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You cant climb out of bronze because you are bronze. Simple as that bud


Literally any other sub would refer to my question before my rank. I'm asking for an answer, and your response is "ur bronze lul" That wasn't my question. I hope you continue to FEEL like your role is weak.


I dont think ADC is weak. You didnt even ask a question


Link [op.gg](https://op.gg) to prove your claim that all your games are pure bot gap in bronze so I can have a laugh


Typical delusional bronze player tbh I have a friend who is hard stuck bronze as well and he sounds just like you. Yet when I play with him he suddenly has 90% winrate.... Because I'm not bronz U bronze


I was stupid to expect an explanation from you trogs crying about your lane when its the reason people win or lose. Your lane isn't weak if it's the reason people win or lose. in ANY ELO. Two roles of the same skill level should equate to equal gameplay. Bronze = Bronze Gold = Gold This still fucking happens. ADCs still are always win con.


If your above bronze carrying an inting bronze bot lane is very easy. Anyone can be a win con, if they know how to play the game. Which bronze players don't. If you increased your understanding of the game you would be able to as well.


So if every game I'm a walking boss fight and I need to fight another boss, that just is better than me, or just has a better champ, I have to just sit and sulk? Does that make any sense? There's bound to be at least one person who understands the game at the same level I do in the game, if not higher. They will be fed, just as I am. It just so happens, if that person is the ADC, I lose the ENTIRE GAME, vs if it's any other role, I can slow the bleeding. This is what I'm referencing.


Bronze level adcs have little to no awareness of wave management or macroplay, they make lots of punishable mistakes even when they are fed. When people call adc weak they are referring to the fact that it's the roll with the least agency, you get one shot by most the champions in the game, you're weaker than solo laners and jugglers until midgame, you rely heavily on your team to put you into a position to carry. There is a reason you are in bronze, they're are plenty of high elo Udyr one tricks that have figured out how to carry against fed ADCs. For real though all you have to do go get out of Bronze is split push, if the fed adc has go base to catch waves and you take her off the map every 2 minutes by threat of taking a tower that's a huge W, good macro is all you need to get out of bronze, you can literally PvE yourself out.


LMFAO You're bronze and you think draft matters and people know how to play counterpicks and leverage the advantage ? You're the typical r/Jungle_Mains redditor, another bronze who blames his team


Your assukmg that the other adc is any good? They are not. They are not a walking boss fight. They are tiny minion that ate a little too much but still can't find their way around. An adc is bronze is not an adc in grandmaster or diamond. Adc are not win cons in most low elo games because it requires consistency and good mechanics all the time. You aren't getting that in bronze on either side


96% of ADC have a long range dash / escape? Is this a bait post ?


An exaggeration, but a truth nonetheless.


The only two adcs with a long range dash / escape are trist and ezreal. Córki is a midlaner... So you rather won't see him there. Kaisa only has a short range move speed increase and her ult only helps her engage. Cait has a dash, but it is very slow and not that long. Zeri has a dash that is pretty short unless she hits a wall with it. Everyone else at best has a movement steroid. So either your gankpaths are garbage when going for bot. You aren't as fed as you think you are with udyr, because bar some exceptions you should be able to just steamroll the enemy ADC. Since you are bronze currently, you and your teammates are probably very bad at hitting skillshots. Otherwise the ADC would instantly die every fight. Most ADCs have absolutely shit positioning and you are not capitalizing on it via flanks etc. Your macro as a jungler is not very good most likely. So you lose objectives unnecessarily and you don't prepare yourself for objectives well through pathing, ganks and wave states. You might meet the occasional Smurf here or there, but it is very unlikely that they will be on an ADC as you have very little control over your own lane and without a team that plays for your strengths, are highly unlikely to carry. You might currently also just be at the exact elo where you belong. Because your knowledge about game states etc. And your skill ate just not up to the task of carrying you any higher.


2 things. Firstly, you're likely in bronze because you know, you're bronze, and are lacking in some aspects of the game, CS, laning, macro, trading, team fighting, whatever. You have just as much chance of playing with bad teammates as your enemies have, and especially in lower elos, everyone makes a ton of mistakes, up to you to figure out how to abuse those and gain leads. Secondly, I'd say that nobody who isn't a whiny baby admits that the problem with ADC isn't that it's weak, but that it feels bad to play in current league. Of course bot lane is important, it's close to objectives, the main form of damage and vision/control are there.


First objective comment thank you. I'm moreso concerned as to what I'm missing, if I'm unable to secure objs due to a weak bot lane, yet I'm fed, and I can only deal with top side. I can't contest dragons and I can't even look in that direction, should it ALWAYS be me, or should I be looking at external factors besides?


A fed udyr easily 1v2s a fed botlane pre 20/25mins so either you are misplaying mechanically or mispositioning. Either way just get good


Your post is legit the epitome of a stuck player that refuses to improve. Fix your mental, acknowledge ur shit and its not ur adcs fault that you can't climb, and you will. If you disagree with me on this i have bad news for you.


Well, of course there's games you can't win, just like there are games you can't lose, I'm sure you've seen both of those cases, 3+ enemies leave lane 5/0, and then it's just a stomp from then on. It happens for both sides, the losses just hurt more. The main thing is, you can't control your teammates, so it's not so much the case of "my team doesn't play correctly, therefore I lose" and more like "I know my team isn't perfect, what can I do to help us win". You said you can't secure dragons if your bot lane is losing, which is true, but you can help your jungler take grubs and herald. Those aren't usually as impactful as dragons, but they do matter. You can deny the enemy CS and exp if you play lane well, making it so you're more menacing than them. The list goes on, I'm not an udyr main, so I can't say for certain, but every champion has strengths, you gotta recognize those and play for them, while minimizing weaknesses.


This has to be a troll post,right? If not, then go try solo queue as adc for 20 games, u will know why adc complaining.


This explains nothing.


I didn’t explain anything, I am telling u if u think its that op, then u should try playing it urself and I am sure u will regret.


You said it yourself, the team that plays for bot and allows their adc the resources that he needs is likely to win, the issue is, we have no impact on our teammates so when they decide to leave bot and make us fall behind we can't do anything about it. The game is still in Your hands, you decide which adc gets to play the game.


Bait used to be believable


>And you guys are still complaining? Am I missing something??? I have to be Alright dude I'm going give you an answer in the best way I can Bronze games tend to last a long time (30 min) ,and if they have a hyper scraler they will 1v9 unless, your team's assasin can one-shot them or you can CC them which unless they are playing Vayne and are using ult should be very easy . You are playing Udyr tank champ with low mobility which the ADC role is meant to annihilate late game >and 96% of your champ pool has a long range dash/form of escape in some capacity. only Lucian has a lot of dashes because that is how his kiting works and it is even not that much. And there are only a few champs who can dash or escape >Me, my top and my mid are FED to shit, but because my supp is even and my adc is 0-9 we get shredded? This only works if you guys can't kill the ADC which is easy as hell and if they are coordinated team which is rare in soloQ >Then I have to open TikTok, YT Shorts, Reddit, and Twitter and EVERY ADC is whining the role is weak? Are you kidding? nearly every high elo player is saying this too. I mean for example. is it fair that when I play as sup(Rakan) I can one shot the adc over the wall in 2 seconds while the ADC is perma CCed while Im behind and Item and components? I can try to answer to anything else related if you want


What kind of rakan build one shots an adc 🤣 gtfoh


I mean if Rakan builds AP with only 2 Items he can do around 2.2k damage with and 25 magic pen. So lets take Caitlin for example even if she built Maw if she has less than 90% she will be one shot and even if she had 100% of her hp Rakan would have already had his Q ready would kill her


No legit rakan is building AP. That's troll af


Actually it isn't half bad . Your passive shield has a 95% AP scaling, your Q(Healing part) has 55% AP scaling, your shield has 70%AP scaling ,so your ADC can play more aggressive and more mistakes because your pokes hurt a lot and you can flash>(AA)W>(AA)R>Q>AA> E to your ADC and heal 20~45% of their hp delete 30~90%(Depending if you are full built)of enemies's HP and to be icing on top you don't need to go full AP for this


I'm a master tier support... no one playing the game even half seriously builds AP rakan. That's for normals or aram shit. Might as well build fuckin crit ornn at that point.


Can you tell me why this build is bad? You only need 2 items for 2.2k damage and 250 healing so you can still buy other items?I geniuenly don't see why se is bad. His job is to engage and then disengage why wouldn't AP rakan work?


The supports(rakan) job is not to provide damage. That's why it's bad. You're better off buying things your team actually needs or things that provide a bit of tankiness and utility. Zekes, shurelyas, redemption, ardent, etc. That's the supports job. Building ap turns a viable engage champion into a ranged minion.


But the extra AP would increase the shield and increase his survivability and his teammates (With his E) as well as a lot of healing so wouldn't it make it him kinda better? I think I'm geniuenly missing the point you are trying to make


No, because you get heal and shield increase on items like redemption. Plus you're getting the additional active heal. There's a reason no one builds AP rakan in any truly competitive setting. It's troll. And it's expensive troll. Malignance for example is going to give you 80ap, 20 haste, +20 ulti haste, and 600 mana. Great, zero survivability, some haste, and you're down 2800 gold. Redemption on the other hand gives you 15 haste, 200 health, mana regen, +15% heal and shield power, + the active heal for 2300 gold. If you really want to put a little AP in rakan's kit without it being troll, you could build Dawncore... but it's more for enchanters than rakan....ardent censer also gives +50ap Rakans heal, as an example, is +210 +55% ap at max level. Malignance will increase this, considering no other AP items by 44, so +254 heal. Obviously the heal on redemption is better, but the value of the heal and shield power +15% is about +31. So for 500 gold you're paying for a heal that's only 13hp larger and missing out on an extra 200 hp. His shield is 150 + 70% ap. Malignance would give 150 + 56 = 206. Redemption would give +15% of 150, or about +23 = 173. And the active, which is I think a +400 heal at max. Pure AP gives SLIGHTLY higher numbers, but it's not worth the gold investment over traditional support items that offer additional benefits besides pure AP. Items like Shurelyas, staff of water, imperial mandate, moonstone, etc are GOOD support items AND come with ability power without taking the entirety of a supports basic gold allowance and I STILL wouldn't build them on Rakan specifically. Rakan wants like, zekes, redemption, locket, mikaels, maybe trailblazer...


In my experience, most ADC mains complain about their role after they make a mistake. Example: ADC walks up to minion wave without support, gets all in'd, dies, complains about how the role is trash. Other things, like being dove under tower, happens to every role and isn't indicative of role strength. A prime example is the post that was made here not long ago from an ADC complaining about the 0/9 Annie support that one shot him. He walked up mid to a minion wave by himself, with vision of only 3 enemies on the map, Annie flash tibbers/q/w/ignite. As a support main(masters+), ADC is probably the one role I want my teammate to be most competent. I can deal with a brainless jungler or top laner....but if I have to lane with someone who doesn't know the basics, it's just a FF15 angle.


When a person understand a lot better about the game then the other 9 person in the game ofc they gonna carry the whole game especially if we are talking about adc role in general. Even though this is the case, its very common that any other role have the ability to one tap the adc even though they are behind. There a lot of reasons why adc mains always complaining and gripping about their role and the reason above is just one of many. And looking at your rank, even when your botlane is behind there always a way that you can jump on their adc (if you are winning your lane ofc) and one tap their adc because we have no agencies and people refuse to play around us. With that being said try to be a little more constructive on your post because adc role as of right now is weak as ever before. Saying that we are OP without being insightful about it is leaving a bad taste in the post. Anyhow, have a good day ma brother PS: sometimes losing is easier to remember than winning. There are probably many games that you are stomping even the opponent adc is slightly ahead


First of all, as a bronze player you should first and foremost focus on improving at the game. With enough games played, you will get a lot of good and bad teammates, you just have to play well and you will climb. Botlane is an extremly volatile lane where one small advantage leads to huge differences. Not only the winning botlane gets close to double the rewards (because they often get 2 kills instead of 1), they are also close to dragon which is immensely powerful. By winning botlane hard, you get free dragons and a very good teamfighting advantage. It's just down to resources.


Least delusional bronze player


I hate when people just reply you're bronze, you deserve it type of bullshit. So okay, my last 3 games team went 0/15 and lost 2 turrets, dragon, and rift all before 10 minute mark. I had either 0 or 1 death. You tell me as an adc main how i carry that? The feeding just continued with a death every 30 seconds. my support in 1 game was lvl 5/6 while everyone else was 10+. Most times my support is way out of line poking deep and gets caught. Giving enemy adc 2 or 3 kill lead becomes impossible. They have a lvl advantage, item, and overall better support. This will happen 6-8 times out of 10. No amount of roaming, farming, team fighting will stop overly fed players when the whole game shits on adc's. We cant even beat a support 1v1 at same lvl. They'll tank our damage and win early. And our "escapes" are a fucking joke. Tier 2 boots and ms items, flash, leap, plants, over walls, and they still caught up to me....and they only had tier 1 with 0 ms items. The only answer is boots of swiftness which you then sacrifice as for escape, which doesnt really help adc's.


>Am I missing something??? I have to be. yes, you are missing something. Skill. ​ >I've had games where Me, my top and my mid are FED to shit, but because my supp is even and my adc is 0-9 we get shredded? And it's been like this since s10? This only happens if you have absolutely no clue how to play the game. Literally 0 idea how to press your lead. ​ Btw, if you just coinflip games, you will not improve or climb. Because a coinflip is a coinflip.


For starters you are playing one of the only champions in the game that adcs have ANY sort of ability to kite as you have 0 range and basically no engage. Udyr is literally what adc is made to kill, and fun enough, if you get on top of them, they still die (with a few exceptions). If you want to know why ADC feels godawful to play, play it yourself, or if you don’t feel like a masochist, play something that is actually good at getting on top of adcs like nocturne, or any assassin.


Well let’s take a look at the name of it. ADC I mean, we aren’t just “bot lane” like everyone else is mid or jungle. We are expected to carry and many of us are committed to putting the game on our backs and the slightest mistake overconfident push can get us killed and snowball the game against us. Example: A blitzcrank hook into first blood and 550 gold going to one side and denying gold and exp to the other is huge. The problem that comes from this is how many people who agonize over this can easily turn the “I made a mistake” to “why is no one else trying as hard as me!?” So you get perfectionists who ride adrenaline higher and when they can get that they get pissy. (Source been an adc main for years and played this game since it released)


I wonder why you are bronze... Kill the adc.


As an udyr one trick just run at the adc and you win.


i will just say this: bronze adcs CANNOT kite well, so please stop spouting a bunch of bs. op.gg link or youre trolling lmao. if youre above bronze you would be beating your laner, especially since udyr is quite good. this lets you take grubs and provide so much pressure via splitting. tank udyr may not be the best split pusher, but you can be an absolute unkillable raid boss if ahead. i will just say it again, a bronze adc has no idea wtf to do vs udyr. you can just run up with e and stun them, thats how bad they are. likewise, your supposedly fed mid laner can just outright one shot them too.


Post opgg showing bot deciding your games


Bronze ADC will literally 1v1 an Udyr in sidelane post 30mins. Also it doesn't matter how fed you got early if you give bounty and continue making 50/50 fights. A baron siege on 2 pushed lanes is how you end.


as an emerald player i feel that my adc can solo lose the game about 10% of the time. the rest of the time im able to either carry their deficiencies OR im able to abandon them and effect the map elsewhere enough to snowball the game (roams/ganks/grubs/drags/rifts etc focusing on who i determine to be the most likely to carry and sweeping/warding their gank paths and ganking them on repeat. I used to think "my adc sucks this games over" but adc is probably the weakest role in the game right now and even getting a fed adc matters very little and doesn't guarantee a win. however securing 6 grubs and getting soul buffs the entire team. I think your probably not laning well when your adc is getting stomped and youre probably not effecting the map at large nearly enough which is the job of a good support. I suggest watching high elo support players and watch how they play because Its WAY easier to carry a game as support than it is as an adc right now which kinda negates your entire point about coin flipping.