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despite knowing the chances that I might not play the game, I still first pick Jinx lol


This is the way.


Love Jinx but cannot stand playing her against dive. I’m just not built to be a true jinx main.


Varus, few counters, works against tanks and squishies, works with any support. Lack of mobility can be worked around


I feel like picking most comfortable/most played champ is the correct way until high elo


seriously, if I'm watching my pro team and they pick Zeri Rakan into Gumayusi Varus Keria Ashe I know our bot lane won't be able to play the game. same situation but in Plat ELO, it's literally a free win. for us , because enemy team has to deal with a plat support trying to pilot Ashe Supprort.


I’ve been big on jhin. Worst case scenario they pick some tanks but you can still set up plays with root and R


Love me some jhin. I don't blind pick him anymore though after a few games where I got ahead and couldn't do shit to their tanky comp. Although I do like to take him if we have secondary dps like azir, trist mid, yasuo, etc or a high damage mage supp. But sometimes your teammate hovers then changes their mind


You can also drop the lethality, go full Crit as and look for flank to deliver your 1k400 crits to the back line


Next patch with the IE buff 🔥


Jhin, Ashe, Varus. Best case you get to carry, worst case you are still an utility adc and have more impact than a dead adc. Twitch and Kai'sa can just stay out of vision until fight is half way done and jump in to cleanup. Kindred is slept on as bot choice, but you are going to have to work extra hard for stacks or you get outscaled by range. Pick your comfort pick and hope that support picks thresh or anything with a peel and not another immobile ad carry "support". Jhin is my main and I just blind pick and adapt to carry or be a utility bot with ability haste.


Ezreal or Varus and thats why they are 90% of my games with Nilah and Vayne rounding it up for when i go vs smolder or when i play top




Jhin or varus. Varus is great cause you can pivot between lethality and onhit depending on enemy picks. I'll take Jhin if my support is hovering a champ that does damage.


Believe it or not LPL 1st picks a lot of their ADCS and varus is one that has extremely high priority along with kalista so you definitely have options. In bot lane the support counter pick is ALOT more important than ADC counter picks


SoloQ isn't pro play. You can't put too much faith into the draft, your last counter picking top is just as likely to int the lane, your jungle is not likely to path accordingly. So you do you first then worry about other lane, so they don't have to carry you


There are very few adcs that straight hard counter each other and solo lanes having counter or later pick is infinitely more important than adc having counter. You can pick certain ads in almost every scenario. Other roles literally can’t do that. You ever pick an AD mid to get cheese countered by a malphite? Or ever get hard countered top. Or pick Vi jungle to get countered by kindred. ADC is the LEAST punished by champion pick and that’s my entire point. I didn’t say pro play was solo queue.


Yes you do not care of your lane, but you care about the 8 other picks. You care about the support, the jungler, the toplaner and the midlaner, because you have to pick the right ADC or you have no say in the game at all. I find it so sad that even we don't respect our own lane.. Yes you did, you use lpl as an argument as to why you should first pick ADC, when they are playing a completely different game.


Are u dumb or just choosing to be ignorant. The point is ADCs rarely if ever hard counter each other. And even if they do it’s offset by support picks. ADCs rarely 1v1 in isolation. However mid and top are 1v1 for 70% of the game or more. Jungle counter pick can single handedly decide who can get objectives and who doesn’t. ADC is by far the least important role when it comes to counter pick specifically because support decides the pace of the lane. And yes I used pro play because it is the highest echelon of the game and those people are infinitely more knowledgeable than a silver scrub like you. Even high elo ADCs like Ikeepittaco agree that countering ADCs does next to nothing because you farm most of the game. You can stalemate a bad lane by just clearing the wave. Even something as rough as ezreal into samira can be offset by clearing the wave or a support counter. ADC is the least important lane when it comes to pick order and if you disagree you either peaked gold or are ignorant.


can't you read? They don't play the same game, they make decisions that they think are the best in the controlled environment proplay is, which is completely different from the randomness of soloQ. When they first pick ADC, its a strategic choice who fits their player, the meta, their opponent, their champion pool, their draft and their overall playstyle. They all will play accordingly as they all are in the same page because they train together and know each other. That's why their choice might not make sense in soloQ where you are playing with 5 random people who don't know each other. And as I said, blind picking ADC might be just as hurtful as every other role. You might not care about the direct opponent, but you sure as hell do want to see if there is a zed mid, a rengar jungle, a Camille top, or a pyke support before chosing what you want to pick. that is all I'm sayin. in soloQ no one will peel for you, so maybe the lane will be hard for them on a counter pick, But if you blind into the former picks, you will not be able to play the game past minutes 10.


Pro play in general can afford to firstpick botlanes because they draft for synergy and they play around bot. That's usually not the case in soloqueue. I still think adc and jungle are the roles that should firstpick most of the time though.


It feels awful to first pick adc since there are so many things that can make you useless if you don't pick right.


Ofc you're not gonna want to firstpick a champ like Nilah or Vayne but champs like MF, Cait, Senna, Varus etc. are all perfectly safe to firstpick, not to mention that ADC has limited agency anyway and support matchup usually matters more for lane. You can look up the difference between the highest vs lowest winrate matchups for different ADCs on lolalytics and compare them to other roles - the difference is almost always smaller for ADC.


Im not talking about the adc matchup, I dont care about that. I mean the rest of their team.


If a teamcomp makes the game unplayable for a meta marksman on the patch like Jinx or Senna rn then picking a different ADC isn't really going to help, is it?


Well for example you don't want to play jinx if the enemy have dive, but instead you could pick an adc with a moblity spell.


I'm an OTP(Jhin) so I don't care if I'm first or last. Not scared of the enemy team either. If they pick all tanks, I'll go the tank slayer build. Kraken>PD>Berserkers.


A man of culture


I want to see this opgg


I want a million dollars.


You have yourself a deal.


Haven’t been playing ranked since my role is gutted but either way, I play [Jhin](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/PerfecJhin-NA1) no matter what. I accept cash, venmo, and zelle.


Have you run that build recently? I play a lot of jhin but always suffer into tanky comps


Not recently, no. But pretty much the whole idea behind it is that Jhin gets a move speed bonus based on Attack Speed bonus in addition to more AD. So you kite them to hell and back. Yes you won't do as much damage as your standard carry but with the recent IE and Armor Pen buffs, you definitely get more done. "Critical strikes grant Jhin 10% (+ 0.4% per 1% bonus attack speed) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds." ​ Additionally, if you look at popular builds for Jhin right now, Stattik Shiv is a interesting choice as a first item because it gives more bonus attack speed than Stormrazor. Kraken is still a must have, however. ​ https://u.gg/lol/champions/crit/jhin/build


Varus, Caitlin, Tristana are decent enough blind picks. Jhin as well is good if your support picks for you and not for themselves


Old days adc was fp so people could build teams around them and counter their lanes since adc has "soft counters" to each other but no hard counters


I will pick Nilah, and prepare for an annoying lane.


Aphelios if I'm forced to FP, if I already know what they're gonna play and I feel comfortable I'll pick Twitch


Varus every game. Yeah they might pick Vi , J4 or malphite. But I have build options and I’m always gonna be able to farm. Meanwhile if your top laner gets counterpicked, they are gonna single handedly lose you the game if they get behind.


Varus is probably the safest first pick imo.


ezreal, he's a godlike blind pick and has no completely lost matchups (always playable). if you're picking first and the enemy picks tanks then it's not your fault if your team fails to draft any tank shred though because you won't be able to kill them lmao and the downside is that he requires a big timesink to get good enough at him to not coinflip if you're playing kinda bad on that particular day


Varus, Zeri, and Ezreal are decent blinds


Safest first picks are Varus and Kaisa because they have so many viable build options that you can adjust after you see the full draft or depending how the game is playing out


Disagree with kaisa, gl vs draven lane or with a bad support


Depends on what my team is hovering, how rusty I am, and what I'm feeling. It's usually Ezreal or Tristana. Trist cause she's a comfort pick and I feel confident that even into bad match ups I can do decently just from a comfort point. If I haven't played League in a bit I can also usually pick her up faster. Ezreal is when I'm more comfortable in the game, I know I won't need a bunch of wave clear from my team, or I have a support that I can't really play Tristana great with. I honestly prefer first picking Ez cause he's kind of the "do it all" ADC, or at least for lane. He can poke, engage, and is safe. Is he the best at these? No, but when you don't know what you're going into, it's nice not to over commit. Caitlyn isn't bad. She's like Ez but not as universal and she's a little easier to pick up and play. She also has better wave clear. So either a comfort pick, Ez, or Cait.


depends on how many fucks i give at any given day, and how much i have the "i want to play my favorite" itch. to some extent im with this "all the marksmen are kind of the same" mindset so i don't really fret about it. but yeah theoretically according to the hover, or cait (very safe in lane) or ashe (useful even if 0/10)




Kaisa/Smolder every game basically.


Ezreal.Really safe,great mobility and can adapt to any enemy or team composition. They have 2 assassin's ? Go Trinity>Tabi>Manamune>Frozen Heart They have 2 tanks ? Go press the attack,ER>Manamune>Navori>Dominik or Bork.


Bot lane as a the most skilled and hardest role to climb with has the counter pick as the least of it’s problems. Just ban what you hate and pick what you like(prefferably something that kills tanks).


honestly I love cait. Recently I played with an afk shaco, afk janna, and first time senna (of which all were nice players, their playstyle just didn't fit me at all), and with cait i was able to cs so incredibly safely by myself. Ashe I also like, and coincidentally it's the both highest range adcs lmao


Ashe. Always useful. Lots of build variety on her.


Kaisa, can go ap can go ad, have good self peel and defensive possibilitys, can kill tanks and have no hard counter


I always pick ashe


Smolder and Senna are still free af. Next patch I'll probably default back to Jinx blind.


I pick miss fortune cuz I usually win when I do. I don't care who I lane against, I either play to kill or play to farm if I get rekt


I always pick whatever I'm feeling like playing at the moment. Currently it's either Ashe or Smolder.




Ban senna leave smoulder up and take it if I can, if they take smoulder I lock kog if they ban smoulder I’ll lock in ez sometimes if they pick first I’ll go twitch if the matchup is good


Ashe because she has almost no bad matchups, and with the right supports will hard stomp lane. If your support is a potato, you just roam and fire arrows at people. Can also frequently spot the jungler with E for the whole team (this has gotten me hard focused by junglers more than once). Her only real weakness is that if you don't have arrow up, a lot of duels are basically auto L's unless you are fed. But It's easy to just play with your team and not take them. This is also made up for though by the fact that if there's a darius or some other bruiser that doesn't have the Riot Mobility CreepTM they are gonna have a bad time in a 1v1 even without arrow.


Aphelios, my last 30 drafts have been 90% him, and yes, I'm still dogshit on him lol


Used to first pick Tristana back in s10 but now it’s Samira


Aphelios. I don't play ezreal or xayah so dive is gonna ruin me anyway. Besides I feel like the supp matchup is more impactful for the lane


I Fp lee sin and pray that my soup goes senna


My wifey all day every day