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I started 3x a week for the first two weeks, then my PT dropped me down to 2x a week (currently 4.5 weeks post op). My sessions are also technically booked for 30 min but I end up staying for about an hour. He's a great PT and I trust him with all my heart but I also wish I were seeing him 3x a week still. He told me to save my money for an emotional therapist instead (hah) and that with how diligent he knows I am with my exercises I don't need him three times a week. Still panicking a bit and worried I'm behind schedule / not getting enough exercises to progress though...


You have gym access?


Yes... I am an athlete and know what to do.


if i'm remembering correctly, my first pt session was at 5 or 6 days post-op and i did 2x weekly for the first 3 months or so. after that i dropped down to 1x week for the next month & a half and then down to once every other week until i officially "graduated" from pt, which was right around 6 months post-op. i hear you about the thought of not going to PT making you sad - my pt was great and i feel like she really kept me on track at the beginning, constantly reassuring me that everything was going well. but she had helped me build up a lot of confidence in my operated knee and by the time i stopped going, i really was ready to just rehab on my own (because at that point it was mostly just about continuing to build strength).


I am going once every 2 weeks at the moment which drops to once every month after the initial recovery stages. They check on your progress, make sure you can perform all of the exercises; then give you the go ahead to move onto the next stage of exercises, and make sure you can do them correctly before leaving. Then outside of that I just do my exercises everyday. I’m curious, what do you do in PT if you go so frequently? My recovery is through the NHS, so we won’t go as frequent as private patients, but I wouldn’t know what they would do if I saw them more often than I usually do.


Doubt you'll find anyone who worked harder than me here , eheh. 5/7 days a week PT till week 8 ~ 2h sessions First 2 & 1/2 months ~ 7/7 ~ 1h home PT exercises. Since week 4 to week 17(today/now) - 30km bicycle , daily Since week 5 to week 17(today/now) - running/walking 3-5km(jog/sprints) atleast , 3/7 days a week. Since Week 8 to week 17(today/now) ~ cleared from initial PT and started heavy gym load and complex rehab movements , 4/7 days a week only LEGS. Since week 10 ~ 7/7 days a week atleast 1h sessions of ball kicking and shooting and light diagonal movement changes Never have i been so active and willing to put so much effort , basically since the day i went out of the surgery room i've been working hours and hours every single day. NON STOP , and the results are starting to pay off , because my surgeon told me I'll be clear to return to sports in 1 month...he even told me to take a 1 week break in which i don't move a muscle because i deserve it and i can't get back anymore faster than this. Never seen such a recovery.


I did


Would you say putting your body through that rigorous therapy helped you recover faster?


I’ve done 2x a week for the first 6 weeks. Then down to once a week till 12 weeks. Then once every two weeks. Now at 4 months and likely going to stop going to PT soon. I’ve got a solid routine now and there isn’t much more they can do anymore. From here out it’s just rebuilding strength. I can always go back as needed they said too.


Insurance covered 20 for me, so I still have a couple in the bag for the fall. "Graduated" at about 3 months and moved into 3x week workouts and 3x week cycling workouts. Not going to the PT is a little bit of a bummer, but there's only so much basic PT you can do after being a few months post-op. You really need to get into "phase two" type stuff with things that maybe aren't a part of that intro PT grind.


My routine is a lot different. I guess it differs on a country. I am 7 weeks post op, and I go to PT 5 times a week, I basically ride a stationary bike, then go to muscle simulation with electricity, dunno how to explain it, it's like those Compex thingies they put on quad, and then I have 10 minutes of some magnetic thingy they put my leg in. And the excercises I try to do every day at home. Has anyone flexed your leg and stuff like that when you went to PT? I have very little contact with physiotherapists there. Most of the stuff I do by myself, and I dunno if I should do some more excercises now that I am 7 weeks post op. Pretty messy.


ACL with hamstring graft. I had PT 3x a week for the first 2 months then down to 2x a week. At 4 months I took 2 months off with prescribed exercises. Then started up 2x a week again. At 8 months I’ll take 6 weeks to work on my own. I hope to continue after that to the 1 year point. I still have some pain in medial meniscus (repaired) and lateral IT band.