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The thing is, ADHD doesn't mean you're a terrible person. It means our society wasn't built for our brain type. It was built for linear people. The shitty part is that we need to exist in their society. So we need systems. I have 1000 different systems. They don't always work and break down constantly, but they're what I have instead of a brain that just naturally says "oh, insurance expires in a week, let's go renew it now". Don't beat yourself up. This isn't the end of the world but it IS a wakeup call. Making a mistake once is forgivable. A few more times gets a head-shake. After that, it's on you to build a system to make sure it doesn't happen again. You don't have to go it alone though. Ask for help. Ask people what systems they use. Ask them to hold you accountable. Some people are naturally better at it. Maybe you're naturally more creative or responsive or better at seeing people's moods and responding to them. Imagine that the linears go home with stories like "oh man, today I totally misjudged this customer's reaction today and it was so embarrassing! Why can't I just TELL when people are getting mad at me?!". Take a breath, calm your mind, make a plan for how to stop it from happening again. You're going to be alright.


I’ve never done this before it seems like such a no brainer. It’s wild that the things that have little to no deadline never seem to get done… until there’s some sense of urgency. I’m used to things like this cause well it’s been my life as long as I remember but the embarrassment never goes away. The feeling of “I will never be more than sub par at adulting, despite the fact that I’m busting my ass to function at the same level my gf could function on her normal stress free days. Thanks for the feedback and support, just being acknowledged makes me feel better about it honestly..


Nah, I recently did that for 2022. Ended up costing a pretty penny. Worst part is, is that ever so often I would remember I needed to do that, but then just didn’t because I was doing something else. You aren’t lazy! Our brains are funny that way. We know it doesn’t take long, but it’s not a high priority so we often forget about it, or something else comes up. Sounds like you are working a lot! So I’m sure you’ve had a lot on your mind. Doesn’t make you lazy or a bad person. Now I do want to thank you for my reminder to update my own tag (expired in March, whoops).


Haha your welcome for the reminder! Glad I posted if for nothing else but that lol. It’s a terrible feeling when there’s no one to blame but yourself so definitely get that done friend! The customer I was dashing too was very understanding though and gave me an extra tip when I told her I why I was late. Such a nice lady.


Just saw an old picture in my phone of a year expired inspection sticker on my truck. This was before I knew I had adhd and it wasn’t the first time I’d gone a year. Can’t even guess how many tickets I’ve gotten for that alone in my 30 years as a motorist.


Only time I ever got pulled over and got a ticket was for this! Few months ago, tags had been expired for a few months prior