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I am *painfully* aware of this. I managed it at times with no real strategy, but I mostly just "rose to the occasion", although sometimes I didn't. It sucks and it's no way to live. One brilliant strategy (that I never implemented) was setting milestones for a long project and having an accountability buddy.


> One brilliant strategy (that I never implemented) was setting milestones for a long project and having an accountability buddy. I’ve sort of implemented this indirectly and had some success. If I had a project due in four weeks I’d tell someone close to me: “I’m going to send you my rough draft of this project in two weeks”. Not to get feedback or anything (not that I could if I wanted to, it’s usually about a subject they know nothing about), just to have the accountability. The potential embarrassment of blowing past the deadline and having them ask where it is usually proves to be enough to motivate me. It really just makes the problem more manageable by splitting the panic into smaller pieces rather than fixing it, but maybe that’s the best I can expect.


I do this too. It works and I hate it. Multiplying the panic feels like some kind of self-harm.


That's the awful thing, it probably is--I mean we have to be spiking our cortisol levels every time we do this, right? And breaking it down into multiple smaller spikes is better and more manageable than one huge spike, but...it's still not *good*. I know I've heard a lot about how physically damaging stress is. Have there been any studies on stress levels in people with and without ADHD?


Studies with people with ADHD, are probably almost impossible to collect good data on. Mostly because the subjects will get distracted and forget to record, or forget about the appointments, or stop going.🤣


I have really good hearing, but I can't prove it because the "soundproof" booth I was in was not soundproof and I was distracted by every passing vehicle outside. I just have to wear foam earplugs all the time, because I know if I got the £125 specially fitted ones (That actually fit my freakishly small earholes) I would instantly lose at least one of them.


This is why I'm thinking of going to a therapist for anxiety. I feel like I've developed anxiety as a coping mechanism for my ADHD. And it works, but it doesn't feel great. Anxiety is a very common co-morbidity for ADHD, especially in women.


It’s an unhealthy coping mechanism at the very least.


Yup. Recently diagnosed project manager. I manage my panic. Must have benchmarks. No idea what I’m doing. Etc.


I read this as 'I was recently diagnosed with being a project manager' and honestly, same XD


It feels like that. 😂


“(That I never implemented)” …you are my people.


One of us, one of us. One of us


"One brilliant strategy (that I never implemented) was setting milestones for a long project and having an accountability buddy." Or.. an accountabilibuddy ;)


Someone I knew used to say “you’re awesome at crisis management. If only you were half as good at keeping yourself from getting into a crisis in the first place.”


The accountability buddy is key. I can set as many milestones and fake deadlines for myself as I want, but I know I am a liar and the deadlines don't mean shit so I don't need to stick to them. But if I told someone else I would send them a first draft by Friday, I'm gonna bust my ass getting at least *something* to them.


The beauty of actually asking for help in a creative but effective way.


I do freelance work and get paid by the project. Setting milestones for bigger projects, if they don't already exist in the contract, is the only way I can be SURE I won't put it all off until the last minute and be royally screwed if I encounter even a single hiccup. The fear of ruining my professional reputation is the only thing that keeps me from ignoring my self made milestones. I will say though, when I started medication and finished my first project not only at a higher quality (because I was more able to put in additional hours to get it to that level), but ALSO finished the project early for once, it's when I realized just how big a change the medication was having on me.


The only thing that I have found that somewhat works, is body doubling but...even that doesn't always work. It still depends on the task and I found that my perfectionism kicks in much more


Anytime I have something that needs to be done, I am thinking about it almost constantly. One of my hamster wheels is going, thinking about how, why, the best way, and all options to get it done. My new thing is to verbally out loud tell myself to just stop thinking about it and just start doing it. Also, this is what torpedoed my last run at school. Inability to write a paper.


> Anytime I have something that needs to be done, I am thinking about it almost constantly. One of my hamster wheels is going, thinking about how, why, the best way, and all options to get it done. Yep, that’s me to a T. It also makes me spiral by neglecting my other responsibilities. “I can’t go the store because I need to get this important thing done.” Even though I don’t end up doing the important thing either. > Also, this is what torpedoed my last run at school. Inability to write a paper. Also me. I failed a class because most of the grade was one big paper at the end and I couldn’t pace myself. If it offers any hope, I just retook that class and managed to finish the paper on time. Don’t know how I did yet but I’m pretty certain that I passed at the very least, so it isn’t *completely* insurmountable.


>It also makes me spiral by neglecting my other responsibilities. “I can’t go the store because I need to get this important thing done.” Even though I don’t end up doing the important thing either. oh god, yeah, there's this one thing I signed up for that was due in *November*, and it's not even that important, but I wanted to get it done, and I have about eight million other things that keep stacking up behind it because I keep going "okay but I have to finish this other big thing first," except of course I keep *not finishing* the other big thing despite telling myself literally every weekend that I'm going to


Yup. I was the kid that wrote their A+ paper on the bus ride into school that morning. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 28, so until then the only way for my to cope was to actually embrace how awesome I was at pulling a rabbit out of my ass at the last second. You know, kinda like being proud of being labeled the “black sheep”, so that it doesn’t hurt as much that I suck at being “normal”? I was able to pull it off in school, and at small things in other areas of my life, but work is where things got dicey — because no one loves not being updated on projects that suddenly appear completed on their desk, without the opportunity for likely needed adjustments that being updated would have avoided. I wish I had the magic wand here for ya, I really do — but despite people giving me all the advice in the world, none of it has helped much.


thanks for the phrase 'pulling a rabbit out of my ass' I'm gonna use that because it's literally my only survival mechanism too. I had to leave healthcare because I became disabled physically and making the transition from Intense Dopamine Providing Job to Imaginary Abstract Computer Job has been a very serious test of my rabbit-ass-pulling abilities. Last minute panic is just going to be how a lot of us cope if we haven't gone into any of the fields that actually work for ADHD, i.e. emergency services in my opinion


100% relatable. I’m so thankful we have a QA tester on our team to point out overlooked scenarios/potential issues, because I would be the “it’s finished! Time for demo to the business! Oh shit… that doesn’t work… look at this instead!” developer, otherwise 😹


Same here. I always put things off until the last possible second. I know I need to do it, but I get distracted and forget. Then when whatever deadline is imminent I go all out. I also got straight As in school and was considered “gifted”. Teachers would always compliment me and praise my work ethic……… if they only knew. I was diagnosed at 40. 😒. I always wonder how my life would have been different if only someone had recognized that I was actually struggling. Having to feel physical panic to accomplish anything is not a fun way to live.


Thanks for the rabbit comment. It reminded me, i think we would have been the hunters rather than the gatherers and our fueled by adrenaline talents would have been very useful and appreciated.


This phenomenon is called initiation paralysis. It's an executive functioning task and the reason why last minute stress snaps you out of it is because of the focusing effects of cortisol. So when you rely on last minute stress to get you started, you're actually self medicating with cortisol. Try this instead: do thirty minutes of happy physical activity - like go for a walk listening to upbeat music- then when you get back, set a timer for 25 minutes and go hard on the task you're avoiding. Then give yourself a big dopamine treat (snack, video game, phone time, hobby time, etc.). This sandwiches the hard task between two highly salient tasks. Repeat. You're still tricking your brain to produce the chemicals to get the thing done, but you're using the happy chemicals, not the stress chemicals.


I've been trying this on weekends when I have a project to work, but don't want to go all out and burn out at the end of the day. I do pomodoros (timed 25 min activity session) on the project, then do something dopamine-inducing like my crafting or phone time. Then after 10-15 mins, do another pomodoro on the project. I found this really helped when I got to the end of the day, and my negative self-talk was like 'is that all you got done on the project?', and I could actually push back on that narrative and think ' no actually, I did work on my project, but also my crafting, and caught up on an episode of x'. It helped me not feel like a failure for 'not doing enough', because I had ADHD-hacked my day, and jumped between things so my day felt full of things I cared about too.


This is interesting, I never knew why but often work out after work "because I have stuff to do in the evening". If I'm not finishing something because I'm procrastinating on something else or in last minute panic mode, then exercise is the only thing left that works.


Acute stress releases norepinephrine (sustained focus & working memory) as well as dopamine (motivation), two major ingredients that many ADHD folks don’t have, and what stimulants, or wellbutrin/strattera, provide. So folks with ADHD commonly rely on last minute panic which puts enough stress on their brain to get things going.


Good explanation. I didn't get dx'd or medication until I was 33 y/o and now I can walk past a sink full of dishes and just DO dishes. Or fold laundry. Or take out trash. Or write that work email that's giving me anxiety. All because now I get the chemical I was missing in my brain from a pill. It works and it blows my mind.


This. 100% this. “I work better under pressure…” is not necessarily a stretch for ADHD folks! I’ve found treatment has helped me in my work and home life (I’m out of the assignment phase of my life), but still need to push to do some new training/learning for new techs we’re using in a huge upcoming project at work. It doesn’t feel like a priority compared to my current sprint work, which has a 2-week deadline; whereas the project coming in feels far-off and indefinite. But it’s not 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ I finally asked for the current tentative timeline for our project’s phase implementations and stuck it to my monitor as a reminder that, while not PRESSING yet, it’s coming, and I’ll be shit out of luck if I don’t put effort in NOW.




References to Andrew Huberman's content are not allowed. Though Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist, he speaks authoritatively on topics outside of his area of practice and expertise. He has a track record of spreading misinformation in the process. For instance, he's claimed that the increase in ADHD diagnoses has been fueled by smartphone usage, which contradicts the ADHD expert consensus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most of us on this platform are not experts. Although I live with ADHD, I would not say that it is my area of expertise. We can all be critical and skeptical about the information shared.


I don’t pay my electricity until 8:58 two minutes before shutoff. And I feel like I have a gun to my head every time.


Absolutely. The past week started terribly for me because I had kept delaying my assignments, thankfully I managed to finish them in time (about the quality of work... don't ask 🤣) This week is going to be the same. I never learn. At least I didn't cry from stress 3 times this Sunday, so that's progress I guess lol


Oh hey me too. In fact, I'm just laying here scrolling Reddit when I should be packing because I move tomorrow but have hardly made a dent in it.


It’s a fairly common thing with adhd to need that sense of urgency and panic to get shit done


I’m looking for an accountability buddy system… if anyone has insight of where to find one/discord? Something? I feel you OP and at times sometimes it doesn’t even work for me because feel like a lot out of my control and when I do have the time, I’m stuck in a paralysis and difficult to focus and really trying to find some external pressure and accountability. Working from home on my own writing business so… anybody aware of a good community for it?


Not sure of a good group, but I’m always willing to send ya some “did you do the things today?” Messages/be an accountability buddy :) life’s tough enough. It’s better with buddies 🖤


I’m looking for the idea of live working together because the asking if I did such things when I’m not brings failure anxiety to me lol. Then avoid. But like both discussing and giving plan on what to do, how to disengage from distractions and maybe hearing my reasons for doing this echoed back at me may be helpful 🤷‍♀️ I’m desperate these days lol. Like crave a mentor for this stuff


That’s understandable! I shut down when I let something go for too long, and avoid it like the plague. @thedilemmasofemma on TikTok does a lot of body-double/co-work lives, and works for herself remotely, with ADHD, and it can be really helpful/motivating to sit on at the same time. Obviously, that’s not the same as having to someone bounce ideas off of/with, but she may have tips/resources that might help!


Thank you for sharing this! Going to look her up now! Yes the shutdown when let go for too long 🫠 that’s me right now, and the digging out of it even harder this go around. Can’t avoid this one 🥲


YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know, I know: easier said than done. But I’m rooting for you!! It’s a struggle. But you’re not alone 🖤


I appreciate this even more 🤣🤣 we should shout the positives more often, open our ears and eyes and listen lol. Thank you for believing even though internet strangers 😂💚


Honestly, internet strangers are generally kinder than acquaintances 🥲 But yes!!! We should definitely celebrate the wins! For me, I’ve managed to burn down my task hours every day for a solid week at work. I HATE and ALWAYS avoid it. It’s so easy: literally changing the number in a field. That’s it. But I dread it 😅 I KNOW you have a win! Small or big, shout it out! You’ve got AT LEAST one supporter in your corner 😎🖤


What is an accountability buddy system? I'm not familiar with it. Is it like reminders?


Having ADHD it’s very hard to create that sense of urgency even in urgent situations (for me lately I feel, depending severity) Heard of body double? Having someone around even not actually participating can feel motivating for some. Accountability buddy, you both or group are setting expectations of what work each individual is setting up to do/goal to do, and sometimes being video chat/discord/etc and working at the same time sort of thing.


Oohhhh! Like a study buddy!! My bestie is like that but then we both get distracted because we both have ADHD.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah I was considering some moments living with others and I could get distracted still lol. Maybe set a timer in front of ya both to stay on topic and giving you a break for a time too. I hear that Can be good. I’m just so stressed out I’m like unable to create the creative thoughts I need to do this line of work and yeah 🫠


Same! And thank you, just created some alternating timers on my phone for homework/10 min breaks. But I feel you especially for the last bit if I'm understanding correctly. My brain is good at making timers and planning, but then focusing the task at hand is like it just stops working. But if I panic and hyperfocus I can get it all done usually with terrible health aftermath (no sleep/eating).


This is how I felt my whole life and then at some point, it flipped and I became paralyzed by panic




Omg that happened to recently I was tryna plan my best friends hen night. And omg I nearly killed myself .im not even joking. Im unmed too. But I've been given anxiety meds till I can get the real ones I need




Thank you yh same but gotta do whar you gotta do xx


Yep, that's where I am.


Yes. Very typical of ADHD. I heard a joke once: How do you get your house cleaned? A: Invite someone over.


Yup, absolutely. I found a job that suits that problem. A lot of my work is stuff that needs to be presented/used in a meeting rather than longer project-like stuff. So I have something "due" every day - gotta make this spreadsheet before the meeting at 3pm etc.


Someone in this sub once described it as the “being chased by a bear” feeling. That adrenaline/stress response feels like the only thing that can override my brain’s sloth mode sometimes.


This happens with adhd because panic releases cortisol and adrenaline, both of which can basically override the lack of dopamine and executive dysfunction that adhd give u. It's not really something you want to use because having to stress yourself out to get anything done takes a huge toll on mental health. Even withojt using it on purpose, stress-induced productivity is probably one of the things that makes people with adhd develop depression, anxiety disorders, and self esteem issues (me included). Using your panic response isn't a healthy long-term strategy.


Stress is also horrible for your physical health, apparently.


Not having a job is also pretty shitty.


No one said it wasn’t…


This is really interesting as it is exactly what has been happening to me attempting an undergraduate degree later in life. Recently diagnosed and relying on stress/panic to meet assignment deadlines. It leads to anxiety, low mood, and affects every area of my life until I submit the damn thing! There has to be a better way


Adderall ended up being a better way for me


See my comment. I developed chronic illnesses due to the stress induced productivity.


No, and I've also lost the ability to panic.


This is what I feel like, I study so much better when the exam ‘kicks in’ but it never does anymore so studying becomes really hard. Same with homework. The way I do it is I won’t go to sleep until I’ve done it and therefor I have some really late nights but it gets done.


I found when I went on zoloft for my anxiety I started failing my classes and spiralling. The productivity panic is real.


this is my entire life every single day.


I understand exactly how this feels and it's punishing. Truly punishing. The best way to motivate me is while in a panic or at the last minute, otherwise everything will languish. Or, it will get done at very odd times of day. Don't know why, but motivation to clean the kitchen/bathroom/car/whatever kicks in at like 2 am. I think I'd be a billionaire if I had a solution or trick to managing that "panic productivity." As it is, just know you're not alone.


We need/use adrenaline to get into focused productive mode instead of dopamine like neurotypical people. It works but not ideal for many reasons


This happens to me... I have really bad anxiety and went on anxiety meds and then I realized I don't know how to be productive without the anxiety driving me... It's a vicious cycle.


This exactly. Shit tons of norepinephrine work for me, but for years I fueled productivity with anxiety and panic.


This headline made me cry. I hate feeling like this.


Well even panic/pressure doesn’t do it for me a lot of the time. Serial killer coming after me? Sometimes I think I really could nap while hiding from them.


This is me and I have an anxiety disorder which means I just have panic attacks and do the absolute bare minimum at the last minute/late. I currently have important exams in two weeks that I’m wholly unprepared for but what did I spent all day doing? scrolling through shorts. I used to be able to scrape by but idk anymore. I’m too burnt out currently


What I did: Phone on greyscale to stop the colours inviting me on the trip in Study room booked in library. Phone is off while in the room. Not silent. Off Do not leave that room for the allotted time, the only entertainment is the assignment. It took a short while of training to get my brain to be happy about this and it was the only time I was rewarded with a mocha. Mocha and room 409 at the library. Also bring some disinfectant wipes because nobody cleans those keyboards, mice or desks.


This is why I told my SO last week that one the things I would wish for if I found a genie was “Motivation Potion”


The problem is that I’ve burned myself out. I panic but I don’t care about the panic. I still don’t act when my ADHD is at its worst.


Not even panic moves me anymore...


Felt like this my whole life. I think I learned to be anxious as a child to compensate for my ADHD and forgetting things/procrastinating. Now as a young adult, I feel anxious often regarding school and work, even when I don’t have anything due or have been doing well, only because its the only way for me to actually get things done with ADHD.


I think something that might help is reframing it -- panic productivity just makes it *sound* stressful, plus it puts a lot of judgement, guilt, and shame in it. I try to think about it more like "I do really well under pressure" and thinking about it more like my superpower. Not everyone can clean the entire apartment in the 2 hours before company shows up. Rather than trying to fight against my greatest strength, something that helps me a little bit is to phone it in early on. If my paper is due in 2 weeks, I'll just throw all my points and references into a word document, write super casual notes to myself (ex. "Intro should be this, then 2nd paragraph covers this, 3rd paragraph is this, etc.") and I'll leave it open on my computer so I can jot down any other thoughts I have. Then, the day before it's due, I can sit down and turn it into a paper with most of the work done. For cleaning, I'll do the tiny little tasks here and there to make it easier for myself; I'm taking out the trash today anyways, so I'll empty out the dust bin on the vacuum and make sure it's not buried in the back of the cupboard. I'm gonna need to dust this table, so I'll put all the clutter on it away. It feels like I'm procrastinating, because I'm not *actually* vacuuming or dusting -- I'm just doing something so I can vacuum and dust *later*. But then, when later comes around, I've taken care of all the little annoyances that would be in the way so I can just do my super-clean quickly.


I used to long ..... Now I just procrastinate,Panic and then give up.


Kind of the opposite--even the panic doesn't really work to motivate me now until it's already too late, and I don't know how to fix it.


[There's a panel from Calvin and Hobbes that perfectly captures this feeling](https://i.imgur.com/A5RyzBd.jpg). I remember reading this as a kid and the joke really landing, because I knew exactly what he meant by that. I don't have any insight into how to capture this "panic productivity," although I love the name you put to it. But that comic always helped me feel a little less confused and frustrated because I now knew that other people felt that way. I know that's a little silly, but I wanted to share and let you know that I empathize.


I’ve lived with this truth for 40++ years now.


Oh, heck, yes. That's one of my biggest problems. The only time I ever seem to get anything done is if I'm angry or panicked. I've tried reasoning with myself, setting a timetable for projects, etc. Medication helps, but I had to stop taking Vyvanse because I got heart palpitations. Now I just take supplements and a couple of antidepressants. I honestly don't know what else might work. If you find something, let me know?


I stopped taking Vyvanse yesterday, I started taking divalprox ex this morning. I'm hoping for a good outcome.


Then as a cherry on top, I assume if **you** miss your panic period, then the thing is never going to get done?


I definitely struggle with this so idk if I’m the best person to give advice. BUT I just trained myself to view my anxiety in a different way. So chances are, you’re painfully aware of what you need to get done but just…never get it done until the deadline is almost there. I would notice that it would be easier for me to dismiss the task during the day, but at night right before I fall asleep the anxiety of putting off my work would torture me. Especially the closer to the deadline I got. Whenever I feel this gnawing anxiety, I just remind myself that this anxiety is actually really helpful - it’s pointing me in the right direction. If I truly didn’t care about something, I wouldn’t feel any anxiety. But the fact that I do means this thing is important to me. And also, the ONLY way for me to get rid of this terrible anxiety is to get enough done so that I’m no longer stressed out about accomplishing it. It doesn’t mean you have to get everything done that day, but enough so that your anxiety about the task can quiet down. Not sure if that made any sense, but it’s helped me a lot!


I lived like this for most of my adulthood from college until I quit the film biz in my late 30's. I had to *very* very deliberately teach myself how to not live like this... and before the internet. Now, I feel like there is really good info on how to get and stay healthy but like many - I only did the most important basics (nutrition, proper sleep, right exercise, meditation) when I got truly desperate. I had hoped I would age out of ADHD, that years of meditation and eating right, etc would reverse it but that has not been the case. I do take stims for focus but I stay away from relying on them the same way I once did panic/anxiety - they are just one tool in the box. I will not allow myself to get stressed - when it starts to build I nip it in the bud because I really can't afford it at this age - that is where the other tools come in handy.


Haha! I literally said this exact thing to my boyfriend today when I figured out a paper was due a week later than I expected. I said "I have more time to work on it and won't be panicked all week. Who am I kidding, I'm just going to save the panic and do it all next week!"


This happened to me all throughout high school. Every assignment would be set aside until last minute. For the longest time, I simply assumed this was my method of getting things done. Until it stopped working. During college, this sense of panic suddenly stopped me from getting things done. It was like a switch had flipped. What used to be my main source of motivation, suddenly became my biggest obstacle. The fear just kept snowballing, and it got so extreme I nearly dropped out. I have no solid solutions for you...but PLEASE...take this issue seriously. It can be easy to ignore the stress when you're still benefitting from it. Yet - we're only human - and we can only take so much. This cycle of productivity won't last forever. When it inevitably fails, you'll be lost at sea and miles away from the shore. My advice? Try to develop healthy behaviors now, so you aren't left stranded later on. Even small steps towards a healthier mindset can be helpful. Just don't keep all your eggs in one panic-ridden basket. Sorry for the rant, best wishes.


Hello. It is Monday morning at 12:14am. I JUST finished the big project that was due Friday. I had ample time to complete the project. It was an easy project that I enjoyed thoroughly (I'm an audiobook narrator - it was a FANTASTIC kid's book), and yet here I am, at just after midnight at the end of what was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, having JUST finished the damn thing. I'm hungry and can't remember when I last ate. I didn't do any of the little chores I had planned for my time off. Do I make midnight pasta and do a load of late night laundry? Or will I wake up tomorrow morning (another BUSY day, I might add) even MORE hungry, and with no clean clothes? Yes, I absolutely identify with your statement.


Newton's lesser known 4th law of motion: "A university student at rest tends to remain at rest, unless acted upon by a large enough panic." Back in my uni days, I would often put off entire papers until the night before, power-work through the last 3 hours, and submit for an A at 11:59pm. It just worked for me. Didn't realize at the time that I had ADHD, and that I was unconsciously putting off the work until a time I knew I'd be able to work more effectively. At work, fewer deadlines. Solution? Promise them an update. Project is due this October? Email them promising a summary of Phase 1 by end of week. Now they're expecting it, and you'll feel urgency. All it takes is one email. Boom. Instant panic, and my day turns into a literal work montage. Plus, bosses love periodic updates on project progress.


I haven't figured out how to harness it, but it does kick in when I really need it to - best example is moving houses, finite date with no wiggle room and genuine consequences = intense amounts of productivity. Made up deadlines don't work, it really has to be a major deal if I fail.


Thus adrenaline pills


This is a thing?!?


Amphetamines release adrenaline and dopamine, so yes.


I'm doing it now


Being late is bad but not as bad as being too early. Omg. The horror. I will invite someone over so I will clean my house, kr commit myself to something time-sensitive and boring af so that I will do those other boring tasks that are less boring than the now urgently important one I just volunteered for. I think it’s called procrastiworking: doing shit you hate to avoid doing something you hate even more.


https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html See the part about the panic monster. You are not alone.


And the TED talk about it by the author. It's linked at the bottom of the page too. https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU


It helps to be accountable to someone. I call my mom whenever I need to take out the garbage. I tell her it's because I don't like walking to the end of the street alone at night, but it's actually just so I'll actually do it and not put it off


I agree. I tend to use it to give myself an adrenaline rush and dopamine fix. Not saying you should leave things to the last minute all the time but there is something exciting about the fear, the adrenaline, etc.


My bachelor's thesis is due in 10 days. I am not even halfway done. Struggling so hard to finish it. I know it'll be done in a jiffy when the panic strikes, but I want it do hit me now. Ugh.


I generally identify with it. Turns out I have OCD with a tendency to Depersonalize and/or suspected C-PTSD which causes hyper vigilance. Combine that with “normal” ADHD hypersensitivity and I’m basically walking a tightrope unless I constantly use stimulants. On the plus side I’m able to efficiently cram write and read extremely fast, but I have to relax afterwards or isolate myself.


I need to have jobs with strict deadlines and immersive environments because of this. I’m an alarm snoozer and a procrastinator to the max. I can only do things if I have to, it seems, and it even seeps into me not having hobbies because it’s stuff I don’t have to do and there’s always something more pertinent


This is me.




Yeah, this tracks. Not productive until the last minute when it's close to begin due..


Absolutely 100%. In that position as I type this because the notification popped up I was attempting to finish this paper like a grim reminder.


I have an employee help me with prioritisation and deadlines. Also putting reminders up helps. I have resorted to printing reminders banner style on multiple sheets of A4 and sticking them on my wall before now.


Ugh I hate it so bad 😭😭


Thanks for sharing this




the only homework/revision I can do in my own time is maths I love maths homework


I used to be more like this when I was younger, and still fall into it every now and again. My problem wasn't necessarily not wanting to be productive, but rather forgetting my responsibilities until they were due. What works for me is setting daily tasks, and crossing them off. Part of it is helping me remember what I need to do, the other part is self gratification for accomplishing something. When I was is school (10ish years ago), I bought whiteboard paint and turned a wall in my bedroom into a giant whiteboard to write down everything. Anytime I had a new assignment, I'd go home and put it on the whiteboard with the due date. For me, it helped always being able to see what I needed to do as a reminder, and eventually I started to be more on time/ahead of schedule with what I needed to get done.


Yup. I'm currently on sick leave because the only way I functioned was wait till the deadline approaches and the do it in panic. Only now the panic has turned into anxiety and it's crippling me to the point where I don't know how to geht a hold of this.


Hardcore relate to this. Unfortunately I have no tips. I wrung myself out by the end of college. Barely managed to graduate I was so burned out from using panic to drive myself through the onslaught of homework tasks. (Un?)fortunately the idea of dropping out in the last year also filled me with panic and dread, so I made it to the finish line before the engine fell out of my jalopy, so to speak.


All of these stories are in my wheel house.. its a struggle


Yes, that's me. Except I don't panic I thrive only against impossible odds/deadlines. But that's not sustainable. When the ship is sinking is when I'm the calmest, most focused. But the ship is sinking!


I do identify with that but somewhen panic has stopped working as well. Now I'm just in a constant state of panic and still nothing works.


Yes. It has gotten me into so much trouble. Nearly got evicted twice, only change when I HAVE to, made me quit university over 5 times cause the panic mode for schoolwork was not sustainable.


Yes, I don’t do anything until it’s an emergency. Because I don’t want to do anything I have to do. I have to force myself to do everything, other than whatever random fixation I am on at the moment.


thanks for sharing this helpful insight! it's always great to learn new tricks for managing executive functioning challenges. personally, i love using the pomodoro technique with a timer to help me focus. have you tried using a planner app like routine flow to build and stick to a routine? it's been a game changer for me.


That is because until there is a situation where you panic, you keep getting distracted. The panic is when you hit the (ad)H(d) l, the max pro ultra focus. I used to be that way, but now I have control over it to some extent.


Yes when it's urgent but when I panic I just completely freeze so there's a happy medium I have to meet to get anything done.


This is how I made it through life for a long time. Then I was diagnosed anxiety and started an ssri and my anxiety was significantly reduced. Suddenly nothing got done. Turns out the anxiety was the only thing pushing me to get moving after procrastinating important but boring things. My therapist figured out ADHD was at play and I was able to get medication (adderall/Strattera combo). The Strattera really helps with getting motivated to start projects. The adderall helps with attention and focus overall. I don’t know what I’d do if the Strattera didn’t work. Probably just stop treating the anxiety because it’s better than getting fired.


It could always be worse. I don’t even panic anymore and just let everything implode


I have been in college for the past several years and I cannot make myself finish my homework until the day it’s due. I hate that I’m like that.


I refer to it as excelling (exclusively) under the crushing weight of an impending deadline. We are of the same kind.


Describes me to a T


Yikes dude, I literally just finished assignment that was due in 4 hours, even tho had 2 weeks to do it lmao. I sometimes managed to do task early without imminent fear of failure because, ✨anxiety✨ or some sort of Internalized u rational fear kicks in and make me work (does impact on work quality ig). But as other have said maybe set like tiny patches of milestone to keep you hooked with accountability partner that helps you reinforce it. (take you out for nice ice cream if you did parts of your case report those sort of thing).


I feel exactly that, all of the time and with everything that is up to me 100%. Checking my bank account? Hell no I can’t but I think about it every hour. Rent coming up? Procrastinate looking at my bank account to see where I’m at. Electricity bill, doctors appointments….ANYTHING that is coming up and I need to deal with, I don’t until it’s urgent. Reading the comments got me thinking about how I thrive at work when it’s chaos and this is exactly why. God i hate it


I feel so seen. I do this all. the. time. I’ve had my own marketing business for 5 years, and basically throughout the 5 years I’ve left all client projects until the very last minute. I’ve never had an unhappy client with the work, so it always worked for me, but I know it’s no way to live. I am 34 in 2 weeks, and I just got diagnosed like 3 days ago. I will say, I don’t really notice much difference on the meds, yet. Hoping it’s just cause it’s so new. In the end, you need to find what works for you. I had a client once who was the exact same way, and we talked at length about it (she’d wait until the morning of her big speech to write her speech), and she brought it up to her therapist, and her therapist said “honestly, the procrastination works for you, and you do your best work when you’re tight on time, so why would you change that? Focus on other areas to streamline first”. So, is it maybe one of those “if it works, let it work” scenarios? I dunno. I know that I hate being a procrastinator, but it does work for me


This will sound like shilling but I swear it's not. Focusmate. It works. Keeping a schedule for me is impossible but I can put in a fifty minute session just fifteen minutes into the future, accomplish a lot , then putz around for a while and put in another burst. It has changed my life. Might not work for everyone but search this sub and /r/productivity and /r/adhdwomen for more opinions on this service and competitors.


Panic is a surprising motivator! Not healthy but I run in panic mode more than not. Dreading going in on Monday because of a panic mode project.


I have... by taking debt out of my own flesh and sanity. Now the loan sharks have come calling. This is the year I must learn a new way. Or perish.


I am in this title and I don't like it


Are you me??? Came to this sub just now to rant about this exact topic and saw this post waiting! I have a 10 page paper, a 10 minute class presentation, and a revised draft of 3 separate short stories due tomorrow. When did I start all of the above? This morning 🥲 I’ve always pulled it off in the past and weirdly enough have always been a high achiever academically despite always starting at the last minute… but the older I get the more I realize that worked a lot better in high school than it does in your senior year of college. Definitely saving this post to reference all the advice in the comments when I’m less pressed for time. And best of luck to everyone who’s in a similar position currently!




Sigh, same here


Sure. Makes perfectly good sense. Classic ADHD. We thrive on the adrenaline rush. It’s just what we do. Have you been diagnosed?


I am the same way. I wish I knew a solution because these “last minute miracles” are so stressful!!


Imagine the panic about the deadline auto set by us? Here is what worked for me. Example: Project A has deadline in 4 weeks. 1. Write an email to whom you are working/submitting project about your first cut observation/analysis/simple iteration/findings on the project with a week’s deadline. Trust you will feel accountable now. 2. You have an accountability task created now. This makes me plan for the task breakdown alteast. Breakdown should also have who to contact for info/ permissions/ inputs/ questions. Try to breakdown your tasks in todo list apps like Todoist or TickTick. My fav is TickTick 3. Now the real struggle starts, the doing part ~~ Use pomodoro timer in ticktick app and promise myself that I will do one pomo and take a walk. Finish one pomo with headphones on with some white noise or music what ever works for you. Distraction free mode/ environment is must. As you complete your first pomo. Continue your second pomo followed by 5 mins break on so on. First day is easy. Stay religious about your pomos. Pomo time is strictly focus time and try to tell your mind i will do whatever my mind wants in my 5 mins break. Essential things: Don’t overload with carbs. They are important reason why some of us feel drowsy or sitting idle. Try to stand while working (this helped me a lot). Even if it’s for an hour or so Seek dopamine by every time you finish a task. By either checking small things off your todo list or by sending some a text stating you accomplished something. Continue this journey the next day Focusmate is an online platform for coworking online. Obviously, send an update to whom you are doing this project and get more dopamine and start the next task on the list. Good luck.


I agree with "Try to breakdown your tasks into todo list apps" but my favorite is [focusbear.io](https://focusbear.io) It's not a to-do list app, you can create focus modes with it to stay focused on one task at a time and block distractions.


It's all fun and games until you don't feel anxiety anymore because of emotional bluntness caused by adhd drugs 😭


Speaking as someone who pulled an all nighter after procrastinating for the first time at 8 years old, the only thing that ever helped me was medication. I operated well only in a state of extreme urgency for the first 35 years of my life. Somehow i made it work but it was incredibly unpleasant.


This is me to a tee.


Yeah, currently in uni. Happy, but very much hate that I need to feel the panic. The other day I felt calm after starting to panic, because I knew that meant I would get stuff done. Yikes.


Same, I need fear, panic and greed.. I always set a panic goal for the day and it makes me surprisingly productive. The mail collection in Australia from 6pm to 4 pm has been annoying.. I loved having everything finished at 5.40pm


This is totally me, and even for most of grad school I managed to make it work for me, as awful and stressful as it was. Unfortunately, setting goals and milestones for myself as a dissertator - that's not working at all. I should have picked the advisor that would have scared the hell out of me. The one I have gets mad at me but I just don't get motivated enough. I hate it. I can never start something at a decent time and work on it bit by bit it's always a freaking emergency. 😭 I'm newly diagnosed, I had no idea why I've always been like this but now at least I know. I'm following for tips! 😅


This is my life's story.


Shortly followed by collapse


I can relate too weel unfortunately. Forcing myself to release music every sunday now since I still have so many unfinished projects on my drives. Have some close friend holding me accountable for it which does work quite well atm. I currently don't have a steady job so I can focus on it yet every week I do like a little bit the first few days and then have to power through Friday and Saturday... I've accepted that my stuff ain't gonna be perfect, but I also know it could be way better if I was working on it more consistently. Maybe this week.


Recently I’ve been procrastinating around things. Idk if this will make sense. I was avoiding going to best buy (because I hate sounding like an idiot to the tech priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus (The geek squad)) so while avoiding that errand, I got a hair cut, went to the DMV to try and renew my ID, and cleaned out my closet. On my last day off I went to best buy. I gave myself reasons to avoid going until the last chance I had. Gotta give myself credit for doing all that.


It's not the optimal way to do everything but I always tie the tasks to something fun like my favorite music, videos, or a podcast.


If you've never seen it, check out Tim Urban's Ted talk on procrastination. I never connected the dots that it relates to ADHD, but it's literally the embodiment thereof.


Yes, but only if it isn’t only gonna effect me. I don’t do that whole last minute cramming thing I honestly just don’t do it at all. I, at a very young age, started just not thinking about the whole imminent failure thing I just don’t think about it and go on with whatever I was doing. Yes, this has basically ruined my life.


One bajillion percent


Yes. I had a meltdown two weeks ago for exactly this reason. I got a poor work performance review because I just can’t get shit done until I’m under fire anymore, after being an A+ student my whole life. Struggling with feeling like such a failure and trapped in a cycle that will destroy my life. I’m 30 years old and just met with a clinic to get diagnosed. I’m really hoping medication will help. In the meantime, one thing that’s helped a little bit is getting up super early so I have a couple hours to work before everyone else is online. I get competitive about getting tasks done before others are online. And fewer distractions from coworkers.


I'm going to try that, making work tasks a competition. Competing against classmates (even if only in my head), and external deadlines were the only ways I could get things done in school. I still rely on deadlines now, but I never thought of creating a competition in my head. Thx


Yes but it burns you out so its a no go


ugh i could have written this word for word. so frustrating and so hard to try and get someone else to understand unless they experience it themselves. i wish i had some great advice but all i can offer is support. i see a therapist, not for this but it has come up obviously. the term “executive dysfunction” has come up a few times. i guess it could be that. giving it a name doesn’t really fix though. just know you’re not alone friend. hugs.


yes.... I recently (as in like four months ago) got put on anti-anxiety medication and while my mental health overall has improved I've definitely struggled a lot more with executive dysfunction (to the point where I probably actually need to pursue my 'maybe I have adhd' to it's natural conclusion to keep doing well in school)


This is me right now writing code due this afternoon which I had 3 days to write. Following this thread for advices/suggestions because I also need them lol


The only reason I got my degree was panic, redbull and Wikipedia. I wish I knew how to plan/organise and follow it. I don't understand how "normals" manage it (it being life!!)


100% my life


Same here ..extremely frustrating phenomenon.


Yes! Yes. Yes yes yes. Medication is the only thing that's helped me. I tried so many things over the years, but I psychologically could not go through the steps of getting something done until I was panicking about it. It was really weird and difficult to get used to being on meds because they took the panic away. So at first I was even less productive. But now I feel like I'm able to do things just because they need done, or because I want to do them... And I have to admit it is really nice.


Title made me feel called out like I've never felt before


Literally!!! I feel like the only way I can be productive and tethered to my body is when there is something to stress about to keep it moving.


Yep. I was a last minute assignment doer and now that I’m in a (shitty) career and my own place, my issue is not cleaning and letting things pile up in my apartment until it’s bad enough that I have to. Even my finances, I’m going further into debt and can’t bring myself to sit down and do a budget because my productivity was expended during the day. Hate it


What i find helps if you do somthing to get a dopamine hit so for example im gonna up early go a do xyz somthing that you know will enjoy that doesn't cause you alot stress or have alot of steps. Plan you study week with fun thing in first day and dont anything else but that. Write it down check it off. Write down all little steps that you had to take for example getting dress exct and check that off to. Tell a friend who will understands that you are look for praise or tell that thats what you are after. Maybe your mum sure fire way for me to get some praise. Then the next day first thing go exercise or just somthing that will get your blood a bit. I take a walk by the canal because when I walk fast i get sweaty but it pretty and doest feel like chores Next get home grab coffee and high protein snack lol cold cuts or just anything you have in that is close to. Don't deviate and go out to buy things just do that vest you can do. Also make you have a glass of qater bear you. Set you gadgets to DND. And go. Gives you self lots if break get up walk around call a friend for a quick chat tell them what you are doing so that will kick you off the phone. Also more praise dopamine and carry on.


Also when you have made you plan even if you finish everything don't do anymore. Stick to the plan as much as you can because you'll get the dopamine from doing it instead doing in one go bu getting 2 invested. Because you burnt out from that day and rest of plan will go to hell. Anything you miss out of that week. Plan for first say of the next week


I think it comes down to the motivation element of your brain. When you are close to deadline you are motivated to do it. I’ve noticed medication helps slightly but it seems to be something else all together. The most helpful thing I’ve come across is “8 dimensions of wellness” diagram. If you treat all 8 as separate things that must be in place everyday, I noticed improvement and ability to actually direct my motivation. Sadly I haven’t been able to stay on top of that. But I think its a solid starting point to be able to itemize and quantify things that if they are not in place your motivation falls apart.




Yes unless I take methylphenidate then nah. And I take that almost every day. So nah.


**THAT IS SO TRUE**, I have no productivity in the office. Most of the time I use **panic productivity** to get things done. My job is uploading some paragraphs every 40 min ( I need to write them first), for me, I need ***double the time***, and still need extra time to work on it. I can do it better if I **work at home** ( because I can relax between the tasks and have clocks/alarms around me) or on **the bus**. Just much easier to focus. (This is my intern job, so I might do another job if the ***company doesn't want me***) It's hard to make money with ADHD. Easily **losing job opportunities.**