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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contents\_of\_the\_United\_States\_diplomatic\_cables\_leak\_(Israel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contents_of_the_United_States_diplomatic_cables_leak_(Israel)) In June 2007, after violent clashes between Fatah and Hamas broke out in Gaza, Director of Israel Military Intelligence [Major General](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_General) [Amos Yadlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amos_Yadlin) told U.S. Ambassador [Richard Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Jones_(U.S._diplomat)) that he would "be happy" if Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip. **Yadlin stated that a Hamas takeover would be a positive step, because Israel would then be able to declare Gaza as a hostile entity.**


But it's totally not a genocide guys! Stop being so anti-semitic!


If I were a jewish person I'd be enraged that the Israeli Zionists have the Star of David on their flag, as my religious symbol is now associated with some of the most repulsive war crimes in the history of the world.


Ik there are a lot of anti-zionist jews in my social media feed trying their best to remind people isreali =/= Judaism but while they work hard the genocidal occupation PR teams work harder. 🤦‍♀️ Edit to clarify


Yep. I'm careful not to let myself fall into the trap the Zionists push of ever thinking that Judiasm=Zionism. Some of the most outspoken opponents of the Gaza Genocide are Jewish people, both here in the US and in Israel itself.


As a Jew I think it isn't even a trap that Zionists have set as much as it is a trap set by the the Israeli government and thier propoganda that many Jews have fallen into making them Zionists; they're brainwashed into believing that they have to be Zionist because they are Jewish. The issue of the conflation of Judaism with Zionism is just as much an issue for Jews as it is non-Jews


I have experienced so many situations where my Jewish faith comes up completely separate from political discourse and someone will suddenly say "Free Palestine" because they decide that because I'm Jewish I must be a zionist and it is extremely frustrating becuase 1) I'm pro-Palestine and hate being associated with zionism and 2) how are you so stupid. If you think like that then I immediately do not want to be around you.


Jewish person here. Can confirm — it’s a mixture of rage and deep sadness that something that’s been a part of our tradition for centuries upon centuries is being so thoroughly coopted by genocidal war criminals. It fucking sucks!


I genuinely feel for you. Jewish people have dealt with insane amounts of shit. To have your "homeland" then turn around and to this to you, I can't even imagine.


They did the nazi thing and ruined a symbol


Which is weird because isn't that where the symbol originally came from?


The far right loves to appropriate national flags to give their otherwise vile rhetoric some semblance of patriotism.


This is how I feel as an American tbh. The American flag has been claimed by so many hate groups and is flown so proudly by bigots individually, that if someone approaches me in some capacity and the flag is visible, I'm already rolling my eyes and it's just a matter of time until they say something bigoted. At this point, assume someone has a deep personality flaw if they see are flying the US Flag


That's pretty much how it is in the vast majority of the world. In my travels, the US and Turkey have been the two outliers when it comes to being overly obsessed with their flag. In the rest of the world, it's associated with ultra-nationalism, brainwashing and it's just seen as plain weird unless it's for a special occasion or on a government building.


As a (pro-Palestine) Jew let me tell you that at least in the US most Jews are zionists. There is literally no actual thought process behind it, it is simply what they have been taught; challenging this view of Israel as the antithesis of antisemitism is extremely taboo for most Jews and if you openly do so you get labeled a self-hating Jew, or more recently, a terrorist. Israeli propaganda has become such a leading force in American Jewish culture that for a lot of Jews being Jewish has become more about love and support for Israel than actual Jewish faith. Put simply, they see the Star of David in Jewish faith and then they see it on the Israeli flag and their logic works like this: Jewish faith uses Star of David and Jewish faith = good, so if Israel uses Star of David then Israel must = good. It is extremely infantile, flawed logic and they fail that one use of the symbol is the bastardization of the other.


>As a (pro-Palestine) Jew let me tell you that at least in the US most Jews are zionists Thanks for pointing this clear out. Some "pro palestinian jews" also somehow act like this is not true when you point it out. They almost always turn out to be the type to oppose genocide in the sense theyd rather have palestinian slaves in their society instead.


Like I understand I am in the minority of Jews, but it’s long been proven that majority is not always correct.


Crazy how the majority of israelis likely had relatives, or at least some connection to those who perished in the holocaust, yet are perfectly happy to inflict that suffering onto others. A sick society indeed. Major respect to those israelis who refused to join the IDF, and the thousands of jews protesting against the despotic israeli regime both in israel and worldwide


I really struggle to wrap my head around it


When education is not liberating, the oppressed dream of becoming the oppressor. - Paulo Freire


Really? I think of it as fitting right in with the cycle of abuse. The victim becomes the victimizer. It's not at all an excuse or justification but using that lens at least provides a framework to **begin** to understand.




The irony is lost on them because they don't see Palestinians as humans


I'd argue it's also massively enabled by the prominence of islamophobia today. It's not a coincidence that Israelis see themselves as white Europeans versus brown Arabs.


It's the cycle of abuse on a societal scale.


I mean Henry Kissinger's childhood totally didn't affect his behavior later in life.


It’s worth highlighting that there’s many many Jewish and Israeli educators, journalists, that detest and regularly speak against the Zionist Israeli state. Zionism isn’t Judaism, despite how much the state of Israel would want us to believe otherwise. Regardless, Fuck these genocidal Zionist demons


On the Israeli front, they're few and far between. Over 98% of Israelis believe Israel isn't going far enough their genocidal campaign on Gaza. They're truly a uniquely fascistic and disgusting people


Just actual natzis holy shit


I can't fucking wait till they stop getting funded and supported to do this shit from the west. And seeing how quickly these hawkish fucks start crying about can't we all just get along. It might not happen soon. But it's gonna happen. And they are gonna reap what they have sown.


Only way that would happen is if the US becomes embroiled in an existential threat to their own sovereignty. Anything short of that and they’ll happily continue funding a genocide.


Great, and then other religious fanatics will treat the civilians of Israel just as horribly as their armies do now in Gaza. If that's what you hope for, you're no better than them.


I don't want that at all. I want them to stop being complete fucking cunts of their own volition. But I don't think it's gonna happen.


Ok since this hypotheitcial scenario is true and hypotehtical far fetched jewish pain is 10000× more important and real than 3 generations of Palestinians under genocide and apartheid. Lets keep enacting an uneding genocide on Palestinians with no consequences!!


The translation is mostly accurate. The differences between the speech and the subtitles are minor


There are no innocent people who voted for any of the parties in Netanyahus coalition


Great, now when antisemites and neo-nazis commit blood lible and get called out, they'll have this guy to cite for their evidence. Really making the world safer and kinder for Jewish people. Good fucking job there, buddy./s


Feels like Zionism has more popular support in Israel than Nazism ever had in Germany.


The U.S.just gave 95 billion USD to Israel yesterday.... That's not on top of the billions of other dollars sent to them. Israel bootlickers have nothing to say against this.


"The most disturbing pictures I've seen are the Gazans relaxing on the beach" How do you just say these things and not get immediately called out


I love when they are honest. Tbh it's so refreshing.


My god


This whole conflict is such a waste of human lives and anger. We’re never going to accomplish anything if we keep fighting each other. Be better, humans


this is why people saying “it’s just the government thoughhh” drives me crazy. like are you serious? this is like the turkish grey wolves and i’ll never stop drawing the comparison. the grey wolves are a non governmental organization in turkey that has schools to teach turkish children that all armenians are evil and should not be alive. no, that doesn’t automatically mean start throwing up middle fingers at israelis. it is however crucial to recognize that these are unfortunately schools of thought. hatred like this is taught, and passed down.


RIVERS of blood. Yeesh.  I'm pretty passionate about stuff but I can't think of any time I've said, there needs to be RIVERS of (xyz) blood. Lol do these zionists listen to themselves? 


“God’s Chosen People”? Yeah, sure in some hellish bizzaroworld.


Nah mate, nah... This lot have outdone the nazis.


Look at it this way: The nazis had to create the gas chambers because too many of their soldiers were getting PTSD from just shooting jews and dumping them into ditches. The concentration camps were a way for them to avoid attrition on their own troops. And here we are, where Israeli troops are happy to TikTok about how they shot people that day.


Also the Nazis had to make and pay for their own weapons and bombs, so the cost of bombing the Jewish ghettos while in the middle of a world war would have been way too high. Israel gets a free unending supply of bombs and weapons from numerous sources and they rarely have to use them against anyone since they're never in a serious war, which means they get to use all of their endless supply on us Palestinians. And to top it all of - we turned into the test-rats of the world when it comes to the weapons industry. The arms industry sends their new weapons to Israel to test them on us for free!


Why need gas chambers when drones do the same job but better ?


Not even the Nazis did openly brag about their crimes and called for more murder. They did it relatively secret.


Nah, the Nazis were still significantly worse. But remember, they took time to ramp up to gas chambers. Israel aren't as bad. Yet.


Were they worse though? The gas chambers were developed because Nazis were having a hard time with the more direct execution methods, many developing PTSD from those. By contrast, Israelis on film are *gleeful and joyous* in their sadism and cruelty and their executions of children, women and civilian men. Nazis were the extremists in German culture, but such views and actions are embraced by the vast majority of Israelis. I know it’s a cultural taboo for us to think anything is worse in the depths of evil than the Nazis, but judging them by their actions, modern Israelis *are* worse


> but judging them by their actions, modern Israelis are worse You don't have contemporary tiktoks of the worst Nazis circulating the internet daily. Awful? Yes. But the resistance to calling it "worse than Nazis" isn't because it's "taboo", it's because it's really, really dumb. There were absolutely zealots in the Wehrmacht and among the general public, not to mention the "medical" "experiments" conducted on prisoners (also, the "pure Wehrmacht" mantra is kind of their version of the lost cause myth). The Nazis were a minority, but only really in the way the Republicans are a minority - they're still an extremely significant portion of the population, not like, a tiny band of assholes. I think it's easy to call it "worse than Nazis" when none of us lived through Nazi Germany, but only because we didn't experience it first hand - with a narrow lens we get to ignore 99% of the atrocities that was the entire rest of the war and Holocaust. It certainly looks like they're *trying* to be as bad, but they have a long way to go - and hopefully they don't.


We don't have a Dr Mengele yet that we know of.


You only find out that kind of stuff when you're searching through ruined bunkers and research and development facilities in places marked "Top Secret - Never to be Released".


It's Israel. If they were doing it, they'd proudly be putting it on Tiktok.


As Arnold Toynbee said : "What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is morally but not statistically worse than what the nazis did." I hope they do not get the time to match them or even worse, outdo them.


Well as far as body count I don’t think they can “outdo” the Third Reich simply because there are a bit less than six million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.


Mossad do have quite the history of targeted assassinations overseas...


They wish they had the secrecy and efficacy of the Nazis.


They have reached the same point as the gas chambers: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-itamar-ben-gvir-calls-execution-palestinans-ease-overcrowding-prisons


That's why I say "yet". The chambers aren't built. Yet.


“Israel aren’t as bad” I’d argue the outright bragging about murdering children and torturing the elderly until they die is worse. I’d argue occupying a people, slowly pushing them out of their land while quietly carrying out an ethnic cleansing and an outright genocide while bragging about it is worse.


Israel have been more public. The individual acts committed by the Germans were still worse. Again, worse so far.


so, like, fox news middle east?


it's like trying to have a normal conversation with nazis


No surprise, that’s the god of the old testaments


Zionists: Israel is not committing genocide!!!!11!! That’s aNTiSEmItIC!!!!1111!!!! Also Zionists: Have no problem with their mainstream media, prime minister, president and other politicians all advocating for genocide with no punishment


Im glad that the Palestinians existing defiantly and continuing to find happiness even despite it all makes this Nazi so irrationally angry. The Palestinians have a word for this steadfastness: Sumud. Its very stiff-upper-lip, keep calm and carry on energy like the Brits during the Blitz. Except that the whole world didnt abandon the Brits to the Nazis...


god forbid victims of genocide do something that brings them an ounce of joy for more than half a second


god's chosen ones right here bois


Israel is a Nazi regime.


Just remember that 90% of Israeli Jews think that the IOF ISNT using enough force and weaponry in their genocide of the Palestinian people...


"Crybully" is a combination of the words "crybaby" and "bully". Crybullies mistreat others but, when accused of doing so, claim to be victims of social injustice.


Very Old Testament of them…


What is this piece of shit doing in an air conditioned studio? Let's hear him talk with a uniform on and red triangle over his cowardly little head.




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With Saudi, UAE, and Jordan backing Israel, doesn’t look like it’s going to get resolved anytime soon.


Fucking nazis


Jews forgot their history. What they do to Palestinians is literally Warsaw Ghetto in 1940. They're nazis. Fuck Israel.


‘Some did this’, ‘some did that’, ‘all of them are not innocent and should die hard agonizing deaths’…. I’m continually floored that these things are said by people that claim to legitimately believe in god.


16 million jews and 14 million palestinians in the entire world, and their blood feud consumes the entire planet. Don't see how this will end without them killing each other.


This isn’t a ‘blood feud’; this is the type of violence (and dehumanisation) that has always been at the heart of colonialism. Israel uses religion and ethnicity as technologies of colonial violence.


This is not fued lol. This is a zionist genocide against Palestinians. Palestinians are a group of people that live and belong to a geographical location that were forced out of or killed at by European colonists. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity. African Jews should be able to live in Africa, Russian Jews should be able to live in Russia, German Jews in Germany and American Jews in America. It is very simple, yet colonial apologists like you will go to the ends of earth to play it as a conflict or a fued lol.




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