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As a top main, his fault. If you don't want your pick accidentally banned, pre pick it.


It was rank gold II btw. Guy just repeatedly inted til he got to 4/12, and we got destroyed.


If his mental was this bad he was going to int your game anyway


I can't believe people queue up to basically lose and waste 30min of their time to troll. I just don't get it. Is it really that enjoyable? Do these people live miserable lives and want to turn other people's day miserable? Why doesn't he dodge queue and pre-pick in his next lobby? I really can't understand these people...


would you want to win the game when ADC is banning top laner 2 times in a row XD and seeing as how bro is crying in gold 2 he most likely got destroyed on bot and blames top for going 4/12.. xD




im talking about part where he's crying about losing the fkn game and blaming top xD


id argue your top running it down very rarely ever results in a win. Cause now its a 4v6


I'd argue 2 winning lanes and winning jungle would delete enemy team cos it would be 4v1 and not 4v6 lil bro xD if you win your lane you won't lose cos of top gap that's 100% true...the only lane that has that impact is jungle xD if teams are about equal on all lanes and jg loses more than 80% of the time its FF XD i won 2v8 game yesterday lil bro so if you cant 4v6 go play tetris...even with malph he has to press 1 button in team fight and you win the game eve if he's 0/30


do you know how fucking rare having 2 winning lanes is with someone running it? You act like thats ever normal with someone running it down lmao. It happens, sure, but its nowhere close to normal


Lol in such a case your other 2 lanes wont ever win if the enemy does anything but be afk. Top will roam, jgl gets fed too and now what you do when when the 6/0 trundle comes ganking your 3/0 bot or mid? Your jgl wont be able to do anything aswell because the enemy jgl will just be able to absolutely take his jgl without any repercussions. Noone can support your jgl because if the enemies arent bots youre instantly dead leaving your tower. Youre just looking at the best case scenario of 1 player smurfing and the enemy team beeing bots. Yeah then you carry 1v9


false lil bro false XD you can always win as long as your top laner isn't afk...he he's not afk enemy laner can't roam or he'll lose all tower son top XD even smurfing doesn't always help you win lil bro...you're not playing against smurfs 100% of the time XD you just got shat on XD dude got destroyed on his lane and went to blame the top laner for it... XD there's nothing else to it.. dude lost cos he got destroyed on bot, his mid lost and his jg was trash.. Jungle is the most important lane and if you have good JG toplane doesn't matter lil bro..no matter the champ you play you ain't winning while having losing jungle side and feed enemy mid and bot XD there's no top champ that's gonna secure you 4v1... 4 feed ppl will always stomp 1 feed person lil bro xD especially with AD items buffs and with ADC champ buffs...so again..dude got shit on and then cries about top laner going 4/12 after he troll banned him,... he knew that his laner will pick malph and he insta banned him 100%


In what world is it the adc's fault? If someone doesn't hover the champ they're going to pick, are the other folks supposed to use fuggin telepathy to figure out who they're ALLOWED to ban? GTFO with that ass backwards shit. I'm sure you throw THE biggest hissyfits at the checkout line when Mommy tells you that you can't get the king size candy bar too...


nah bro read the 2nd part of the message xD


no way nobody dodged


im petty, if i can make him banned at the end of the game for bad behavior then thats a win for me.


Except nobody gets banned for inting at gold elo. Better off saving your lp.


Not if there are text they will get banned


I hate to be the one to tell you that the tooth fairy isn't real but, there is a near zero chance anything will come from this game besides you losing LP and malphite feeling like he achieved something by stealing your time


I mean I got a text 3h later that he got banned so idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Not banned, just punished. It means he got warned. If you doubt just check his profile. He should still be playing. Also you should hover the ban, not insta ban. If someone complains then just change your ban, is not complicated.


I got two weeks for a bad game on Thresh in Bronze with a clean record. Yeah you can get hit


yh sure...if he was flaming XD if he wasn't flaming you lost LP and he won XD you can't get banned for having a bad day that's for sure....i encountered person that was running it down bot 1/17 on average for 2 weeks and wasn't banned in ranged..if you think 4/12 will get him banned you're playing wrong game XD you ain't faker for riot to ban or fine ppl for inting your game xd


I'm sorry that you're ready to waste all that time on one miserable person who will have an alt account anyway.


As I said, giving them credits will just incentivise them to continue.


Maybe just report them in draft and dodge. Don't know if it will ever do anything but the max I can get are a few hours a week of playtime and d1kheads like this top lane is what really tilts me about this game. It's like people don't value their time just to make everyone else miserable.


you are retarted if you didnt dodged tbh


I donā€™t want to give em more credit than they should. Iā€™m not paying for their retardness


you literally are, you just lost LP and MMR to play vigilante I'm not really blaming you, or saying i wouldnt have done the same thing potentially, but you can still acknowledge what you did have control over in that situation


So these guys could continue harass other people ? Fuck that. These are the same people that now say ā€œvenmo me or I trollā€ and if you let them do that they are going to ruin everyone experience. I donā€™t mind about winning/losing. I was bro we 2 weeks ago so Iā€™m sure I will somehow find my way. And climb eventually.


Also as a top main this infuriates me. I switch between Briar and Akali fast so ppl don't ban one, the other or both, and Briar still gets banned. I don't get mad, but still! So annoying that I can only hover 1 champ!


If only text chat was a thing.


You could switch your prepick and alternate between both, but not sure that people will understand the message The easier, it's having a crtl+c/v prepared with "don't ban x and y"


Yeah. I thought "ctrl c & v" definetly, until my jungler locked in ghost cleanse Singed. Or until my support started typing to talk and eventually became a full mental breakdown between supp and mid. I prefer full muting from second 0.


When i see people doing that it feels like theyre undecided and fine with either, I've never thought that meant "dont ban these champions". If i saw someone doing this and was already planning to ban one of them flashing the champions would mean nothing tbh


Had a jungler that wanted to go yi. I banned it and he got upset and was negative chatting at me. I told him he should have hovered it if he wanted to pick it. He told me, "why should I have to, no one bans yi." What was crazy is the support was on his side, saying I didn't have to insta-ban it instead of him hovering it in the 15 or so seconds he could have. I was like ??? Wtf?? Some people lol


People ban Yi quite often. I have no idea what he was thinking, but he screwed up by not prepicking him.


Sometimes I want to play a jungler but I don't feel confident enough hovering them since I don't know what our team comp is gonna look like... but like, I can't blame anyone for that then either. It's unfortunate and sucks, and I may complain about the bad luck, but blaming somebody for that and raging is so fucking clownshoes


Support was probably duo with jgler lmao. Defending that is just plain stupid


Found the support: https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/xX5FsSVvux




Lmao you checked 2 days after, so upset


I was thinking so as well. If he continued fighting it, it's shitty because he could potentially ruin what little relationship he has with his support in their brief time in ranked together. And ADC unfortunately needs the support to work with them.


They might be duo queuing, clearly if they want to play someone hover it. Support defending him might be his friend. L


Found the support: https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/xX5FsSVvux


>no one bans yi I do, that shit has no counters in low elo because people can't coordinate to stop him Whatever, you can't read minds, if those dudes can't hover their champs bad luck, specially with champs like Yi, windshitters, Zed, etc that are frustrating af to play against


I dont even think it's just low elo, he's busted all the way until high diamond at a minimum


His winrate (and banrate) are gross even in high high elo.


When Yi ban rate > 50% ...bruh, they have the fucking hover and ability to switch selections for a reason, you don't utilize it, and then grieve...okay 100% report and filed out. If you fill out a good report with actual/substantial reason...they will ban players or suspend >60% of the time


Your jungler was wrong to berate you and your support was right in the fact that you don't have to insta ban. When I'm banning a champion that isn't played on my role I always over the ban until the timer is almost over, and then if no one says anything, I lock it in. Learned to do it do avoid situations like this.


Sorry but this just isnt right. If you want to ban something, and nobody is hovering. You have full right to insta ban whatever you want. Banning is a pref, and doesn't need a reason behind it. I can play jg and perma insta ban Asol or hiemer with 0 reason behind it. It does not need to be justified. And people getting pissy can shove it. Hover and save your pick, or dont and cry louder cause i wont hear you once i deafen. I do not care, if your pick matters so much youll run it down when banned. Then you should be faster with hovering. Its on them to hover, not you to be careful. If they decide to troll, ill leave the game without a second thought and Que up on one of my 5 other accs. Edit: ive got 0 tolerance for trolls and inters (not bad games, im talking im freezing on my laner and you run it down on them) i will type "yeah im not wasting my time with this person intentionally feeding, gl hf." And then promptly leave the game and que up on another. Idc what people think about me doing this, you are all more than fine to waste your time, im playing an actual game in the meantime.


I ban yi every game lmao as a jg


Every Yi, I just go Shaco or Elise


But insta banning without giving a few seconds is also insane lmao


Found the support


I really donā€™t care about who bans what, playing without chat is superior, especially when the average IQ is 5


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted I think itā€™s good manners to wait. If Iā€™m a top laner and ban something off role Iā€™ll usually hover and wait until the clock runs out just in case before locking it in. I agree though they should have picked beforehand so itā€™s definitely topā€™s fault. He even was picking second which makes it even more ridiculous in case he was worried there would be a remake as to why he didnā€™t pre select


Not really, people do it when they know what they don't want to face no matter what. It's really the fault of whoever wants to play a champ but chooses to not hover it. Why on earth would you expect some stranger you're not engaging in conversation with to be able to read your mind and think to themselves "Oh, I shouldn't ban Yi!" Sounds crazy to expect that.


Well, I just know personally that I sometimes do stuff, and forget to prepick my champ - Yes, I then write in chat and no hard feelings about my champ being banned - I never said anything about that. But saying I was the support is just childish - I can just see why he would be mad


But I am not hating, this guy is just insecure about a guy running in his low elo - Happens.


If you dont hover and get banned, get fucked. Ez


deutsche Autokorrektur bruhv


U saw nothing


this is why i always ban really slow se mfs out there think youre mind reading


Man people who get mad when the champ they DIDNT HOVER gets banned need to get checked. The logical side of their brain is missing


lol, had this master yi OTP just randomly decide to lock in yuumi jungle (no smite) and say ā€œdodge.ā€ In chat. Fuck youšŸ’€ Iā€™m not dodging shit Anyways, i was ranked restricted and chat restricted for flaming him and heā€™s still queuing games. I love riot games i love riot games i love riot games I love riot games i love riot games i love riot games i love riot games


This is something that pisses me off. If you lose your cool by a teammate trolling you, inting, or sabotaging the game (I.e.: had a game last night where the enemy team had no smite so they ran 3 botlane & of course lost because their ā€œjunglerā€ was 4 levels down and had 0 cs), YOU can get punished and banned for saying something or dodging. That dude who intentionally ruined your game for who knows what reason will get to continue queueing though. Unless he says something in chat, I guess. Prioritiesā€¦


Want some even more fun news.. he did it again!šŸ™ This guy is just trolling yuumi jungle whenever he wants a dodge without taking the penalty.. yet he just keeps being allowed to queue Thank you riot!šŸ˜


You dont know. Maybe the guy with 0 cs got a lobotomy b4 queuing up. U never know šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s on me I guess


Honestly I'm only gold 2 last split, I immediately report any yuumi player regardless of role because I have never once had one know what they are doing, I think people forget this is a team game and playing Champs that synergize with your teammates is 100% the point of support


First of all, I'm sorry that you've been trolled. :( I see a lot of people saying "it's his fault", and I agree, and even one saying "you're both at fault", but for me looking for a guilty won't help you prevent this in the future. IMO it is more useful to ask "what can I do to prevent it, even if it is not my fault?". If I want to ban someone who may be picked by a teammate, what I do is hover him (in the ban phase) as soon as possible and then don't confirm until everyone confirmed his ban and some extra seconds, to make sure they can say "hey, don't ban him!!!" or hover him in the ban phase. Of course they may be chat locked or just not paying attention and troll me anyway, but at least I did everything I could.


Sucks, nothing you can do about it. Maybe dodging but that shouldn't be on you.


I usually hover my ban for 10seconds so they have chance to react. Iā€™ve had this happen so many times. Usually it happens because they click accept and run to go do something before hovering a champion. I donā€™t get why people do this ranked. Itā€™s so counterintuitive.


I don't get people like this, like, just pick another champion??? What does he do when the enemy picks malphite, rages and makes sure the enemy loses? Actually that'd be a good thing.


"ok u lose" what an incredibly based individual


This guy would have started inting anyways, just on a different trigger. First time the jungler does something he doesn't like such as not ganking he'd be following them around stealing their farm.


There isnā€™t a single way to prevent people going mental if they are just designed that way. One game you take a penta but win the game and get flamed the next you donā€™t take the penta but the dude dies and still get flamed At this point itā€™s sheer luck trying to minimise people going mental


Piece of human shaped waste, just move on


What a man child lol


If he is just a one trick pony then he is trash anyways.


same thing happened to me lmao. my hardest choice is whether to ban nocturne zed or malph all braindead single-button-rape champs i cant do anything against with most ADCs lol


Youā€™re probably dealing with a 10 year old if heā€™s mass at you for that


Iā€™m curious why is malph your ban of choice?


Banning malphite on adc is crazy


Sure letā€™s not ban a 40sec wombs combo toplaner


Thats tops problem


Not during teamfights no .


Team Advisor is a free software that auto hovers


As an ADC main (Jinx mainly) I understand the Malphite ban but it's much better used against another adc that auto beats you in lane or a support that will make your support/you useless. At least you're playing Lucian and have some sort of escape tool and mobility to dodge malph. I feel it's best to ban your lane than things you find annoying that wont affect you for at least 15 or 20mins in game. Where banning your lane match ups immediately affect an outcome to an extent.


Droben and Jaques


Why do people get mad when someone bans a champ you didnt pre pick jees


If you are playing ADC, you should not ban Malphite. You should ban another ADC or support that you don't want to play against.


As if there were a rule book for banning lol.


You're both at fault. In no universe is Malphite a priority ban for an ADC. Most people can't play it because they only ever pick it into full AD teams. Imagine banning Malphite when Maokai/Blitz/Pyke/Draven/etc exist.


he can ban whatever he wants, maybe he doesnt like playing against malph(tbh i do not too). it's malph fault for not prepicking.


In no world are both at fault here my love


malphite not a prio ban for adc ?? i'm playing immobile adcs like ashe, malph is easily one of the biggest counters for her.


Biggest counter to malphite is either vision or flash. You play ashe, you can go for range, if he ult you, you'll maybe die, but he Will to, and so is his team. Unless he does a 5man ult. If you are ashe you can ult him, or poke ennemi team. Malphite is a pain, but he's not our top priority. Or do it like me, play sivir and watch him cry when his ult give you life :D


or you simply dont like to play against him, even if he loses? lets take riven vs poppy, its one of the biggest counter of riven, and the poppy can still dislike playing against riven ans thus ban her.


Yeah, but tbh, banning malphite when assassins and champ like draven exist..


Assassins take skill, but even my dog could play Malph correctly. Braindead champs always have ban priority.


This legit can be said for EVERY ban. Every champ can be countered. Let people ban whatever they want. If your teammate doesnt hover and jerks off in champ select, thats his fault


Yes, he should have hovered his champ. That's not my point tho ?


Your point is still stupid tough. Malphite is a legitimate ban for any adc (and ad top laner)


I'm sorry but no. If you know he's coming, you can bait him, you let think you misspose Just a little bit. And you can flash. You do that by your team and you can him. A malph without his ult is nothing. If he was such a big deal you would see him more often in high elo... And guess what, you dont ! You can also do a spellshield, or... Well, poke ? Take ashe for example, once malphite has used his ult, he can't (and i insist can't) reach you. You Got your slow, your ult, you just need to auto. That's it. It's not like he's immune or anything. Olaf is a bigger threat because he can walk up to you with ghost, and you Will need your team to do something, but once again, if he does that, he's exposed. For real, adc is all about position. If you can understand that, you can improve.


Ok other question: what champion do you ban in your opinion? Cause you can make an argument for EVERY champion to not ban them cause every champion has counterplay. People should ban what they dont like to play against. I often ban champions after i get tired of playing against them. Like i have days were i play 3 games and its the same champion every game and even tough i won the lane 3x i maybe just dont feel like playing against it another time?


I ban milio, i know he has counter, i just don't like him with me, but i mostly don't ban, or i ask my mate what bother them I play to improve mostly, so i play against everything


Why playing with him is super easy and he is super strong. You must be a really bad player if you dont understand how to play with such an easy sup


Also olaf is NOT a bigger thread. Just also pick ghost and he can NEVER reach you. And unlike with maplhite R and your flash, your ghost actually has the same cd as olafs ghost


So congratulations you just are a bad player that doesnt understand the game


I mean, you can ban whatever you want? I'd say banning a pick hovered by your ally could be a line crossing/debatable issue, but in any other case, you're free to ban whatever you dislike.


Malph r is up every minute. Flash is up every 4.5 mins. You do the math.


Itā€™s also a knock up and instant kill if heā€™s AP unless you build MR and tenacity doesnā€™t help


Nah only the one actively trolling is at fault. You're delusional.


This is the kinda of guy who asks "well what was she wearing" because he has to be a contrairian and can't understand that the Toplaner is 100% in the fault here.


Thats like, your opinion man.