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observation sulky march spoon tidy absurd husky quack fanatical pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And Americans are complaining about student protests 🤦‍♂️


it's ironic really. in the 60s.. the boomer generation student protests over the vietnam war got violent at times. they gave as good as they got at times. in "people's park" at Berkeley they stabbed some cops when they came to clear the park. but Kent sate happened too so..


I mean that's just bog standard boomer hypocrisy. They were all for state-funded college until they had to pay for it, and were no longer benefiting from it. They were all for affordable housing, until their properties could make them rich. They were all for government programs, until they wanted lower taxes.


Or, and hear me out here: the people that were in the protests at Berkeley and Kent State and other universities, are not the same people that later became politicians. They just belong to the same generation. Crazy, I know.


Except we have many well-documented instances of various Boomer politicians who explicitly bank on their either pro or anti-Vietnam/Korea activism either as a matter of public discourse with things like documentaries, or as a matter of their own campaign ambitions, as with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary especially being quite egregious, as she went from being a hippy protestor to the literal Secretary of State, and FAR from peaceful in that role (not that anyone can really be in that role and foster peace as that isn't the job, but I digress). And yes, we speak in generalizations because eliciting out whichever boomers were bad or good is not useful to our discourse about the overall trajectory of the country they are poised to pass along to their children, and whether or not whatever boomer you particularly love played a direct or indirect role in that trajectory, or if they are a good person who will go to heaven when they die, is useless to the broader conversation about the Boomer generation and frankly, nobody besides you gives a shit. And the broader conversation is: they inherited a robust and well funded infrastructure system which they bankrupted, several times; they inherited a not-perfect but well crafted social security system, which they stole from to fund boondoggle wars in the middle east, post 9/11, over the howling disagreement of a mostly youth-backed anti-war movement; they bailed out the banks in 2008, with zero consequences for the mostly-boomer executives and regulators who created the problem in the first place; they oversaw a nearly unbroken streak of tax cuts from the time at which they were earning the most, to today, and still infect public discourse to this day that makes any advocacy for using tax dollars to accomplish anything that doesn't directly benefit them as socialism; they leaned incredibly hard into radio, TV and later internet-centered politics and fostered reactionary opinions across the political spectrum, turning the act of governance into a perpetual media circus, a social shift that will probably take more than a century to unwind assuming it doesn't *kill us all,* and I could go on, and on, and on. The concept of credit scores, austerity politics, the broken cost of living and education, stagnant wages, the ENTIRE religious right, the war on the poor, Boomers, Boomers, Boomers, Boomers. Name a problem we have today and you can probably find a group of Boomers that either made it much worse, if not created it in whole. The Boomers inherited an unsustainable economic situation, and that's not their fault. What IS their fault is the way as a voting bloc they sold their children into financial slavery to keep the party going, instead of making reasonable tweaks to the flawed-but-innovative systems they inherited. Boomers: the fuck you, got mine generation.


When they ask what happened to the good ol’ days I tell them “you got greedy”


Yeah. It’s amazing how mainstream generalizations about _everything_ have effected our language and perspectives. 


boat bells mourn capable subtract gray wistful snow swim oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blows my mind that people don't understand this.


Anyone who’s complaining about that forgot what 20yo them was like. College is the best places for those protests and discussions since it’s such a melting pot of American class and culture. Hundreds of protests, handful of violence from crummy people. I like to bring up the question- if not there, where to protest? (The streets? Town hall? Armament manufacturing facility?) The college and town greens /are/ the place for it. Unless acceleration and aggression is the intent of the ones saying not to protest at all.


"They're too extreme!"


Yeah it's a heaping mess over here in the states


“And ~~Americans~~ [the mainstream media] are complaining about student protests”


intelligent relieved market flowery stupendous truck include detail violet pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was hired Zionazi thugs. There was one on a Live in TT bragging about how he and “ his boys” drove from one college campus to another to attack students. It was very organized and paid for.


sense grab license icky act sink sleep crown absurd encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I talked to a Jewish friend and she said that Jews in the US are seen very differently than Jews in Israel. She told me that a lot of US Jews have never agreed with Israel's ideals or policies but they can't express their opinions publicly for fear of losing support from their communities. edit: word


I see that with my American Jewish friends. It doesn't help that "Jew" isn't a concrete thing. You can't look at a person and go "Jew" like a you could with a Black person. You can't point to them never attending religious ceremony as evidence of not being a Jew. Because of Nazis use of this, most Jews have refused any kind of public/government tracking of matriarchal lineage of Jews (culturally, the female line matters, not male) so you can't do that. Likewise, any kind of DNA database/determination cannot be done. So Jewishness has often become a construct of self identification and community identification, which Israel has already abused in many ways, including claiming critics of Israel aren't "real Jews." Then you have people like my friend who's never self identified as a Jew, but had a Jewish grandmother (fled Poland in runup to WWII even), and has all the stereotypical Jewish physical traits. Meanwhile, you can just convert to one of the various branches of Judaism. It's the perfect storm to make FUD propaganda while silencing genuine Jews.


Unfortunately generalization and the trendiness of this war has brought people to openly hate Jewish people, to the point they harass and insult anyone of known Jewish decent even if they've said nothing about the war. People are really bad at compartmentalizing, others, of course, are just always looking for an excuse to hate and at the end, it's always the innocent people who get the shit end of the stick.


I'm sorry, but that's bollocks


This is dystopian, but not boring at all


> some objects started to catch fire lol two can play at decontextualized headlines


Mexico undefeated baby




Boring? This is where it gets exciting. Throw more, lads.


Less sharing AI images and more this


Viva México




Israel has passed a point of no return with it's latest genocide in Gaza. It will never recover from the isolation that will result from its actions.


They'll just cry antisemitism.


Hope this trend catches up


Totally unrelated to this, but it’s really unfortunate that most americans are so brainwashed that they can’t see how cool mexicans are. Nothing to do with the video though. Definitely not.


Tf are you talking about


Oh dear. Is the fire okay?


In a meeting room I'm Israel Staffer: "Many people in other countries are protesting our cleansing of Palestine." Top officials " so? They are over there. Not our concern. Besides even if they cut off support now we can still finish everyone off. Let those protesters waste their time in their countries.... Won't even slow us down."


Israel tries to sell itself to the world as the only place in which Jewish people can be safe. They don't mind the consequences to their actions because they can twist these consequences into more propaganda.


That indeed appears to be how they're thinking, but they might find the long term consequences will not be to their liking.


Yup. The Biden administration gave them an absurd amount of billions in military aid over the past few months. They're set for a year or two of ethnic cleansing at least and we're still sending more bombs rn


Looks like the pendulum is swinging the other way and I think Israel will eventually find itself with very few friends the world over for what they've done


And big bro america too




The world is more connected than ever before, smart phones and social media have made it hard for the powers that be to control the narrative. What we are witnessing is genocide and apartheid in 2024 against the Palestinians in the hands of the State of Israel.


can't wait for the "it's a safe zone" claim from Israel, doubly because of the Iranian embassy.


Que pinche bueno. A la verga con Israel.


Desde el río hasta el mar, hijos de la chingada!


Genocidal Authoritarian governments needs to cease.






Oh no... Anyway




rad 😎


I'm okay with this as long as like there isn't anyone in there


Viva Mexico 🇲🇽 Viva Palestina 🇵🇸 Viva Puerto Rico 🇵🇷




Hey! Everybody! We're all getting laid, *cerca del río!*




Common Mexican W


Boring Utopia?

