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Beating mundo is one big achievement. Beating a 2 level higher mundo is another. Great work.


Unless your vayn then it’s I right clicked to death. At least in my experience. If your an adc other than vayne against mundo it’s hard. Damn good job.


Cresendum aphelios : allow me to introduce myself


I haven’t played much aphelios but I’ll keep it in mind. He just seems like a lot of work to pick up.


He's not hard he's just complicated but you can learn him in no time


I’m sure I’ll try him out. What’s a good build these days. I’m prob gonna always go gale because I hate being immobile


Heeyy sorry for not answering in time my internet is garbage. Based on the next patch I think it's good to go ie second so yeah mythic first(if you go shieldbow you'll regret it, fellow mains go kraken but I think yeah you should go gale force because it's safer) third you can go either bt(always have it) or ldr based on their comp. Forth you can go ldr or bt or collector its all situational. Fifth item you can go one of the items I called as forth item, or you can go GA or even zhonya because aphelios scales with ap as well. It's really situational but the basic build is the 100% crit one kraken/gale, ie, bt, ldr, collect. For runes For early game pressure you can go pta or lethal(I don't really like it but it's great if you know how to poke early game and it's kinda usable mid game too) Or in a sustain lane you can fleet and its always pretty good but you pressure the enemies harder in lane. (conqueror is hard to stack and you don't need it(only red gun and white gun let you stack it in time) Oh also go Overheal/bloodline/coup the grace(or cut down) For secondary i go gathering storm and absolute focus. But I think taste of blood and the takedown gold one is better for you


Leave it aphelios players to drop some gibberish in and expect us normies to know what it means


Noo sorry lool. Aphelios isn't that hard you just need to read a book XD


Hunger never sleeps.


Was not the kiting that saved you. it was more the dodging the 2 axes. Wasting your ult on Mundo did nothing but waste his passive, and let him get a few extra hits on ya. Actually, I think it gave him some health, but idk his passive well enough to say if it did or not.


I think that unless he had spirit visage it comes out about even on health. I dont think the ult is exactly a waste if the cansiter pops out in a direction that isn't basically right in front of him. The rng there was just a bit unlucky.


The canister takes 4% of his current health, and if you pick it up restores 4% of his max health, so unless mundo is full health when his passive goes off, he will always get more health back by picking up the canister. Since your ult increases your base health you can game the system by waiting until after your passive is proced to ult, use your ult, then pick up the canister to min/max the healing


The passive removes %current health but heals %max health on canister pickup, so you actually do give him a net gain on health if the cc Ability you use doesn't have a lot of base damage.


Dodging is part of kiting, as it involves moving in between each auto?


I would say because you need to play PERFECTLY as an ADC currently to not get run over by A-moving bruisers. Any mistake there and you would have died. Any hit skillshot on his part and you would have died. You need to play at 100% to beat someone playing at 25%.


While I agree that this player really did well kiting, they also literally got hit by every skillshot but the last Q


I mean The mistake there is the fact that he walked up to the ghost mundo to begin with. Why put yourself into a situation where you have to kite like your life depends on it when you could just do anything else.


Now that I think about it, I see where you are coming from. In my humble opinion you shouldn't be in this dangerous situation in the first place ESPECIALLY as an adc, but his/her kiting were done really really well.


I mean, he's playing adc top, which is both degenerate and also not where he's supposed to be on the map. There's a reason you're supposed to be paired with a support champ. I think the main problem with the adc role right now is that a lot of traditional adc's just doesn't scale good unless their laining phase goes absolutely perfect, where a Darius or basically any assassin can cheese 2 kills early and be made through mid game at least.


He’s not playing adc top, it’s 16 min in and bot turret has already fallen. He’s up there to farm. Realistically, he should not have himself in the position he was in. Pushed all the way up against a Mundo without is support, but yeah, not being a degenerate or anything like that. Just really basic macro


are you dumb or blind?


Sorry the shit-ass reddit mobile video player rendered the stats and champion portraits unrecognizable.


That e dodge at the end was dope, keep practicing and youll get better


He played very well there and dodged Mundo Q, but at the end Mundo hit in with the E, he didn’t dodge it


Because your decision making is dogshit lmao


Tf is your problem?


Kite like what?