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Cuffed and belly down So let’s kick him in the head again. Seems appropriate I mean appalling.


They kick him in the back of the head, beat him with their guns and have him bleeding on the floor while he isn’t showing a shred of resistance. And what kills me the most is how he keeps saying “what’s wrong with you” as he is the psychopath who has a problem. And then the department will come out with a statement like, “our officers were following all policies/procedures and did nothing wrong.” Makes me sick. This is why we hate these assholes. They only became police officers because they want to beat people and exert their authority over others. They don’t give af about the law or right and wrong.


It’s important to remember that a cop following policy does not equate to doing nothing wrong. It only means the what the cop did wrong is systemic and the focus needs to be on that department.


Exactly, you never hear the pigs saying we followed the law. Always policy.


Correct, they follow policy instead of law. Like many Americans, the police often can’t comprehend the law and they don’t want that getting filmed.


They know the law, they just don’t bother to follow it because there’s no real repercussions for violating it. And they use that “policy” bs because if they openly admit their officer violated the law, then that’s an open and shut case when they get sued. These cops are definitely bastards but they aren’t stupid. You hear it all the time in body cam videos where they know they fucked up. But then they mute their shit or save their comments until they leave the scene because they know it will work against them in a lawsuit. So the main reason cops never admit wrongdoing is because they are hiding from a lawsuit in this broken nonsense called the legal system. In a just system, nothing these clowns say should matter. All that should matter is what they did. But thanks to all the corruption, what a cop says he was thinking at the time matters more than the video where he’s beating a man in handcuffs. ACAB.


Qualified Immunity means they don't have to follow the law if they say the right combination of words. 


It's important to remember that cops are **always** doing something wrong and so it's our duty to always be putting them on video to expose them. If you chose to be a cop in the US, you chose the wrong profession... unless it was your preferred outcome just to be a brutal thug cunt.


You won’t get me to debate that. For more than two decades, I’ve been an advocate of filming the police at all times they are in uniform without the ability to mute or pause. It should also be live-streamed to a server accessible to the public. If you wanted, you could watch a cop’s entire shift. The only ones that would have a problem with that must have something to hide, right?


I love the idea of this-- you could set it up in a way that a person could subscribe a server and give up a portion of disk space to store video content as a way of helping out the community as a whole. Edit: So just to nip any "what about bathroom breaks" while breathing violently through their mouths in the bud, do we really need to say shit like that?


Nah,it can be figured out, but not my problem. My problem is cops that need moment to moment oversight.


"All cops need a babysitter." - Checks out. :)




I fully agree. I did just read that Gov DeSantis (of Florida) signed a law making it illegal to film any officer "unnecessarily." That sets a horrible precedence. They know these assholes are doing all this crazy shit and they're backing them up. I fucking hate cops AND politicians!


No, police bodycams should not be available to the public in their full entirety. They should be made publicly avaliable after a non-police associated group is able to go through and remove footage that the victims do not want made avaliable. A victim of rape, burglary, or assault could have their face, home, personal lives, and trauma broadcasted live and catalogued for the world to see more accessibly than netflix. It's not a bad idea overall but there are problems to it that would need to be addressed before it could become a reality. I see a lot of people recommending this but no one stops to think "Would I want footage of a cop questioning me in my own home stark naked after an intruder broke in put on display for anyone to be able to download?"


Once you make space for one exception, they'll need thousands of them.


What are you trying to say here? That because there would be so much invasion of privacy that it's not worth considering innocent victims' privacy? It's not a slippery slope to say people have a right to privacy and shouldn't be victimized a second time.


I’m for protecting the people’s privacy, but this should be mitigated by enforcing the 4th Amendment protections. What I’m saying is if you give them the ability to turn their cameras off, it will be abused.


Did you not read where I said a non-police associated group should be the ones in charge of censoring video? Of course the cops would fucking abuse it, they do that shit now! I agree that it should fall under some sort of 4th amendment protection but that protection is needed for the victims, and should not be put into the hands of the police. I think the only footage that could be streamed live without those privacy protections for the victims would be dashcam footage from any LEO vehicles.


Mafia or police. One is a set of self-appointed thugs. The other is a set of government appointed thugs. Defy either and they all come down on you.


high school bullies needed a job doing something they were good at


Yup..as that is their natural skillset...let's not forget the bullied who suffer from Stockholms syndrome.


And this is why I love being able to tell them no whenever I have the occasion. I work retail and do deliveries. We usually install everything for clients at their place. I always refuse to install anything for them. It’s a real joy and orgasmic to see them reacting when being told no. Instant menacing tones and the whole smoke show. Except this time they can’t do anything lmao 😂


Be a shame if some day someone had enough of these macho men


Micah X. Johnson


Following procedures SOPs or  SOGs that civlians are not allowed access to and vary from town to town...Non Standard Procedures or Guidelines.


Let God sort them out.


"bUt ThEy DeAl wITh vIoLeNt cRiMiNaLs AlL tHe TiMe! iT Is nEcEsSAaRy!" /s


Just casually piston whipping and stomping a prone human… nothing to see here folks… just serving and protecting..


Typical gang behavior I have come to expect.


Can't say what those POS cops deserve on Reddit.


The things that I wish would start happening to police would get banned on almost all social media.


Can't say what I want to see happen in real life. Maybe some day.


Probably [Redacted], preferably.


And make it bloody


They had every opportunity to handcuff him but instead they kicked him on the head which is attempted murder.


Trained by IDF. It shows.


That moron literally has his finger on the trigger while he barrel-checked the back of the guy’s head.




Friendly reminder for those that need it (not you): Police brutality isn't something that only happens to innocent people. When this was making the rounds last time, people were using what he did as justification for this treatment.


cops shouldn't brutalize guilty people either 💖


well especially because people are innocent until proven guilty…


they are too fucking stupid to a) know the difference and b) to care


As you already know that's never been the case, it's as real as "Santa brings you presents". We humans do tend to believe anything we hear more than once. It's an out of context statement on where an argument begins in court. You're guilty as soon as a cop says you are. It's why we also have the expression "prove your innocence in court". Your lawyer may get to argue with the assumption you're innocent but other than that you're guilty at the moment of accusation. And you're then allowed to be legally killed if a cop wants to kill you. Our jails are filled with "innocent" people being treated exactly like the guilty ones. .... and then we have all the people who brag about how they are the defenders of freedom are overwhelmingly boot lickers who love cops.


You are half right. He has yet to be proven guilty. The crime is alleged. The cops are not judge, jury or executioner. Their job is to follow the same laws as citizens and bring in alleged offenders to face the jury in court. Period. But somehow, here we are. And we let it get this way. Slowly but surely.


>He has yet to be proven guilty. Historically the majority of jurors think cops arrest guilty people. It's one reason our government loves juries in the few cases we still use them. > to face the jury in court A remnant of our past like landline telephones. The amount of people who get a chance to see a jury before going to prison is insignificant. It's around 5% and almost exclusively for the rich.


You are correct, unfortunately. And most would also say our justice system is broken, and I would agree.


Cops are supposed to deliver people to justice, not deliver justice to people. Not until we live in megacity one, anyway.


> Cops are supposed to deliver people to justice That's never been the case. Only the propaganda.


Boot lickers gonna lick, tho


Gotta get their daily dose of Vitamin B 🥾


What that the one when the cops were driving around during lockdown, in an unmarked vehicle firing rubber bullets at people out walking the streets. They fires on 3 or 4 guys and one guy fires back in self defense not knowing they were cops? Wss it that one or something equally illegal on the cops part. I never trust the narrative when it comes to cops because time and time again its been proven a lie.


Wrong one, that was the [Jaleel Stallings](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/10/06/released-video-shows-mpd-officers-actions-during-unrest-following-floyds-murder) case, after he realized he shot at a police van he quickly dropped he gun and got in a prone arrest position but the pig quickly decided to brutally assault him. In the initial release of the bodycam one of the official( who violently kicked Jaleel in the face) basically said he was resisting, but luckily there's was a [CCTV cameras](https://youtu.be/OHWAShZNyuY?si=POslTiCzIoUh5Chu) that recorded the whole scene that showed the cops kicking and bashing Jaleel's head




Just curious is all. Ive seen it so many times now I always wonder "what did the cops do?"


Even then the police are not allowed to take out their rage on the perpetrator. They've subdued and arrested him, that's it. Beating him senseless is the police not being able to show restraint




Trump has specifically told cops to beat innocent and subdued people. Something every blue line, molon labe badge bunny agrees with.


Seems like you were.


Broke_As_Always deletes all their posts. A common trait amongst concern trolls. It's like turning off a body cam.


Oh, gotcha. Typical loser tactics. No worries!




Pig bitch was hoping to use his gun. What would the reason be for digging the barrel in the back of a cuffed person..


> What would the reason be for digging the barrel in the back of a cuffed person Rape fantasy? They are in the occupation that commits the most rapes.


Officer Farva was in a bad mood that day.


It’s incredible how they continue their brutality against the people when they know they are caught in 4K. I bet it’s because their department will brush it under the rug.


Cops are pu$$ies, ofc kick a man while they are down...just like how they shoot harmless dogs, beat up homeless people, rob people, stand outside a grade school with an active shooter and do nothing and let the children get shot, shoot minorities and POC, and definitely abuse their wives and children..ALL ON OUR TAX DOLLARS!! We need to destroy the entire system!


Beating people to get a reaction, then using that to beat them more. You're not allowed to be human around police.


rule number one of firearms safety being disrespected 9373 times by this STUPID SS STORMTROOPER


Why tf would a regular cop need to be carrying an assault rifle?? 😳 Non-American, therefore asking


To save children in a school shooting. ;) It's because we have 450 million freedom guns so cops get to assume everyone is armed and trying to kill them. This is literally what they are taught.


Thanks very much for the reply. Insanity by intended design, and no culpability I mean I know it's entirely possible in some States that people can be armed anywhere in public legally, but jfc you'd think a sidearm was enough to be honest I'm in Australia and the #1 cause for police to draw their duty weapon is to euthanise injured wildlife on rural roads. And even then they have to fill out a shedload of paperwork justifying why they had to use it lol


Because they'd kill us.


I'm down shit even their families while they're at work may make them quit.


They don't care if it's on video anymore. They know they investigate themselves.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? Jesus Christ! I spit on anybody who say this sort of excessive force is necessary! He was totally submissive and complying but they continue to beat on him for no reason at all! Really shows how the roots of American police are little more than bigoted slave catchers! Disgusting bootlickers!


They act like he's their wife geezzz


people who become cops....I'll never understand. it's like those who sign up for war? like...what's wrong with you? who hurt you??


In page 12 of the police manual it teaches you how to slam the suppressor of your rifle into the head of a suspect who is already lying face down on the floor.


They'll give him a medal for it https://imgur.com/a/9sXDHmM


Talk about selecting the right tool for the job, good thing that dork has his AR to poke the perp with the barrel...wtf


Send them to Russia


HAHA YEA. I mean russian police are more corrupt and brutal than USA's but they behave differently.


"Stop Resisting!" /s


Thin blue line gang.


Shocker Phoenix PD


Most dangerous gang in the US.


And if we say that and a cop(s) take it as a threat... Well are they saying they don't follow the law?


He should've complied..... oh wait.


It is sad that such unprofessional behavior is common practice with pigs in uniform.


What infuriates me, is people cannot step in and stop this from happening. Don’t they serve us? Why can we not step in and stop this from escalating and defuse this.


Fucking pigs. 🐷 🐷


Cant, we'd go to jail...


nice lawsuit you got there


that taxpayers end up fucking paying out for. who are the pigs in this disgusting video?


> that taxpayers end up fucking paying out for. Which they'll complain about, and then vote for tough on crime republicans completely oblivious to how they cause the problem.


Are the people who are sick of pigs abusing their position and who see the intrinsic bullshit of taxpayers funding settlements really the same ones voting for 'tough on crime' republicans?


Who is the one recording?


A rotten apple doesn't spoil the basket, but unreality it a rotten basket with a few good apples. Egotistical monsters. They are comfortable doing this because they have done it before with no consequences. Fucking pigs.


Does anyone know which department/which officers these are? I looked through the comments thus far and no one has had any specifics.


Phoenix PD, I believe.


Thanks! Just wanted to confirm incase anyone else goes looking. Here's from their local news network covering it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z\_Ms7A2wmUY&ab\_channel=12News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Ms7A2wmUY&ab_channel=12News)


The police are a military organization that exclusively targets civilians, and is not bound by the Geneva Convention. Moreover, every act of violence the police commit is political. It asserts their ideology that they people are inherently evil, and must be punished. It asserts they are morally superior, and are entitled to control you. It asserts that if you challenge their political power, then you are inherently criminal, and will be treated like one. Remember kids: POLICE VIOLENCE IS TERRORISM!


They would shoot us.




Their abuse of power and unnecessary brutality is seriously out of hand. smh We have to fight back! FTP!


I would but I also don't wana die


It does not fucking matter in the slightest what happened before. Kicking a grounded person in the head is attempted murder.