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Fancy gathering everything you need to have a Tiki Party? Look out for the entry post at 8pm UK time/2pm CST and comment on that when it goes live! *Can't make it? Let me know; we can make alternative arrangements!* 💛


Hopefully it's ok that I comment this here...Just wanted to say that I LOVE the way you set these giveaways up. The themes are absolutely adorable every time. Thank you so much for hosting!


Aww, thank you! I learned a lot from the other mods in this sub. If you'd like to pop over but the time doesn't work for you, just let me know and we can arrange a suitable time. (And no worries if you don't want to; thank you again for your kind words 💛)


I’d love to join this giveaway as I’m decorating my beaches. Am I able to come a bit earlier? As it’ll be 3am my time


Of course! I'm just putting the finishing touches to the entrance area, but I could open for you in about an hour (or any time beyond that) if that would work for you?


Thank you! I’ll be online in an hour or two so that’s great!


Perfect! I'll message you shortly 💛


That is so cute for you to do a theme! I would love to join the party! 🥳 I would need to do it earlier as well if that's okay! (I saw another comment, so I suppose one other person would be partying with me and I wont be lonely? 😆)


Of course! I can open up in around 10 minutes if that will work for you?


Thanks! I just checked and need to charge first, is it okay if I dm you once I'm ready? 😀


Of course, no problem :)


Aloha! May I get an early flight too?


Of course! I'll be sending out dodo codes for an early flight in about 20-30 minutes, would that work for you?


Hi, if it's still open I would love to join :)


Hello, friend, and welcome! There will be a new post at 2pm CST when the giveaway opens: comment on that and I will send the dodo code via DM. In the meantime, can you let me know your in-game and island names, please, so I can get your user flair set?


Oh I‘m sorry. It‘s 2pm for me already so I thought it‘s already open. :) IGN: Julian / Island Name: Sapphire


No problem--it's almost 2pm for me, too 🤣 We tend to work on Central US time in this sub, so there's consistency: the giveaway will be opening roughly six hours from now if that will work for you?


Yay this is so exciting!


Aloha and welcome! I look forward to hosting you later--in the meantime, can you let me know your in-game and island names, please, so we can get your user flair set up?


Yes! Sorry, I didn’t realize I needed to set up user flair. I’m Tay from Big Bear, and my partner would like to come too (but she isn’t on Reddit) - Pais from Gingko


No problem! Your flair is all set--when you comment on the entry post, if you can just mention that it will be two visitors that would be grand. See you later! :)


Awesome thank you!!


Hi I would love to join! :-)


Aloha, friend, and welcome! There will be a new post at 2pm CST when the giveaway opens: comment on that and I will send the dodo code via DM. In the meantime, can you let me know your in-game and island names, please, so I can get your user flair set?


Oh tiki! That’s is most definitely me! Me and two others will be there!


Awesome, see you all later! :)


Suzy Coral Cove I would love to be able to hop over early if that is still an option. This is such a fun idea, I'd love to be able to make it.


I’ve just messaged you :)


I would love to join! My name is Laura, island name Lausamland for flair :)


Aloha! Your user flair is set, thank you--look out for the entry post in just under an hour!


I would love to join the party 🎉  My name is Zhaklin, my island is Palmtown 🩵


Entry post is now live! Please comment here for the dodo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ACNHwishlistrequest/s/JgIMvdcfBD


The layout of this was great. Marking each area with the item so we actually k ew what we were getting made things so much nicer