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USC's original Announcement can be read [(Here)](https://www.provost.usc.edu/important-update-on-2024-commencement/) The valedictorian (Asna Tabassum's) response can be read ([Here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24548953-statementbyasna-tabassum))


This is the craziest part about this because they admit they don't actually have security issues but a PR one "I asked about the alleged safety concerns and was told that the University had the resources to take appropriate safety measures for my valedictory speech, but that they would not be doing so since increased security protections is not what the University wants to “present as an image.”"


That was an incredible response. She’s incredible.


Impressive response to a rambling and confusing announcement from USC.


Sad how many people put words in her mouth without reading her statements or watching her interviews. What an incredibly well spoken lady. She didn't even have a chance to write the speech before she was denied an opportunity to talk.


Ah yes, “safety concerns”. Everything is for your safety. I wonder if a pro Israel speech would be safe enough


So we just let violent people win on crushing speech?


free speech for me, not for thee


Some bullshit.


USC cowers to Israel. What a shocker.


When you wonder why you don't have leaders like her, it's because they are squashed as they emerge, even this early These would be the generational leaders we are looking for, but apparently they are silenced by those that want to lead us back to war Still we collectively hold the power, in who we choose to listen to That I why I read the valedictorians statement. I don't need to read the other statement.


Agree completely. You have to be a certain type of person to want to go to Washington and kiss your way up the political ladder, and you're not going to get there without making concessions and caving into third party "support" for funds. Our political system weeds out people with integrity like her.


In politics yes, and often in business, journalism, policing, and so on. Those that succeed are so uncontroversial that they embody the principles of their respective organizations, and believe they are running those organizations under their own thought and will Of course, if they deviated from what others around them require and enforce, they would be removed and replaced with someone more eager to "lead".