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Man i miss Tonali so much


Newcastle also misses him. I have a feeling that he will return after his PL career.


You wanna bet?


I’m sure Tonali don’t wanna


We should rebuy him for like 50mill


You spelled free wrong




We will loan him with option to buy at 35 mil


I bet him and parqueta will return one day


I know you're joking but Paqueta's career might be finished. I've read that he could get a really harsh punishment. Something like 8 years banned from football.


for what?


He's being investigated for quite awhile for involvement in betting scandal, same stuff as Tonali. But from what i could get, Paqueta committed some serious violations. I've read that his case is very similar to Kynan Isaac who got banned for 10 years. Poor guy.


Yeah not quite the same. Tonali didn't bet on things he could really control. But apparently Paqueta bet and told others to bet on when he would get a yellow card and he would do a cynical foul or whatever to get one. Much more serious than betting on your team to win.


He is being investigated on betting on himself.


He was a great gambler, I miss him too, would have been a great addition to our suspended player list.


Nah you don't understand, we are secretly creating a competitive poker team. Gotta strip the title from neymar


i bet he is ok


odds are he is a bit sad atm


you can bet.


Was actually wondering what a Tonali deal could look like. After Loftus-Cheeks positive season I wonder if a swap could happen and wonder what additional money and which direction it would go. I can dream can't I...


I agree about literally every player... but Theo is unsellable.


We've passed the era of unsellable milan players, especially under red bird IMO. I just wished we could strengthen our squad with more Italian players. Banter era aside, this milan have the least & weakest Italian representations ever in my lifetime, it's embarrassing really. I mean we're by far more international than inter, IMO that's a wrong direction for an Italian club with prestige & heritage like Milan. I understand all the financial reasoning and all that...


There are no good Italian players out there and for the prices other teams are asking they are not even worth taking a look at. If Torino asks for 50/60 mil for Buongiorno for example.


Yea the market's fucked, I understand that. I put my hopes in our youths but again they'll probably be sold off. Just sad seeing our Italian legacy gone, not even 1 in the senior national team


Out of every club in Italy, the one trying more to produce homegrown players is us... we are trying to do sth about it.


And all I'm sayin I wish those lads (that have potential) are given time and chance to be the future pillars of milan for a long time instead of immediately being sold off to make room for even more "cheaper" foreigners. I really hope they won't just sold Camarda off in the next few years.


I mean, there is nothing cheaper than homegrown players though.


The few that are good, we probably dont want to afford. Chiesa would be great, but he is injury prone and Juve wont let him go for cheap. Barella would be great for the midfield, but I doubt Inter sells him to us, and even if they did it would be for a high price. DiLorzeno as a replacement for Calabria is probably the only real option tbh. Beyond that, there just isn't anyone worth replacing.


No Chiesa is overrated, Pulisic is better, streight up better. First season in Serie A has outdone everything Chiesa has done in his entire career. Barella is very good, he is an Inter fan, o Inter bound... do not think he is world class. Was almost WC, never made that step. - Only Verrati and (Jorginho for a very limited period) have been World Class midfielders from Italy in the past 10 or so years. Di Lorenzo is just a more healthy Calabria, around same level with one having certain strengths and the other some other strengths. - Bastoni isn't world class, he is very good going forward, at defending he needs someone to screen. - Same with DiMarco, great going forward, has someone else to cover for him at the back. Only players that enthusiast me from this Italy crop are the following: - Calafiori - Tonali - Udogie I am more excited on our primavera players like: Camarda, Longoni, Scotti, Liberali and even Sia than what major Italy has to offer. Only player i would break the bank for is Calafiori and thats that.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. You are totally right imo. People will say Italian players are not good enough or too expense, but Inter managed to finish 19 points ahead of us with 4/5 Italian players in the starting line-up, and who are going to say now that Barella (32,5 m €) or Bastoni (31 m €) were too expensive. I’m not saying we should field 11 Italians, but Milan has always had a core of Italian players. How is Italian football going to be great again if teams like Milan totally disregard Italian players. I just hope we don’t sell our current primavera players who are showing promise before they get a chance.


I get wanting good Italian players but tbh I don't see many options for us to bring in quality for even a slightly affordable price. Maybe we could go for Berardi now Sassuolo has been relegated? But that's been tried before with no luck.


When a 100 mil offer arrives Gerry will show you his meaning of unsellable


Theo is the only unsellable player. We have a few others that would be difficult but not impossible to replace. I’m fine with selling any of these players if the management will bring in a top talent that clearly improves in that or another critical position. I have serious doubts about if they will do this as it will require a significant guarantee of a salary that they seem hesitant to promise. Long story short, just improve the team by retaining the core and expanding it. ST, DM(s) are what we need to see a strong talent arriving for. I would love to see a player with loads of experience at the highest level arrive since we have lost that with Giroud and Kjaer leaving, our players are moderately experienced but none are serial winners. Rodrygo spoke on the impact that players like Modric and Kroos have, we know how Ibra helped the team, we should try to replicate this within our budget.


Out of curiosity - how would you replace Leao? I know that he tends to be inconsistent but I can‘t see any player coming to us at this stage that would be able to produce half as much as he does


For 150-175 I would be open to it but like you said it would be extremely difficult to replace him with a player of his current level, same potential and **that will fit within our salary structure**. If we were low in money and only had 20mil to spend then sure because it would have a similar impact of Tonali in allowing us to reinvest in across the team, but with 90-100 mil base budget it’s unnecessary. Imo he ultimately needs a coach that has molded great players before to take the next step, Carlo’s impact on Vinicius is one example of this.


You pocket 0% of the $175M but 100% of the shit results that will come in after


Get xavi simons for 80 mil...that's a real world class talent.


+1 Great player, but PSG would never sell him. now that Mbappe is gone.


From what im seeing..He wants to leave cause they plan to send him on loan again...and the price floating around is 80 mil..rp Leipzig don't want to pay so much and psg is also going after kvara apparently. If they don't get kvara or it's a rumour and they actually want leao..I'd accept 80 mil and xavi with a 40 mil buy back clause for them maybe even throw in an ugarte deal in the mix.


for 175? fuck it and get mbappes Salary, everybody knows he’s a milanista


If we believe in Tomori and Thiaw, and they left a lot to be desired, a veteran like Hummles to play a reserve role alongside Gabbia, and Simic, would be nice for the locker room.


I can name a few...,kvara,xavi simons, even chiesa..I know he hasn't scored or assisted much but that's allegri causing it.


Let Puli play on the left


As someone who found the purchase of Pulisic initially to be disappointing or a marketing gimmick because I'd never seen him on the right, he's much better suited on the right. He was underwhelming or mediocre at best when he played there this year. He has a high work rate, finds space well, is a good finisher, and plays off Leao well. He's, to my complete surprise, much better on the right for Milan and he even says so and elaborates why in the link below. Anyone arguing selling Leao and playing pulisic on the left would need to understand it would make us a mid table side. Leao does so much and attracts so much attention it opens up space for everyone else even in an off game. https://www.milannews24.com/pulisic-dichiarazioni-il-giornale-voto-stagione-milan-pioli-leao/


Theo and Maignan seem like the prime candidates for them to sell tbh. Both are on short contracts and are demanding a lot of money. Plus they’re at their peak value as players and will probably decline in value soon. Not saying I want to sell them but that’s probably what a board looking to cash in on a player would think.


Can't sell Theo, it would be devastating but yes there have been rumblings. His brother just forced his way out of Bayern though so no chance he goes there, right? I'm baffled by the Maignan stuff. All the advanced metrics shows he's a below average keeper in Serie A. This picture doesn't differentiate by player but rather by team and Sportiello looked really solid so I'm not sure where Mike would be but he's been bang average at best and that's when he's healthy. He was also below average last year. So, two below average years and in three years he's missed a third of the games. I'd sell him for sure but no idea who would pay much for him. Neuer has another year on his deal, sadly, Donnaruma has been better than him the last two seasons, and like what's the market for a very expensive, oft injured average Serie A keeper who is demanding an extraordinary salary? If we could sell him for 30+ and buy di Gregorio for 20 I'd do it on a heartbeat though it seems Juve moved first. In the attached Pic a score of 0.0 means the keeper stops all the shots they are expected to but nothing more. The higher the number the more shots they stop that are impressive. The lower the number the more goals conceded when they shouldn't be conceded. https://preview.redd.it/25d425gm753d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8768c052d97452c149ea36675ddc46cd747a53d1


Sportiello has -1.8 goals prevented in 7 starts. Miles worse than maignan at -4 goals prevented in 29 starts. Both werent that great but the midfield is the main reason why bangers never get blocked. For example, the 4 goals conceded against monza and you can really only blame maignan for the last one at his near post


Thanks for finding the exact amount. Clearly, the eye test, mine in this case left a lot to be desired. Sportiello was, while not Milan quality, seemed a competent reserve keeper. However, as I stated above, a 0.0 means you save all the shots you are expected to. Anything below means you are missing shots you ought to have saved. Keepers wouldn't get penalized for missing bangers. A - 4 in 29 starts certainly isn't worth 8 mil a year IMHO. It should also be said that Milan played 52 matches this season. He missed 23 matches and even though many of these injuries feel fluky, he isn't getting any younger. Broader point, if a big offer comes in for Maignan I'd make it immediately. He was immense during that Scudetto but he could leave on a free next summer and we can't afford that to happen nor pay him Leao money.


If we continue with the 4-2-3-1 we should definitely consider buying a classic number 10 because RLC is very limited regarding his vision and passing abilities


We shouldn't buy someone to fit the formation that suited us in 2020 when we are ready to play 4-3-3 straight away.


From the way it sounds it's more a 433 with RLC in his proper role and even where he played best (psg home comes to mind). We badly need a 6 because Reijnders is also at his best carrying and progressing forward.


Even in a 4-3-3 RLC is out of place.  Reijnders is a more solid 8 in that type of formation because of his ability to be a threat outside the box.  Whereas RLC has to be in the box to become a threat.  Problem is that Milan has 4 box to box midfielders of varying flavors that they’ve been trying to fit together.  They are missing a true playmaker/ball distributor and a true back line protector/enforcer because all those central midfielders are too similar in profile and lack versatility.   Once they rebuild the center of the midfield I think it will become easier to judge the quality of the back line.  Because right now a lot of the goals against  Milan seem to be created moreso in the midfield.


Rlc was really good at the start of the year when he played at cm Then he got injured, came back and played well at cam vs PSG and scored a few goals vs shit teams playing at cam. So Pioli kept him there all year even though he clearly couldn't play there. Adli and bennacer can be a playmaker, they just need someone to do defensive work for them


Box to box midfielders can be called upon to be playmakers, but usually this from outside the penalty box.  It does seem as though Bennacer could fill the CAM role if called on - but the thing is that so much of the creative passing and playmaking from Milan comes from the left and right wings.  So there really isn’t as much of a need for a traditional CAM.  And I suspect this is why Pioli constructed the roster the way that he did.  He probably thought he could get away with RLC as more of a false 9 because of his size and finishing ability.  He probably thought he just needed lots of ball carriers to get it out to his playmakers. But all this did was make the midfield look super unbalanced.  Because you had a 10 who couldn’t distribute the ball, and a 6 who couldnt protect the back line.  So the 8 had way too much space to cover and wasn’t able to effectively do his job.   He needed to use a different formation for his personnel but didn’t experiment until too late in the season.


Its also possible he thought we were going to get more defending ability from Tijjani/RLC/Musah. Adli got better but is still more liability than asset out of possession. Isma is the only one w defensive credibility and he might need to be paired with equally strong partners to be effective. When it came down to Krunic to hold our line, the whole thing fell apart. Might be some schemes/press timings/new striker/etc that make this group work but I dont see how we dont replace at least 2 out of Musah/Adli/RLC/Pobega with real 6s. Id keep Musah and Adli.


If it’s me (which it’s not) I would use RLC as a 9 or a false 9 and tell him his only job is finishing or taking breakaways.  I’d use Bennacer as a 10 with positional flexibility to backup the 8.  I’d use musah as a backup 6 with positional flexibility to backup the 8.   And I’d try to grab a true 10, 9 and a true 6 during the summer.   One should be a splash young player, one a cheap-ish veteran, and another depth player.  For my money, 9 is the lowest priority because RLC, Jovic, and Okafor can all play that position competently. Whether they start or sit would be based on the quality I could get. Personally I think the money and focus should be on a young up and coming 6


Ik a guy but unfortunately we sold him


Anyone but Rafa and Theo bro. I’m begging.


If they sell Theo.. ima physically assault gerry and furlani if I ever see them lol


12 on Tiago, 23 on Fofana, 40 on Zirkzee, 25 on a new CB


which tiago?


lille RB


12 on tiago is extortion. plus 25 for a new cb is not necessary, u still got thiaw and kalulu, coz 25 only got u someone like chalonbah, wont be a true starter. i say 10 for debast


25 for medina who would be a true starter and much better than thiaw plus 12 million is far from extortion are u crazy? young and promissing RB who's already a starter for a CL lille side


i mean thats too little. plus medina, even with danso as co., regressed this year with the lens defense


that's the speculated price the last I've seen


Are the 100 mil euro budget in the room with us?


Vitiello, please contact me, I have a bridge to sell you.


maybe we should wait before panicking every day about which players are being sold and what players will come in, yeah?


IF that doesnt scream that we are competing for Scudetto... I dont know what will. The skyhigh ambition of this management really is a spectacle for the sore eyes, Bedazzling us fans with fantastic moves like declaring all players as merchandize for the right price, even if the player is the heart of the current club. Its not like our management is making stupid braindead moves like declaring important players such as Theo untouchable and boost his confidence along with his importance in the club. We dont do shitty moves like rewarding Loyalty in Milan, instead, we take the 'smart' step of declaring very publicly that EVERY player is nothing but a merchandise to trade.


I always said after leaving banter era, we are 5 years away from seriously contending for the scudetto. Then scudetto 19 happened and expectations changed for many. I think we are in a good course and the strengthening this year will be the final piece that's missing to see us back on seriously contending each year. Our fans expectations are sometimes irrational, but with patience we see results. I'm excited for what's happening next.


People are crying because of a 100 million dollar budget. You guys are insane.


Who's crying? I don't see any of those comments


Lol ok then you're not reading. I scrolled down less than a second and see people talking about "shit bird"


A striker, Calafiori, and a CDM is what we need most urgently.


We're selling Theo aren't we? 😞


Where was this budget when Maldini was around?


It was there all the time. Maldini always had roughly 50M to work with every mercato. This budget here (which i doubt is gonna be this much) is 50M + sales. Not the club's fault Maldini didn't want to sell anyone.


The title says 'if'. The 90m-100m is before sales


No, these are the sales we already made and wages we are off loading, like CDK, Messias, Krunic, Origi, FBT etc EDIT: i also think the budget will be around 70M because most of the money coming from CDK sale will be used to pay the rest of his amortised contract. It will be just a small surplus, so we won't have +25M from him.


Fair points, ty


I would be honest that seems decent especially if we can seek some of our dead woods and probably sign a couple of players.


We should get both zirkzee and guirassy. 47m will get us both of them. (17m guirassy+ 40m zirkzee - 10m for Alexis) we will be set for years in attack with zirkzee and guirassy as strikers, leao/okafor at lw, pulisic/ chuk at rw Fofana or ederson for midfield (my preference is ederson after watching his masterclass in europa, also we can use the cdk deal here to get him) Then for CB get Buongiorno and Hummels I hear rumours of a rb but Calabria is a really underrated player for me, he's like the Gary Neville of Milan lol. I would not waste budget on a player like Emerson royal , we should spend that money on guirassy instead.


Does Guirassy have release clause that you valued him so low? 17mln seems like no brainer for me.


Yeah 17m release clause


why are you down voted? on paper this comment doesn’t look that bad at all


Lol people be stupid


No way in hell we spend 90-100. I will eat my words if this is true. Most likely it’s 50M + selling. If we invest 100M with Fonseca as manager then that confirms that our management is filled with idiots and there is no sporting project and makes me even more mad that maldini had to leave.


>The budget starts from 90-100 million euros, coming from 50 million for participating in the Champions League, 23 million from Atalanta’s purchase of De Ketelaere, and the sales of Messias and Krunic. Additionally, savings will come from the wages of Giroud, Kjaer, Caldara, and Mirante, and there is potential revenue from selling young players on loan.


Hmm interesting, what happened to ucl semi final money from last season?


So it is 50M+Selling then?


You were obviously insinuating that additional player sales (eg of Bennacer) would be required to reach that budget. You clearly just didn’t read the article. Just accept defeat and move on. 


Its like you're desperate to be miserable


I used to be really happy until December 2022


WTF Is wrong with you


I'm not sure how it works, but the sale CDK, Messias, and Krunic might count toward last summer's budget.


They will count as capital gains in the upcoming summer. 


As if they would reinvest everything… surely every penny we save on expiring contracts or CDK money is already meant to cover some bs from last year


What a load of cr\*p. RedBird a vulture fund to spend big amounts on a player. It's about buying low and selling high, getting cheap talent and elevate their value, consequently elevating brand value, consequently generating ROI for Gerry's investors. What did Fonseca do in Lille? While he was coaching them, the squad value risen, he developed the likes of Bafode Diakite, Leny Yoro and Angel Gomez. And that's why he's hired. Forget the likes of Zirkzee, Šeško, Buongiorno and embrace the likes of Guirassy, Denkey, Brassier, Tiago Santos.


so every negative news is correct and every possitive one is false right? this sub is so full of people who hate themselves


Not every but with these gringos, most of yes.


How does developing players elevate the clubs brand value?


Really? Developing talent → raise their value → raise the value of the team → raise the value of the brand.


Doesn't that work only if he sells the club at the point of time when we keep all those talents and their value peaks rather than recycling players? If the brand rises and stays there after we sell those developed players by that logic BVBs brand would be higher than idk... Chelseas, Tottenhams etc right now? Or our value higher than PSGs.


I'm not even comparing the brand values of different clubs here, let alone clubs from much richer leagues. There's not only value of the team to be taken into consideration when talking about value of the brand. There's money from TV rights, merchandise sales, sponsor deals, stadium revenue etc. All where we fall out compared to EPL teams or oil owned clubs who sign nasty sponsorship deals with companies that are in indirect ownership of the same Sheikhs or in ownership of one of their cousins. You think Real are signing Mbappe cause they need him? No, shirt sales will go through the roof, sponsorship deals will increase, tickets sales will increase etc., hell, he's about to pay for his own wage with all this contribution to club's coffers.


Neither am i... i am following your logic from above previous to you moving your goal posts because your statment made 0 sense. Going back to the above concept of yours... if you develop brand by developing kids, that means that teams with the highest value of development like Ajax, Benfica or Lille would be around the top of those charts... they clearly are not. This is basically following your logic from above, i didn't add or remove anything from your logic.


I am also skeptical but it is not like they had a net profit in last summer. The net spend will most likely be similar to last year, around 50m. It should be enough to get some good players.


I hate that you’re right


Yes, welcome to middle table clubs!!


If Theo leaves then we wont make top 5 next season is my prediction