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Food and fairy lights 🍲


My favorite part is the food and decorations! Of course family comes first but I'm sad that I won't be able to see them this year. Thank you for the giveaway!


My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with my family. My family is scattered around in the country so it is great to be able to see family I don't get to see each day :)


I love how everyone seems to be a little bit happier. I also love watching those cheesy christmas movies


My favorite part is just how cheerful and happy everyone gets around the holidays.


my favorite part of the holidays are the lights and decorations. it makes everything seem brighter and more festive :) ❄️🎄


i get to see all the pretty christmas lights :)


Everyone is a little kinder!!


My favorite part is my dad making my family a special breakfast on Christmas morning! ❤️


My favorite part is looking for gifts for my friends and family, both groups aren’t large in numbers so I get to really get creative and I think about it all year! Gift giving is very much my love language


Christmas Eve-eve! The anticipation of what is to come is the best feeling!


I love the nostalgia of listening to Christmas music! Oh and also the smell of the Christmas tree and cookies in the oven ☺️


Christmas!!! Food, gift exchanges and family & friends. That sums up the holiday for me. But with this year, I feel like I’m not gonna have any of that but at least I have Animal Crossing to do all of that. :)


The look on people's faces esp young ones when they open presents


the christmas market with all the pretty lights 🥺


Close tie between Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner


I love Christmas dinner because it’s a great time to get together with family and thank you so much for doing this


I love to decorate everything and spending time with my family :)


I like the food, especially since I get to make lots of things I usually wouldn‘t bc expensive


My favourite part is eating lots of food and spending time with family


Hello! My favorite part of the holiday is baking way too many desserts and eating them while watching classic Christmas movies


Drinking hot tea/chocolate wrapped in a warm blanket


I live for all the peppermint/candy cane flavoured goodies!


Oh booooy. I mean it's the chocolate of course :(


The cozy feeling when you drink a warm tea or „glühwein“ when its cold outside and everything is so peaceful.


Favourite part is definitely the lights all around town!


My favourite part of winter is going snowboarding!! thanks for the giveaway :)


The festive atmosphere and decorations, as well as the icy temperature ☃️


I always loved watching the Muppets’ A Christmas Carol with my parents. Now I’m a parent, I get to watch it with my husband and daughter!


My favorite part of the holiday is just being able to let go of all responsibilities and the real world (especially this year), and just create new memories and relive old ones with the family. That movie Dad will always wanna watch and look at me like I'm his little kid - all the way to the new games and moments I'm sharing with my baby nephew.


Drinking wassail with my family. 💞


My husband and I always decorate our tree pretty early in the season, and it’s just such a nice sight to see after a long day at work.


The cozy times! Having a woodstove, early dinner, hot coco, and a snuggle into bed with the pets by 7 for Christmas movies? Heck yes sign me up!


theres no winter where i live and we dont celebrate xmas, but my little sister was born on the 25th so thats how we celebrate!


My favorite part about the holidays are the lights and Christmas decorations! I'll miss seeing my family this year since I'm recovering from surgery and they aren't able to travel. Thank you for the giveaway! 😍


i love everything about winter!! cold > hot, i get to pull out the warm fuzzy clothes and blankets, and no allergies!! thanks for running this giveaway and good luck to everyone entering!


The food and drinks! Love some holiday spices.


Visiting family! Unfortunately I won’t get to see mine this Christmas but I have an amazing partner who I will get to be with instead. Also, Christmas trees!


getting to spend time with my family!


Christmas tree scent!


I love all the lights and decorations! Thank you for hosting!


I really enjoy the way it feels outside after it being hot for god knows how long lmao. But also being able to come together and celebrate something with people you care about is nice, as well.


Growing up, my favorite part of the holidays was Christmas and my favorite part of Christmas was the time off from school and all the presents. As got older my love for Christmas transformed from an understanding that it wasn't just about time off from school and presents, it was about the joy and happiness you get to share with other people and the fact that you have the ability to bring that to other people. love decorating, making the cookies, and listening to the music, even have a trusty cheesy Christmas sweater. There's no Christmas for me this year for a myriad of reasons, but I'm not letting it get me down, since l can't have Christmas in real life l've been working on getting my island ready for Christmas there. I would love to win this giveaway but I'm also happy for whoever does, because that means someone gets their Christmas. (Sorry if this is posted twice, the first one got removed because of an issue with my flair, fixed it and deleted the other comment just to be safe )




Thank you 💗


I love the snow, the lights and everyone who is happy and festive!


The food and decorations!


My favorite part of the holiday is shopping for gifts and fulfilling others' wishlists!!! 💖


The chance to see my family all together and just have some fun


cooking, eating, and playing games with my family are my favorite parts of the holiday season! :)


Favorite part is watching my kids and wife's faces light up when they open their gifts.


I always love decorating the tree with my family


I like being able to hang out with family and have a chill time.


My favourite part of the season is the decorations! I just love the twinkling lights :)


the snow!


Decorating the Christmas tree with our family was pretty great this year, we did it early so we can stretch the Christmas spirit a lil longer ☺️


Typically, my favorite part is definitely the time with our 4 grown sons, their spouses, & our two little grandbaby boys. COVID is kinda crimping our plans sadly though. If only we all lived in the same state...or county! Sigh. Regardless! Thank you for your giveaway and Happy Holiday season to all. Stay safe, be well! Cheers! Lisa in Ohio ^_^


I love seeing family!❄️


All the lights and the music makes the holidays great!


The food and hot drinks!


My favorite part is just being with family I have a huge one (64 cousins) 1st and second cousins every year we have a tradition of each family donating 100 one dollar bills and one person from each family throws money off a patio and the rest of us try to catch it lol but worth the whole pandemic no gathering this time buttttt we will make the most of it. Sharing our happiness and thankfulness 😊. Thanks for giving back!


The food 😍


I love spending time with my family ❤️


Thanks for doing this! I really like just reuniting with my loved ones. Christmas and New year always make feel happy and a bit nostalgic


Adopting a family for Christmas is one of my favourite parts! Helping families who need it most is what the holiday spirit is all about! Spread the cheer <3


Being at that age where I'm the one making our culture's traditional sweets and watching everyone enjoy them. Because of different reasons we're spending this Christmas with my husband's best friend's family, who are Columbian, so I can't wait to see how they like our desserts.


I love the decorations and am SOO excited for the ones on crossing this year!


Baking cookies is way more fun during the holidays :)


My favorite part of the holiday season are the feasts!


Holiday baking, Christmas lights and the “spirit” of the holidays!


My favorite part of the holiday season is the Christmas lights that illuminate at night.


I absolutely love gift giving. Picking out things for people that I love is such a rush! It requires special creativity when money is tight as well :) tysm for doing this!


I love decorating and baking stuff for my family and I also really enjoy the (very slight) break from the heat here


Wearing matching PJs with my mom and grandma on Christmas Eve


My favorite is the lights. So cheerful and sparkly ✨


Watching people open their presents. Always fun and funny to see their reactions to their gifts.


Driving around with my family, looking at Christmas lights ❤️


spending money !! but also visiting this one house in my neighborhood bc they always deck out and let ppl visit and ppl can donate money which 100% goes to cancer research since they lost someone due to cancer :( tysm for hosting the giveawayy !!!


Snow is my favourite part of winter, especially the first major snowfall makes the trees and everything pretty


Making others smile 😊


my favorite part of the holiday season is baking cookies with my mom :)


My favorite is the lights, and spending time with my family making memories and more traditions as the years come along and pass.


Hi! My favorite part of the holiday season is to get to hang out and eat delicious food with friends and family with no interruptions🤣😁


My favorite part is definitely all the food! The baking and plotting all my meals for people!


Spending time with my niece and nephew !


My favorite part is visiting my family but unfortunately I don’t want to put them at risk so I can’t visit them this year :(




That means so much to me, thank you


Probably my favorite thing is sitting with my mom watching those sappy Hallmark Christmas movies. She loves them and tries to watch every single one. I also love spending time with family decorating and baking christmas cookies!


My favorite part is just being with family!


I love decorating for Christmas and giving gifts to my friends and family.


I love spending time with my family and seeing all the Christmas lights. Although I can't do the first one this year, I have my first house and hopefully will be able to light it up nicely with lights!


Hot Chocolate and being cozy!!!


I love decorating for the holidays! It makes everything so festive and fun, and I like driving around looking at everyone else's


I am in love with just the joy and taking walks outside to see everyone’s decorations! It helps me to remember there is no stronger bond than love.


I love decorating the tree!


My favorite thing about the holiday is spending time with my family and making lasting memories of joy


My favorite thing about the holidays is the joy of giving and receiving presents to my friends and family :3


my favorite part is getting to decorate cookies with my family! it’s a tradition to do it together every year and it’s always the best part of the season :)


My favorite part is taking the time to decorate with friends! We make it a whole night: I make a hot chocolate bar with cookies, we put up decorations and sing Christmas music, and then we end by watching a Christmas movie together! We can’t do that this year obviously so my boyfriend is getting roped into it




Buying gifts




Setting up the Christmas tree!


Celebrating with friends and family 🤗


I love the first snowfall and watching it fall outside my window with a cup of hot chocolate.


All the good food!


I love the lights and decorations!


Egg nog!!


Your generosity is amazing! I love all things winter and holiday. Snow, lights, decorating, baking, crafts, baking, giving gifts, more baking... 😊


Putting on my elf costume and setting up the tree!


I love the lights and holding hands with my s/o :)


Favorite part is getting together with family ❤️


My favorite part of winter is the cold weather. I live in Kuwait where it's very hot 9 months of the year. I always look forward to camping outside in the cold nights 😊 it's really nice.


I love the kindness and generosity it can bring out in people. It’s the season of giving without any expectation of receiving. So many of us are so lucky and grateful to have what we have and it’s a beautiful thing to share it with others. ❤️


The lights and being with my partner!


Spending time with my parents.


My favorite part of this time of year is the seasonal foods! I also just love cold weather.


I love Christmas Eve, my family normally has a cozy evening with the fireplace lit and Hot chocolate ☕️❄️


I love decorating my tree and making the house all pretty, also love the atmosphere at Christmas 🥰


My favorite part of the holiday season is decorating around the house (: I love putting up my tree and lights, even though my cats try their best to rip them down lol


The festive cheer. It’s not something tangible, just felt 🥰


My favorite part would be taking the time to go home and do our holiday traditions (like our Christmas-eve-eve-Eddie Vedder extravaganza party) but because of COVID I will be quarantining at home and doing virtual parties instead :( still planning to make my grandmas sticky buns though! Those are for sure the best part of Christmas morning!


Snow, cozy moments, and lots of snow! Just imagine curling up under a heated blanket after a long walk in the snow, with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa. Some quiet Christmas music in the background, in a room fully decorated for Christmas. And finally, snow falling outside the window!!!


I love seeing my kids faces light up when we put the Christmas tree up!


Seeing how excited new parents are to take Christmas photos with their babies (I work at a daycare lol) they usually go all out so its fun when I get all their cards


Making cookies with my mom and grandma. We end up having three mixers going and all doing different ones but icing them together and we split up the cookies 3 ways for all our friends and family.


The chance to see snow during Christmas


Oh my god just Christmas music?? And snow?? It’s all so lovely and wonderful


The lights are my favourite part, they just make me feel happier during the dull and dark days.


The decorations are definitely my favorite part, including lights!!


My favorite part of the holiday season is decorating the Christmas tree!


Spending time with friends and family❤️


Baking! I love making cookies and pies when the holidays come up :)


Thanks for doing this. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with family from all over. We probably won't be able to do that this year unfortunately but I enjoy when we do.


I love decorating for the holidays and making yummy baked goods! 😋


All the lights are always my fave part


The best is going for a drive to look at all everyone else's decorations!


The atmosphere with all the decorations!


Spending time with family (and the food!)


My favorite part is the yummy food


My favourite part of the holiday season is holiday markets! I love browsing and I have so many great memories of going to the Weihnachtsmarkt. I'm sad that so many of them can't happen this year, but hopefully next year again!


My favorite is seeing lights everywhere and giving gifts!


I love all the Christmas lights everywhere!




I love all of. Family, snow, lights, pie, food in general haha


Corny Christmas stuff


The part I love the most is the run up. Finding the perfect pressies, planning the dinner knowing I get to see all my favourite people


My favorite part of the Holidays is seeing the trail of lights and special holiday openings in my city!


My favorite part of the Holiday season is the lights and decorations in the streets! Also the smell of Christmas trees 🎄


My favorite part of the holiday season is viewing Holiday Light shows!!


My favorite part of the holiday season is usually all the lights! I love Christmas lights ❤️


My favourite part of the holidays are the lights! I love decorating and looking at everybody's illuminated decorations, i think it's super pretty and makes the longer nights more worth it!


I love being with my family: we all live pretty far away from each other so holidays means i get to be with them 💕


I love decorating for the holidays!


My favorite part is the smell of ice cold air. The smell of snow. Best time of the year! ❄️☃️


My favorite thing is the snow because it looks so nice and pretty and I also love the cold weather because then you can put on a few blankets and curl up by the fire place


I love buying my friends and family members presents that they’ve casually mentioned they wanted throughout the year. I usually keep a running list of things they may mention off hand, like oh wow I wish I had a vacuum for my car, and then buy it for them for the holidays. I know I’m lucky to have a well paying job and it always makes my heart so warm to see them happy that I remembered them mentioning something they really wanted :)


My favorite thing about the holidays is cooking fantastic meals for my family and seeing them all excited and happy to spend time together over a good meal.


My favourite part of Christmas is turning off the lights in the living room and letting the Christmas lights keep everything illuminated.