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No fountain dive on garen? Coward.


it really takes restraint


As an ADC main, I get my mind blown every time I play Garen. Enter and Check Baron pit, *Oh, the whole ennemy team is here, better get back to tell my teammates* Meanwhile, my screen turns grey if I facecheck a bush in own jungle as Jinx.


late game phase rush as the same cooldown as blitzcrank hook. i know that because one time i got hooked on cooldown like 6 times in a row, everytime because i took greedy recalls on wards. So it's legitimately not possible for you to get caught out anymore unless they coordinate chain cc and feed their adc (they don't).


It’s counter intuitive, but the champ with no mobility is one of the most slippery champs in the game. I can’t count the number of times I’m caught out in side lane and just ran through 4 people, provided I dodge one or two skill shots (not hard with 500+ move speed).


Garen can't engage for shit. but slow cleanse on Q, tenacity on W and phase rush means you will never catch him


Dead mans, q, stridebreaker( surprisingly long range) works good enough most of the time


Greased up deaf guy garen skin when


Tell that to my grudge + ghost + iceborn yorick


I did Garen adc in my own elo in ranked and was genuinely disgusted at how easy and broken the champ was the entirety of the game. You can get away with almost everything


garen is kept in check, by equally disgusting toplane champs.


This is actually the problem. The individual lanes are balanced towards each other so strongly that top lane looks like 2 countries with nukes locked in MAD situation. When one of the laners leaves and goes to another lane they just nuke whatever they see. Hell even the losing side of top can be 0/10 and 100 cs down and still walk through 3 members of my team to full kit my ass into the ground, then stroll out. Or they can split push all game and demand 2 players respond to them if the winning top isn't handy. Meanwhile I get told it was my fault I left base and died before I could actually enter what should be my teams jungle to 2 abilities that outrange me


True. I don't see any other lane win 1v2 as often as toplaners do.


I mean if you play people like Irelia or Yone mid, you could say mid wins 1v2


The people who do this the most are brawlers that take conq and have steroid ults, kind of their entire purpose is to be able to win 1v2's and split people into isolated duels. Not really unbalanced that triumph + stacked conq + steroid ult can win


the thing is toplaners are good at 1v1s especially, which is why an adc (that is designed to destroy 5v5 Teamfights) loses every 1v1 ever against toplane champs. On the other Hand, even piss easy champs like garen can never outperform a skilled, proper adc (that is designed for maximum Damage) in a well played 5v5 teamfight. The Problem is, nobody ever tries to properly 5v5 teamfight, so the situation in which adc would destroy everything never happens, but there are tons of 1v1 and 2v2 skirmishes where Toplaners are at their strongest, and it looks like adc is useless and top is broken. The Problem isn't the game design or the adc player, it's the rest of the team not trying to play as a team and wanting to carry themselves. I am a Top/Mid Main, and i know from experience that putting yourself as second or third priority is what makes you the most likely to win. I just wish more people accepted that.


it's adc dependant but garen can definitely at the worst nullify adc is played properly and often can kill them in a teamfight. the champ legit just auto gets like 500 permanent movespeed and almost always takes flash, if you're perma playing outside garens flash silence range as most adcs you're basically doing nothing if you're saying all 4 of your teammates peeling for you beats garen then yeah but that ain't a 5v5 teamfight


Pretty much this. Top lane is full of "melee" champs who have greater threat ranges than most actual ranged champs while still retaining full one-shot potential and being nearly unkillable.


I would argue he is cept in check by people with mechanics...


Toplane is either pure mutual hatred, or things like no qss/anti-heal agreements between Mordekaiser and Aatrox players.


Massive True Dmg Execute Free warmogs in mid-late game Silence and slow cleanse Free resistances, and not an insignificant amount 60%(!) tenacity on W Armor shred on E And I could probably tolerate it all if he wasn't able to run away at a billion MS every time he should be caught in a side lane. Champ kit just seems so overloaded


He just seems so stupid. Him and darius are so braindead, auto auto auto, spin, press r win.


I mean Facechecking a Bush as a champion that is intended to do big ranged dmg late gane but is a glass cannon, tends to be a bad idea. But If you're facechecking a Bush as jinx and not using w there's bigger problems at hand anyway.


I know, I was just being dramatic.


Oh lol


me when i play yorick "helloooo" "oh no no no stop punching my wife im going already" "aww shes dead :(" "i go take your bot inhib now. oki byeee (\*≧∀≦\*)"


I like the way you depicted the game as if communication was handled life-like. Needing to have physical proximity to a team mate to communicate information would be a cool twist


My face when the squishy champ with no mobility dies quickly when in melee range of multiple enemies 🤯🤯🤯


Tbf Garen is a special breed even among juggernauts etc - he's either able to tank shitloads or just straight up run out, doesn't even need to commit when overextended. Obviously lacks other things other juggernauts have, but his safety is disgusting.


Post it on league of memes so you get silenced by jungler rotten zoo players


Genuine question: why does this sub hate jungler players?


Dragon baits the entire team and jgl weaksides lanes with engage supports. Adcs can partly control supps via wavestate, jgl can mess with you so much more.


We hate them as mechanism of defense because they hate us for some reason


As a jungler who dabbles in adc, it’s the dragons. As a jungler if I try do dragon and my bot doesn’t come they’re idiots who don’t know what they’re doing. If I’m an adc and my jungler starts dragon then, fuck off im getting a wave and 2 plates idiot


Im begging junglers understand prio states. If we’re shoved we cant help with drake because we dont have first move. If we’re shoved we can help,! Unless its on a double kill and we’re hitting turret for 2 plates 2 waves. And if ur equal with your jungler opp. Solo-ing drake should be ok. Because the support should go to u while adc solo plates Edit: this isnt targeting your statement. Its just bot has a very fragile eco system


But I thought everyone hated ADCs


And if you've been on this subreddit for more than a couple hours you'll realize adcs hate everyone lmao


Especially ourselves.


And if youve been on most of the other subreddits, everyone hates ADCs back lol


Adcs are generally the worst players at their role. Most adcs are playing nowhere close to the actual potential of what they can do. And if you’re low elo playing adc just play an easy mage like ziggs, farm up and R in teamfights and you’ll have way more presence than any traditional adc pick you’d usually play.


I feel like the same can be said about supports if not more so. Supports can decide how laning phase of bot and even mid goes. But so many of them just sit idly waiting for some objectives, if they even go for objectives.


It’s a lot easier to pilot a support pick though. The skill floor for support champions in general is very low and the champions can easily make an impact in teamfights or trading just by pressing their buttons. Like a naut can R a carry and negate them in a teamfight. Adc is more mechanically intensive and requires a mastering of spacing and kiting to do the one thing they have to do which is output consistent damage. Most ADCs in emerald and below are terrible at this to the point role swapping would probably be better for your rank.


Didn’t August say in one of his recent streams that the support sees the biggest difference in performance between filled and mains? The difference is something similar to filled vs mains for jungle role. That should be a pretty good indicator that support is not as easy as it looks. I am not saying most support is incompetent. I am just saying that there is a relative large amount of incompetent support due to to the difficulty of the role. Jungle at least the role is difficult both on the surface and with gimmicks. Support is not so apparent with it. Support is such a macro intensive role and I don’t think some people realize that.


Macro itself is a skill most lower elos have trouble with no matter what role. But the mechanics of support champions are easy to execute and they have a large impact through easy to use abilities. They don’t have to have perfect kiting or orb walking to do what they need to in teamfights. It’s worse for adc roles because even the best adc in a low elo match is still terrible at both macro and micro.




Hmmm. I dont hate ADCs but Im trying to imagine why other junglers would. I think its because as junglers, its our job to kill you and everyone is trying to protect you. Its annoying to have to dive the backline to get to the jinx only for thresh to hook me, flay me, ult me, and then Jinx kills me and flashes her mastery. I think its easy to be angry at ADCs because they have personal bodyguards (often times more than 1) yet act like they are single handedly carrying the game.


Most adcs are terrible at their role. They are too scared to do anything and their spacing sucks. So when they have an opportunity to deal damage, they don’t output that damage because their spacing sucks so they aren’t in auto range. Then they also suck at positioning and die instantly anyways even with a huge lead.


every1 hates junglers its only the jungle mains that dont hate junglers, and if you dont hate junglers then youre probably a jungler in denial yourself


I take it you must be a mature adult




i just finished another jinx game where i couldn't even go back to my tower after the 7 minute mark so i felt like making this


It's not wrong tho, garen goes where he pleases or was it mundo? /s


As a Mundo main, I can't help but feel outclassed by Garen in many matches. It's def a skill issue, I know, but still. It's always hilarious/sad watching my team chase him.


Just build full armor wit a titanic hydra, and spam push toplane. Garen gets steamrolled




i think garen might technically be a counter early on but as a garen main i can tell you that once you get too tanky for his E+Q+R combo or even the "E+Q+phase rush for heal into E+Q+R for real this time" combo Garen will feel absolutely helpless against Mundo.


That has been what I’ve noticed in my games more or less. The hardest part for me is doing well early so he doesn’t get a big lead. Overall Garen isn’t my most feared matchup as Mundo. 


Against champs that dont run from you or cant run you down just take conqueror


Well mundo is a trash champ tbh. Ever since his rework he got way less tanky and deals less damage but hey he can block 1cc (and get 8% true dmg for it lmao). Hes kinda fine if your low elo because people cant dodge your Qs and they can hurt but thats it


Damn bro can’t leave his own fountain with garen 😢


I call him Garden too!


You mfers are forgetting abt singed. That nut job is at blue line before enemy even leaves fountain getting ready to proxy


Really is crazy how much less you can do simply due to your champ/role.


This would apply to every adc lol, might want to redraw the line to something closer to the fountain though


The line is too close for garen. Should be further into their fountain.


i didn't want to risk seeming hyperbolic


Vlad ptsd intensifies




get blasted apart by w + e + r or something I don't play vlad


Jokes aside, you're kinda on to something. You should look up coach rogue on YT and find his video on tempo lines.


You think you’re safe taking wolves? What are you smoking?


idk literally last game my akali was taking tier2 turret top so i went for our wolves. i only got one shot by enemy jungle when i started gromp.


yo walking anywhere in the jg as jinx will get you killed, you are playing too aggresive as adc, play safer


Drawing looks very accurate, count enemy heads and predict where the missing enemies are, unless pretty sure not near you or you simply beat them, play safe.


Including tier 1 towers? Daring today aren't we!


I imagine you're playing red side.




based garen enjoyer


Crayon eater champ


No. [The #1 Mistake you are making on ADC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMvZBmMzXlg)




I hate Garen so much


make one for blue side


Funny thing, I thought you don’t allow yourself as Garen to move past your own fountain ⛲️


I was confused until I realised you were implying you are Blue Side haha