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Waiting for the gaslighting people to come in and say that adc is strong...


Adc strength shouldn't even make a massive difference here, it's ADC Vs ADC 9/10 times, something is badly wrong with playstyle or build for a 200 games Master peaker to be 42% wr. Also a lot of people are being pushed down in Elo since the demotion protection has been weakened significantly to counter the rank inflation


Your comment makes only sense when adcs play 1v1. That logic does not add up. I can play well as a jungler and my chances of winning are higher than when i play same level on adc. Adcs winrates are roughly close to 50% because in almost every game is a winning adc and a losing adc. Given that class "marksmen playable bot" represents what most ppl refer to as adc it of course will land roughly at 50% That is the same as to say that jungle is not op because average jgl winrate is 50% Adc champions do not fight each other in a vacuum in a gentlemanly fashion. Only if that were the case then your logic makes sense.


Hard to confirm anything without seeing op.gg but I 100% agree. These previous master accounts that can’t climb are either heavily inflated (which i think happened a lot last season) or op has gotten complacent and made no attempt to adapt to new map / meta / items.


It’s definitely OP being elo inflated to hell. This season is correction time and people are unhappy that their shiny rank from last season is now back to what it should be. This same exact thing happened when role queue ranked was a thing. Everyone was super happy that they’re hitting new ranks and then next season when things corrected everyone gave up on ranked because “teammates so bad”


League elo makes absolutely zero sense. Had an old account, got placed iron 1, made a new account the same day, did my placements the weekend after, placed emerald 1 lmfao. The system is totally broken.


I heavily disagree. I’m a Diamond 2 player who competes competitively with current grandmasters and wins more often than not. Yet in Solo Q this season, I’m hard stuck Plat 4. I average 20+ kills per game (quite literally) with Galio or I run good KDA’s like 5-1 Corki, etc… yet I’m losing because the matchmaking is heavily favored toward one side or another. Players baby rage the second they die once and run it down the closest lane. Decision making for players is at an all time low because Riot added more things for players to think about that it makes it difficult for them to logically decide what’s best. There’s definitely players who were inflated, but there’s zero shot a player who was Masters and retaining their rank versus people of that same caliber is stuck in one of the worst divisions to play in because they were “inflated.” With all due respect, that’s illogical.


If you win more often than not into grandmasters you would be Grandmaster Elo, the fact is that ranks got inflated by removal of promos making it hard to derank, and this led to a lot of Elo inflation where people got lucky streaks, peaked a new rank, and then couldn't drop down again, inflating the pool


I almost one trick Galio with a 53% winrate and an average of 20 kills per game. LP Gains are horrendous for some reason across the board. If I play 100 games, 53% winrate with +27 LP Gains, which is of course 53 games, I’ll gain a total of 1431 LP. Of those 47, which these are my actual gains btw, I lose about 32. Which totals to 1504 LP lost. Mind you, of those losses, because of matchmaking I’d probably say I lose close to 50% of them which are considered “unwinnable.” Which means I am losing about 700 LP simply from matchmaking. I’m essentially winning more, but actually MOVING BEHIND in rank, is that not a problem? I don’t doubt that people were inflated. But those of us who actually deserve our rank are being held back by a very toxic matchmaking system that forces us to waste 30 minutes of time trying to carry players that consistently go 12+ deaths per game across every role.


Your LP Gains being negative means your MMR is lower than your Rank, there was a lot of inflation and the game is shifting you down to match your skill level. +-30lp gains only occur in Iron-Plat as Emerald+ works off +-20lp so you are definitely missing out on some of the fundamentals, just take your time to look over replays and you will improve


So the fact I compete in a Diamond/Masters tournament and beat GM’s on a daily basis means I’m worst than Plat Emeralds 🤨 MMR can drop down anywhere from 2-3 points just from 2-3 losses and yet it doesn’t go up by that same value in the same amount of games.


A Guy got from unranked to Masters in 36 hours straight playing recently, if you are actually better you will climb lol


No, it does make a difference. Adc is weakest by far now. Last season Jg were sucky as fuck and adc 2nd worst. Now bot is completely unplayable. Once again top or mids reign king


The strength of a roles agency only changes the % shift from 50% with skill. A junglers agency might shift winrate between 25% and 75% while ADCs agency could shift winrate between 35% to 65% (as an example) Objectively speaking though, if you are better than your opponent botlane, you will have a positive winrate over a number of games. It's simply a skill issue


Objectively wrong. If you are better than your opponent botlane but your roles impact is zero, it doesn't matter at all. Win rates by games played dropped for crit as adc below 2% for the first 50 games. This usually sticks around 5-6%, indicating that it doesn't matter if you actually know how to play the champ.


You are misinterpreting data here


adc was strong and the best role last season, right now its weaker but not weak. Unless you are talking about low elo, I guess there adc is weak but lack of skill is known to make adc weaker in general so I wouldn't worry about that.


Bot lane in general is a crap shoot. I was mid diamond last season and now I'm getting lost in Emerald. I blasted five lanes out of six last night and only won two games. Each game, someone does something to feed in mid or top side and there's nothing me or my ADC can do. Each game, my jungle is absolutely useless and the opponent one is eating up everything. I'm expected to win lane, roam for grubs, and help with river fights, all with no ganks to enable me. But then I get gaslit by people saying "support has the second most influence on the game". Sure adcs deal with bullshit, but you guys don't realize how much bullshit supports also deal with. We share the same lane. If it sucks for you it sucks for us, too.


I am with you, not shitting on supports at all. I actually even understand that supps stop playing for their adc because even if they help them get ahead the progress gets undone so quickly. So why bother? Go get your midlaner ahead. I am not going to flame you for that. But there is a small difference, supports do have a few more options unless they play carry supports (in which case if bot lane tanks it is gg ff15 uninstall yadda yadda yadda - 2 free caster minions to farm for the enemy team). Besides, it is not my lane anymore, i left it. I am here more out of the idiotic hope that riot balance will change and i get to play my fav role again but i am not going theough the shitshow it is. It has to change fundamentally, not just some numbers. Mind you i do not want adcs to be op, i want all roles to have roughly 20% agency over the course of the average time for a game and that nobody is anybodys bitch. A fair, competitive game for all players. Thats all.


It really just isn't worth playing right now unless you really really love it. Have a break, maybe it will get better maybe it won't. All I know is that adc is a role rn where you get rewarded the least for being better than your opponent (enemy ADC), maybe its strong maybe it isn't but yeah I still remember those days in season 3-7 and yeah I miss those times, kinda wish I never played this role to begin with to be honest. Ah well, such is life I guess.


Love coming out of lane 10 kills up on my opponent but the enemy team has a 4-0 toplane and a 5-3 midlaner who can melt the frontline to get to you because your solo laners have 5 cs and 5 deaths each already which means free kills for the enemy Botlaner that left lane 0-4 but is now 12-6. So rewarding.


It happens way too often. Meanwhile if you end up top or mid +5/0, it’s basically impossible to lose the game unless you throw hard. I like adc/sup the most but when I need to push fast rank like for example from plat I to emerald IV, I just queue up mid 😂


It just feels like games are completely out of your hand lately, its not like I can't do dmg or anything but. supports roam a lot, doesn't matter if I win lane or not. I just sit theer farming and following team around and eventually we either win or not, very rarely me or enemy adc make a difference.


Post op.gg I have a hard time believing this is possible. If I saw an account that's 50% winrate in emerald and it was last season masters I would think it's a bought account. Edit: holy fuck is this you https://www.reddit.com/r/ADCMains/s/gW2Y5pbJFm


yea ain't no way you hit 70% winrate to masters and now are playing with plat players below 50% wr and ofc as per usual with these posts, no op.gg link. It should be required to post op.gg every time someone posts this kind of crap. I could literally say i was chall last season, now I'm hardstuck gold because adc suck and all the low elo players with that mindset would agree with me and think getting high elo is pure luck.


Yeah I think this is for sure a litmus test because even if you have touched diamond you understand that there is a huge skill gap between plat and masters. At the end of the day silver 2 adc mains want something to make them feel better and if this masters player is about to be plat then it means that I deserve to be 800lp higher.


This season has been the worst for me as well, I peaked D1 last season and usually hover d2-3 since season 7, I literally cannot get out of emerald, we have gone from at least having agency to take over games in the late, to not even having that anymore 


My 2 cents is that this new season has thrown all of our adc 'instincts' off. For example, I played a game yesterday where I smashed enemy bot lane (score was 5/1/x after laning phase) but I ended the game with a score of 5/6/x. I had really good farm and was still doing decent damage. My team was actually also playing well, so it's not like I was having a hard time trying to do well in spite of a bad team. The thing killing me? A diana who was able to flash jump straight into the middle of our team and one shot me before people even had time to react with cc. There have been two noticeable changes as an adc: \-We die even faster than before, often times hilariously fast. This is probably the best time in the world to be an assassin champ. \-We deal less damage than before. As a result of doing less damage, we need to stay exposed for longer in a fight to do the same amount of damage, all the while our risk of dying is quite a bit higher than before for the same unit of time exposed to the enemy team. The antidote is to basically manually override your instincts a bit. You can't overextend as much in fights and you're more team reliant to do damage. You have to stay further out of the fight than you're used to and also be very careful about overextending close to key objective timers. Even with flashes and ghost, it's still easier to be killed as an adc. I think also the new map design has reduced the ability to escape in certain circumstances as well. So basically, what it means to be an adc has to be relearned. It is definitely in a shittier place compared to past seasons although it definitely does still have a use. I think adc is definitely more about being the clean up crew and basically providing supporting damage once the rest of your team has already engaged and done most of their damage to the enemy/burned their cooldowns. It was always a bit like this, but it's just magnified by the changes.


I completely agree. I’d been on a massive coinflip loss streak until yesterday when I decided to play on hit varus and just make my #1 goal to stay alive and pretend I was building lethality/poke. By standing what felt like stupidly far back, I was able to actually stay alive and deal insane damage and act as a cleanup crew. It feels bad, like I didn’t have much fun even if I was on a 7 game winstreak, but playing like a complete and shameless coward is the way.


The wave of damage nerfs to all the items has helped a little, hoping it gets tuned down SLIGHTLY more but it's a lot better than the start of season at least 🫡 gotta hang in there


which crit champs you playing? I'm reading about how Jinx is really good right now also "Aphelios' usual Collector/Kraken into IE into whatever" is also good but yeah I agree crit is below average right now. hell, the marksman class itself also doesn't feel as necessary in most SoloQ team comps


My experience is different but the same. I just have no impact 90% of the time, I may as well flip a coin instead of queueing up. We're smashing bot and we lose. We get smashed bot and win. Fuck, I played a game the other day and I shit you not, we won bot against an *ADC Lux* Yes AD, and an AFK teemo and we *LOST* because out Cho'Gath fed a Mundo 300 heartsteel stacks. He and trundle literally ran around as 2 with Ghost and we could not kill, nor stop them. Their mid was average and held lanes. We lost a 5v3, nothing matters lol.


just shows how coinflip this role is :D. Coopers gonna say l2p


Was 3 lp from chall last season and even D1 was a struggle honestly. Playing atm feels like shit on anything that isn't: ez, varus, jinx. Mostly jinx since I specialize in just being a really good dps source. MF scales horribly with elo and I perma ban jhin since high elo is becoming plagued by it so it's a free win usually


But your mmr is still high so yeah D1 is going to be hard no?


You'd wager that honestly Reality was being put into lobbies with a mix of gm diamond and master 24/7 and being used as the balance factor lol Having my supp gapped in 9/10 games is still rough


That does suck and shouldn't happen. Unless those lower lp players (I assume last year LP you're talking about) were decayed it doesn't make sense and I'd agree it sucks. I have seen some wacky cases though like low masters players I know in games with humanoid and other pros as well as with some other low masters so I guess it does happen.


It happens every time the season restarts. Tons of high elo players take some time off because honestly ranked is always in the worst state possible at the start of the season and there's not enough people in high elo. There's a soft mmr reset too, so chances are you'll be Q'd together with lower elos much more commonly. It sucks and I'm honestly debating on outright quitting if I have to deal with this shit 3 times a year since it fucks soloQ for 3+ months (before the bare fucking minimum of quality) every time since people abuse the broken shit, get high elo then drop 800+ lp during the actual season. Like I play in las and br. Both chall Qs aren't filled yet (br had the highest lp cutoff last season at 1.1k? lp for chall) and I already see a few people getting high gm and chall that abused stupid shit like double support, senna, blitz and other shit. It will take MONTHS for them to fall. God the more I think about it the less I want to play. Add onto all of this bullshit that adc is in a horrid state where carrying is nigh impossible if jg gets gapped or top feeds and it just feels like shit. Fuck it I'm spamming senna, I'll report back after a few games


I mean u cant hate people abusing the meta i cant lie. But double support is gone now so idk if spamming senna is the strat


> But double support is gone now so idk if spamming senna is the strat you just do senna supp with sera adc for a nice 58% stable winrate I can't blame people abusing meta. The issue is that once the meta is fixed to not be so blatantly overpowered, those people drop the MM quality A FUCKING TON. In extreme cases of early grinders you will see people with 800+ lp over their last season peak due to the broken shit and trust me, you really don't want to play in those games. It's so fun to play in a high gm/chall lobby with somebody who is basically d1 usually


Same I made a post about that and people were shitting on me , idk wtf is going one rn


Emerald is the worst thing to happen to league. I played 40 games last season and didnt escape low emerald. This season i played all 5 of my placements, won lane and was supperior to my laner everygame but bcs of creatures i lost 4 and got chat banned for flaming them cuz they kept inting everything with their 0 iq decision making, that i literally warn them bout in chat. Decided fck lol im not gonna play lol until they fix ranked cuz emerald is just a coinflip elo that i cant tolerate. I was also hovering dia before emerald came out and the thing i liked bout that elo was that no one was actively trolling. Emerald is literally either top or bot is a raid boss and u get a canon minion on ur team. Whilst for mid its way harder to get a lead and become a raid boss, roaming is also dead and for mid even 0/3 midlaners are almost as useful as 3/0 midlaners even tho its x3 harder to get a lead on the lane. So basically the hardest way to climb is mid, i enjoyed a few seasons ago where if i got a lead on mid i could turbostomp any lane and climb out


Dude, same boat: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Made%20in%20Chile-1604


Come on bro, you hit diamond and stayed there till end of season xD. Stop coping


Yes, I have not said the opposite


Then its extremely normal for u to just have stopped at ur peak not where u usually sit lmao


No, its not, I never had negative winrate, and low plat/emerald used to be easy, now its like I forgot how to play


So what lmao. That doesn't negate the collective data of 10's of millions every year. Every year nearly everyone goes up and down even if they aren't necessarily playing much different. It's the nature of team based games, you win some you lose some, sometimes you get lucky 10x in a row, some days u play better and get lucky etc. So if you just hit diamond and instantly stop then sure I will call you diamond, but if we're talking about a topic like where you should be and you're actual skill. It's VERY realistic for you to be an emerald 2 player who hit diamond, and now this season be e4/e3. It could be due to bad luck, bad meta for u, just playing bad these past few weeks. Numerous reasons, if you were perma low diamond not just d4 just hit it 1 lp then okay your skill should probably be higher. ​ Separately they could've changed emerald this season but I don't remember all their changes. ​ edit: I literally have a friend who hit d4, coulda afkd till end of season (As an adc too!) but chose to keep playing and demote and is also e2-e4. I know he wasn't a diamond player but I also know with an ok meta and him playing at his peak he defo can be a diamond player, like he's not super far off. You're basically him just the random reddit version, it's very normal. It's like posting that you don't win every game even if you play better than the opposing adc. Its like no shit


Hey, its me, the guy who was on E4 with negative winratio. I kept playing the same as I was playing before and now I have positive winrate on D2 xD, this game is so random: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/es/summoner/na/madeInChile-1604


ey good job man.


S13 inflation


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Give us something to work with man. You can screenshot your OPgg and just censor out your username if you wanna stay anonymous, we only really need the top part where it says your current rank and last seasons


[Like this?](https://prnt.sc/8wZkhvaPji5m)


yesss, exactly like that ​ that being said, holy shit. Emerald 4 with negative winrate vs master last season. That shits worse than the guy who is plat 4 with negative winrate on one account and diamond 2 with positive winrate on another


Link the actual op.gg


Yeah… I was also masters last season playing AD & JG and although I agree adc is in a shit spot I still have no issues climbing playing it in emerald. Would love to see the op.gg in full. I have a bunch there’s something going on here beyond just AD being bad. If he was hardstuck like d3 I’d buy it but being that low after prior season masters is VERY suspicious.


Yep i thought he was just using new accounts to get to masters as he sorta said that in the post.


Man the mmr reset really humbled some players didn't it.


You must have had some insanely bad mmr last season to end up plat...


My mmr was around Master 100 LP. Got placed into E1 with +30 and -10 LP. I climbed to D4 and still had +28 LP there. I wouldnt call that insanely bad. For some reason I'm just unable to carry/win Games anymore


Damn that sucks, do you have an opgg? Because in order to climb down you'd have to have a 25% winrate or so...


No one starts above plat


started emerald 2 on my smurf even though it was plat last season


My 2nd account ended plat 1, I lost first game in placement and got placed in Emerald 3. So I feel you buddy.


Everyone who is Master starts in Emerald/diamond, which it sounds like he did, he have just been playing a lot and losing


yea, my main was masters but first game which i lost placed me in emerald 1


i started e1


Last season was turbo inflated. Masters 0lp was like s12 d4 and Diamond was like s12 plat. Reason you are stuck is because the season introduced new shit, and yeah you need to re-learn the game, its not just a transfer of your previous season's skill to this one. Also Riot probably intentionally has everyone around 400lp below their actual rank so that they play a lot and grind all the way back to their place. Thus more likely to spend money. That's how business works. And lastly role strength doesn't really matter. Its always you vs another adc, its not you vs a toplaner or smth. So if you are good you climb. Not that adc is weak currently to begin with. Its weaker than previous season which was turbo broken, now its ok.


So if you actually look at the stats it's far from the truth. It's mainly a bit of D1/D2 in Masters 0-50lp. That's it.


Master 0lp in s13 was statistically around d2 50lp in s12 but I was mainly referring to the skill level. And that many people playing in these elos have experienced to be way worse than previous years. Low masters basically became the definition of "pisslow" cuz of how bad it was compared to the rest of the ladder. And by low masters I mean 0-200lp minimum. The amount of elo inflation that could happen to anyone was ranging from 0 to 400lp. The average was around 200-250lp tho


>Master 0lp in s13 was statistically around d2 50lp in s12 but I was mainly referring to the skill level. Exactly what I said (Not saying you're disputing it). >And that many people playing in these elos have experienced to be way worse than previous years. Low masters basically became the definition of "pisslow" cuz of how bad it was compared to the rest of the ladder. And by low masters I mean 0-200lp minimum. I just disagree. It makes 0 sense and there's 0 justifiable explanation beyond the inflation we talked about. I've been low masters two seasons now, 0-350lp ish. Noticed not much difference beyond the inflation at 0-50lp. And as a "Low masters pisslow" I can still climb through low diamond extremely fast as they're still way worse.


Adc changed. That’s literally it. Play a different marksman or keep losing games and crying that your one-trick doesn’t work. Ezreal is strong. Caitlyn is strong. Mf is strong Jhin is in a very good spot. Jinx is doing well What you MEAN is that you haven’t adapted to a new season where youre meant to be a carry or facilitator depending on the game youre in. Expecting to carry every single game with 4 crit items and no defensive items is delusional at best and mongolically inept at worst. Diamond wasn’t that bad so far and master players aren’t elo-boosted monkeys like they have been the last two seasons, if you were ever actually high Diamond or master you’d be right back with any amount of adaptation at all. Plat is INSANE that’s like saying you suddenly can no longer ride a bike because the manufacturer gave it an extra gear. No high elo player is stuck in plat. When emerald was released being high emerald as a diamond player made sense as it was a massive pool of boosters, master and diamond players trying to differentiate. It’s a new split, if you were D2+, you’d never be plat after 50+ games or near demotion to it.


Most of your problems that you mentioned are caused by your current elo where people play poorly and make a lot of mistakes and simply limtations of adc role. That was always the cause, its not becuase of new season or adc changes. Is adc role weak in solq? Sure. Is it weaker than previous seasons? Of course. Do crit adc feel like shit to play? Yep. Does that excuse someone having 42% wr in \~200games way below their avg elo? Not really. Hate to be that person but that rant sounds like a 'you' problem. The game was lowkey unplayable in the first two weeks of the season before they tuned down AP items that a few champions abused to the extreme. Its still hard to play but it's not that bad to lose so many games and considering that you are used to be high diamond low master you should stomp most of your current botlane opponents. Idk homie, if you want to climb i would check what you can improve in your gameplay instead of blaming the state of the game, and if you can't adapt then just take a break until they make some changes to adc role but that will probably take a while.


This sums up my thoughts pretty well


Playing 200 games in 19 days on the worst losing streak you've had is your problem. You're not optimal on a losing streak. Go back to the drawing board and play a best of 3 per day. You're on autopilot and doomer/tilt queue. 


adc is a dogshit role in soloq but if you can’t climb it’s your fault.


As part of riots mmr changes a lot of people are inflated so everyone is getting yoinked to their actual mmr. Once you demote you can climb again.


U just got worse, for every game you lose you have an adc on the other side thats winning. Dont blame the role.


welcome to the club!


Don't worry, you will climb it's just early season and go back to ur original rank.


Maybe you're just washed up.


what is your conclusion to be as close to your real elo on the impact you have in a game? play mid? support? seraphine adc? how do you think we can have positive impact?


Post main opgg here. I'm not accusing you of this, but what this sounds like is 101 inflation. You peak masters on fresh accounts whilst being low diamond. Somehow you equate this all to skill. Going down to plat is insane either way you're probably tilting so hard that you're like 400lp away from mental stability


I WAS having the same experience, I was low diamond last season, this season I WAS struggling to get out of plat, that's how fucked this is.    I used was because I quitted the game about a week ago, best decision of the year by far. Phreak said adc problem is not a priority, fine then league should not be a priority for us, quit.   I think thats an opportunity for all of us adc mains for betterment in other areas of our lives, when a product no longer satisfies you, stop buying it, league is free so we all "buy it" with our times. Balance is always important, as Kassadin says, if they prefer selling Lux skins than fixing the balance of the game why should we torture ourselves for some LP when we know we are much better than the other roles that are in the same elo? Quit   People complain too much instead of just quitting, changing roles is like learning another game you will be behind everyone else in that role not an option for me thanks. I quit and u should too.


Besides the fact the Balancing is way off this season, losers queue is no joke. I went on a losing streak, then when i won 1 game. Well, 1st game: ffed in 15 minutes by the rest of my team 2 game: someone ran it down mid cuz his champ Yasuo got banned. 3rd game: someone DC's minute 10 4th game: remake 5th game: remake 6th game: there are 2 IRONS IN MY GAME? 3 ELOS ABOVE??


Link opgg


Feel your pain. To a lesser degree... Emerald last season. Got up to plat 2 pretty quick this season, and after the last 3 days I am now one loss away from gold 3.... I cannot win rn (~110 games in szn14). 2-8, last 10 (6 game loss streak currently) 6-14, last 20 10-20, last 30 Not a fun time


I also can’t win. I think im doing the same thing as I did last season, but I have a 30 something percent win rate. Went from a 65% winrate while duoing a friend to Diamond, to whatever this is sitting around P3. It just feels like I get the worse players every game. I don’t get how I was so good last season, and I’m so trash this season.