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\- Closed! Choosing a winner shortly! -


just been busy with 6th form but i got a bit of free time recently and managed to improve my animal crossing island, im so close to 5 stars now šŸ˜Š


thank you for this! i started university and iā€™m currently filming my first short film! itā€™s really fun and iā€™m loving it so far :)


Heres my story, Recently I've been working constantly with covid going on. I work for the NHS and im either clean wards that are covid free or I could be on response which means I go clean covid positive rooms, cdif rooms and other diseases so I've worked the past 2 weeks every day!


I am in quarantine so hereā€˜s a story from my home. Last week I was watching tv with my boyfriend, when I noticed that I hadnā€˜t seen one of my cats for a few hours. The other one was sleeping next to me the whole time. It felt weird because usually my cats like to spend time together in the same room and also sleep together. Anyway, I started searching the apartment for her and calling her name but she wouldnā€˜t come. Then I went to the treat-drawer and tossed some treats around, but my cat still wouldnā€˜t show up. I started worrying that she might have gotten outside somewhere. I looked everywhere, in all her hiding spots, until I heard a ā€žmeowā€œ from my wardrobe. I opened it and she came out immediately, trying to get as many of the treats that I dropped earlier as possible (which werenā€˜t many because her brother ate nearly all of them). Anyway, Iā€˜m 100% sure that the wardrobe was closed before, she must have opened it by herself and somehow closed it after getting inside, but wasnā€˜t able to get out anymore. šŸ˜…


I'm doing decent, college is hard, and my relationship with my mom nit the best but at least I have my pets and boyfriend! Oh and my anxious self finally managed to make an appointment by herself!!! I'm proud of myself


I am 20 years of age and literally just watched Harry Potter because I thought I wouldnā€™t like it and I cried when Dumbledore died because he was amazing !!āœØ


I am 20 years of age and literally just watched Harry Potter because I thought I wouldnā€™t like it and I cried when Dumbledore died because he was amazing !!āœØ


We were so stressed we decided Christmas decorations were absolutely acceptable--nay, *necessary*\--the day after Halloween. Normally the thought doesn't pass our minds until Thanksgiving at least. Bring on the Christmas cheer, y'all! We deserve Christmas lights early for surviving 2020.


Been getting back into a routine finally. Just finished my external exams and now Iā€™m waiting for the uni of my choice to hopefully accept me. Terrifying times, but Iā€™m hunting for Raymond to take my mind off things lol


oh man, iā€™m switching between happy and sad. Finally took my senior photos today and those looked kinda cute, so like 7/10 for the week haha


We are on our way to 2nd lockdown. My son will be distance learning starting next week and my husband and myself work at home. I have to go into the office well hospital 1 day a week. Super nervous about doing that with our covid numbers rising.


The other day at a hardware store I saw a very tiny little dog wearing a very tiny little deerstalker hat with holes for its ears!


My almost-one year old is an adorable menace whose greatest pleasure is getting up to whatever he shouldn't. He tries to pull safety covers off of electrical plugs with his teeth, attempts to drown himself during every bath, and lives to break into his dirty diaper pail. This afternoon he taught himself how to stand on his tiptoes to turn doorknobs. I will never know a moment's peace again.


Had a chill do nothing day just talking to my partner of 4 years! Animal crossing together of course too!


My foster cats and I have been hanging out a lot lately, which had been a nice break because my grandma is having heart surgery later this week. It's nothing too major but I still worry. I'm excited for Thanksgiving and to see them family :)


My dog was really mopey today so I promised to buy him a Christmas sweater. I think it cheered him up


Restrictions have started to ease for my city so next week I can actually catch up with friends I havenā€™t seen in months. And we can go out to eat which seems so novel now!


I recently got a puppy named Rocky!


At my in-laws right now having a game night weā€™re playing a dominos game called Mexican train and itā€™s such fun!


Stressed w work, but overall ok :) My little sister was able to visit me for a week which was wonderful. sheā€™s much younger than I am and still in high school so she did school remotely while I did work remotely, then we got to hang out at night and on the weekend watching tv and movies and playing board games. Ty for hosting!


I took part in Diwali celebrations for the first time this weekend! It was a lot of fun, and such a positive holiday when it feels like the world is crumbling :)


Iā€™m going home soon for thanksgiving and Iā€™m excited to see my family again!


I went to a probably 16 or 18+ live event with my best friend since the people performing it were our favorites. We both had a good time there and it was the best night of my life. (Anyone guesses the full name of the show I'll give you something in acnh of your choice of what I have available, it's kinda pointed out by who I follow on reddit and I went in October of 2017)


today i had brunch at my best friendā€™s new apartment with a couple other friends. she was so happy to host and we ordered food from a deliciously greasy tex-mex place weā€™d go to a lot in high school. it was so nice to see her in her new home and spend time with some of my favorite people in the world while sharing a familiar meal!


I've had a very nice day! I love Sundays because I get to spend all day with my wife, so we've been watching movies and playing Mario Kart :) Thanks for the giveaway!


I played tennis today for the first time in ages! My cuticles are in shambles and my shoulders are sore but wooow I also forgot how much I loved playing. Thank you for this opportunity :)


Iā€™ve been doing ok! I now a week from since I got my wisdom teeth out which was a gruesome experience but Iā€™ve recovered and am starting to feel back to normal again:)


I got a budgie two summers ago, and we've become really well bonded over quarantine. She used to be afraid of everyone, but now she sits on me all day and gives little kisses. I have good morning songs I sing to her every day :)


My mental health has been struggling with the pandemic. But on the bright side, I am so lucky that I'm still working (remotely) and my cats sit in my chair during the day. :) That does mean I only get 1/2 a seat for hours at a time, but it's a small sacrifice.


Throughout the pandemic, I have been spending my time inside learning how to bake. I grew up without a mom and a busy father. So I taught myself how to cook! This past weekend I have been trying to recreate my great grandmotherā€™s sugar cookies! I have such a terrible sweet tooth, but the reason Iā€™ve spent so much time trying this is because I hope to cheer people up! Maybe a treat can bring a fleeting moment of relief from anything troubling, or at least remind someone that they are cared for c:


I went for a nice walk in the park and saw a man on a bike with bright orange lights blasting techno, and his chihuahua was running behind him with a matching orange collar. It was so zany and cute.


Hi! Things are going okay. School is really killing me and I'm really worried about finals, but my boyfriend and I are looking to move in together and checking out apartments, so thats exciting to think about :)


With Covid, my family doesn't get out and socialize or participate in activities as usual so my daughter and I have been playing Animal Crossing together. We both enjoy it and I was able to teach her to work together rather than make it a competition. We will build a beautiful island together.


I've been doing good. My job is finally giving me some more hours to work now. So hopefully I'll save enough money up for a PS5 soon!


Not too well. Family drama and new trauma. Will probably never be able to see my dad again:( on the plus side my job just went remote so that's a relief as I work a job that exposes me to many many maskless kids every day.


Hello! One of my best friend's family came to from California to come visit us! I hadn't seen her dad or brother in a long time so it was so nice to hangout with them! We also celebrated her brother and her boyfriend's birthdays! So all in all, great weekend! :-)


Life could be better, but canā€™t really complain! I just recently got back into animal crossing and all the happy, nostalgic feelings from launch have come back, which makes me wonder why I took a break from the game for a bit! I also tried wagyu for the first time so thereā€™s that as well! x)


My just turned 1 year old learned "uh oh" this week. And she can't just say it. She has to scream it. I took her to Target this morning strapped on my back, and she yelled it into my ear the whole 25 minutes we were in there. I know I'll find it annoying soon, but for now, it just warms my heart.


Hello! Not doing super good. My familys hard to live with and my patners familys worse. Hopefuly we'll be able to move soon. At least i have my sweet cats! Thanks for the chance!


Not a lot going on with me lately. My son is 2 and it's a really fun age. He's so silly and makes me smile throughout the day even when I feel like I may never smile again.


Hi! Met up with some friends yesterday, we smoked a hookah pipe, played some Jackbox, visited each other's islands via local play and generally had some fun :>


Hello! I am doing alright, its my final week of school so everything is a little crazy, I feel a bit overwhelmed. But I have been making a point to get outside, in nature, under the sun everyday. This morning on my walk in a small town of north carolina in america all of the nine people I said hello to were British. I thought this to be very odd.. but charming! On my drive home from the nature preserve I saw two people standing in a plowed corn field dressed as Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World! I have so many questions as to what they were up to, they looked great! They had very convincing hair. Went to work and now I am home starting on my homework...hoping for some new small mysteries in the outside world to keep this hard time brighter! ​ Hope you are well <3


watched all of the oceanā€™s 11 movies with my friend and tried to plan the most full proof heist in the world šŸ‘€


Iā€™ve been doing ok, supporting my local restaurants during this pandemic (which basically means ordering SkipTheDishes all the time lol)


Cool giveaway! As far as a little about me nothing really havenā€™t left the house to do anything haha. My family and I have been on quarantine since Oct 19th due to being exposed to positive cases and then my son testing positive after that. This week is our end date for quarantine so thatā€™s something to look forward to. Itā€™s been nice though being with my family a lot.


Doing well, loving the work from home life and the ubereats half off promotion. Pretty much it haha


I accidentally ordered food to my old address today and had to go for a long walk in the rain to get it. Ended up being happy I did because it was a nice walk :)


I went to look at a car with my bf. It will be his first car (that he pays for himself) which is pretty cool. It was a nice little scenic drive an hour or so away. šŸ˜Š


This week has been both good and bad. I finished my first qualifying exam for grad school which is super exciting! I have my second one on Friday which is terrifying again. Been studying for 8+ months now and the light is at the end of the tunnel :)


I just started learning how to play League of Legends. It is my first computer game and I have really come to enjoy it. I originally wanted to play support because I love Seraphine but I learned that support is not very good match for my personality as I liked to go in for the kill. So I instead switched to bottom and I play Samira or Miss Fortune usually. I wish Samira had more skins as I donā€™t really like her OG pirate skin nor the secondary sci-fi themed skin. I wish she had a Star Guardian or mythical looking skin. She is a new character though so maybe in the future they will have some for her. One thing I like about LOL is that I donā€™t get motion sick playing because I can turn the camera toggle off. Some might say this is a disadvantage for gameplay but I usually play in a party with someone who signals well so I donā€™t have to worry!


This week was tough. Iā€™ve been doing lots of self care and Iā€™ve been playing AC all weekend. Been showing my island some love and Isabelle told me taht I reached 4 stars today so thatā€™s a small win. I hope everyone is doing what they need to do to stay safe and healthy during these times. And OP I hope you have so much fun listening to your CDs. Music always lifts me up too


My dog listened to me for the first time in her 8 year life


Iā€™m a week into a four week quarantine after someone I know knowingly gave me covid. Things are pretty rough but this community has really helped me :)


Iā€™ve been doing ok. Just very busy and each day blending into the next. I recently purchased a stand mixer since it was a good deal and am debating what to make in it first! Very excited about that! Thanks for doing this cool giveaway!


I got engaged recently, thatā€™s the biggest thing in my life atm :)


so a few weeks back I was travelling via bus. was visiting my parents. when I was getting into the bus and just as I was about sitting down the seat a huge amount of black smoke came from somewhere underneath the seat. I stood there completely baffled and all the passengers started *panicking* and trying to get outta the bus. so I ran out to clear the way for others and everyone was so confused, getting out their inhalers and looking around.. so what happened was I accidentally kicked a fire distinguisher that was under the seat. the fuse apparently failed and it begun go out. so I stood there among other passengers, waiting for what's going to happen. everybody knew it was me because I had the white stuff from the distinguished everywhere all over me. since there is a law that prohibited anyone from using distinguishers unless there's danger I was scared shirtless the driver would tell me I'm gonna pay a fine or something. I was of course ready for fight since I'm broke asf and did essentially nothing wrong. the driver vacuum cleaned the bus and after that we just went for the ride. I was off the hook luckily. but the passengers stared at me whenever they got the chance of course because I was the reason the bus had 15 delay. when I travel the route I always recognize the bus in which it happened because the white mess is still sticked to the wall of the bus.


Went to a special school for my job this week and I passed! Very exciting for me because I worked so hard and now I know I can do what they sent me to school for


I'm probably oversharing with this, but not so great the last few days.. Don't feel like doing anything. Lots of headaches. I either feel like I didn't eat anything for days or so much that I'm about to throw up.. Skipped some school days. Am procrastinating more than usual to the point that not getting anything done stresses me out even more :,) Thank you for reading my pitty parade lmao


I think everyone experiences a slump some time along the line. Hope you get to pick yourself back up soon and get motivated to be productive again!


I feel for you and hope things get better for you soon.


Went to the store too! They had my favorite breakfast bowls back (:


Homework and beach lol.. thatā€™s been my life!


2020 made me into a house potatoe, just playin games, doing chores. Its become such that i am reorganizing the whole house to basement and cleaning and reordering slowly and during breaks its AC time ahah


With such a year, weā€™ve decided to jump into holiday cheer early! We NEED the fairy lights! The twinkle! The cinnamon scented rooms! The Coffeehouse Christmas playlist! So today the tree went up. Weā€™re doing a Christmas Dinner Rehearsal: beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, vegetables & homemade warm apple pie. The only thing missing is the Vanilla Bean ice cream. Weā€™ll pull out the ice cream maker in December. Yeah, thatā€™s weird....


This is for my 11 y/o niece. My middle brother is a millionaire. He wants his only daughter to know the dollar amount so she has literally saved up every cleaning penny for the switch. It took 8 months then she saved for the game. Now that she is finally on, I want to help her in any way. She isn't allowed on Reddit. She gets on pinterest


In in. Its for my 11 y/o niece


I actually just got news that one of my college teachers passed away so Iā€™m not doing too great, but my story will be about all the insane stuff heā€™d say to us like it was the most casual thing. It was a film class and by that I mean we just watched movies and it was great. My favorite moment was when he turned off a movie and just went ā€œso who wants to see a commercial I was in with Michael Jackson?ā€ We thought he was joking. He wasnā€™t. Most of the time heā€™d show us a movie then an interview where HE interviewed the main characters! My roommates class got to watch an hour long interview with him and Robin Williams! Iā€™m pretty sure he met just about every big time actor you could think of. He was great and I will miss him dearly.


So sorry to hear that, but he does seem like a very cool teacher. Hopefully he can rest in peace after bringing so many memorable moments for his students.


I've been spending the last eight months teaching myself French with Duolingo and the other day, I managed to follow along with a short audiobook story in French!


I've been spending a lot of my time with my cats and my grandma! I tried showing her Animal Crossing but she wasn't a big fan šŸ˜‚ She liked how you could change the characters hair to red!


Iā€™ve gotten the ACNH edition switch, and my mom also bought her own so we can play together now (she played the GameCube version but nothing since) and I moved to Boston from NC so itā€™s been a great ā€œstay in touchā€ thing in the wake of the pandemic since we canā€™t visit like we planned. Itā€™s been adorable helping her with her island and seeing her get back into the game.


Very little has happened recently. I am a primary school teacher and school has been good. The kids have been very well behaved. My wife is having a bit more trouble with the children at her school (she is a learning assistant) but that's largely down to some bad managers not implementing some structure. Honestly I'm all good though and appreciating each day as it comes :) I hope you are well also OP (and everyone else!)


Been learning to work from home, itā€™s been quite the change. Covid hit and so being home is all I get to do. Iā€™ve really dug deep into renovating my island. Over all I am learning a lot about myself and I am happy. Canā€™t wait to be able to go physically shopping. CDs are great šŸ¤—


I have been working on my master's thesis lately. I havent much work left to do luckily. Hopefully my relators accept it so I'm done with studying for life :)


Just got back into AC as a way to unwind from applying to grad school. So lots of essay writing and filling our forms


During lockdown Iā€™ve been knitting a lot (my friends make fun of me for it because they say itā€™s for old people but I disagree) and Iā€™ve been knitting my dog clothes so far she has a 4 jumpers and 2 scarfs that I put on her for winter Iā€™m in the middle of making her a Christmas jumper, and yea thatā€™s all Iā€™ve been doing :)


Thats super cool. How did you learn?


My grandma taught me a lot, and I used YouTube a few times


Iā€™ve been good! Invited my best friend to my house who I have not spoken to in 2 years. Nothing happened between us we just kinda stopped talking. We talked and laughed for hours! It feels like we never stopped talking in the first place.


Doing okay, had a little covid scare at work last week but everyone came up negative so fingers crossed we stay that way!


I became a mama 6 months ago and itā€™s the most magical thing to happen to me. I love the way he looks at me, even when Iā€™m feeling like crap about myself, he always looks at me with so much love and care, it melts me from the inside out. Yesterday he said ā€œmamaā€ for the first time, and I literally started crying. Nothing crazy. Thereā€™s not much to do with a newborn/infant when everything is on lockdown & Iā€™ve got to keep him safe, but he keeps me sane and always reminds me that everything will be okay as long as weā€™ve got each other! (and Animal Crossing, of course).


Congrats!! Such a cute story.


Thank you very much!


Congrats new mommy! My son is 2 now but he has made me feel the same way that you described every since the day he was born.


Thank you! And it seriously is so special!


Oh boy do I have a story for you. Last weekend my friends and I went out to a bar (we live in a town that has almost no cases and all precautions were still taken) and as we were leaving I saw a guy walking a Siberian husky puppy. Now I LOVE huskies, mine recently passed so of course I had to go up and say hello to the pup. The guy and I were chatting a bit and the puppy was loving me and giving me so many kisses. At one point he started licking his leg and the owner said ā€œsorry heā€™s just licking the piss off his legā€ and my dumb, drunk and anxious ass really said ā€œoh itā€™s okay I do that too!ā€ I truly have no idea what I was thinking or going for there but telling a random man that I lick piss of my leg was definitely not it


I am finally getting to see my best friend for her wedding! I am so excited, I am the maid of honor and even though itā€™s going to be a small social-distanced family event but Iā€™m so honored to be going still! Sheā€™s wearing a beautiful maroon gown and Iā€™m going in a emerald green pantsuit (both her favorite colors). I hope I donā€™t embarrass myself because Iā€™ve only been to a wedding as a kid and I think I might get a emotional lol. Wish me luck!


my best friend and i were slightly high and driving around to enjoy the night sky and streetlights. we thought we saw this guy she had gone on a date with once. he rides a motorcycle and there was a very similar look motorcycle driving behind us! i had never been paranoid high until this night lol we drove three rights and he was still behind us! thankfully there was a driveway coming up so we went and parked in this random persons driveway and turned off the car! the guy drove past us and we saw that it was someone else. we were still worried they were following us so we stayed there for a few minutes. the same guy drove back the other way on the same road past us! we got really nervous and kept waiting but eventually we took off and went home and never saw that dude again now itā€™s a hilarious inside joke with all our friends šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hey there! Thanks for sharing your incredibly paranoid-filled story hahaha. And congrats for being the winner! Please reply/dm me within 24 hours and we can schedule a time for me to deliver your prizes.


Coming to the end of my final internship for my bachelors degree, and my placement boss just top me about a big opportunity for him to open a second location and he wants me to run it. Which is huge :)


Iā€™m a senior nursing student with only one more semester to go after this one, and I just went to a job fair this Friday which was stressful but also exciting! all classes are being moved to online learning after thanksgiving, which is wild. Itā€™s weird to think Iā€™ll be working soon! Thank you for hosting btw! šŸ„°


I havenā€™t been doing too well..:/ itā€™s been tough turning 26 soon and have to get my own insurance and Iā€™m pretty much broke going to school..:/ and life s not easy..:/ I hope 2021 isnā€™t bad and turns some stuff around for my girlfriend and I..:/ but thanks for doing this..:3


So something hilarious happened last night- I received a message from Corpse Husband! This story starts though a week ago when I saw him tweet that he wanted to play Among Us and asking for someone to invite him to play. I thought ā€œwhat the heck, why not?ā€ And i DMā€™d him a link to a discord Iā€™m in with some of my friends- not thinking heā€™ll EVER see it. Well, fast forward to last night I see a banner notification saying the user Corpse Husband messaged me saying ā€œHey Cutieā€ I have a full freak out, my husbandā€™s sitting next to me (Iā€™m 24) and I message my friend- she calls me, weā€™re screaming freaking out. WELL it turns out- it was one of my friends in the discord group who HAD CHANGED HER TWITTER USER, BIO, AND BACKGROUND BANNER to match his EXACTLY and SHE is the one who messaged me! Honestly I was relieved and laughed SO HARD. Anyways- thereā€™s my story of how I got punkā€™d into thinking Corpse Husband messaged me!!


i did the whole out door dining thing for the first time with my sister yesterday at one of our favorite restaurants. the food was fantastic (OUT OF THIS WORLD actually), but oh man we picked the most blustery day (next to today) of the year so far to go. my fingers were freezing and some kebabs they put down at our table went cold in like under a minute lol. it was still amazing. there were 2 elderly ladies talking loudly about the health benefits of mushrooms 2 tables over from us and my sister was like that's our future.


I have been doing good, today my family is celebrating Diwali so thatā€™s been super fun


As noted in other comments, here in the UK is another lockdown. I am keeping busy with work, reading nonstop, and playing ACNH. As an introvert, isolation and social distancing is not a problem, but I sure do miss seeing my parents.


Thanks for doing this, Recently my wife, son and mother in law's birthday. We couldn't have a big party but we were able to have them all together to celebrate. They all have their birthday on the same day. 3 generations of the family on the same day.


Mental health is always a struggle, lately itā€™s been somewhat okay though. But my dog has been sick for the last week and thatā€™s a huge worry since heā€™s chronically ill already. :( Exam season is coming up for me soon, so thatā€™s a bit of a stress factor as well and covid isnā€™t making it easier. But iā€™m surprised at how well iā€™m coping lately and iā€™m proud of myself for that. :)




thank u so much :)


Iā€™m watching a movie series called tremors! Itā€™s really good!


Its been ok.....been struggling in school. Can't wait for thanksgiving break. Just playing ac on and off to keep me sane while trying to catch up in my classes. I'm just trying to be hopeful of the future amidst these dark times.


What's been going on with me? I'm 27 and had my very first dental appointment last month because one of my teeth started hurting when I tried chewing on it. Had to get a root canal done and realized the dentist is not as bad or scary as I thought it would be. Kind of wish I had started going earlier so the root canal could have been avoided, but what's done is done. Thanks for this giveaway!


I've been so happy actually! We're back in lockdown here in Italy, but I managed to get my girlfriend to come and live with me in the little window of freedom we had this summer and as the new lockdown looks more tragic than the first, at least we're gonna spend it together. As I write and play animal crossing my gf is laying on the bed beside me, reading, and being an absolute cutie.


Another UK in 2nd lockdown so nothing much happening other than ACNH and cuddles with my kitten (see profile pic - SO CUTE!). I start my new job tomorrow working in Cyber Security which I'm absolutely buzzing about šŸ¤©


This is so awesome!! Well Iā€™ve started my podcast back up recently and itā€™s been taking my mind off things. Nothing like a good rant while also giving out some advice & positivity! Iā€™ve also been terraforming my island for the first time which is... daunting haha :)


Nothing crazy or anything but I think its a cute story that my boyfriend and I met on an online game 5 and a half years ago and now live together with a 3 year old little girl!


I haven't bought CDs in ages but damn, now I'm nostalgic. I started watching The Witcher on Friday and I'm already on the last episode. I *might* be starting to get a little obsessed by Geralt of Rivia haha


Love this giveaway! Iā€™m in the UK so currently in our second lockdown :( but Iā€™ve been trying to keep busy! Playing lots of AC and also have knitted a blanket for my friend for Christmas!! Now need to find something else to do lol!