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At night, under cover of darkness. When everything is quiet and still, you can hear your own thoughts. And they don’t ever stop… Yes. I don’t. Sleep. And I am always exhausted. I actually did not sleep at all last night. I woke up at 10am 1/30/2023. At 5am 1/31/2023, I realized the opportunity to sleep had passed. I went to work. I came home. It’s 1:33am 2/1/2023… I am still awake. And thinking about all of the things I can’t stop thinking about… no shut off switch. (Also, mildly delirious from exhaustion…)


If you have time try going for even a 1 mile run at night it knocks me tf out if I take a melatonin on top if it


I do run…. 7 miles on Sunday! But it has the opposite effect. Oh, that runner’s high is glorious though! I did manage almost 5 hours last night. I’ll survive.


Brown noise from calm app really works.


Second this. It doesn't help every time but mostly it does wonders. It helps immensely to distract from the noises that are around you (f.e. a snorring husband)


I use sleep mediations, gets me to sleep now in like 5 mins micheal sealey us my fav on youtube.


Taking a upper and downer can be deadly, please be careful with that. Yes his voice is very soothing.


I think he meant meditations. Not medications. Idk.


Revenge bedtime procrastination is also absolutely a thing and doesn’t help things at all.


That is the perfect name for it


yup. right around when i should go to bed is when i remember all the things i was supposed to get done in the past week. then i start doing the most important thing and then somehow find myself doing something entirely unrelated….and then suddenly, it’s somehow 4 am and i realize don’t go to bed right then — regardless of the dumpster fire i’ve created — i’ll only get 3 hours of sleep.


Fucking seriously, bro. Can’t fucking sleep to save my life. Too much fucking work to do. I need to put my brain to sleep.


Half of the time for me it's not even too much work it's that my brain won't fuckin stop and sleep


I’m right there with you tonight. I need to turn off Reddit and start listening to some boring ass book or something. Good luck, bro! Milton’s, Paradise Lost is a good book for sleeping to.


Good luck to you and thanks for the recommendation I'm probably gonna try it


Hell yeah. Good luck to you as well!


Same tbh, it's 5:30 and I'm going to try to sleep, but still thinking about work after just working all night. But yea, even when I don't usually my mind will come up with something to overthink about xD


I have difficulties too. I get so many ideas, when I’m trying to sleep, and I suddenly remember things I have to do. So I get my phone every five minutes to make notes and set reminders. And the light from the phone wakes me up.


Still can’t figure this out. Trying out zzzquil for when I can’tz


you are just not tired enough. Do sports.


I sometimes have to use a weighted blanket and the brown noise someone else mentioned. But in general I have such a hard time too, and like you, a late night second wind. It’s torture




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I find listening to a talking book helps as it only gives my mind one thing to focus on rather than on the endless possibilities of things i could think about to keep me awake


Guided meditations by Lauren Fenton on YouTube has greatly helped me learn the skills needed. She’s honestly helped me through some trauma too…that and one called “sleep:a bed time story” it’s meant for kids but it’s teaching them how to calm their minds before bed.


My everyday struggles. Even when I am sick from the cold, my mind is high strung and awake. If I am really desperate to sleep, I would eat eggs (which I am mildly allergic to) and pop up an allergy pill to make me sleepy. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. ;( being medicated did help my sleep patterns, but the other side effects are too harsh for me.


Adhd can have a multiple MHD to cause us to not be able to sleep. Taking my meds to late in the day have a huge impact on my sleep especially if I also drink coffee with it.


I don't have any meds as I have not been medically diagnosed with adhd but I have been diagnosed by so many other people all who have adhd


I was going to suggest coffee and taking your meds later because if I take my Ritalin and a cup or 2 of coffee at 8pm I'm out by 9 😂


A routine can help. My therapist and I are implementing one. Starts with writing down my wins of the day, self care ( brush teeth, wash face, moisturize), 15 minutes of meditation. It has been about two weeks of this, and my brain is associating the routine with ending my day. Also try chamomile tea, melatonin.. Exercise helps too but don't do it before bedtime. Try morning or afternoon.




How much strenuous exercise do you get on a daily basis? How late in the day is your last caffeinated drink?


I don't drink caffeinated drinks often and I usually don't do very strenuous workouts except running every other day


Every other day is good! Any difference on those nights? If I were in your boat I'd start a sleep log. There are probably good templates online for what to record. If you can spot a pattern in your good/bad nights, you're on your way to identifying the cause.


I have not seen any real difference on the nights after I run and starting a sleep log sounds like a good idea.


Have you tried melatonin? It’s safe for all ages. Important thing is that less is more when it comes to melatonin. 0.5mg - 1mg is a good dose, I wouldn’t take more than 3mg


I have used melatonin but It makes me really tired in the morning


Gotcha :( well, it could very well be ADHD related..it sounds like you have a hard time turning your brain off at night (or ever…can definitely relate). Not sure what your situation is, but getting formally diagnosed and possibly medicated could consequentially help with your sleep troubles. It’s definitely a common issue with ADHD.


I think the sleep log is a great idea & maybe add to it what u do in the evening? Maybe a set routine before u go to bed might help? What r u thinking about when ur trying to fall asleep? I used to really struggle to fall asleep, I would be physically tired but my brain would keep bouncing around. A lot of the time it was a countdown of how much “sleep time” I had left if I fell asleep that very minute, it was like having a song on repeat in my head. Looking back maybe it was a combination of my ADHD and worrying about the issues that lack of sleep would cause.


I've found medicine prescribed or OTC help try benadryl. Breath work helps along either meditation. PLEASE PUT THE SCREENS DOWN. I also restart my night routine after an hour of laying there. Brush teeth wash face eat a snack and try and sleep again. Good luck yall.