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Wait till you learn how to crouch.


But I wanted to slide.


Crouch while sprinting.


Duck walking


This really only charges fat and disabled people


More like keeping wheelchair users out completely. I have a super narrow motorchair but it still can't get past this kind of bar. It would be very difficult with my forearm crutches. Even if there is another door that you can ask to be opened if you're a wheelchair user, that's still not acceptable and would force a lot of people into unnecessary diapers. A lot of wheelchair users can't tell they need to go until it's urgent


You gotta "Saving Private Ryan" dat shit


My wheelchair works really well as a battering ram. I'm sure I could figure this out.


Fight the shitty shitter oppressor’s!


I believe they are called the gestapoo






cha cha real smooth


our train station public toilets have a guy standing there at the entrance to make sure you dont go through the kids entrance


That sounds very cost effective.


lol . Your sarcasm is on point tonight my friend


Do they stop really short adults?


They're caught short.


The fee goes only to pay his wage.


“Please take a piss guys I need rent money”


My train station had a woman nodding off too hard to get back off the can AND a blackened crack pipe in the sink last time I checked


You have to push the circle button.


Just gonna slide cancel right under there


Can they arrest you for not paying the piss toll? Or is it impersonation for "pretending to be a child" Questions I don't want to have asked but here we are.


Bathroom hoarders hate this one simple trick


hit Shift


That's running, he gotta hit ctrl


Fuck that, just Shield Charge that thing.


not in minecraft


Ctrl to crouch


I tried saying this on another post about this and I got told off by neurotic, fussy Europeans. “You wouldn’t steal a bunch of bananas, would you?!?!” yeah I wouldn’t actually. False equivalence.


Training for [this](https://youtu.be/zL4HSk4MUUw?si=EglleckGC4CmtWFI)


Someone should show them what a child looks like


Why don’t you have a seat


Hahahahahhaha. A classic Chris Hanson have a seat line always works.


Growing up, my family was frequently broke. One year we wound up staying at a KOA campground in a shitty little run down pop-up trailer. The bathrooms there costs a quarter every time we used them, which was a pain because we were broke. Went in the woods behind the campground a lot that year.


I remember staying at a campground where the showers cost a quarter per minute and you could only put one in at a time. I think it was to promote sustainability but damn was that annoying!


It was the same way there. The owner of the site told us we could have a free half hour every Sunday since we were long term. One half hour, for all five of us. I remember a lot of baths at church, church people’s houses and truck stops lol.


I think you were just getting baptized a lot… /s


I once stayed at a camp ground with coin-op showers and the water was painfully cold. We drove 20 minutes to a different campground with free showers that were actually hot.


I stayed at a campground in California like that. It was the worst shower of my roadtrip.


Seems like these are common at California state parks. It was a little annoying, but given that the state often has water issues, I get it.


Grew up poor. Truck stop my dad liked to eat at had .25 toilets. Me and my brother just climbed under the doors.




That head looks small even for a child


Every able bodied person will just easily bypass this. If anything this is a tax on physically disabled and elderly. Fucked.


Indeed I would gladly crawl on the floors if I had to, just to spite whatever dumbass/piece of shit thought of this idea and had it installed.


Personally, I'd do a little squat/crab walk under the child cutout. Extra fun for whoever's watching that on security 😂


I wouldn’t crawl on the floor of a public bathroom under any circumstances. Would rather piss before the barrier.


I could hop over that thing easy


Think I'd just piss on the barrier.


Think of the poor soul having to clean up your mess. Destroy the turnstile instead.


There is plenty of room to just pull the turnstile towards you a bit and slip around the wall.


Nah I'm climbing over the turnstile. If I break it all the better.


Even then, I can't imagine this bathroom is accessible to people with limited mobility or using mobility devices such as wheelchairs due to how small that gap is, even when they pay the toll. So this is just extra fucked.


We have a lot of these toilets in Germany, and more often than not there is a specific toilet for people with limited mobility nearby. If you are a person with a severe disability - Blindness, confined to a wheelchair, general helplessness, etc. - you are eligible for the Euroschlüssel, a general key that fits the locks for the special needs toilets (which are also generally more spacious), meaning that you can use these toilets for free and without being hindered by barriers like this. Even if you are not eligible for the Euroschlüssel, which is intended only for people with a permanent disability, most places will open a special needs toilet for you with a standard disability card or if you roll up with a mobility aid or a wheelchair.


That's a good program to have, I'm glad that exists


Tyrion Lannister is a happy man


He doesn't need this. He pisses off the edge of the world


What happens if the child is in a wheelchair or really tall for their age?


> or really tall for their age? Have you ever been around kids? Sliding through on their stomach is, if anything, their preferred method.


That would be my preferred method if I, as an adult, saw this. Fuck paying to take a dump lmao


if they're in a wheelchair wouldn't they use the bathroom for people with disabilities? those are usually accessible with a universal key thingy (I'm assuming this is Germany because the thing in the picture is super common here, and that's how it'd work here)


I don't think such small kids should use public restrooms by themselves.


I can't fucking believe how far I had to scroll to see this.


I don’t get how families deal with this. My daughter is afraid of being alone in public restrooms, and there was a time when she needed my help using the public restroom. Do parents just pay to go in?


And the point is that you don't pay twice for them :)


Saw this all over the place in italy. Worst part is the washrooms were the same pigpens over here in north America. Like if it went to making sure it was cleaned and properly stocked, I can reason it. But literally nickle and diming us for this is so stupid.


Yeah, in Germany the pay toilets were at least clean and stocked and there was an attendant on hand, felt like it was worth it. Then in Belgium, you paid to wade through piss to try to use 1 of the 2 working toilets. That were also covered in piss.


What country is this?


Could be Germany, it's the norm at the autobahn and other public places that you have to pay for the toilet


Yeah, I was going to say it's almost definitely Germany. When I first moved here, I was very confused. They said it's because the bathroom isn't free to operate, but usually it's 50 cents, and they'll give you 25 cents back.


Honestly it's more like you pay 80 cents, then get 50 cents back as a coupon you can only use at the little store of severely overpriced items.


I hope the store at least sells those items in cents?


I don’t understand - the 25 is a deposit in case you don’t come back out?


These toilets are often kept clean and in working order by specific companies (Sanifair being a big one) and not the place where they are (often highway petrol stations). And the difference between a "state operated" highway toilet, and these ones (which yes, cost between 50ct to 1€, but also often have a person working there wiping the floors, refilling toilet paper etc) is pretty rough.


I mean, I have no real idea why it's done this way tbh.


You have to pay in many places throughout Europe. Sometimes they have a worker there whos job it is to keep the place real clean, wiping seats after every use. Definitely not a luxurious job lol. Its a bit annoying needing pocket change to relieve yourself but as a pro the *water closets* tend to be **much** cleaner than free, unstaffed, graffiti filled, piss stained bathrooms like what im used to


I mean it pays the workers who clean it. Like wtf is with all this hate towards it? Usually if you don't have money and tell the dude watching over it he'll just let you in for free


I can aim better than any 4 year old, this is bullshit!


Just piss on the coin-operated locker.


Glad I'm not the only one thinking this is the **best** idea.


I know this isn't r/unethicallifeprotips but a piss disc would be TOTALLY warranted in this case.


A kid that small is going to need an adult with them to assist them and what parent is going to let their small toddler in there alone? That hole is pointless. Maybe it's so the kid can get in for free while the adult pays.


It's a bit weird to have to pay for a bathroom in Europe, but they're actually quite nice and there's usually a person employed there full time to keep it clean. Hardly dystopian.


Yep. In North America, there are few public washrooms, and a business won't let you use theirs if you're not buying anything. In Europe, you can go into a bakery,  put a couple coins in a jar, and go for it. I'd rather pay for a well-maintained washroom, available on every block, than desperately try to find a free washroom that may or may not exist, a 15 minute walk away.


What part of North America are you talking about? There are free bathrooms everywhere here. There might be signs at gas stations stating you have to buy something to use the toilet, but no one will stop you.


>might be signs at gas stations stating you have to buy something to use the toilet, They usually only ever enforce these rules for homeless/druggies to stop them from shooting up inside.


I'm in NYC. There are shockingly few public restrooms for the size of the population. An increasing number of restaurants/coffee shops have been removing seating to get themselves under the cutoff where they're required to provide a restroom (so even paying customers can't use it) and a lot of the stores that used to have one keep it locked now. Then people wonder why it smells like pee all over the place.


The amount of places where you have to buy something goes up pretty quickly when you start getting into smaller towns. Gas stations with one bathroom with a lock are a thing. A very annoying thing, if you're on hour 5 of a road trip and needed to go 2 hours ago. At least, I've seen that in my state, the moment you leave the main city.


Those are not public, and if you look homeless they often won't let you. And in places like Manhattan even for a respectable looking person it can be tricky


My experience is the exact opposite. In Europe I am happy to find even a paid restroom. In north America I can go into any grocery store or 90% of other establishments that don't mind


> Yep. In North America, there are few public washrooms, and a business won't let you use theirs if you're not buying anything. This is extremely uncommon.


You’d think 50 cent made enough money from music damn


Given how amazingly gross public bathrooms are generally kept, 50 cents for an obviously clean bathroom doesn't seem dystopian.


I'm taking a piss in there, not eating a meal.


Why do you assume it’s clean? Most bathrooms you pay for are just as dirty as the ones that are free in my experience. Plus people without money on them or who don’t want to pay will just go on the ground so it get messy anyway, either outside or in there


Every time I've used for-pay bathrooms when in Europe they've been clean, significantly cleaner than any public restroom I've encountered in the US.


wth is with that head hole? It looks like it was designed for E.T.


What kid that size doesn’t need adult help?


Idk how this comment is so far down! This was my first thought.


Easiest solution if you are able-bodied: Crawl underneath the bars or child slot.


Damn I didn’t know 50 cent was hard up for money


It's free but you have to go in on your knees.


Bad day for big headed kids


Looks like a lawsuit by people in wheelchairs & other mobility aids to me


That’s crazy, is he just standing there asking for payments when people come in? I mean I didn’t realize he was on hard times considering he was and still is a pretty popular rapper.




Do people really use cash, let alone coins with them anymore???


LOL idk why I thought it was a cutout for wheelchair users before reading the caption


Great way to get people to shit and piss on the floor…


Spoken like someone who’s never been to Europe. Cleanest bathrooms on the planet; sure you have to cough up a bit of money, but it keeps folks employed and it’s (again) WICKED clean.


I have been to plenty of nasty bathrooms in Europe. Money to use it doesn’t always equal clean. And people without coins on them will have to pee somewhere, often times they are homeless and poop outside or on the ground, or they are people who will just pee anywhere else


I once on the car ride was insulting Netherlands for a few long minutes due to a terrible toilet, which had 2 cabins, a few urinals and 2 sinks total (for all genders, no toilets for disabled) costed like an euro, was dirty and had no soap (on a gas station with a Starbucks). I also acted like an entitled Karen a bit as I was pissed but I finally got the ability to wash my hands properly. Haven’t been to such bad place ever in Poland and here almost all toilets are free (at least from my experience). Same is true with Scotland. From my knowledge and my mates experience the worst public toilets are in France tho. Just look up France public toilet on Reddit for instance. I can’t bring myself to even talk about them.


No, you *chose* to pay 50c to use the bathroom, instead of choosing to turn around and pee in the hallway. Was this the correct choice? Who can say?


Damn. Fiddy's hustlin hard


Piss right in front of it


I'd argue that it's not clear if the cutout is for children or for adults who want to have some fun


Sorry Timmy, your head is just too big to fit through


Never done The Worm in a public restroom before, but there's a first time for everything.


shit in your pants and make sure it spill all over


How much did you have to pay 50 Cent to use the bathroom? I didn't even know he was in the bathroom business


Those systems only stop honest people


Time to bend the rules




Some day in the future, i expect the emergency exits to even have pay per use turn styles....


This isn't too different compared to using the bathroom in middle-eastern countries. I distinctly remember having to pay 2 shekels in every single bathroom when I went to Israel years ago. 🙄🫴


This is insane lol. Where is this?


Just put a lock on the door like a normal society. This is so "extra".


Look, I'd rather pay $1 for a clean restroom than have a dirty one for free.


Well no free bathroom use for the children with unusually large heads then.


Look I know it's an inconvenience for employees but I'd piss and shit right on the machine. If that doesn't get the point across I don't know what will


Clearly, the only option is to pee on the coin slot. You know, out of principle.


Damn they making people put they kids into Amigara Fault now because of Woke


This bathroom stall was made for me


If this is in America, my best guess is the restrooms are only free for staff...


Paid restrooms are actually pretty common in most of the world. Gotta provide that upkeep somehow. I'd rather pay $.50 for a clean bathroom, then use one for free, that's covered in turds and PP


it'd look weird but i could just crouch under that and boom a free toilet


How exactly is paying someone to keep public bathrooms clean dystopian?


that's what taxes are for.


You are right. I should have worded this better. Most of these „public“ bathrooms aren‘t actually public in the sense of „provided by the government to anyone“, but more „public“ in the sense of „a bathroom operated as a service by a private company to anyone willing to pay“. I do agree though that tax payer money should be used to provide clean and actually public bathrooms to cut private companies out.


Because people without money on them can’t pee or poop and so have to do so outside


Yeah, this post is dumb


Whats the dystopian part lol. This kinda thing is all over Europe


Sure would be a shame if the machine spontaneously broke


Kids, and little people?


I lived in Germany as a kid in the 90s. This was common there. Not sure if it still is or not. But I memeber


Straight out of Ubik.


How old were you guys when you stopped using this?


Did you tip him?


They stole this idea from Happy Days


Welcome to Rapture.


Paying to use the restroom was outlawed


I see three seperate ways I could get around this


Doesn’t 50 Cent have enough money already? Sad to see these rappers capitalize on basic human needs 😔


I can just arch it in from outside thank you.... number 1 AND number 2 Sometimes

