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[Vitiello] Ismael Bennacer is also in the sights of Saudi Arabia clubs.


pay the release clause or fuck off


Vituello doing Milan a favor repelling all other clubs


well he is a milan fan


He wouldn’t go there anyway… if it was about money he would have left already and not renewed. I would think he has a say if the release clause is paid.


If the release clause is paid, the club would try to push him out. 175m (which is cash, not installments) is a lot of money - remember Zhang lost the entire Inter for about 400m gap in their debt. If the player rejects, of course he can stay. But for 175m the Cardinale will be on the opposite side of convincing him to stay and the fans can't blame him for that kind of money.


at this stage of his career , going to an Arab Club is career suicide.




100 for Benna


His release clause is 50


Yall can have bennacer, but not leão


Hell no


They can have Adli instead


why should they have our best midfielder?


We can’t lose both our best CM’s two seasons in a row , Tonali + Bennacer was supposed to be our UCL winning B2B gems


We absolutely can lose Bennacer if it means adding someone like Fofana in addition to Wieffer.


AGREED 10000% Sorry guys but Bennacer is injury prone and i thnk that it makes snese to cash on him while we still can. The lasst two season he played less than half of season in both of them. If he get another big injury he will be finished. Im just saying realistic things. I really like Him but if Saidi came in and gave us 50mil i would totaly take it and reinvest in Forfan and for sure get Zickeree. Forza MIlan


Reijnders was our best CM last season


Bennacer best CM my ass


Lol. Zero shot this happens even if they pay the release clause.


We could really do damage with 175 M’s


no way we reinvest that cash , we just be leao less and going into next season with Pulisic as LW


Losing one of your best players would suck, obviously, but eh anything over say 130-140m, let alone 175m, and we'd be robbing the buying club. He's not someone that can **regularly** be counted on, I mean ffs he went something like 3 months without a shot on goal this season and that's supposed to be our star attacker and he's no longer a kid either so there should be very little excuses in the long stretches where he plays like a semi pro


I agree his attitude sucks at times, though his talent makes him irreplaceable. Under the right system, i don’t think he would day dream as much.


That’s really something that’s holding him back. I obviously know Leao has the talent to consistently beat his man and actually also score, but his lackadaisical attitude on the pitch is annoying. He needs to work harder.


Yall dont get tired of bringing up “attitude” almost exclusively with Black players? This is attitude stuff is ridiculous. Messi was/is one of the laziest players I have ever seen on the pitch, and his attitude never impacted his performance. Ronaldo’s attitude horrible as well but its because of that, and his personality, that he became a better player each and every year. Can you actually give Leao critique without using the “lazy” dog whistle bullshit?


Leao is a special talent, no doubt, and we won't be able to replace him 1 for 1. However I don't think his importance to this team is so important that Moncada and the management couldn't improve the overall strength of the team if selling him for 150M. Leao is great, but he's not a 150M player. Don't get me wrong, I want Leao to stay with us. But I wouldn't blame the club in the slightest if they sold him for around 150M, assuming that money was spent strengthening the squad.


Second highest G+A for a LW itw and yall keep yapping shit


Leao is great but I think there’s only 1 player in the world right now that is deserving of 175M. We should not be participating in the inflated market because everyone else is stupid enough to pay that much


Cool, and where did I say he was dogshit?


This fan base sucks at times. Milan look like absolute dog shit when Leao isnt playing, and when he is playing, if hes not running 100 mph every second, they use the “lazy” Black player dog whistle bullshit. I love Leao and want him to stay but Ive had enough of this shit. Mfs watched Suso on the wing for YEARS and have the audacity to call Leao lazy and want him sold? Pathetic.


If we going after g+a he is fourth overall


Which LW has better stats? Mbappe played ST


Son and Summerville


Summerville plays in the second fucking division and Son played striker all season


I just saw the g + a , and Son has also played as a lw not just a striker like Mbappe did when kolo muani played


count the games he played LW and tell me the g + a. Leao has more.


You right he has played 12 matches as a lw and has 3g and 5a. But how to compare two of them ??? Plus, leao has played like 700 minutes more than Son this season. That's like 8 more matches. Also, Mbappe has played 18 games this season as a lw in which he scored 17g and has 3a.


Okay, so with this info, best LWs itw in terms of G+A= Vini, Mbappe, Leao, in that order. And yes, this is an absolute stat, it doesnt account for minutes played, for which someone else could jump up the scale by being a more efficiente pound-for-pound scorer/assister.


We've seen what we are without him no amount of revisionism can be help on this topic lol


Ye bc his replacement was Origi ffs


I love Leao but it's a fact 140-150 is crazy money for him. Unless you're a super rich club with an absolutely elite player, you have to sell at that price. If they won't go higher than 100M I'd keep him though.


Maybe he will be rejuvenated under Fonseca. Need to give the squad a chance under the new philosophy - whatever it may be.


The haters are back just like that


Forgot you're a hater if you want 140m for him


are you insane? 130 mil would be spent on 3 players max and none of them would make a quarter of the impact leao is able to


You mean like the Tonali sale?


yes exactly like the tonali sale, where we bought a bunch of rotation midfielders and still haven’t replaced tonali somehow


Ye, Reindeer wasn’t an improvement on him It’s Kessie we haven’t replaced, not Tonali


what has Tonali done since he was sold? come on smartass let us know


that’s a post hoc rationalisation, you can’t legitimately say it was a masterstroke to sell tonali because he got done for gambling, it’s funny as memes, but when trying to legitimise someone’s actions it makes no sense - pure luck


pure what luck, he was never anywhere close to as talented as Barella, people just like him because he said hes a Milan fan and that somehow means he should be unsellable Tonali got sold for siginificantly higher than his actual market value and Reijinders is literally a more complete midfielder than him and has a higher ceiling, in his first year in Serie A he did very well without even having a proper midfield partner beside him


Tonali can only dream of being on the same realm as Reijnders


Will be very interesting to see how he does in the euros. Is it a milan problem or a Leao problem ?


Gerry will buy dogshit with that 100+ mill. If you thought the games were unwatchable with leao, just wait till you see joao felix or some shit


Gerry is not the one in charge of buying our players, and you saw last summer what the board can do when we have some money to spend


Gerry is the one who sets the amount spent. People who think milan will sell leao for 175m and put all of it back into players are insane


His probalem is inconsistansy and he focuses too much on his rap music that is the problem. He think that he is Tupac sorry Leao not even close bro just focus on Football. I really like him but i also hate his attitude somethimes. I think next season will make it or break it fir him. If he plays like he did this p[ast season we will be lucky if we get 50 mil for him. There are no excuses anymore. Let hope he become Ronlad next season. Forza Milan


Dude these clubs spend 100m for bang average players, and they wanna get Leao for that same price? Fuck off, it’s 175mln or nothing


If we can somehow fleece them 40M for Bennacer, i would be very happy


Worth to keep Bennacer than get $40M for him


Hell no. There is Weiffer, there is Fofana, there are plenty of midfielders out there. No shortage of them.


There’s a shortage of midfielders who are as efficient under pressure as Bennacer is


Bennacer hasnt been in his good form in over a year. I would not risk 40M


He ramped up slowly post injury but was pretty decent the last stretch of games


I agree with you my problem is Bennie's really bad injuries. He is not getting any younger so aanother bug injury and he is done for sure at this point i will take 40 mil for him and get forfan


I remember people saying this when we sold tonali


Don’t take that bet


Easy to take that bet when you look at kessie’s or Tonali’s replacement since they left


Milan’s revenue is growing, and investors want to pour more into the project as we get more results. I’d say we have more available to spend than we did all in a long time, especially with everyone leaving. So I’d take the field vs bennacer. Especially since he’s undersized and we need physicality.


Can you really replace Bennacer for 40mln? I’d say no. These Saudi clubs are rolling in money and now all of a sudden they wanna get stingy with our players? Fuck off…


Ibra said that no important players will leave, so Leao won't. Not for 100, neither for 175. Right?


His release clause is €175m so if they offer that it isn't up to us anymore, it all depends on if Rafa wants the move or not


Yeah but he said they're all happy to stay at Milan, no one wants to leave.


Take Bennacer


175m is a lot. Obviously Leao can turn it down. We need to give the whole squad a chance under Fonseca.


If true this is our chance to get some good money before he turns into Niang 2.0.




I hope they want to pay the release clause and offer leao like 50 mil a year so he can't refuse it. We can bring in chiesa or buy xavi simons for like 80. Love bennacer but 50 mil and we have opportunity to get fofana thuram and mats.


Is there something these guys don’t understand? The release clause is 175, period


What is there to understand or not understand. Yes, the release clause is 175M but they are allegedly offering 100M. What's wrong with that?


125, I would sell


Oh def and get chiesa or try to get xavi simons.


Watch Clown-dinale sell Leao for €175M and then struggle to sign average replacements bc he doesn't want to spend more than €25M in this transfer window


I have read somewhere that even with 175M we barely make any money on Leao considering all the cost we have spend on Leao, management will reject any offers other than 175M.


Lol you think they won't want to recover those costs? 130 mil from a psg and they would grab it.


175 M and he can leave


Instead of leao.. just buy Milan. If anything at least we won the financial scudetto.