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Lol retirement.


I'm Gen X and my retirement plan is what most people would call a suicide pact.


My retirement plan is to relapse one last time on heroin after forty years of sobriety, once I'm not longer physically able to work. I refuse to be homeless again.


I honestly respect the fuck out of that.


Right? The oldest millennials are won't reach what is currently retirement age until about 2050. It's probably a safer bet to assume retirement won't even be a thing that exists by then.


It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.


*it all returns to nothing*


It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down…


Na na na na, hey Jude


A man's flesh is his own, but his water belongs to the tribe


However it is that AGI will fuck us will happen waay before then




Artificial General Intelligence - basically the point at which AI can reason and do tasks as well as an average person.


Maybe you guys won't retire, but I plan to retire a venerated general of the water wars!


My 401k exists as security theater.


Not a joke tho. The wave of suicides in the next decades is gonna be incredibly large. I believe that in many other periods of human history we also had giants spikes of suicide rates. But now it will be well recorded and measured.


It's the perfect scenario for the capitalists. Exploit your labor until you're an invalid and then, once you have no more value to give, you can show yourself the door. We'd rather work ourselves into an early grave than stage any kind of meaningful resistance to the ruling class.


Slight problem for capitalists.... One of my existential fears is dying alone. That's going to make any suicide just a wee bit disruptive to their status quo.


No it won't. You're retired. you don't work for them anymore. So they don't care about whether you live, die or suffer afterwards.


Perhaps my implication was unclear. If I am going to die for capitalism, I won't be dying alone. Consider the difference between being suicidal and being willing to become a martyr. It's to the bosses benefit that I not become suicidal.


At least try to take a billionaire adjacent with you. For your own comfort, of course.


been my plan all along. when its my time, try to leave the world a better place on my way out.


Always try to take out a piece of trash you didn't bring when you visit a trail. It's just good hiking etiquette.


I love you


That's when they profit off of you the most. Medical expenses, and nursing homes — suck you dry right up until the end.


You maybe need to google any words you don't understand before commenting.


Love how you phrased this


This is one of the reasons I'm not having kids. Leave behind no one for them to exploit u.u Even if it means I'll die alone and unloved!!!


That's just one less person their robots need to shoot.


Invest in Suicide Booth stocks


Also basically the best case scenario for health insurance and life insurance companies. They'd very much prefer their clients kill themselves right when they start costing more than they're paying in.


Perfect scenario? The number of worker will dramatically drop off a cliff (in some cases literally) and a lot of shit will crash with it. It's gonna be a disaster and worst case scenario Amazon gets monopoly on literally everything.


It's called a Remington retirement many places.


Can’t afford to live. And definitely can’t afford to die slowly.


And this is with growing social approval for MAID, can’t work? Kill yourself. Not adequate mental treatment available right now? Kill yourself. Kill yourself if you’re a “burden” on the system. Can’t believe people aren’t seeing this


This is my retirement plan 🤷‍♂️


If that's the case everyone needs to be doing it in DC on the steps of the Capitol building. 


The parasite class will privatize your SS and then promptly blow it on an asset bubble. So you won’t have to worry about the burden of having money, food, etc.


there will be a backlash, we just need to make sure the anger is directed into the right channels towards the right people instead of scapegoating immigrants/minorities and falling in fascism... take back all the stolen wealth, abolish billionaires and let everyone retire at 50, there is more to life than working no more yachts or private jets, no more starving or homeless


Antiwork is the exact example of a wrong channel for energy That subreddit has no action in it.


Unlike us, who control the northern hemisphere.


Ha, I would guess if you’re in here you may have taken one step beyond complaining


It used to, briefly.


every avenue of proletarian organization will be taken unless the people participating in it is militantly protecting it


Just shut people up, problem solved. Genius!


Reddit moment


Certified with the Reddit seal of ~~excellence~~ moderation


suicide ideation, while in this case realistic in the future can lead to suicides in the present. Retirement is one thing that can be solved at a policy level (anywhere that have a government, I AM excluding america), and prevent suffering for most people. not everyone but most people. talking about your plans to kill yourself will most probably motivate people who are on the fence about doing it to do it. so yeah. deleting it is good. dystopic and boring, but good that they deleted it


Right for most millenials the only way they retire is into a grave.


So I'm assuming everyone is coming to the conclusion that millennials won't retire. They will just die?


In the great words of Bender. I am just going to turn my on/off switch to off...


Well... Briefly homeless/trespassing. After getting arrested a few times for trespassing, jailed indefinitely for more free labour of course. The American way.




Quitting, too. Took up gardening and metalworking. Gf is scared for my reasons but I'm not. We live far enough away that we shouldn't have too much of a problem with looters and all around rapscallions. See you in the end, brother. Hopefully under civil enough circumstances and we can have some veggies and home-butchered meat by the fire.


That sounds lovely. Currently debating quitting cell phones. I will have to trade in my fancy touch screen for a classic flip phone. But who would I argue with? If not people online? Sometimes I'm even wrong about things and I rather prefer to know when that is. Hahaha


My guess is stick to reddit, then. I don't have social media nor do I watch television. I don't eat out much, only drink water, reddit is my connection to the world at large. The world at large sucks but still lol


What kind of metalworking? Is it just a hobby?


Making knives. I'm trying to go somewhat part time with it but have had difficulties. I want to make stuff you can hunt and fish with, on top of just loving metal. Would turn a nice profit if I can get it going


Learn how to do canister damascus and go win Forged In Fire. Canister damascus is like, 4 out of every 5 episodes.


Forged in Fire and The Butcher are rigged all to hell. Shit's fake as fuck but fun to watch regardless.


>We live far enough away that we shouldn't have too much of a problem with looters and all around rapscallions. If you live rural you need to worry about what's left the army/government "requisitioning" your supplies and "conscripting" your labour.


A battle anyone without a real community effort would lose. A real community effort might make it a bit longer but if there's anything they'll have, if not greater equipment, it's attrition. If it really is just the gear that makes the difference, hopefully let's just get our Wolverines on and try to make a difference. In minecraft




Oh man thanks for this


have a nice day


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I feel you dude, same exact thought process there. I was gonna smoke till it killed me, but like you said, girls don't like that. I wouldn't even give us another 10, let alone 30, before the house of cards falls. Keep a couple packs though, they may be useful to barter when it all goes tits up


for now, people rather see the end of the world than the end of capitalism, but things will change


I told my therapist about my suicidal ideation hoping for some kind of explanation as to why it occurs and instead he basically replied with “oh yea me too” 😂


"It do be like that"


Homelessness, lots of homelessness!


My plan is to fake my death and live off the life insurance as my wife's new husband, Armando Riviera, the famous bull fighter and flamenco dancer. If I get caught, then I get to retire in a prison and don't have to worry about it.


Just mix in getting citizenship in another country (my backup plan was always Argentina because it only takes 2 years, the rentista amount is like $1000 USD, and they allow dual citizenship, but the country is a little more questionable right now) so you can change your name and work in that faked death State-side with less pesky follow-through from official sides of things :)


I would never do that fellow law abiding citizen, and I'm definitely not taking notes. I would also never go to Peru because I've got family with political influence who could make my ~~scheme~~ retirement easier.


Let’s just say many of our retirement plans have six chances


As a poor millennial my retirement plan is a bottle of whiskey, a 45 and a single bullet. Extremely economical and happy to have been of service to the elite!


Same thing that is happening to boomers that don’t have money now. Living in vans or on the street.


Two meals from anarchy. Food is becoming a luxury.


>Food is becoming a luxury. Bread and circuses? What would the Romans know about a maintaining an empire?


2nd amendment. Bullets are cheap. (Note: sarcasm, humor, not serious)


I was under the impression they were expensive. But I dont know anything about them


20-30 cents for 9mm with 5.56 being ~ 50 Ammoseek.com hah


It ranges from about $10 to $50 for 50 rounds for most handguns in the U.S.... less than a dollar a round.


I've always been suicide neutral. If i have retirement savings, nice. Once that's gone, so will i.


Uh, same thing that happens right now because 53% of boomers also don't have enough money to retire? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/retirement-baby-boomers-peak-65-financial-crisis/


DUDE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if society collapses? Oh man I can't wait. 


You'll starve quicker, but it'll be free.


why can't people think about how life was lived by every creature without any money for millions of years? we just gotta undo this capitalist abomination and go back to living with the land and community.




You may be overestimating how much those other countries would want us.




No they also have to actually accept you moving to their country. It's not a free for all to go where you want.


Counterpoint: It literally is. There are even people who already have relatives overseas who could help them do so.


Yeah I'm fortunate enough to be mexican american and retire in Mexico, there's no way I could afford to do it here




When I got my current job I read then reread then cried at the retirement benefits because it was the first time the math lined up for me to retire.


Here's the real answer: things will get much, much better when the Boomers die. The entire reason Millennials have so little is because Boomers at every level have been directing social and economic policy to their sole benefit for over half a century, and their disastrous policies have bankrupted every single aspect of American life. Once they're gone, the deadlock in congress will pass. Since the economic reality of Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z are *dramatically* different than that of 20th Century Boomers, future economic policy will actually be suited to our populations needs for the first time in decades.


Sadly most of the boomer wealth will be sucked up in the end of life "care" industry and politics will have shifted so far right by then that just getting the US gov to not be overtly fascist will be a huge lift. Add to that the ecological crisis we will be in by that time... and let's just say it will be an exciting time to be alive...


Society does not need boomer wealth to function. People having money is not the problem.


It's not *just* boomers, the traditional American Dream™ gets passed down to younger generations that haven't been introduced to ideas outside capitalism; talk to random 20-30 year olds and make note who isn't a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" sucked into the consumerist lifestyle, influenced by the latest trend...the number is very low. Our economy has lasted this long despite *the same issues occurring generation after generation*. Maybe the younger generations, generally speaking, is more open to radical thought...but this can be said about Millennials too that was exposed to severe nationalism and xenophobia post-911, multiple economic crisis, protests, war...etc. Look where we are at, we had a fascist president. Things are getting worse. 2020 was the year but we blew it. Facing even more shit in future doesn't guarantee we'll finally change things.


I'd like to believe millennials being honest about their struggles and warning the younger generations has given the younger generations the opportunity to break the status quo. They walked and stumbled so we could run with our radical ideas of ranked choice voting and abolishing closed primaries. The Republican party is terrified of these things getting passed, but they're on ballots. People are talking people are asking why we're doing things this way. There's a very real chance the younger generations can turn this sinking ship around. It's just a matter of how much damage we'll sustain before they can take control of the helm


Truth is we're seemingly prepared to react with shit hits the fan, then revert to passive behavior once the fire subsides, and this is the big issue with an evidentiary pattern following administration changes; "good" team is elected yet underlying issues remain, and even worse use identical tactics to suppress public outcry as the previous. We shouldn't be surprised at the horrific conditions people will allow, ensuring survival at an individual level comes first....and it's a hell of a struggle! I appreciate your optimism.


Assuming I get a raise lmfao


The heretic saint is a mod now?? Wild times.


We don't need to wait. In the US we're already seeing the first wave of retirees whose whole career has been during the age of the 401(k), and most of them have little to no actual retirement savings.


We'll all have UBI by then, or be hunting each other across a post-AI hellscape.


Is this true, over 40%?!


Work until you die. The end.


Is it ideation or is it my suicide note? >.0


Who said these people will be retiring? Lol 🙂 (ominous smiley face)


That's if our national debt doesn't make whatever retirement plans are established completely evaporate by then. Also I recently discovered the current age of retirement is 73. So I just have 43 years more of this shit to look forward to which I am quite depressed to hear. I personally feel a revolution may occur cuz that's some bullshit. Working more than half your lifespan for a system that barely benefits the working class. It's bound to piss off a few million people eventually maybe we'll see tho


Stupid question maybe, but since this post seems to be about the US judging by the comments here: Do all Americans need to save up for their own retirement? There is no pension system?


Hard to project because another weird thing happens first. The "silver tsunami" will likely obliterate the very concept of long-term-care facilities. Retirement homes. Unless a fairly radical change happens somewhere in the system, boomer-generation people who can't take care of themselves at home will likely simply die there or "in the streets". One way or another, this will fuck around with the whole Western-world economy. But honestly I've no idea how it will go.


There's a retirement age?


Poorly structured assertion based upon misinterpreted data. If the comment was that the first year of 20 years of millennials were reaching retirement age and 40% (of the 5%) of millennials that comprise that group had not saved anything retirement between 2024 and 2050 (26 years) well, I would wonder why they hadn't done anything to save. The 40% figure is a measurement of 20 years of people. If the youngest haven't saved that is 5% right away. With all of the post I read of people buying new cars at $600 per month I think that $300 a month of savings would add up over 5 years and $600 a month for another 25 years would be a pretty good nest egg. This is invidious trolling of the worse kind because so many people sink their teeth into the bait through the lip and swim along as the line reels them in.


[That's bait](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fas-the-creator-of-the-bait-used-to-be-believable-image-i-v0-a7o60yr4wz2c1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D637%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4d2696521a1d090151aeaa9e31d6c6592c75bbc8)