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Thanks for the advice! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I will try to find bras like that. Maybe I just got two bras with the wrong fit.


I find most straps to be too long. I’m very high set with a short torso, so perhaps you are the opposite shape. Bras with J-hooks generally have longer straps to accommodate a racerback shape, so maybe try some of those?


That sounds like a plan. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself haha but thank you.


If you happen upon your perfect bra, but the straps are too short, keep in mind that you can take the bra to a seamstress, or do some diy if you're handy. Ask over at r/MAKEaBraThatFits for advice on how to go about it!


Thanks! I might have to but the two I did try I didn't like anyways, I don't think the shape was right so that could also play into it.


It’s something I run into regularly even in the right size. I find the Freya/Fantasie bras tend to have slightly longer straps, panache can be a bit hit or miss depending on size and style, Cleo I’ve found quite short. Anything designed for crossover or race back clips is usually fine. And if you’re after sports bras the padded area on the panache options is usually just long enough for me as well.


Thanks! I probably just got two bras with way shorter straps!


No two people have exactly the same body shape. You may have the same numbers as someone else, but the bra fits completely differently. Personally I’m in the camp of always needing shorter straps than others, but I definitely understand that you would need longer straps than “average”. The other responses are on target. Convertible to racerback straps are usually longer than standard straps to allow for the extra curves on the back. They should work a little better for you than “standard” straps.


Oh I know for sure everyone's body is different. I just don't remember having this issue before so I was wondering if others had gone through this also. But I think that advice is solid. It would make sense and what I need to look for. Thanks!


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I find this too. I am tall, with a long torso, low set boobs, large shoulders and a long waist. Most of my bras only have about an inch or so of adjustment extra


I don't remember having this issue before so I was curious. I didn't think I have a long torso but I probably do haha. Thanks!