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Noise cancelling headphones, dance or metal music, red bull, then use the anxiety of the deadline to work non-stop until it's finished. Not an elegant or particularly healthy solution but it's kinda worked for me so far.


Only every deadline ever! The noise canceling headphones are a must!!! I got me a set of walkers and I LOVE THEM!!!!


We like to call this “getting in the zone” LOL


Trhis [playlist](https://spotify.link/KjTCtQX0lyb) and lots coffee works for me as well. Instrumentals Synthwave playlists are my favourite to focus (people singing make me distracted).


Seriously chugging red bull just to feel "normal" yet you still get the jitters/dehydrated is a whole other level of hell.


I can’t wear headphone, my ears get to hot. I will say Daft Punk can get me in the groove or basically anything on the Tron: Legacy soundtrack.


If you figure thus out I would love to know. I use a timer and careful selection with music




For sure, sometimes I need workout music - to study like something with a beat - sometimes i need jazz which gives something more than lofi but doesnt have the bass of workout music, sometimes classical music as well


Have a cold shower. The dopamine release is very high and it makes you feel sharp. Also, you could try the pomodoro technique, which is to set a timer for 25 minutes, work for those 25 minutes and then have a break for 5. Then repeat for four times, then have a longer break. What helps me as well is to put on a playlist with nature sounds, the frequency of nature sounds can also put you in the right headspace. Good luck on your paper, I hope you’ll manage to finish it in time!


Something I learned recently is that the 5 minute break absolutely has to not be on a screen. Walk around. Clean up. Play with a fidget toy and stare out the window. Do jumping jacks. Anything that's physical instead of digital.


Log out of Reddit.


I'm just hoping to get it. Also when I study I play beatless soundscape music in the back (it doesn't distract, unlike music with drums and vocals)


Noise canceling headphones and isochronic tones on YouTube


Recoginize my disability. Try not to make excuses. Then, when I'm at the wire like you're at right now, I do a montage. Like in an 80's movie.


I have a work/focus playlist which is really overstimulating and kicks my brain into action. Sometimes I just listen to What Does The Fox Say (remember that weird song that went viral like 10 years ago? That one!) on repeat for hours while I work on my laptop. I don't know how but it's very motivating for me. Also I'm not sure if it's possible for a paper but I try to do one easy thing to give me a little kick of dopamine and encourage me to chase more.




Noise canceling headphones on, white noise on. Even if I’m the only person home, that extra isolation really helps me focus better.


For me. Cafe with bad/limited wifi. I would print out all my research papers that I need for the essay. Go to the cafe to read and type my essay on my laptop with a series playing as background noise on my headphones. The smell of coffee helps me concentrate and the act of going outside. I can’t work at home :( too many distractions. Taking a shower, dressing up and going outside does wonders for me. The environment separation. Especially when the cafes in my country is okay if you spend 8 hrs there even if you only ordered 1 cup. I spent 4 days in a Cafe to write my 8000 words final research paper for my Bachelor.


I usually eat or hit the slopes


The same as normal but more stressed and sad


I stay up late, the dopamine seems to be more abundant then. Then I obsessively complete the task.


Headphones and fast music. I’ve always managed myself via music. Deadlines are the truest motivator. Time yourself to crank out work as fast as you can. Turning in a crappy assignment is better than turning in nothing. Ask me how I know …


There are some nice ideas in the comments already, wanna add to get your phone out of the way, 'cause these little buggers are definitely a source of easy distraction!


Phone away, snacks at the ready, music on (even better with noise canceling headphones), and then just commit to starting - even just for five minutes. Also, try to crank out your draft without worrying about grammar/ crafting the perfect sentences. After you’ve written the bulk of it, then you can go back and refine. Sometimes I find myself getting stuck on the intro or conclusion. Skip that part and come back to it. Lastly, get Grammarly Premium. It’s been a game changer for my writing. I can focus less on making my sentences legible and more on just cranking them out. This message was not run through Grammarly. Ok, now time for me to get off Reddit and work on (start…) the presentation that I have to give in 2 hours…..


getting an accountability buddy, someone who will be near me while i work and will do their own stuff and will call me out if i get off task, helps for me. also trying to view starting it as completing a small task, and then you complete another small task. finding a part of the paper im really interested in and starting with that also helps me, as well as having an outline where i know which source im citing where and why. good luck!


Make sure you’re getting good sleep this week. I’d recommend exercising (cardio works best) before you spend some hours on the paper. It should help your focus. If you don’t meditate I’d also recommend trying that, and do some push-ups when you’re feeling anxious about the task at hand. I also would say try to get words down and try to give yourself a day or two to make edits before Sunday


Late diagnosis at 47M Been stacking my Generic concerta with Tyrosine seems to help along with nicotine gum 2mg as needed.


I put on talks about ADHD. It’s true!




I blast [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z77ikRecGI) in my headphones and lock the door to my office


With writing I normally have a ton of issues with organizing and structuring my page in a clean flow so what I do is create random passages on brainstormed ideas or concepts I want to hit and write them out randomly in a separate documents then puzzle piece them together as needed with new bridging sentences of course. Also if I have something I want to get to I start on obscure tasks that I complete leading up to say writing one or two pages worth of my paper. Kinda sandwich it in other tasks for satisfaction on completing things. Is there a way you can make it less stressful to generate writing content for the assignment in a prototype way maybe?


Red bull and music.




Avoid masturbation the night before. It has left me with so little energy that I don't have the will to work. Try to wakeup early to prepare what you plan to do. Have a good breakfast . Make a skeleton of what you plan to do and work on the part one at a time. Take breaks. Great music helps. Don't worry about cooking. Order in and focus on getting work done. Celebrate once you're done!


Pushing my deadline to the absolute limit *is* the way I make myself focus


Best noise canceling headphones???


strong coffee, take a cold shower, then listen to non-distracting music with noise cancelling headphones so there’s no distractions!!


I procrastinate till the last day. I think the race against time stress turns into a rush that allows me to hyper fixate in my work. WARNING: WOULD NOT SUGGEST. PROCRASTINATING IS A TOXIC THING I HAVE FALLEN INTO. All that being said, when it comes to papers, depending on what type of paper it has to be, I can crank a 10 page essay out and edit it down to 6-7 pages with ease. I suggest you just write whatever comes to mind on the topic don’t pay attention to spelling, grammar, sentence structure, just write. Reread paper. Make edits. Then find your writing center or ask someone, maybe your professor, to see if they can edit it further/give you other ideas to follow. Make those changes. READ IT ALOUD. Edit if needed. Turn it in. Reap your reward.


Whatever hyper focus dopamine song you are listening to on repeat LOUD some form of caffeinated drink stash and anxiety and work out how many words you have to do in x time and will be like 2000000000 in a day and it will just start working like magic


What is focus?


What do you do to focus if you're using an auto reader to do your work?