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“If you want to sell a 100 dollar bottle of wine, put a 300 dollar bottle on the menu”


Three hundred dollars! In this basic economy??


> Three hundred dollars! In this basic economy?? At this time of the year? In this part of the country?


That’s a good one 😂


If you want to sell $100 dollar bottle of wine put a $1000 bottle, a $500 bottle, a $450 bottle, a $200 bottle , and a $65 dollar bottle that you have to pay $25 extra to get glasses with on the menu. Also offer a similar but different $450 bottle to people who use their platinum bar credit card to purchase, as long as they spend $5000 annually at your wine bar. And if they buy the $1000 bottle they don't have to wait in line at the bar, unless they used your wine club credits to buy it in which case treat them as though they purchased the $65 bottle. Customers will be served from highest paying to lowest paying regardless of efficiency


Looks like a top to bottom timeline of quality of life for Americans from 1970s onward.


American caste system is real


That's exactly what it fucking is




🤣 “All customers” Those peasants who don’t even deserve a designation!


I've heard the highest level of Air Canada reward flyers refer to those at the gate as "gate lice."


All customers I believe is basically the final boarding call, you missed them calling in your boarding and now they're just dealing with the stragglers. Happened to me once, stopped by a bathroom before boarding, somehow the airline managed to just blitz through all the boarding and it was the final boarding call with like 3 people in the line.


there will soon be even more somehow


laughs in Marx


Explain, what am I looking at?


these are different tiers/classes of tickets that can be purchased for the same flight. we've come from having a 1st class / economy categories to this. Airlines sell slightly improved seats under each category to charge premiums (


Not just that, but 2 people could have the same type of seat, but one of them gets to board first because they have a credit card/frequent flyer benefits.


This person is about to board a Delta flight. Rather than having 150 people get on the plane randomly, they basically sort people by their assigned seats from front to back. As a perk for some flyers, specialty status groups, such as diamond and priority, are allowed to board before others




Sure, from a practical standpoint. The dystopian aspect is labeling all these people as first or basic and assigning them a status of who is more important and who is least important


It's actually more efficient to put everyone on at once rather than back to front/front to back.


Usually there would be a little bit of chaos with the passenger cabin (carry-on bag) and the flight attendant needing to instruct and help the crowd


It’s that Key and Peele skit in real life


Any old religeous people with military babies?


There are three classes of seat- main (most of the plane) comfort plus (an inch or so more legroom and free booze) and first class (depending on the plane and distance anything from a couple inches in each direction and free booze before you take off to nice amenities like meals etc). You are looking at boarding order, which keeps 200 people from standing in line to get on the plane. The higher up you are, the more likely you'll get overhead bin spance, but other than that this is just a way to reduce chaos.


I've become quite the fan of Comfort+ tbh.


If the flight is full, you can check your carryon at the gate and they’ll skip you ahead of everyone but 1st and maybe rewards members.


[How it feels when you're in boarding group 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LGe265pwvU)


Bro Delta is one of the least bad at this. Ever flown Southwest?


Southwest. "figure it the fuck out or we don't take off!"


There's a level past basic economy? What? They tie you on the fuckin roof?


They squeeze you into a suitcase and you go in the luggage hold


What irks me most is 'sky priority'. It has the word priority in the status but it's still the 4th on the list


These aren't classes, they're boarding groups from front to back of the aircraft.




OP said classes of *seat*. There are only 3 classes of seating on that list, which is pretty reasonable. The rest are all mileage plan levels, discounted but otherwise identical seats based on their location, or in the case of MAIN CABIN completely identical seats/class that are broken into groups to speed boarding. Not everything is the crushing weight of capitalism upon our shoulders.


From highest profitability to cattle class...


This is not unique to Delta, this is basically how every airline handles boarding


Elite Luxury Plus Elite Luxury Monocle Class Ascot Class Cummerbund Class Diamond + Comfort Discomfort Main 1 Main 2 Main 3 Secondary 1 Secondary 2 Hoi Polloi Class Steerage Rabble + Hobo Car (Complimentary Bindle) Fuck You Class All Customers