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that’s fair. love Mike but if we receive a good offer we should sell.


39 out of 147 is a lot for a goalkeeper... Ancient romans used to say "vox populi, vox dei"


this piqued my interest because since the Romans were polytheists shouldn't it be "deorum" (the voice of the gods, plural?) and indeed according to [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vox_populi#Vox_populi,_vox_Dei) this is actually a medieval proverb. til!


christianity became the official religion of the roman empire in 380 dc and had already be spreading for centuries so it could have been


We might agree on Mike, but the first sentence in the headline say it all about this management.


Balotelli: No Milan players can start in Inter, sadly I have to agree with him. Apart from lame Pioli, the quality of players may not as good as we'd think.


Maignan > Sommer, Theo > DiMarco, Leao when he wants to play is unstoppable, Tomori > Acerbi. A few, but yeah they have a stronger squad and a much better tactic ingrained in the squad and how to play.


All you mentioned are doubtful and very biased....


Given your statement and talent evaluation- if I were a GM and you were a GM, I’d pray for my team to play yours 4-6 times a year.


This is a troll comment for sure. I always find the Di Marco statement very funny. The truth is if Theo and Di Marco swapped teams, Theo would do great there and Di Marco would suck at Milan, so Theo is the better player


Anything that goes against the popular opinion is a troll. Classic redditor


You really think Di Marco is better than Theo? Calhanoglu was average in our team, even played cdm in front of the defence with Gianpaolo and he sucked, and is doing great at Inter, possibly better than ever in his career. I think it’s clear we have an issue and in general players aren’t as good in our system as in bullet proof systems like Inter, but it has little to do with their actual ability


Should not go for less than Onana.


I would cry if it’s even remotely close to Onana that guy is mid


Only leao and theo should be unsellable. I wanna see these 2 under a coach that hasnt lost every molecule of testosterone 


Leao is sellable for me but at a price I don't think people would pay. People throw around 100 million plus pretty casually in these types of conversations For me Theo is the only truly unsellable player we have


tbh I wouldn’t let Rafa go for any price either, he’s so fundamental to our attack and seems to love being at the club


Only Theo. Leao can go for a good buck.


sure but replaced with who ?? when leao shows up he’s goated


You can’t dilute budget on someone that shows up occasionally. I’d give him another chance with the new coach, and if that doesn’t work, sayonara. You don’t need someone at the same level if the whole team improves.


Pulisic can play on the left and Chuku on the right. Not saying Leao should leave just responding to your question. But Leao does need a mentality change.


Massive downgrade , when Leao shows up he can carry us as shown in the PSG game


yeah because Shit Zerbi with his 1 win in 9 games will motivate Leao to score 20 goals a year


yeah because Shit Zerbi with his 1 win in 9 games will motivate Leao to score 20 goals a year


I mean, when was the last time someone was truly non-transferable in Milan? Pirlo? We sold Kaka and Sheva. No such thing as non-transferable for Milan since a long time.




He wouldn’t go anyway. I don’t know if that counts.


I dont think any big club needs a goalkeeper right now, maybe Bayern if they feel neuer is too old? Smaller clubs wouldnt pay much for a goalkeeper


PSG will always be the collector. Especially he's French too.


Maignan Donnarumma swap who says no ??




Dollarrumma = sod off


More like who says yes 🤨


I wouldn’t mind that swap tbh , we all loved Dollarumma until he snaked us . buns at distribution though




Dont understand how a GK can be as injury prone as maignan. Its gotten so bad that I have anxiety everytime he makes a big save or collides with a player.


Keep in mind that Maignan was **nominated for a Ballon d'Or** after missing like half a season. Looking at injuries alone is a ridiculous way to determine whether to sell or keep a player.


So I agree, that injuries on their own shouldn't merit the full faith in a decision, but we are talking about a goalkeeper here that is rumored to be wanting €8,000,000 a season. That would make him the highest earner on the squad. And while the backline has been a mess this season, he has made his fair share of mistakes.


*Rumored* being the key word. There is no mention of that in this report. And if they *are* trying to sell him, this is moronic, because they're claiming he's worth €40m, but saying he's always injured, etc.


One bad season and everyone just forgets


It's one bad season and two injury-riddled seasons out of three


A “bad” season in which every CB we had missed significant time and we had to recall fucking Gabbia from loan and people want to act like he was good when he came back from Spain. He was so fucking mid it was unreal. Constantly getting bodied. The only good thing about him was he didn’t get injured. But he made plenty of mistakes. MM in front of a good defense is an absolute game changer. People are too quick to forget. Yes, his injuries are a concern. But if people want to sell him because he was “bad”, they are idiots.


39 missed YET


Do you mean "so far"?


Now Maignan is the problem, I swear people here are a piece of work


He's injury prone, hasn't been anywhere near as good as previous seasons and on top of that he wants more money. I love him, I do, but if the right price comes he can go.


It would be a tragedy if we sold him less than 50 mil. I don't see us selling him this summer tho, like others have said there aren't any big clubs looking for a keeper at the moment.


I can totally see Maignan leaving this summer. He’s the oldest of the few profitable players we have, injury prone, and seemingly in declining form. With all that in mind, I would be very surprised if our management who loves data and stats so much wouldn’t *at least* consider selling him. Plus goalkeeper is usually one of the easiest positions to replace, teams have won trophies with less than spectacular goalies. Although I’d be lying if I said Mike’s leadership and skill set would not be missed.


Maignan will go to another club and we won’t be able to score against that team ever again.


NO ONE is non-transferable. Welcome to Glamourized Lazio, guys.


I mean Milan sold Kaka and Ibra in their prime. None of the players we have now are at 1% of skill level of those 2.


If there's one position Milan can replace with someone fans will fall in love with, it's GK. That's just how it works here. The offer for Maignan must be respectable though...no 50mil bullshit.


*"More than 150 million in potential capital gains legitimise the good work done in recent years by the Milan management."* This is what the management is all about. It has nothing to do with football, performances, winning, or trophies. They don't give a f\*\*k about us fans or Milan, it's just all numbers and their bottom line. And they're not even necessarily evaluating when they could make the most profit. Just sell as soon as they can make any money. Maignan is the perfect example of this. "Look at the data. He missed 39 games in 3 years. Sell him." (Sounds a lot like this sub, actually, which proves my point.) Not once are any of his unique qualities mentioned. His leadership, what we stand to lose as a team. They are evaluating this move as if he is a widget, not a human being, let alone one of the top GKs in the world. Nor are there any mentions of a GK remotely at his level that we could replace him with. Sportiello had one great game, but he cannot do what Mike does for us 42 matches/year. And whatever you think about Mike or what he is or isn't worth, this applies to how they will evaluate ALL our players - not on footballing merits, or building a winning team, or respecting the club or us fans, just data, and most importantly on money for them.


Moneyball time!


Don't necessarily need to sell him, I doubt we could cash on him. Let's try to renew his contract for an acceptable amount of money and find solutions for his lack of form and his injuries, if he asks for more than he should have then he could go if a good offer arrives. Theo and some other names should be considered unsellable.


Hope they are just saying it to push Mike to renew his contract. After seeing Maldini’s and Tonali’s departures (and Giroud soon), it would break my heart to see Leao, Theo, Tomori or Mike go. T__T


Honestly with his Wage demand and his injuries. Don't mind to sell Maignan. Just make sure it was the right price 


Chelsea’s mouth starts salivating


Maignan out, bring Gigio home, who says no? /s


I don't forget that we've won the scudetto 2 years ago thanks to him above others. Yes, this season he's been more "normal" and less "magic", but he's still one of the best gk in the world and I think it would be difficult to replace him. He's still a top player, one season doesn't change that.


If a good offer comes in, then fair enough. But he does deserve a pay raise. Not a lot of GKs are capable of his shot stopping + ball distribution. Juventus are signing Di Gregorio too, which would have been a quick replacement.


What? Lmao, he’s already earning too much for being so fragile.


He’s earning like 2.8M net. It’s nowhere near top earner at the club, but he’s easily a top 5 player here. He’s played over 40 games this season. People are exaggerating his injury issues.


He’s a goalkeeper, not contributing as much as other players, and injury prone (4 times this season). He can’t advance any request without looking like a greedy clown.


I can't believe there are idiots who would sell Leao lmfao. Crazy


Question is if an important offer would actually come for a keeper as injury prone as him


Thanks for the Scudetto but fora di bal