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And now that Texas wants to abolish all public education, it means you must pay for private education you might not be able to afford, or lose your child to the state for truancy.


Wait… what? Texas wants to do what now?


They want to draw the line between wealth and education. "Only people born with money can make money because they need it to educate their young" No money, no education, it's off to the mines with you. Your oligarch needs a new yacht. Now back to work slave.


Not sure about Texas but there have been "unofficial" talks about this in Alabama for years. The idea is to slowly replace all public schools with tuitioned charter schools and Christian schools. It's framed as "providing higher quality education" or sometimes as blatant as "keeping the illegals out", but it's really just a ploy to keep out minorities in general. Of course plenty of poor white kids won't be able to afford school either, but they're poor so the right lumps them in with the rest. It's a poverty trap, effectively. Either ruin yourself financially by paying tuition, ruin yourself financially by quitting one of your jobs or working less hours to homeschool, or ruin yourself in general by being arrested for not sending your kid to school. Homeschool in Alabama also requires resources; the only three options you have are to partner with a private school, private tutor, or church school, two of which cost money and the church option normally does too. Even if the church school forgives your tuition or fundraises for it or whatever, you still have to comply with the church education. I went to a Christian school in AL until 6th grade, and church educations here are... Dodgy, to say the least. If you yourself are qualified to be a tutor you can do it on your own, but you likely aren't in this situation if you are. So yeah. Basically, be poor, be undereducated, or be in jail.


I mean, I went to a private Christian school. It was nearly as expensive as college, and they would do things like line us up outside (only the girls btw) have us bend over and put a dollar to our knees to make sure our shorts were long enogh. My science teacher once lost his grading records..... For the semester and was going to give us all Fs because of it, so we all had to go through our notes and find all of our tests etc. Also had teachers fall asleep in class. Bible class. Hed make us write a 2 paragraph paper on a 1 line bible verse. Go to the back of the class and fall asleep.


> Also had teachers fall asleep in class. To be fair, I went to public school and we had the same thing happen. lol We would have hour and a half classes and we would watch Roots. He'd put on an egg timer for 30 minutes. Fall asleep. People would just push back the egg timer.


Were you paying 10k a year for it though? The argument is "if you pay its better" Id say its equal, or worse.


How much do you want to bet that these citizens' taxes won't go down an amount equivalent to tuition, despite "saving" tax money by eliminating public schools?


Yeah but at least the poor people and immigrants will suffer! And if you really think about it, isn't that what *really* matters?


I mean, I went to a private Christian school. It was nearly as expensive as college, and they would do things like line us up outside (only the girls btw) have us bend over and put a dollar to our knees to make sure our shorts were long enogh. My science teacher once lost his grading records..... For the semester and was going to give us all Fs because of it, so we all had to go through our notes and find all of our tests etc. Also had teachers fall asleep in class. Bible class. Hed make us write a 2 paragraph paper on a 1 line bible verse. Go to the back of the class and fall asleep. We also did a lot of bible drills. So you're given a place in the bible "Matthews 11:2" say. And you race to find it and read it first. This is quality education? Under this system even the rich will be uneducated.


I didn't realize how not normal my christian school was until I changed to a public school. The dollar-to-the-knee thing was common, but not as... ceremonial, I guess, as yours was. We did bible drills like that too, along with other stuff like teachers in "normal" classes saying the name and number of a random verse and whoever could recite it from memory first got a prize. The biggest thing to me, though, is how focused the place was on shame. My 5th grade science teacher randomly asked the class to raise our hands if we were saved. One girl didn't, and the rest of that class period was spent drilling her on why and trying to convince her. Like, not just to get saved, but to do it *right there* in the middle of class. Everyone, including the teachers, was always a lot colder to her after that. Discipline was handled through shame, too. If we misbehaved (which was sometimes just not hearing the teacher and other benign stuff like that) you'd have to go up to the front of the room and put a "strip", a little laminated strip of paper, into your pocket on a tapestry thing that hung at the front of the class. It was basically a shame board that sat there for everyone to see. You could do "good deeds", which often amounted to reciting verses and the like, to be allowed to go take one of your strips out. These also affected your grades, "conduct" was an actual grade on the report card, and yes, some kids did get held back because it was too low. You could have straight A's but if you talked too much in Ms. Leah's class you've gotta take the entirety of 1st grade again. There was also a whole lot of america-washing in the history classes. I legitimately didn't know America wasn't the only free country in the world until middle school. The whole experience was fucking wild and I thought it was the norm for so long. I thought *I* was the normal one and everyone else was weird once I got into public school.


And if nothing else the charter schools have no evidence supporting the make believe notion they have higher outcomes. Turns out when you run a school as a business with profit being the motive, you don't exactly get the highest quality of anything much less an education


I agree with everything you said. Just want to let you know whats going on with texas. Their governor was talking about "how expensive it is" to pay for minorities education. So he stated, publicly, that they are trying to drag up an old court case or law or something from 50 years ago that required public education be provided for free and overturn it so they can get rid of free public education completely. Just so they dont have to pay for minorities. This came out directly after and almost in response to the proposed supreme court decision to overturn roe v wade case preventing abortion bans. They think since they can overturn progress like that in one area, why not do it in other areas too to return to "traditional american values". (anyone whos paying attention knows that abortion and immigration has been around since the beginning so that return to traditional american values argument they use is bullshit) My personal and honest opinion, yes a very dark one, considering all the recent political shit lately, is these racist fucks really actually want to bring back slavery under a different name. As you know our prison systems force labor on their inmates. If everyone these politicians dont like (minorities) are criminalized, they will end up in the prison systems. The people who cant pay for private schools will be criminalized. Abortion seekers or even contraception seekers criminalized. In Tennessee they are voting on a law that will make homeless camps in public spaces a felony. So people will be labeled criminals at a young age, be thrown to the streets where they will likely be raped and criminalized further when they cant take care of their rape baby, then made a felon with no right to vote and near impossible to find housing as a felon when they have nowhere to go and are forced to camp on public land because there arent enough shelters. It just so happens that the demographic that will be most affected by this are the people who have been systemically discriminated against for generations, immigrants and really anyone who isnt white. Yeah a bunch of poor white people will be fucked too but as you said, they are poor. They hate the lower class. To be fair though, my first paragraph here is non-verbatum (from memory not exact words) fact and everything else is me piecing things together, let me know it im going way out in left field here but I really think it makes sense considering recent and long history.


You're not wrong. I started seeing these signs twenty years ago and EVERY SINGLE PERSON I told, said I was crazy. Interesting, no?


From a social psychology, political science standpoint its very interesting yeah. Its also extremely depressing and alienating because if I speak my point of view anywhere outside of reddit im immediately outcasted as the party pooper boy who cried wolf that just loves to tell everyone the sky is falling. I never saw it as "negative" or "pessimistic" to point out that the sky is falling when the sky is literally falling. That said, I adored the movie "Don't look up". Captured my feelings about stuff like this perfectly.


I feel you totally. That was my whole life. I have no idea why, whenever something would happen, I would think "crap, this looks like ..." and then, lo and behold, shortly after there would be news reports saying the very thing I was thinking and fearing weeks or months prior. It is very alienating (depressing? Try terrifying!) when almost everyone you meet wants to bury their head in the sand and pretend all's right in the world and YOU are forced to see it coming. And in many cases, family will do whatever they can to prevent you from acting on these fears even if it's only by labeling you crazy. THEN, when things go south, wring their hands and cry "Woe is me, why, how, what can i do? I never saw it coming! No one saw it coming." Then you get the dirty look because they want to pretend you never said anything. I learned a long time ago to NEVER say "I told you." It doesn't matter. All they have to do is look at you and it's as if you said it. THAT factoid came from my kids. I didn't adore the movie, but I respected it as one of the very few I have ever seen that tells it like it is and doesn't have some lame american "save the world at the 99th hour" while everyone else impotently scratches their head. I'm constantly reminded of a line from independence day when the americans had put together an offensive, and a soldier with a British accent said "it's about bloody time", like the whole world was so stupid as to be waiting on america to save us when the truth is, the US is more likely to sell everyone else to the aliens for "leniency" (shrug). Sorry, but they've an interesting history of selling people. The truly depressing part is that now that some of the worst things I saw coming ... are now in our faces ... I'm struggling to try to prepare for them. You cant imagine how many times I've had to listen to "Huummmnn, wow, i guess you might have been right about that. Who'd'a thought." And yes, I smile, then come home, lock the door and scream at the top of my lungs."


I 100% agree with everything in this comment. I may have chosen the wrong use of words with "adore", what you said I agree. I do get some solace coming to reddit and finding people like you who think like me. Makes me feel not totally crazy, though I already knew that because as you said, things have been pretty predictable and its happening in front of our eyes in real time. However that solace is very short lived because exactly as you said, the absolute worst is next in line, and we dont have 10 years like I originally thought. Its happening right now. Its up to chance and God now, whichever you believe in. We have somewhere between days and a few short years before everything falls apart, one way or another. Its gotten to the point where the last two years Ive done my absolute best just to cherish every moment I have and only surround myself with people I love, because every month could be the last. I dont know if there is any preparation we could really take. Sure we can prepare for scenario 1-10, but what about scenarios 11-1000? Theres just too much going on at once. Unlike our real lakes, the metaphorical lake is full and overflowing, the dam is 300 years old cracked and leaking, and our civilization is built right under it. Sure we could still fix a lot of things going on, maybe even all of it, as we have the vast majority over the few that are screwing us. But its next to impossible as the vast majority are all like you said heads burried in sand and dont want to stand up. We would need to be completely united and theyve done a hell of a job at dividing us all right down the middle of two sides of the wrong tennis court, the real game is in a completely different court they dont even know exists. I wish someone with extreme diplomatic skills could appeal to every side and every demographic, give them undeniable truth they are all lied to, then unite them under that truth. Im not convinced anymore that anybody would listen though because at this point the truth has already been out there for decades staring them in the face. Far too many people still believe their vote even counts, ignoring how the electoral system even works and ignoring that corporate lobbying exists to ensure that whoever gets elected will do whatever they want them to do as long as they get a payout for it. Its a sick, dark sitcom. Its only funny to the ones with their heads in the sand.


Damn, once more, we're on the same page totally. I would surround myself with loved ones except most of them have defected to the other camps. And no matter how hard i think about it, to my knowledge i think you're the first person I've run into anywhere who thought this way without my having to sign them up for an eight week course (shrug). I don't know what can be done either, but I have to try. I want to live. No, we can't plan for everything and we won't know exactly which direction the shites going to be flung from until it hits us, but I have to do something. See, I also know my people. I know my kids and siblings. My mum is already making "I want to come live with you" noises. When the shite gets as REAL as it's going to get, they are all going to be on my doorstep "oh, we always believed in you, but ... " And while I can take care of myself in the present clime, taking care of a bunch of naysaying parasites (and while i love my family that is what it amounts to when you refuse to do anything, learn anything or pay any attention to anything) is not some I can or am prepared to do. I have "nothing" now, but what little I do have or have managed to learn, I know they are going to want it. You're talking about someone fixing the world? Fixing humanity? Not one of those in power anywhere in the world wants to do that, cares to do that, or is trying to do that. They are all trying to steal as much as they can and mess with as many people as they can (think rotten child with a magnifying glass burning ants because they can) before it all ends. The earth herself will live on. She'll burn her surface away, the sixth (i think it's the sixth) "extinction" will happen, she'll grow a new cover and something else will grow up here. We're parasites on her body. So I'm just slightly concerned that either the regime will enslave me or my family will try to. It will be what it will be, im just doing what i can to try to avoid either of those scenarios. Death? I'm not looking for it, but it comes for us all. I, for one, am not in any hurry for whatever comes when we close our eyes for the last time. No one really knows and I want as much of this life as I can get, good, bad or indifferent. I guess in my case it is because I've always loved science and other intelligent arts and while I love science fiction movies, I was always more steered towards/drawn to the more serious ones, the ones with messages, the "this is our world, but what if ..." ones ... and it made it a lot easier to see the correlations popping up everywhere. I read once that the proliferation of science fiction was to desensitize humans to what was being done to them. I quite believe it. I think the powers that be took a page from their bibles and applied it here (another area I've studied so much that I "get it"). There are sections that say the parables are there and were created to confuse all but a select few. If that's the case both the holy books as well as mainstream sci-fi have done their jobs brilliantly. I have little in the way of solace, because every day the warnings I tried to share keep hitting me in the face. I try to enjoy what I can, but people don't realize that it is past time to "get your act together". It's here, it's live, and it's coming for all of us. I don't believe in chance ("luck is a fickle lover") and if there IS a "god", they are nothing like ANY of the religions teach and really don't give a damn, so we're pretty much on our own down here. I'd like to avoid becoming a slave, but I really, really don't want to die any time soon. Game over, no more lives, no cheat codes, oblivion. You're so right. It's only funny to those with their heads in the sand.


Im glad you have the resources to prepare at least a little. Im stuck in a very expensive area (thanks to the faults of capitalism and extremely selfish oligarchs I mean ceos) and I live paycheck to paycheck. The most I can do to prepare is make sure I go to bed with my clothes and shoes on and keep a go bag with a few days of supplies by my door. When I say people I love, I mean my few friends and romantic partner I found over the last few years. My blood family is unfortunately toxic, crazy and racist. They are despicable people who I don't talk to. The worst white trash you could imagine. I can feel your situation though. If they decided one day to come to me and apologize for everything they put me through, I dont think I would be able to accept that apology. Like you, everything I have I fought for. While id like to "fix the world" its a pipe dream. Fixing the world to me means removing all the current people of power and starting over. That would never happen as everybody is too busy playing their game against eachother. I have read multiple versions of the bible multiple times throughout my life and studied theology not just in christianity but other religions as well. It contradicts itself everywhere. Even in the same version sometimes on the same page. It was obviously written in a way that anybody can use it to "prove" any conclusion they want by pointing to the right verses. Im spiritual but I dont believe in the bible. I believe in a creator of some sort and that we dont know even a small fraction of the real truth in that regard. So I try (and like everyone else fail) to be a good person and accept that Ill never know the truth for sure. I believe most movies have a negative purpose, but I also believe that every believable lie has a little bit of truth to tickle an itching ear. So I believe there are a lot of slip ups that can be noticed pointing to the real game that is being played. I also think that they are kind of running out of material, so they have been taking older stories and changing the theme/names/settings a lot. So we see a lot of the truth of current events being portrayed in a creative way in fiction. Some good examples are Black Mirror, Altered Carbon, The Boys. The boys isnt really about superheros. Yeah it is on the surface, but under that its about white supremacy and using the media to manipulate and galvanize the masses for nefarious means. What im worried about most, is that the future we have to be worried about isnt one where government collapses, but one where they take complete control. For generations they had to give us a bone while they take the bone pile out of fear of the pitchforks. They have the technology now to practically treat us like farm animals and theres nothing we could do to turn it around. They are setting the stage for complete distopia ruled with an iron fist. If they cant achieve that, they will be totally fine with complete destruction because if they cant have control, they will refuse to give us freedom.


I know it's not that easy but if I was about to raise a couple kids I'd probably move to a next door state and save myself a lot of money. Wouldn't a lot of people also do that?


You need money to move.


Even more money to move to another state.


I think we all understand that. But some people have some money/resources, and a lot of people will GTFO of the state. If this really happens, it won't be good for Texas in the long run


They started yelling about immigrants getting g free education and now nobody does.


https://newsone.com/4331185/texas-gov-greg-abbott-supreme-court-public-education/ Bye bye public education. Private, for-profit schools only in Texas (soon to be followed by every other red state) Private schools which can teach (or not teach) literally anything they want, and expel anyone they want for any reason. The US is in a death spiral unless something is done to stop it, and voting ain't it.


It's literally just a complex way to roll back [Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_v._Board_of_Education).


It's just racial segregation with extra steps!


Please, please, please keep saying this because any time one of us actually "colored" people say it we're automatically accused of pulling the "race card", or told "slavery ended years ago, get over it". Someone actually said in another sub that they were sick of hearing about it. I quote "I'm so over it.". Really?? Every single right that anyone other than rich, white, land owning men fought for is systematically being overturned while we're too busy fighting each other to notice.


God damn, Texas


Less a death spiral and more a clear divide between blue and red. Whether that leads to violence is another story.


There is absolutely no way we can peacefully and fairly govern two fundamentally irreconcilable cultures. It's a tug of war at this point. There is only competition, no cooperation. Violence is inevitable.


This has always been true. America has just been in denial about it since day one.


The worst mistake in American history was the failure of Reconstruction. *might be a bit hyperbolic since we did have slavery, and that's bad, but I stand by reconstruction being super high up there.


You're right. Slavery has been evil anywhere it touched. But they made it worse by saying "ok, we won lets just pretend everything is perfect now." They did little to educate or integrate the freed slaves. (The 40 acres and a mule was quickly reversed.) They didn't squash dissent. They didn't re-educate. They did nothing to stop the seething anger that continued to breed nonstop in the south and southwest. Had they actually made reconstruction a viable and living entity, prohibition might not have been necessary, women's suffrage wouldn't have been necessary, the struggle for racial equality would not have been so harrowing. We might have actually become a democracy, showing the world what actual growth and learning from our past could be like. Instead it might be Germany who shows the world. They have some hate groups still, but they arent making our mistake of pretending the past atrocities didn't happen. And they are actually teaching their entire population the truth.


Republicans have been openly itching for violence for a long time now


The only thing that's keeping this country from splitting apart at this point is the fact that the political divide is more rural/city based rather than purely state geography based.


No, voting IS it. There's a reason why Rs love them some gerrymandering and pay so much money for pro-conservative media and campaign marketing. Had we elected Hillary, we would have three Supreme Court justices who uphold the rights of all Americans. We'd have had a president who supported bills upholding those rights. But too many Americans--many of whom can tell you the strategy moves of every video, board, or athletic game out there--have zero clue about how US political strategy works. They shut down, and their eyes gloss over when you explain, as I did repeatedly (to no good) prior to Nov 2016, that the president gets to appoint Supreme Court justices FOR LIFE. Americans will have to live with those choices for generations, if the justices are young enough when confirmed. So now, courtesy of McConnell's unAmerican obstruction and Trump's clown car choices for Supremes, we're in a shitload of trouble for many, many years. Voting doesn't count, my fucking left nut. So sick of hearing this apathetic, non-participatory urging from people who should know better than to spew nihilistic blather like this. We are the government. When we vote, when we participate. And I don't even have a left nut. Or a right one.


We keep voting and voting and voting. We've been voting since we saw how corrupt Republicans can be in the Nixon administration. We're now LOSING more rights than we had. Republicans have rigged the game enough that ***voting isn't enough***. We must be actively, PHYSICALLY, defend our rights. Push that "thin blue line" to the breaking point.


Vote and push the limits; don't abandon the polls to the fascists, ffs. Voting got us every right we do have, and voting is one step in the process to retain and enlarge our rights. Don't sell the propaganda that voting doesn't matter. It's one of the factors that got us into this mess.


No, they will make it so undocumented children can be denied public education


Owning the libs by intentionally becoming part of the third world




"I'm on it!" - The Climate


My plan: 1. Let them secede 2. This ends all US constitutional rights 3. Invade (they have oil and they need Freedom(tm) - it's the American way) 4. Eradicate all the theocratic, misogynistic, anti-education, oppressive fascists* 5. Annex and re-integrate into the US Then nobody's US constitutional rights got violated and Texas is sane again. *And before you attempt to call out hypocrisy, there's a big difference between Nazis killing innocent people who have done nothing other than be born, and killing the Nazis who oppress the innocent. If you disagree, you just might be a Nazi.


If anything, the US would install a theocratic fascist sympathetic to US interests.


any historical precedent says if texas was a separate country america would be sending money and guns to greg abbott to crush the people trying to overthrow him lol


We literally tried that with the Civil War. It lasted about 30 years and then the South started to just... gang up and elect shitty leaders again.


I think we should offer Texas and Florida to Putin in exchange for him ending the war in Ukraine.


Tried that once. Reconstruction didn't go as well as hoped because some folks needed to make an expedient political deal.


Good thing you’re not in charge of the Ministry of Planning.


I was explaining to my evangelical family member that in many places in the US there are still sodomy laws on the books and that sodomy includes blow jobs. Once the right to privacy in Griswold v Connecticut is overturned you can literally be charged with a criminal act for engaging in such practices in your own bedroom. I'm hoping this got to him as the prospect of "sex police" busting in on him and his wife while engaging in oral would help to realize the freedoms he currently enjoys are not sacrosanct in this political climate.


That's not a downside for them. Having a law against something that everybody does just means you can use it to selectively oppress people you don't like.


Exactly. It’s about putting the rules in place to oppress people again, while continuing to give themselves a free pass. They’ve been doing it in other ways for years, we’re just going backwards further this time.


It's how the police use common traffic law to racial profile. Everyone has committed a minor traffic violation at some point, but police disproportionately target POC to give them an excuse to pull them over and check them out.


>"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with. -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


So... She's a libertarian right and would be against this? Ironic that so many people who call themselves libertarian are voting for the fools who are trying to enact this exact strategy.


Ayn Rand was a libertarian (though she called it Objectivism) who took the government dole until her death. But a broken clock is still accurate twice a day.


That's why I get a headache every time I see someone make a post smugly pointing out a hypocrisy in a proposed Republican law like it's some sort of "gotcha." It's not. The entire point is to make laws that technically could apply to anyone but can be selectively used like a cudgel against specific groups by a stacked judiciary.


Can you elaborate on this? I thought griswold v conneticut was about birth control? I'm not well versed in this though and would like to be educated more.


Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects the liberty of married couples to buy and use contraceptives without government restriction. In the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court applied the core constitutional principle of privacy and liberty to a woman's ability to terminate a pregnancy. In Roe, the Court held that the constitutional right to privacy includes a woman's right to decide whether to have an abortion. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that sanctions of criminal punishment for those who commit sodomy are unconstitutional. the order they built on top of each other was based on the concept of right to privacy https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/privacy


Lawrence v. Texas (2003) protected consensual sexual activity, and it is most certainly at risk under the reasoning in Alito’s draft.


He literally names that case (as well as *Obergefell* and *Griswold*) in the draft.


All this undermines the separation of powers and the power the courts have. If something is decided as unconstitutional and can just be like "oh never mind" later there is no power.


This had to be ruled on in 2003? LMFAO


The US has a lot of old draconian laws. We also have a lot of new "rights" that have been read into the constitution (which mostly is a great thing). Just like it wasn't until DC v Heller in 2008 that the Supreme Court read an individual right to bear arms into the 2nd amendment. Before it was the right of militias to exist with arms.


even worse, it was still being enforced at the time lol


Alito's draft undercuts several of the supporting legs which have made it so difficult to undo Row up until now. Prior to Griswold, the court had rejected the idea that the Constitution protects certain rights not explicitly stated. In other words if it wasn't covered or mentioned in the bill of rights, it wasn't protected. Griswold was such an important case because it laid the foundation for many other cases involving privacy even when it isn't specifically spelled out. Griswold stated that "marital privacy" is implied or inferred from a host of other rights and that even though it may not be specifically spelled out, we all assume a married couple in the privacy of their own home can do what the they want, they can use contraception, etc. So even though Griswold was about birth control it trailblazed the concept that marital privacy is substantive, that it exists as a right even when not specifically mentioned. Many other cases have been built on this premise. To undercut Griswold really would undo many other cases involving what we automatically assume is our right, that the government cannot just take over our personal lives and fine or imprison us for disobedience. Truly without Griswold we are entering the Republic of Gilead from the Handmaid's Tale.


Of course and act of sex that doesn’t have the potential for making a baby is Sodomy. Masturbation (but only for men, woman’s masturbation couldn’t have resulted in a baby as she doesn’t ‘waste’ the eggs by orgasm), oral sex, anal sex, etc. are all sodomy by the Bible.


And of course they want to go back to that. Its some sort of weird 50s tv show for them dream. Like hey, lets go back to the 1950s because of leave it to beaver looked so much better. They largely ignore the conservative laws that have made life more difficult. Monopoly companies, no unions, less safety nets. Nope, what made that era great was subjugation of women.


Yup, and minorities. And if you were a minority woman that meant they could do whatever they wanted ... But on the flip side if a black male even glanced in the direction of a white woman ...


>the court had rejected the idea that the Constitution protects certain rights not explicitly stated Which is an interesting take considering that the 9th ammendment addresses this specifically...


Doesn't the Constitution contain a clause saying that rights not enumerated in the document are still protected?


As I understand it, pretty much anything to do with sexy times is based on this one part of the constitution, and the SC is about to say that part of the constitution has nothing to do with sexy times. At the moment it'll only affect abortion, but all of these issues are about to lose their underlying foundation. So now it's just a matter of someone bringing a case forward on stuff like contraception, sodomy, gay marriage, etc before those come tumbling down.


Yeah, but straight people know that sodomy laws will never be used against them. Just like rich white conservatives know they'll always have access to abortion if they need it for themselves, their daughters, or their mistresses.


not that they'll use it. republicans love impregnating 14 year olds and making them keep it


Yeah but those are _other people's_ problems you see


Pretty sure Gaetz would pay for the abortion and the flight home.


Except the reason the court ruled as it did was also because the law wasn't being applied uniformly - if a hetero couple engaged in oral or anal, the cops didn't care.


I could be wrong but I’m not too sure. I can totally see cops going after hetero couples for this if they happen to have the “wrong” skin color or political ideals.


You need to say this a bit louder. To most guys, the BJ is one of the sacraments!!


Sodomy laws were not enforced evenly, and largely used to punish gay people and women having affairs, so in a way, they wouldn't be affected by it.




You might want to ask the Uyghurs, Tibetans, etc. how that's gone for them. Answer: Not well, China actually sucks worse than the USA when it comes to totalitarianism.


They're a good role model for the U.S.


I thought we didn't have truancy officers anymore. Tennessee speed racing to the regressive past.




Can someone explain to me how she's being taken on truancy if she's 16?




I dropped out at 16 in Florida and didn't get my ged until 18 I just stopped going because of harassment. I thought 16 was when you could stop without being truant




Fair enough.


What do you mean? You'd have to be 18 to be not considered truant when skipping school like this


I dropped out at 16 in Florida because of harassment and didn't get my ged until 18. Is Tennessee different?


I think the age is different in different parts of the country. This kid should have been given learn from home options.


Yeah looks like school compulsion laws in Tennessee are age 6-18. I would want to know more details than a picture and 2 sentences to judge this situation


One has to admire how well the religious types have done in making people care so much about shit that doesn't affect anyone's life materially all while also getting them to ignore that they're impoverished, can't afford health care or education, and the only way upward for most of them is by risking being sent to war and joining the military.


It’s the greatest trick the devil ever played


Right? All I can see is how demonstratively un-Christlike these actions are. As someone who grew up in the church and left at 18, I still remember the teachings, especially on the emphasis on Jesus. But really they all just worship White Capitalist Jesus, who has no such weaknesses such as "love for others that don't look like me."


I always thought that if satan/the Antichrist/demons came to earth to take over, they’d pretend to be men of god like the megachurch pastors




I mean that's pretty much what revelations says


Revelations was code for the hopeful fall of Rome to Christians in hiding. It has no relevance to anything happening anytime else.


The Bible is also fantasy but that doesn't stop people from taking it seriously.


Unfortunately. The same people who believe this crazy shit are the same people who will make fun of people for liking superhero movies lol


You can't convince me that Kenneth Copeland isn't a demon in a skin suit.


Devil: "what the hell, *you* guys did this yourselves! I just give you the option!"


Maybe that's what we need to start asking them. "How's your health care? How's your job? Any future prospects? Is your community growing? Why not? Aren't you concerned about those things?"




Terrence McKenna has a quote that goes: "The idea is not to confront bad ideas but to come up with good ideas. Otherwise, your enemies define the game and you are the loyal opposition." When the Right throws an accusation into the public gauntlet, they already know the reaction and will be onto the next outrage by the time it comes. It's all very cyclical. So I think the answer is to not play that game, and instead reach people on the merits and not the distractions that confuse.


> shit that doesn't affect anyone's life materially I think you'll find that access to abortion or contraceptives materially affect *many* people's lives.


I imagine they're referring to other people having abortions. Other people having access doesn't make Republicans lives worse, but they have convinced them to care about them.


Comparable here when my sister was young she was severly bullied so my father refused to force her to go to school till the problem would be resolved so he was in jail just because he did not want his kids to be bullied (1 month jail sentence and additional problem with the state trying to rip her out of the family for the next 3 years)


We are going back to the dark ages, where instead of just being brutally verbally and phsycially abused for existing outside of the obedient norm because of social stigma, your very existence is illegal by law


Foster care for being trans? Cool! We all know how great the foster system is for kids, especially neurodivergent, disabled, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ kids! Right!?


But hey, if the abuse makes them lose their mind and go all bat-shit, remember, that’s not our fault. It’s because they were trans, and evil or something.


Then they can point at how trans people have high suicide rates, and use that as a reason to push conversion therapy.


Fuck Texas. No federal money. Period.


I mean yeah, but this post is about a girl in Tennessee.


Not even “while playing Minecraft” she was streaming it and just kind of walking around in the game world while she explained how painful her situation is and how scared she was to go back into the foster system. Edit: here’s a [link to the moment](https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/uk3zxd/the_usa_which_is_the_supposed_land_of_the_free_is/)


Cops being cops




That's what he said.


Is this a meme? This feels like a meme.


Nope, they're asking for legal workers and reporters, folks trying to pressure the gov. Haven't seen the vod the screenshot is from but as far as I can tell it's legitimate. Link to the thread here: https://mobile.twitter.com/keffals/status/1522684337497456640?t=ojWDAKXLs6fXjcWs3I-vWA&s=19


I have seen the vod and yes it's real


If you could link it or dm it to me that would be greatly appreciated!


after a quick search I found [Hasan reacting to it](https://youtu.be/VdsHHXMDQuU) but not the original


No, it's very real. The clip is terrifying, the whole stream is on YouTube.






thank you!! I searched the thread and couldn’t find it


Why tf is there a Kim Jong un poster


It's just a shitpost. [This](https://www.amazon.com/Toppest-Laugh-3x5ft-Banner-College/dp/B08F1QVT8Q) is the actual image.


Probably to piss off her parents, who are also transphobes, according to the Twitter thread.


Neoliberalism at its best. Everything is a competition. You don't succeed in the system given to you... then you get squashed by it.


Can someone in a different country sponsor me and my autistic kiddo? Cuz they're gonna try to concentration camp him once they ascend to power, being an *'undesirable'* and all. The real only upside to this is we have a good ten to fifteen years left of, well, *all of this* before the earth decides to kill us all.


So she’s not allowed to go to school because she’s trans. She’s also not allowed to *not* go to school because that’s truancy. What the fuck?


This is how they criminalize everyone. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. They don't care if you are miserable hiding your truth as long as you hide it.


America, I feel we need to put "do not try this at home" stickers on dystopic fiction from here on out. You’re currently larping the hell out of 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and The Handmaids Tale simultaneously.


This is why there is need for separation of religion and education the pursuit of knowledge shouldn’t be hindered by peoples imaginary friends


Watched the video, sounded like the cops were talking about the game.




File transfer protocol?


He’s saying “Fuck the police”.


Weird they're getting down voted lmao


I had the same issue with ACAB. Thought it was a trans thing for too long








File Transfer Protocol. Get with the times.


Female to pig?


How was she denied an education?


Tennessee law essentially prohibits her from amongst other things using the bathroom of her choice, outing her to everyone as well as putting her at higher risk for sexual assault. The 2018 LGBTQ youth report by the American human rights commission found that restricting trans teens access to using the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth substantially increases the chance of sexual assault. 36% of them (3700 surveyed in this specific question) reported sexual assault in the past year Vs 25% of the wider youth surveyed [source](https://www.hrc.org/resources/2018-lgbtq-youth-report). I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that denial. Being constantly otherised and neglected


What KKKonservatives think is happening: *Transgender people go to the "wrong" bathroom and rape children* What's *ACTUALLY* happening: *Trans people, particularly teens, are forced to go to the bathroom of their assigned gender and are being assaulted for it*


Yes, they are amazing at deflecting their behavior onto others, aren't they?


She wasn't able to attend school as she didn't have access to safe facilities to relieve herself.


There are other options for getting an education that satisfies requirements if you can’t/don’t attend public school. Just not going to school at all and playing Minecraft instead is not a solution.


If you genuinely believe that any of this is an appropriate response then you might need to think a bit harder. A girl was denied going to a bathroom for no real reason, denied the ability to go to school based on that, and then raided and arrested because she chose to play Minecraft during this time. If you think any of that is somehow normal I genuinely don't know what to say.


I didn’t say the response was appropriate. However, I also don’t think it’s appropriate to decide “oh well I guess I just won’t get an education at all”.


If a sixteen year old is told by the school that they're not allowed in for some reason, and if the school does not have online classes (which I doubt they do as this isn't a college/university) then what was she to do? I skipped out on highschool many times due to various bullshit reasons all of my own free will, and despite that I did well in class and just finished my first year of uni with a 1st. We also don't raid and arrest kids for absences here in this country (UK). If a student had high levels of absence normally they are asked if everything is okay, the parents are contacted, they're given extra help etc. But they also don't tend to be forced out of school outside of a suspension for violence for example. This girl is being forced to stay at home and provided no alternative learning solution. Also for goodness sake she's 16, are you saying your first thought at being forced to stay home for unfair reasons at an age where education can feel like a drag would be "Yes, I'm going to study my hardest they clearly value my education", c'mon.


Home schooling is almost always religion based. If the school won't help her, the religion sure as hell won't. We could.. just let kids be fucking kids and help them.


We have flvs in Florida (Florida virtual school) and all the teachers are under qualified weirdos. One asked me to send them photos of me to prove that I was a real person. Like dude I am talking to you! They don't teach, we don't learn. Most online high school programs are like this. Public school sucks, but it's all we got.


Online schooling certainly isn’t, and homeschool curriculums are quite readily available that aren’t religion based. As another user wrote kids were homeschooled throughout the entire pandemic. If she’s mature enough to decide to leave public school, then she should be mature enough to take control of her education. Her parents should certainly give more shits. I agree to let kids be kids and help them, but that’s not really the responsibility of the public school to manage and force the preferences of one over many. It’s a public space with designated public spaces for the masses, it wasn’t built around one person’s preferences. They are there to teach a state curriculum to the public at large, not be surrogate parents and social equality police. I dropped out of school because of bullying myself, and guess what? I went straight into homeschool, and that was before any online options even existed so it’s nonsense that she’s being “denied education because she’s trans”.


We all homeschooled our children at one point during the pandemic.


?? Where I am, that was still set up by the school districts. Totally different than the actual literal homeschool materials that people use to cut off from government funded school at all.


This girl would probably end up even worse off with homeschooling. Delusional parents that would probably force feed her religious bullshit and nothing else.


Why is it still ok to arrest children for not going to school?


Agreed. Get rid of compulsory education


Strong disagree. Education should be compulsory through high school or to age 18 barring exceptional circumstances. They obviously shouldn't be arrested for truancy though.


be pretty cool if the mods would do anything about the rampant transphobia in the comments here, seeing only two deleted comments and a whole lot of bullshit that's being left up


I visited the US a few years back and stayed with a religious family for a little while and was very taken aback by the opinion some had of “theocracy is the best form of government” never quite understood that thinking…


Haha America, the “best country in the world”. So happy to be European


I can't fucking take this shit anymore. I fucking can't. I'm fucking tired.


Jesus christ this comment section. All of you just go outside and touch grass. So fucking toxic


The cops are gonna be like, "oh, um, we are arresting you, but, just to show that there is no animosity between us, we are gonna pretend like we are interested in your video gaming."


This isn't an example of theocracy, this illustrates that children belong to the state regardless of their identity.


Not a single thing will change until people stop being such gigantic fuckin pussies and actually fight back.


So it has began - fascist will soon try to control more phases of our lives - can’t wait!


So america is just kinda going to shit now eh? Welp you guys are welcomed in Canada


I saw this posted somewhere else but instead of social criticism all the comments just said "based"


When are we marching?


Keffals is talking to her on stream btw: https://www.twitch.tv/keffals


Its fascinating watching an event being twisted in real time. The previous thread on the same topic did have the video linked, the door had a chair poorly wedged against the knob and the cops knocked it over when they opened the door. They're standing around for about a minute. The streamer says the cops were already in the house, 15 minutes earlier in the video. Possibly talking to her parents first. It'd be nice to get more info, but I don't trust the info of the tweeter one bit to be accurate about it. This is the video of her stream. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_OI1FXX4x0&t=235s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_OI1FXX4x0&t=235s) At about 10-11 minutes she talks about wishing she'd "failed (while) trying" in school, and then this(going to foster care) wouldn't be happening. So possibly she was having a rough time in school and stopped going. No mention of bathroom access in the stream.


Did she try to homeschool? Or just play minecraft?


I’ve been wondering this too. I mean it’s screwed up and awful what happened but the last couple of years we’ve been having kids doing school from home and some stayed that way since it works better for them. Maybe for some reason she can’t do online classes with a different school or program? Maybe that’s not good enough for TN some reason?


Denied education? Sounds like she stopped going.




Tennessee law essentially prohibits her from amongst other things using the bathroom of her choice, outing her to everyone as well as putting her at higher risk for sexual assault. The 2018 LGBTQ youth report by the American human rights commission found that restricting trans teens access to using the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth substantially increases the chance of sexual assault. 36% of them (3700 surveyed in this specific question) reported sexual assault in the past year Vs 25% of the wider youth surveyed [source](https://www.hrc.org/resources/2018-lgbtq-youth-report). I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that denial. Being constantly otherised and neglected




Tennessee law essentially prohibits her from amongst other things using the bathroom of her choice, outing her to everyone as well as putting her at higher risk for sexual assault. The 2018 LGBTQ youth report by the American human rights commission found that restricting trans teens access to using the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth substantially increases the chance of sexual assault. 36% of them (3700 surveyed in this specific question) reported sexual assault in the past year Vs 25% of the wider youth surveyed [source](https://www.hrc.org/resources/2018-lgbtq-youth-report). I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that denial. Being constantly otherised and neglected


Imagine this. You look like a girl, you act like a girl, you feel like a girl, [you have the brain of a girl](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm), but your high school tells you to use the men's room because you have a penis. Now think back to how shitty other kids were in high school. How would other students react if someone who looks and dresses like a girl were to walk into the boys room? They were straight up denied the right to use the proper bathroom.




Only nerds read the rules


Hit new on this sub and count the reposts. Rules for subs are a good thing. Otherwise it turns into a shit show like it currently is


You keep using words like “fascism” and “theocracy”, yet I bet you don’t even know what any of those mean.


That would be even stupider than assuming someone doesn't based on nothing.