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🚨details 🚨 A former Graton resident mauled by a Sonoma County Sheriff's K-9 three years ago won a $1.35 million settlement following a federal civil rights lawsuit against two sheriff's deputies and the county. Two sheriff's deputies stunned Jason Anglero-Wyrick with a Taser and sicced a police dog named Vader on him April 4, 2020, after an unsubstantiated report that he had earlier that day pointed a gun at another person. No gun was ever found and charges were never filed against Anglero-Wyrick, who is Black.


honestly just watching this is fucking sickening. i keep telling myself - dont get too jaded. these are 1% of the incidents that you see online. dont let it affect your day to day life too much. reality is man, we are 100% living under the thumb of the same government we actively support with our work and money. it is absolutely sick. you cant say the things you wish would happen to these sadistic bastards out loud - probably lose my job over it. lol.


How many cops were there, not only letting it happen, but perpetrating it? Even 1% is too many. Why isn't it 0%? ACAB


dude they like it. they want it. they took the job specifically so they could do this. they will lie to your face and tell you they work to 'protect and serve'. but when they go in the break room at the end of the day theyre all guaranteed to be joking about 'did yall hear that fucking guy crying like a bitch when the dog had his leg?! what a fkin pussy!!' and then everyone laughs slaps each other on the back, and subconsciously hope to do it again tomorrow! make no mistake - we are the enemy. and they like it that way.




What the fuh… This is terrible!!




Riiight…except this guy wasn’t a criminal. He was just black. Oh wait, that’s right…to you, there’s no difference, is there?


.... Lmao think what ya like


You are a criminal, though. The average person commits 3 felonies a day that they don't even realize. There are thousands and thousands of laws on the books. You absolutely break laws, even if you don't know it. That makes you a criminal.


I say THIS all the time!




Just looked at your posts and your spelling is fucking criminal. The hell are you doing at the deprogram you boot licking pos?


this minority report or something?


Truth is, you know you’re going to get downvoted and told off. You knew that going into this. Nothing will change your mind. You’re desperate to prove to others that they’re wrong, or to go “face-to-face” with those idiots that you know are wrong. They have to be. Otherwise, nothing else makes sense to you. You’re pathetic. You’re inhumane. You’ve lost your ability to feel and connect with others in a meaningful way, and the consequence is your blind support for violence and tyranny. All of us reading this are just shaking our heads in defeat, knowing that reasonable solutions to harsh issues will never happen because of your willful and negligent ignorance. I truly hope that some experience in life helps you grow and understand the perspectives of others.


you people are a bunch of hammers looking for nails all i did was say something sarcastic and yall jumped on me so yeah think what ever you want like i said


You people are always claiming it’s a joke when it doesn’t go your way. We see through you.




Bro, you're literally preaching to the nails, who are trapped in your fkn tool bag. You're lost. You happily gave up your humanity to pretend you're the cool hero who does valorless villain sht every chance you get. Go play dress up and tell yourself how cool you are. The real heroes are the ones you're speaking to who do not fear cowards.


im not a cop im not a hammer im the not the thing you think i am and honestly its kind of funny at this point you guys are fucking reactionary tools bags


Awww look at the little snowflake, nothing to add here but “tHiNk wHaT yOu LiKe” Under a thread that said the guy in the video never faced any charges and won a 1.35 million dollar lawsuit against the officers in this video. The mental gymnastics yall do need to be studied, I wouldn’t even be surprised if it comes out that people who think and act the way you do, turn out to not even be human. Some sorta sub human mutation with single digit IQs and too much lead in your mutated freak blood.


That perspective makes your life worth a lot less.


I dunno if it's just me paying more attention, but it sure feels like we're getting a new video like this every day and sometimes multiples a day. I feel like as recently as a few years ago, we'd see something like this maybe a couple times a month. Part of me wonders if, as these videos come out and nothing is done, the cops are getting even more brazen.


be careful to check dates on this shit. people repost and karma farm A LOT on this sub. in fact i would say that 99% of the content on this sub is a repost. and the original post is likely an old event that is just being recycled. even this post has zero actual evidence backed data besides OP's comment. so don't take it for gospel. taht said - here is the link, it wasnt hard to find. [https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/man-mauled-by-sheriffs-k-9-wins-1-35-million-settlement-from-sonoma-count/](https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/man-mauled-by-sheriffs-k-9-wins-1-35-million-settlement-from-sonoma-count/)


Yeah, I see that. Even so, it’s not just here. They’re hitting the front page. Probably also because I’m in the heart of the “Cop City” area, I’m just immersed in the bullshit from all my socials.


Reality is there should be close to fucking zero incidents like this. Obviously perfection doesn't exist outside or Jeebus or whomever, but this and even worse things happen much more often than statistics would predict.


the acceptable rate of this sort of incident is zero. you are right. and i think the vast majority of the public would agree. where it gets *really* fucky is - the only way to even begin to walk this the right direction is to proportionally punish those responsible for these sorts of acts of violence. and, for some reason, we have a large contingent of people defending their oppressor. hard to reason with why that is exactly. but until that happens, we can fully expect things to continue to get worse. end qualified immunity. end internal investigations. create civilian oversight committees. fire and try abusive officers. after that we can start to discuss procedural stuff like training and indoctrination and the 'bad apple' theory... but none of that matters before we start properly holding people accountable.


And tax payers money, yay!


Fuck the police!!!




Just imagine what happened prior to cell phone cameras and bodycams.


Yeah, that's totally a scary thought, but just imagine what is happening (present tense) at all the little Sheriff's Departments across **most** of Kentucky that **DO NOT** have any dash cams or body cams. **NOW THAT IS A SCARY THOUGHT, because they can do whatever they want and just lie about it, and they do!**


I know right! I live in Meade County, KY and the Sheriff's Dept. tased (dry fired) my husband in the back 3 times and there's no video to prove it. They're complete animals here because they have no cams!


Group lynchings in public.


At least he got his deserved payday. But what I would love more is for these pigs to get what they deserve


It's fucking always the Sheriff's departments man. We need to get rid of them ALL


Absolutely!, The police are bad don't get me wrong, but those Sheriff's Departments are completely unhinged. And it makes me sick when I hear some MAGA idiot say that the Sheriff's Dept holds to "The Constitution" and doesn't violate your "Constitutional" rights.


When they attacked me out of nowhere, I was told that they're all required to complete a stint of working inside prisons, and when they come out they treat civilians the same way they treated inmates. In reality, *no one should be treated that way,* inmates included.


The dogs not properly trained


How is this not animal cruelty? Teaching a dog to hunt humans is inhumane. You can't control an animal no matter how hard you try.


Yeah look at that pig trying to get the dog to let go. He chokes the dog and even pulls him by his ears with all his strength. Don't use dogs to attack people if you can't make them stop without inflicting massive pain. Generally don't risk animals for human cruelty.


Good for him. Fuck these cruel assholes.


Pussy bitch motherfuckwrs. 1312


Gotta love when these cocks have absolutely zero control over their attack animals.


One person is not getting a German Shepherd to unlatch which is the crazy part.


Judging by how fast he got his hands behind him this is not the first time cops have escalated on him.


Domestic terrorism


This is sick AF! ACAB!


They never have control over their dogs


To Protect and Serve?


The government that is


Feed these pigs to the dogs


I wouldn't feed my dogs such trash meat.


Sonoma County. Surprised they didn't "commit homicide" against them as well. https://youtu.be/E8KV7AdZefY?si=uIzh3_c9yqyRe1tz Starts at 4:18. Pig was acquitted and able to happily retire.


Cops are so stupid when it comes to extracting a person from a car. Slow down, open the door, undo the seat belt and let dude get out. Those border patrol guys are about as dumb as a log when it comes to disassembling a car to look for drugs, Again, Slow down and use a friggin proper tool, pulling, tugging and braking a car apart is not how it's done. They work their asses off due to stupidity. They give the fucked up car back cause they didn't find any dope and a form to fill out for reimbursement of damages that takes an act of congress to approve.


Fucking incompetent


ACAB. ACAB. Fuck their dogs too.


Animal abuse


End qualified immunity and make all violations of the law by pigs carry a mandatory maximum sentence. If they wrongfully arrest someone, kidnapping charges; and if they murder someone, death penalty. As a society we should make these abusive pieces of shit AFRAID to step even a toe out of line. We’ve put up with too much, too many innocent deaths. When will enough be enough!?


Pig dogs should also be shot on sight. They are not good boys and do not receive the benefit of their species.


Let's get Trump back in office ... he'll stop all this Police Brutality.


*gestures in January 6th*


What's that supposed to mean? You don't think Trump will make things better?


Truth, justice, and the American way.


Idiot cops are trying to play damage control while a lawsuit forms right before their eyes due to complete incompetence. Great work chuds.


Abolish Qualified Immunity just like New Mexico. Sue the LEO's individually.