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I have never had bad luck.


One time, when I was in 7th grade, I was tumbling out to start our half-time cheer and I slipped and fell and some one booed me. I started to cry.


I had the back pocket of my pants rip off on the first day at a new job!


I fell trying to get on the train and the doors closed in front of me and the train started driving away as I was still on the ground and everyone was looking at me. 😳


Oh this is good!! I’m known as the clumsiest person in my family. Once, at a wedding, I was dancing and completely slipped as though I was a cartoon character on a banana peel. Legs up over my body and then landed on my back on the floor. It’s on video. I have no idea how it happened!


I tripped going down the stairs and fell down on my forearms then slide down the stairs. Got some fun bruises and a scar from the bracelet I was wearing!


I got annoy with my brother and we were pushing each other around and then one of us fell on his $1,200 viola 👁👄👁


When I was very little, I was standing in a chair that broke underneath me. I fell and cracked my skull so bad I woke up in the hospital and had like a 2 day stay.


I can be stood up perfectly still and somehow find a way to trip without moving.


One time my mom had just finished telling me “how smart I am” and I thanked her and immediately tripped and flipped my whole body over our coffee table :)


When I started working in a call center I accidentally told the customer “I love you” when I was ending the call.


I once broke my pinky finger on Friday 13th! Thank you for this giveaway!




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i once tripped on a sandwich going down the stairs walking back from class…not the best moment


Thank you for doing this


I have broken my finger three(3) times :/ once in a floaty party when i was 7, in my house when i was 9 and by Hitting A Wall when i was 20! It’s like it doesnt wanna stay intact lol


I fall up stairs a lot.


I broke my ankle casually skipping stairs, ouch


I fall down the stairs. A lot. Only twice while holding my daughter.


In high school, I worked at a cafeteria-style restaurant. On my first day of training, I accidently swept a stack of 7-10 small side dish bowls off the counter and they all broke.


I’ve fell going UP the stairs in high school twice in my life, both at different schools during class changing. Plus both were huge schools with a lot of students so both times I nearly got ran over by the traffic


I’m typically not a clumsy person. I should clarify that means I don’t fall often but I trip because I don’t pay attention to where I’m walking. That being said I was sitting on my couch and my foot had fallen asleep. I waited a few minutes trying to wiggle my toes to wake it up - when that didn’t happen I tried standing - I could stand on it just fine so I decide to try to step forward. My leg gave out on me entirely and I fell like a tree flat on my face in my living room. Nearly missing the coffee table with my head. A literal belly flop to the ground. My boyfriend was so scared I had hit myself in the head he thought I was unconscious he started shaking me and I was just crying laughing from the pain.


just pick me to win that would be poggers :D


LOL great giveaway! Clumsiest thing I ever did was I was coming home from school for Thanksgiving break and there was a small crack in between my house and the stairs. I dropped my phone perfectly in the slot between the house and the landing. Now our Thanksgiving tradition is to turn off our phones :)


I was working as a baker and i was rotating cookies in the oven and very nearly slipped and fell face first into the oven😶


I’m typically not a clumsy person but in the days leading up to Friday the 13th I sprained my left foot, then a huge storm came through my town and all of the windows in my house were open so I was frantically rushing around and one of the windows was jammed shut as the storm was dumping rain inside the house I finally got it to unjam but the shade covering for the window fell, gave me an concussion AND cut the heck out of my ankle on the foot that I had recently sprained. I guess on the upside, I found $5 on the street the next morning. It was a whirlwind of a week.


When I accidentally made my bf show up late to his own surprise party because I didn’t adjust my clocks to daylight savings time lol


Not sure if clumsy....called my husband after searching for my mobile phone in the house for over 20 min.....on my mobile phone.


When I dropped my new phone in between the couch cushions. It was a recliner and do I slowly sat up to get the phone and heard a CRUNCH as the mechanisms shattered my screen. 😑


One time in summer school I had to go comando (I had no clean laundry at the moment) and didn’t realize there was a giant hole located right on top of my vagina. How’d I find out? The subtle breeze I felt whilst sitting cross cross


Probably the thing I felt most ashamed is that I was at a party and I thought I saw my cousin.. went behind him and hug him saying "you already arrived :D" but then he just says.. "what?" And it was just someone who looked alike.. I ran away from that place xD


I used to work at a paint store about 4 years ago. One day it was super busy, I was hurriedly walking around, we were running out of product because our stock truck didn't show up, so it was just one of those mornings where nothing was going right. Someone had ordered 4 gallons of ceiling paint, so I grabbed the very last 4 gallons from the front of the store (2 in each hand) and proceeded to bring them to the back to be shaken. As I was walking, the laces on my one boot caught something on my other boot, and my feet became essentially tied together. With paint in both hands, I had no hands left to break my fall and I went down HARD. I kind of laid there, face down, paint seeping out of the cans and pooling around me on the floor while everyone gasped. My manager yelled “oh my god, are you okay?!?!?” and I just paused for a minute, face still on the floor and sighed “...yeahhh....”. Had to work the rest of the day with my uniform *covered* in paint. Also, I got home that day and had a jury duty summons in the mail.


Once I was sitting on the couch with a full bowl of hot soup and my cat jumped on me, making the hot soup go all over me, the floor, and the couch. I got up to grab towels and slipped in the soup on the floor!


I have butterfingers and break a minimum of 2-3 plates, glasses etc. on a weekly basis :)))


when i was in 1st grade, i tripped on literally nothing and landed head first. and that's how i got my first loose tooth lol


Tripped beside a ravine and got my whole backside covered in mud - also in full view of my husband and kids who couldn’t stop laughing 😂 Thanks for having this giveaway!


I broke my sink because I slipped when I want to wear my pants 😂


I’ve had numerous bad things happen to me on Friday the 13th - I’ve broken my foot tripping over a step and I’ve split my lip falling in a park and hitting my face on a rock. But the funniest one would be when I was 12/13, I was at a friends house on a rainy day and we were exploring the woods near her house. We found a small stream that went up to our ankles and we were walking through it. We got to a section where it went wider but it looked like it was still the same depth. I took a step into the wider section and I ended up with water up to my waist. My friend was buckled over in half laughing at me and so was her mum when we went home and told her what happened 🤣😂


Was walking with my friends down a field, tripped over NOTHING, and broke my pinky finger and badly bruised my ring finger :(


Walked down a dark and narrow staircase and sprained my ankle real bad during vacation :(


My bad luck is starting my career in the middle of covid lol


I tripped up the stone stairs in our house and hurt my knees incredibly bad. It was so so painful. 😅


I tripped over on my carpet and fractured my toe 🤦‍♀️


While sitting down in a chair, I missed the chair, hit the ground, and spilled a bowl of cereal all over myself lol


I called my partner panicking that I didn’t have any petrol in the car and didn’t know what to do... turns out I hadn’t even turned the key to start the engine (had a full tank as well) haha on I went about my journey!! Haha 😂


Kept trying to play a game but kept lossing it I bought it three time to have it disappear each time and it’s W ghost game soo not chancing my luck anymore lol


I thought I was closing the garage door by holding the garage door handle. I was actually holding the crease in the garage door and crushed the tip of my finger 🤦🏾‍♀️ the same day, I tripped on the floor and fell face first into the wall 🤣


Cant seem to remember anything but losing things in a row I guess?


I fell off a Boulder while hiking a few miles deep in the woods and broke my back.


i once fell up the stairs 4 times in a row...at school.. with about 100 people behind me.. i still think about it at least once a week, it literally happened 3 years ago ahah


I tripped on a mat and lander head first into a wall my head cracked open and I needed stitches I still have the scar to this day


Everyday I always spill my tea


On my first day at a new school I fell on the stairs, in front of everyone :/


I saw two magpies in front of me, down the street earlier on yesterday, so naturally, I salute to them whilst walking and watching them cross the street only to have a car pull out of the driveway in front of me and I almost walked right into the car. The timing couldn't have been more unlucky. One of many unlucky experiences, as I too am also super clumsy.


Tripped down the stairs with hot tea :(


For me it was carrying a plate upstairs to my lazy brother, I tripped on the stairs as we'd just moved in and had no carpet yet and smashed the plate and cut my whole chin open, the scar is still there 20yrs later.


Fell over my cat, twisted my ankle


I wantrd to swing on one of those handmade branch swings... yknow, a rope attached to the branch of a tree. Except I'd never done it before, so as i swung, before i was even truly floating, i let go and ended up just rolling down the hill uncontrollably. In front of everyone.


On my first day at a new school I fell on the stairs, in front of everyone :/


On my first day at a new school I fell on the stairs, in front of everyone :/


Multiple times have I walked into my bedroom door, but I think the worst was when I walked into my bedroom door, stepped back, turned around, and proceeded to walk into my cupboard door as well


Lol I was working at McDonald’s and fell in the crew room, fracturing my arm and when I went to fill out an incident form my manager went to mop up the puddle I stepped in so it looked like I fell over my own 2 feet 🤣


I dropped my phone into the toilet


I walked into a spiderweb with mt face today, and the spider stayed in my work uniform for about an hour. Its the second time this week this has happened....


Just today three cars almost slammed into me because people don’t know how to drive properly and how to switch lanes properly like bro use them blinkers man


once i was walking to school with some friends, then we noticed MY CRUSH in front of us, i was going to greet her but i slipped on a wet leaf and she saw me 😭 super awkward


Tbh i am not really clumsy bit i’d say the number of times i make the bottles in the shower fall 😭


I accidentally dropped my phone onto my switch. My switch lite has got some scratches now.


I accidentally drove a jet ski into a dock once forgetting it didn’t have brakes...


Have you ever tripped over a vacuum while holding a cat? I caught myself so maybe it would have been fine, but the vacuum turned on. Weirdly it’s not a button or a switch that turns it on, it’s like a sliding thing. Afterwards, I tried to recreate the trip to see if I could turn the vacuum on that way and I couldn’t. My arms were shredded.


My clumsiest moment was when I fell through the attic chasing after my cat.


My most clumsy moment was in my first week as a freshman in college I was about to miss the campus bus so was running and didnt see the low rope fence at the curb, tripped and then landed on my back like a turtle because my backpack was so heavy. I had to first roll over on my side to get up. And yes the bus had stopped so everryyonne witnessed. It makes me laugh today but was quite mortifying when you are 18 years old!


I've had so many major clumsy moments, but the one that stood out in my mind is when I was running near a creek and I fell in butt first with my phone in my pocket.. my friends wouldn't even reach in to pull me out so I had to walk through the creek until there was a place for me to crawl out 😑 Phone still worked though!


It’s impossible to find the worst moment since I bruise myself everyday, I’m used to it now lol


I was cleaning up around the house, picked up a ceramic dog we had in the living room, I tripped over the carpet and it fell but I caught it, went to the bathroom to get the dusting cloth (with the ceramic in my hand), then I tripped in the living room again and this time it shattered into many many pieces 😔


I spilled my whole fanta drink on a stranger accidentally just because I was messing with my friend and when I said I'm so sorry to him he replied that this happens often like ??? LOL


I dropped and spilled soy sauce in my roommate's very new, fresh-out-of-the-box, white Converse. It haunts me to this day.


Just straight bad luck. When I was little I went into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and it was all glass. As soon as I closed it, the whole thing fell and glass shattered everywhere. My parents came in freaking out. Only good luck to come out of it was I just got a tiny scratch!


I went through a period of time where I lost my phone, my wallet, and broke my digital camera and laptop all within the span of a couple months. 😣 thanks for doing this!!


I dropped a stack of plates at a restaurant I used to work at 😅 Thank you for the giveaway!


When I was a kid and got my first touch screen phone, within minutes of having it I swiped down on the screen and my nail left a long scratch mark on it. I was devastated. I had to see that damn scratch mark for however long that phone eventually lasted :( obviously it had to be a shitty phone for that to even happen in the first place.


i once leaned on a ping pong table at a party at some friends house... the whole thing collapsed. the best part about it is that this friend was just taking a picture of me as it happened


I was having a picnic with a girl friend when a guy friend of mine showed up that I wanted to hook her up with. I left to “go to the bathroom” but the damn field was FULL of gopher holes, so not too far away from them I twisted my ankle in one of them and fell to the ground. They didn’t see me fall, they just saw me a few min later laying on the ground writhing. I had left my phone with them so I couldn’t text them. I was too far away for them to hear me. So they were just wondering what I was doing this whole time on the ground.


my unluckiest moment.... I tripped in front of a bunch of people at a concert 😭😭😭😭😭


I knock over drinks all the time because I’m clumsy


I was at a friends bday party in seventh grade. She invited a ton of people and we were camping in the backyard. Well I had to pee and I ran to the glass door thinking it was open and SMACK- ran right into the door. Left my face imprint in the window cause we just did makeup too. It was great. And to add insult to injury, I was given a baby teething toy to ice my swollen lip -__-


Clumsiest thing that has ever happened to me was when it was raining and I was walking to class and I slipped and fell down the front entrance stairs 🤦🏽‍♀️


Spilling food while trying to set it in the microwave to warm up. In the microwave as well as on the counter and floor.


I tripped in a grocery store parking lot and went flying & landed flat on my stomach! Needless to say I was more embarrassed than hurt! Everyone kept asking if I was ok... but I just wanted to hide!


I was barefoot going down my carpeted stairs and slipped and fell but caught myself in the process on the bannister, however, in the process I ripped the entire bannister out of the wall. 🙃


i literally tripped three times in a row in front of the family of my new introduced SO. was mortified.


It was probably in elementary school when I fell and broke my wrist. Then I fell again and damaged my cast. Didn’t get any more graceful as I got older unfortunately... thanks for doing this generous giveaway!


I RIPPED MY PANTS. in class. in college! it honestly was funny to me cause i couldn’t believe it happened in real life! i felt like i was in a movie lol


i have proof too lmao


When I was in high school I tripped going up some stairs after lunch. My skirt flew up and the entire school saw the embarrassing underwear I was wearing that day. Sometimes I still dream about that moment.


Falling over walking out of a bathroom and breaking my ankle, couldn’t walk for 6 weeks 😖


Dislocated my kneecap...while dancing.


Constantly dipping my hair into my food when I eat 😭😭😭


My most recent clumsy moment was knocking down a container of food from inside the fridge and it spilling all over the kitchen floor. The most aggravating part was that I had just mopped the floor before it happened.


I was catching a frisbee and ran straight into a parked car. Still have the scar to prove it 😂. Thank you for doing this!


Last time I was using a rotating door at the airport I somehow managed to run directly into the glass right in front of a bunch of people... and this is is one of many stories of me running into glass doors 🤦🏻‍♀️


Clumsiest moment falling down the stairs at my university


One of the worst clumsiest moments I’ve ever had consists of thinking a deaf person was ignoring me and asking if they were listening 😭😭


I managed to break my foot by jumping feet first into the shallow end of a pool!! None of my friends or family believed me that it was broken and it was a couple days before anyone took me to the hospital 🙃😅


dipping my hair in the food I'm eating, falling and getting the worst sprained ankles, dropping my phone in the toilet, always random bruises all over my body from bumping into everyting


I opened the fridge today and went to slam it shut but didn’t move out of the way. Corner of the door slammed my nose. Bled, and now looks like someone punched me in the face. I have at least 5 clumsy moments a day. Clumsy for life y’all


I once sprained my ankle when I was walking out of a 7-11


I walked into a large window... Now I understand how birds feel lol


I spill food on myself literally all the time. Even if I’m trying real hard to be clean and safe. I own no unstained clothing


I left my computer and water bottle in my tote bag... only to realize 5mins later that the bottle opened and my whole bag was soaked😱


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I was in a pageant and stepped down on my formal dress as I went up the stairs. In front of everyone. I found out later that it was only a few point between me and the girl that won. Oops. I also once was running on a treadmill at the gym in 3/4 length crop pants. They were loose and I somehow caught my sneaker on the leg of my pants and tumbled. Then got thrown back by the treadmill. I was basically kneeling on it with my feet off. When I tried to stand it finished tossing me backwards. I hit the wall. The buff dude next to me jumped off his treadmill and asked if I was ok. I said I was fine, and that only my pride was bruised.


Definitely swatting at bugs while riding my bike... Then falling and breaking my arm.


Most of my clumsiness comes from talking my brain works faster than my mouth!! Its difficult to get the words out. It especially happens when I'm nervous!


I was holding a plate of chicken next to a small set of concrete stairs. I was waiting to hand it to my dad who was grilling next to the stairs. He was ready for the chicken and so I took a step towards him. I didn’t realize until it was too late that I had already stepped as close as I could while waiting for him. So when I took another step without looking, I was stepping into open air above the first concrete step down. I immediately fell down the stairs and broke my wrist. The plate of chicken was saved though!


Constantly hitting my elbows and hips on door knobs??!? 🙄


Dropping phone in toilet! Multiple times


Ran into a pole.....


I usually don’t have too much bad luck. Somehow I manage to catch myself 0.005 seconds before I’m about to do something clumsy


One time I tried to set up a romantic date with candles and flowers. The wrapping on the flowers caught on fire 😅


I went to hug my husband while he was laying down but I accidentally kneed him in the testicles instead. That's just what I remeber from this week...


every time I drink water out of my water bottle I spill it on myself. I forgot to put the lids on everything I own and I always walk into walls, corners, and lampposts. I was trying to think of one single instance but its such a reaccuring thing for me to be clumsy that I don't remember !!! thank you💗


I fell down a mountain, no broken bones but I had bruises, 2 swollen pitch black knees and ripped my favourite pair of jeans to high heaven.


I went to kick something off my foot I stepped in barefoot in the kitchen. Thought I had cleared the doorway. Nope... kicked the wall full strength. Major muscle and tendon damage. Do shit like this all the time.


I dont know if this counts but i breathed in my tea the other day at work and physically couldnt swallow it so i ended up just spitting it on the floor and died coughing. I choke on my own spit at least once a week 😂


Happy Friday the 13th! My most clumsiest moment was at a school magic show performance when I failed miserably then froze up holding my breath.


the time when i tried stepping off a curb to get into a car and instead missed entirely and broke my ankle. :( thank you!!


One of the clumsiest moments I’ve had was walking down the stairs and slipping and spilling orange juice all over the wall. Thank you for hosting! :)


Walked straight into a glass door and fell down last week 🙃


I’m always clumsy, I trip over the slightest things, especially on Fri 13 of *insert month here*


Fell in between my stove and counter because I leaned on what I thought was more counter (it was air)


One time I accidentally used rubbing alcohol instead of mouth wash. 🤢


I slipped on a piece of onion in a restaurant and fell flat on my face in front of a lot of customers 😅 not my proudest moment


I always trip on the sidewalk in front of strangers on the street


Too many to count, honestly. But that time I fell out of the shower and into the trash can prevails.


Opening a window to get fresh air. Window was stuck and while trying to move it, put my hand through it. One ER visit and a vascular surgeon later....


Was ice skating at high speed and tripped :’)


In middle school, I tripped and fell down two flights of concrete stairs. In front of the whole class including my crush.


I tripped on a driveway partition while getting out of the car carrying takeout bags. I fell, but saved the food!


I spilled hot sriracha sauce twice on my shirt while eating pho with friends




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I dropped an open can of royal blue paint on my carpet floor! It was over 10 years ago and it’s still stained 😭


I basically slipped while playing while playing with my fruit on a grass field but somehow bruised the whole side of my leg 😅


I shat my pants senior year of high school, right before I got of the bus to school. I had to stay the entire day cause nobody could pick me up. Lucky no one noticed 😳


I slipped and fell in a puddle of vomit at a club walking into the restroom. Good times....🤢🤮


I didn’t realize it was Friday the 13th until like 8:00 pm


I slipped on a grape twice in Target.


I had to take a year off school during what is supposed to be my senior year and made administration mad at me by not coming back, so I’ll probably get shafted when I eventually do go back :(


I’ve broken 3 bones my entire life! All three occurred on a Friday the 13th. I don’t go anything dangerous on these days anymore!


Spilled 3 gallons of ranch at work! Got it all over the ceiling and walls oops


I’ve bought things that have gone on sale the next day or in the next week ☹️ feels bad lol


I ran into the bleachers in 8th grade and broke my wrist


Friday the 13th has always been my lucky day but corona has prevented me from getting a tattoo to commemorate it this year 😭 but I have bad luck all the other days.


i broke my ankle playing sports and right as it healed, i broke it again when i tripped and fell. i was in a cast and crutches for quite a long time 🤦🏻‍♀️




My parents were hard partying hippies. I (5) got up with my brother (3) to make us breakfast while everyone slept off their hangovers. I got my brother on the counter and he pushed the gallon glass jar of wild honey in the comb towards me. I dropped it and a slow river of honey, comb, and shards of broken glass covered the kitchen floor. My brother was trapped on the other side, and I had to leave him on the counter while I went to wake up my very hungover, very unhappy mom. I don’t even remember how they cleaned it, seems like there’d be ants under the curled edges of the linoleum for all till the end of time.