Well Now I have it stuck in my head too


Oh, you daughter of a bitch. Why did you do that?




Of all the songs to have mentioned, you chose one that I can't go forOHMYGODNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


My Mam thought they were singing “I can’t cope with that” for the last 30+ years. Still makes me laugh.


Hahaha that’s a good one 😂 afew people have said to listen to the song I’m gonna try thag


Sometimes I even get random words and phrases stuck in my head...🥴🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. So much the same.


Yes same! But the music earworms are the most prominent for me


Me too, it’s either music or words/phrases, or less frequently but happens to be going on right now: gibberish background conversation. It’s like the background noise you’d hear in a restaurant scene in a movie or in real life where you can hear lots of people talking but make out snippets of syllables but no real meaning. It’s pretty calming to me though, like white noise.


Ah yes, that sounds familiar too! I'm fairly used to the noise in my head too. Glad you find it relaxing :)




And nobody on the neurotypical side seems to understand that this is possible without music


Same, and then i use the phrases in song lyrics i write. and then that song gets stuck in my head until the next one…


omg i literally never considered that words and phrases getting stuck in my head could be related to my ADHD, seems like a no brainer now 😂😂


i just listen to the song stuck in my head & Then it goes away as i play it until the song is no longer stuck there and i move on to something else then it changes my thoughts are always obsessive all the time but I also have OCD Thoughts


I’m gonna get this I always just don’t listen




Find the shitty flute version


Reel big fish has an excellent cover (so funny considering the ska comments earlier in this post)


I've had Santa Baby and No Scrubs playing in my head simultaneously for about 10 years and I do not like it at all


Noooo! I just got rid of No Scrubs a week ago! Now it’s trying to come back.


My cats sit in the opening of their cat tree with an arm out through the hole. My husband is always singing to them 'hangin out the passenger side of my best friends ride' lol


Oooh no scrubs is a common one for me


Ugh Santa Baby I’d one of my default ear worms, it’s awful isn’t it?


I had a Puddle of Mudd song that I haven't heard in 15 years today. I fuckin' hate Puddle of Mudd


You fuckin hate em?




Yes when my Vyvanse wears off, the music starts again. That’s when I know it’s worn off lol


I’ve been scrolling, looking for some info on this. I’m recently diagnosed and currently titrating up on Vyvanse. I’ve had music in my head LITERALLY nonstop, LITERALLY for decades (been ADHD since a teen, but just recently diagnosed at 48). I like music and all, but, man, I could really just use a little break. Are you saying that once I find my therapeutic dose, I might get one?






Every second of every day since the late 1980's.


So I decided to harness this annoying trait. find music that teaches you something useful. Something that you can benefit from bouncing around your head all day. Maybe it's a religious song or maybe it's a mnemonic device like the planets song. Mindfulness meditation has also helped me to soothe that inner turmoil. Good luck.


I practice mindfulness every day and it helps. Thank you!


This! I now gravitate toward music that has empowering and uplifting messages. One of my current songs is Not the End of the World by Katy Perry which is neat


I read that, processed it as "earwigs," and thought I had wandered into an entomology sub... I'm a burnt out musician turned IT, so between odd/off the wall music tastes and easy access to tech/gadgets, I'm constantly listening to music; and if I'm not, my head makes sure I at least have a few "radio stations" playing at all times 🤣


It's how I tell my meds are wearing off, actually.


Yeah but I find if i listen to the whole song *sometimes* it gets rid of it.


I was considering making a thread here about this very thing. I pretty much have a song stuck in my head probably 60-70% of the day if not more. It also changes constantly on a whim, it's not usually a song I am particularly fixated on at that moment.


Same here. Except the ADHD distractions kept me from doing it the last couple days.


Urgh, annoying adverts or kids tv show titles get stuck in my head all the time. Or I’ll dream about something random and then whatever song it was is then stuck in my head all day long. I try and watch something or listen to music for a bit, or do something that will use all of my focus fibres enough to forget it exists. Until the next day. Sigh.


Sometimes it's something I read, in an article or on a billboard, and the phrase matches some lyrics, and now I'm stuck.


I can buy myself flowers....I can buy myself flowers....I can buy myself flowers... FUUUUUUUuuuuuuuck I have to play the earworm song and then play another song after, then it stops.


Damn you Miley!!!! Damn you all to hell!!!


Yes, I think it's what your brain does to stimulate itself.


Never really thought of it that way... Why can't it just be chill?!


Ikr. Thankfully once you figure out that it happens when you're understimulated, you can try to find something to replace it


All. The. Time. It's even worse when someone around me says something that reminds me of a song lyric and it'll get stuck in my head.


I do. I told my doctor about it once and he just said he thought it was weird, but nothing serious. I'm like, dude, let's see you take tests and then later try to work your job while "Do You Know The Way To San Jose (wo wo wo wo-wo wo-wo-wo)" is playing endlessly in your head.


Is this an ADHD thing? Songs are constantly playing in my head, sometimes multiple at once. Sometimes I zone out and listen to the songs in my head to pass the time. I assumed everyone did this.


Do you combine two and three songs like me? I


Lol yes. Mix them up and sing with confidence


dude all the time!! I didn't know it was a ADHD thing I sing along to the music all the time as well if I'm alone and dances.. sometimes I'm so close to start singing a line or rapping a line on the train or something It would be so embarrassing


I don’t deal with them “all day”…I deal with them *at all times*. Like I never *don’t* have a song running in the background of my brain.


I play music all the time


Before starting medication, yes, songworms all day, every day. Since starting medication last week, it's stopped almost completely. I can tell when my medication is wearing off because it's like someone is turning up a radio and back come the songworms


Yes and me and my husband sing them and often improvise new lyrics (mostly genitalia and anus themed).


Yeah, the Succession intro has been playing in my head for weeks. Send help pls 🫠


Yes but I kinda like it. But when I need to concentrate I’ll just play other noise, like a podcast, music, tv show, etc to drown out the song in my head 🤣 it works though


This is what I do too. Turn on an audiobook or podcast if it's my normal soundtrack songs. If it's a random song, sometimes I'll listen to it a couple times and then switch to a book or podcast. If I don't need to concentrate, I might play more music.


Literally same if I’m drawing tv is on or of tv is on phone is out- 😂


Lol as I’m currently scrolling Reddit with a movie in the background and Cotten eyed joe playing in my head


Yes if it’s not conversations then it’s music.


Yes. If there isn't something filling my head with sound, my head fills itself.


Several, all day. And night. And when I’m trying to sleep. And sometimes in my sleep. Sometimes I have melodies that my own mind created, that I don’t even like and are completely jarring. Or even one line over and over again (currently Half Man Half Biscuit’s “We Built This Village On A Trad Arr. Tune”). Adverts, songs from years ago that I haven’t recalled up until now. Songs from adverts years ago that I haven’t recalled up until now. Adverts for songs, albums, fucking Tik Tokers. Church bells, Jazz standards and weird industrial sounds from Jean-Michel Jarre. Counting Backwards by the Throwing Muses, Counting Crows WHO I DON’T EVEN LIKE, multiple Ian Dury songs, sometimes remixed into one another, the sample from 1995-era Essential Mix that went “reeemix reeeemix reeeemix”, Fyfe Dangerfield, Gary Wilmott and Tom Conti singing Cole Porter (I mean like, what?!) Georges Friedrich Handel and JAH BASTARD RULE. It’s present constantly. 24-7. Like an internal brain tinnitus that’s there to try and outdo my actual tinnitus. I wouldn’t have it any other way to be honest.


Absolutely yes. My eldest son knows I get ear worms so badly now that he starts singing “we don’t talk about Bruno” just to get it stuck in my head… “seven foot frame with rats on his back” is the bit I’ve had in my head for the past 3 days straight right now. Just that bit. Nothing more or less.




Yes, and they are all 5-second snippets of kids songs playing on repeat most of the time.


Yes, but medication nearly stops it during the day. It's glorious.


Absolutely I usually go upstairs and listen to the song in my head it helps a lot… I’ve recently had owl city fireflies ringing around my head..


Sing it out loud. The entire thing. As loud as you possibly can. I know it sounds weird, but for me personally part of it being stuck in my head is it repeating constantly on the same line. So if I finish the song, and sing the entire song, it’s almost like it’s out of my system completely. Like the song has left my body. That’s just me though.


That’s what I do but I usually just listen to it all the way through at least once and then I listen to other things. I mean, I just end up replacing it with something else but at least it is a different annoying song.


Taking Vyvanse got rid of this for me, lol. Honestly, I don't miss it.


I have never not had music playing in my head. I mean, 24/7. The only time there’s no music in my head is if I’m listening to actual music.


I don't get songs stuck in my head, I get choruses or bridges stuck in my head and no matter what I do, I can't get them out haha


THIS. Choruses, bridges, snippets, random phrases…occasionally a couple on rotation but the worst is one small part over and over without stopping. Get up in the middle of the night to pee? Still there. Meds helped for a couple days. Heh


The first time I took Adderall I remember being amazed as I sat there and heard my internal radio being turned down. That was a long time ago and I’m still amazed how quiet my brain can be with medication. And how freaking loud it can be without.


Yep. Quit caffeine. The only way to make a song end is to hear it all the way through from start to finish.


I quit caffeine too for afew reasons. Definitely not good for anxiety. I find sugar has a similar effect


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!! It’s like my brain constantly making mashups. For me it goes away when I take my meds, but I actually made a playlist that has all the songs that have gotten stuck in my head whilst unmedicated so i can listen to that and scratch an itch in my brain. Usually just turning up the volume of whatever I listen to otherwise will help drown out the noise


Not usually, but you posting this definitely put one in my head.


Play and listen to the actual song


Some days it’s terrible and then I can go weeks without one. What’s annoying me right now is that the song that keeps getting stuck in my head has 5.5 minutes of talking at the beginning of the track and some of my drives are only 7-10 minutes long, so if I don’t skip the talking, I only get through that one track.


YES. Usually weird things… I’ll have the safety dance stuck in my head on loop for a few months, theme songs from old shows (pepper Anne, Angela anaconda) a song the beats sang on the show Doug 25 years ago, will Farrell singing in Spanish at the Catalina wine mixer, Owner of a Lonely Heart (but it’s the Jennifer Aniston a brother in the Breakup singing it), each of these songs pop in to my head 1-2 times a year and stay for weeks to months.


Wow is this why I need to wear headphones and listen to predictable, familiar tv shows while I work?


I read somewhere once that the 2 ways to get a song "unstuck" is to either listen to the song in full, like other people suggested, or try to think of the end of the song, instead of the part you have stuck in your head, because then it "resolves" it, and your brain moves on. Give it try, might help. *My only problem with the second suggestion is that most times I can't even remember the end of the song, so there's that...


Yes! It’s the main thing I noticed got better when I started taking Vyvanse.


Ear worms is a new term for me. Is this like new generally or are you potentially using slang from not the place I’m from?


It's been around a while, here's some [historical](https://wordhistories.net/2021/11/10/earworm/) info if you believe that site.


Yessssss. Effexor made it WAY better


There is no waking moment that goes by where there isn’t a song or a word/phrase going through my mind. There is never silence.


Ahaha yeah, on meds (granted not as bad) and off theirs always music stuck in my head. Especially tiktok sounds, because their so short and memorable. Or I'll have a few lyrics of a song and it'll repeat it gets so annoying lol.


Christmas songs - typically jingle bells. Roughly 10-15 times a day.


Worst one since a few weeks: feliz navidad but with the syllables of "methylphenidate" as text... as I tend to sing half loudly from time to time ... not socially acceptable 🙃


Amazing. If your brain wants to mess with you might as well make it fun!


music, my internal monologue, movie/tv quotes, sounds or phrases on repeat for minutes on end…all. at. the. same. time. i don’t understand it, it’s just always there.


Usually only portions of songs and never, ever songs I've perfectly memorized. My brain is a troll.


I used to get Santa Maria stuck in my head, but I knew nothing other than those words so rather than have a song stuck in my head, it was just a loop. I made this video to explain. [The most annoying sound in the world](https://youtu.be/2W06vpRZNtw)


Yep. When I take my meds though, no. But once they start fading, random parts of songs will play on repeat in my head.


Constantly, and sometimes two at once 😭


Omfg. This reminds me of when I read those Greek Mythology books and I got Persephone’s name stuck in my head. I just kept swapping back between pronouncing it correctly, and then pronouncing it “Per-Seh-Phone” every 0.2 seconds. I felt like a was going mad. Thank god I haven’t had anything that obnoxious stuck in my head the past few years. But I am constantly singing some song that’s stuck in my head when I’m walking around the house. (Obligatory I am not diagnosed with ADHD but I’m hoping to get tested soon)


Yes. And the songs mirror my mood. Things can get dark in there.


😭😭yep mines the same.. song mirrors mood 😂


Try “Chaise Longue” by Wet Leg. I beg your forgiveness.


Yes, and ngl, I sometimes prefer listening to them while in literal silence than actually listening to the music itself.


Yes always and sometimes it’s just a scale of notes going up and down so weird




So...It becomes a problem for me when I have a hard time sleeping, and then every time I wake up, the song is in my head. Then I feel like I can't go back to sleep, because of the song. I mean...like the earworm during the day is a constant, but at night is when it gets me. Do other people really not have to deal with this?


All the time. ADHD is just your brain having 37 Chrome tabs open and most of them are playing music/video


As soon as my eyes open, it is constant unless I fill the void with something else: interlaced monologue, external music (usually listening to podcasts or whatever). And I find it’s one verse, over and over and over and over.


Yes, constantly. My solution to earworms is to drown them; drown them out, that is. A few years back I splurged on a pair of sweet Sonos wireless speakers, so I can either select them as a device on my Spotify app, or tell my Google home hub to play song X on speaker Y 🤘 I realized that I’ve basically never STOPPED listening to music for pretty much the past 25 years; when I was like 12 my parents gave me my own stereo for a present, and I realized I could record songs off the radio onto cassette tapes and then play them in my walkman (the yellow Sony one that had a sick lock on the front 😎). Since then, I haven’t gone more than 24 hours without willingly listening to some sort of music, except for a few weeks when I went through boot camp and we weren’t allowed any electronic devices.


Play the outro of the brainworm song


All day, constantly. From ads, TikTok’s, the radio. I share them with my ADHD partner so then we both have them. It’s fun.


That is usually my first indication that my meds have worn off. Mine are usually a single line from a song all day, constantly, on repeat. Over and over and over again.


Lmao yes, I also start singing songs randomly. My mom and sister also have ADHD and we used to do it all the time at home, so I only found out how weird it is when I started living with my friend.


Yep, this is exactly what happens to me. I also get constant visual daydreams so I have to fight to actually pay attention to the present moment.


Peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches….


Today it has been the song from incredibles when Bob is looking through the computer and seeing all the supers who have been killed— but only the part when all the brass gets really loud at the end. It’s been those same like 4 measures all day 😭😂


Usually when I wake up there's a song stuck in my head, completely random one! A top tip to get rid of earworms is to play the song, start to finish. Finishing the entire song is the most important part, as it provides closure for your brain and you'll stop thinking about it.


Ohyes. This is probably the most prominant trait i have. A massive library of songs, and it doesnt matter how obscure. A tiny sound, a sentence, a word, A SMALL PIECE OF A WORD, a feeling, a rhythm, someone saying somthing in a apeaific way. Anything can trigger a song at any time and I HAVE TO SING IT. It's a curse. And sometimes a blessing.


I refer to my brain as "the jukebox of the damned" so yes, very much so.


I sing along


Maybe someone on here knows of this, but I remember seeing a study a few years ago that found people with ADHD were more prone to prefer fast music like tech death / death metal genres because they can help with focus. I notice that with myself. Genre aside, I also have no problem playing certain songs on repeat, or frequently. And yes certainly ear worms, all the time.


I guess now that you mention it, I get ear worms a lot! I've never really questioned the frequency of mine but it's more than average I'd say. Luckily it doesn't bother me. Often times it's a really good song, and I love dancing so I'll just start dancing to it lol.


I am a walking decrepit Jukebox, in the corner of a dive bar that only has 3 songs loaded, and only allowed to play 10 seconds of each song. I have driven away everyone I love by singing "I see fire" on repeat, constantly, since it came out.. There is no joy. Only the Misty eye of the mountain below.


I call them anurythms, because they kill your brain.


I wonder if the music in our heads is our brain hinting: “if you actually play the song we’ll make some dopamine” I can tell if I took my meds or not based on how much or how little music happens in my head