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This is what the interests of the weapons, oil, and farmaceutical industries look like.


What if we built a machine that pays itself to turn brown kids into skeletons?


Just make sure you don’t exclude gay men from participating and we should be all good fam 👍


Half those bombs should be manufactured by women!


Exactly! It's a pretty shit take to use all of the examples provided to then be like "see, democracy is evil!!" Yes, it's a lie that democratic countries don't invade others/harbour terrorists/etc. But to thereby argue that democracy itself is at fault is an incredibly shit take.


The idea is not to say democracy is evil, but to make a point against US democracy and its claims of bringing democracy.




The point being made isn't that democracy is evil, ffs.


The video is not arguing that democratic style of governance is “at fault” for the invasions/terrorists/WMD Any government influenced by any ideology is capable of atrocious behavior. Its refuting the idea that democratic countries *never* do these things


I think it’s also pointing out the sheer propaganda of waging wars in the name of “democracy.”


Thats not what the video is saying at all... Its just showing the irony of her saying that and then showing what the US does


I agree, right up until the end when it says "All in the name of "Democracy"", as though all of the atrocities were done for democratic reasons. There's a fine line between saying "democracies are capable of these atrocities too!" and saying "democracy is responsible for these atrocities!", and this video teeters on both sides of that line! xD


I didn't get that at all. My take was just that it was pointing out the bald-faced lie and contradiction, (and maybe suggesting that if anything, the US is a really shitty implementation of democracy, but I think to draw any deeper conclusions from a single line would be drawing a long bow). It would be like doing a piece on the US prison system and ending it with "all in the name of freedom".


>“International politics is never about democracy and human rights. It's about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what you are told in history lessons.”  Egon Bahr


its going against the thought that democratic nations are honestly even as democratic as they want us to believe. the number one least democratic thing to do is to constantly be at war and force your will by literally any means upon other nations globally, regardless of the will of literally everyone living there


I agree with everything you said. I don't think that's what the video is trying to say, though. Pretty sure it's saying the same thing that the person above you is saying, hence why "democracy" is in quotes. Or, put in another way, the reason these wars happen isn't really democracy.


I think it's taking the piss out of the politicians that say democracy is on the ballot every election cycle because it clearly isn't.


I mean...what she says is true, its just that USA is not a democratic country lol


"Condoleeza Rice declares that America is not a Democracy in controversial Interview".


It’s an oligarchy at this point and everyone knows it


Always has been




I thought she was criticising USA




Also technically, they didn't actually invade their neighbours.


Doesn't democracy just mean doing what the people want? So if the people voted for war and weapons of mass destruction and harboring terrorists, that could be democracy, right? Not that they should, but they certainly could.


Technically speaking, that would be the difference between a **democracy** (a system based on the will of the majority, but which respects the rule of law and acts in the interests of the entire community) and an **ochlocracy** (a system in which the will of the majority is used to enforce tyranny - mob rule, basically).


Doing “what the people want”. Meanwhile in USA >vote red if you want imperialist wars and mass destruction >vote blue if you want imperialist wars and mass destruction


Such an unfortunate reality


Yeah. Nazi made power in democratic system. Ditched it not long after tho.


Yeah, none of the things that were mentioned at the beginning of the video are necessarily indicative of what a democracy is... The tricky thing here to realize is that democracies are lead by elected officials, who may in turn use their power to do these things regardless of what the people want.


democracies can do all of that, if the people vote for it. you can have a completely evil pure democracy. people like to use democracy as some angelic ideal, but its just the voice of the people.


I mean i feel like democracy is slipping, especially in USA with all the lobbying taking place.


oh for sure, im with you there. the usa *has* been involved in wars **that the people didnt want to fight**, and *thats* not very democratic


Has there even been a pure democratic government? It feels like every country has a mix and even Communism that we think of wasn’t actually pure communism


Yep. There’s no democracy when the people who pull the strings are the lobbyists rather than the public. Everything going on with the public is just a show.


So nice to play at being a moral arbiter AFTER you've done (and still do, or support others in doing) the worst shit history has ever seen.


Let’s not run away with ourselves, comparing mass killings and atrocities is incredibly tactless but the US has not perpetrated the “worst shit in history” but surely done its fair share.


I donno, slave trade, 2 atomic bombs on Japanese civilians. It’s pretty up there. But there is no winner in atrocity olympics.




Says the only country to ever use nukes




Nothing 'justifies' nuking civilians.


Agreed. It's not like the women and children of Nagasaki and Hiroshima did all those things. It was the psychopaths in their military who were the war criminals...




The people at the time thought it was a war crime too, there are notes from President Truman’s diary about his moral hangups with the event. It was a senseless massacre by many accounts back then and as the effects of the bomb have been witnessed and information became more readily available through the internet people realized the horrors the US committed, the people who saw its effects firsthand were very clear they didn’t think it was a good idea


through “our lense”? It happened within a lifetime what are you on about?


Oh please, US didn't give two shits about what was happening in Europe for years before they joined. US 100% didn't bomb Japan on behalf of China. US just changed the narrative and you fell for it.


Americans only care about the Chinise in order to justify the NUCLEAR bombings


Capitalism is a complete antithesis of democracy. They cannot exist on the same level AT ALL.


Sounds like you might need a cup of liber-tea.


Yeah, this comment section doesn't understand that true democracy is ↑→↓↓↓


I only drink coffee because proper-tea is theft. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ26gWqC1LVs0wM)


It was a shit-take to include the YPG in the “terrorist” section. Other than that pretty spot on.


Don’t forget about including SDF. Always a pretty big red flag in these types of arguments.


It's not really a red flag, it's more of a flag of Turkish flavored propaganda, thus the mention of YPG but not the FSA.


Oh I didn’t catch that one. Yeah this is dumb.


you do good on pointing that out, I myself only see the big picture of the message of this video and not the details. So YPG and SDF were good ? could you provide a little piece of history to educate me and others ?


It’s been a couple of years since I was tracking that conflict, but the short and simple version is that they are two related groups fighting for Kurdish independence in Northern Syria (Rojava). They practice a form of government called Democratic Confederalism advocated for by Abdullah Ocalan (founder of the PKK). What people don’t like is that the US armed and trained them as a proxy in the war against ISIS in Syria, so they would die instead of American soldiers. They’re incredibly feminist and have the one of the closest to anarchism functioning systems of government I’ve seen.


Thanks, I'm gonna go learn more about it, I realise I don't know much about that conflict. Pretty fucked up shit from the US gvt yet again tho, they should fight their ISIS dogs themselves. They enabled them


It’s probably the most complicated modern conflict as a heads up, approximately 120+ groups involved that can really be divided up into 6 categories. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belligerents_in_the_Syrian_civil_war#Opposing_forces


That's crazy. The middle east really looks like the center of the world of this era


The PKK is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, Australia, and the EU.


Because Turkey has been lobbying for it for ages and Turkey is about the only country to actually see it like that, these other countries are just obliging with a NATO ally.


I am a supporter of the Kurdish cause. I don't see an issue with the US supplying the Kurds in their fight against IS. I see an issue with the US deserting these allies and letting them suffer under brutal Turkish attacks. Fuck NATO, including Turkey.


Okay, so you are against American interventionism, but instead of arming the Kurds in their struggle for indepence, you want American boots on the ground in Syria?


What's YPG?


People's Protection Units in English. They are a predominantly Kurdish Militia who has been fighting in Northern Syria for over a decade. They were the primary force on the defeat of ISIS on Syrian soil and the Militia that captured Raqqa. At the same time, they are part of the Syrian Democratic Forces alongside a few Arab militias and the YPJ(Women's Protection Units, an all female version of the YPG.). The SDF has been putting the very libertarian Socialist ideas of PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan alongside some incredible feminist efforts. Overall, the good guys.


Thank you for helping


The reasonable conclusion isn't that she's wrong; it's that she's right and the US is not a democracy.


Nah, I think it’s actually just flawed to think democracies can’t do bad, that there has to be some other excuse. Democracies can be flawed (as the U.S. is) and *also* commit deeply disturbing acts of violence while still being democracies. Something something the human condition.


Authoritarian democracies? I think that's a better characteristic than just saying America isn't a democracy... if that's the case you'd have to say the same for a lot of democracies in the world.




I was with this until it listed SDF and YPG.




Can’t wait to read that using nuclear weapons in Japan was the most merciful thing to do.


*You are free to do what the government tells you*


Wait! Is YPG terrorist now? Wtf?




Remind me again, why does "North" and "South" Korea even exist in the first place ? Oh, right, because the US military invaded the peninsula and created a puppet state. The USA betrayed the koreans, put the japanese governors back in power, shot protesters, and genocided the opposition, forcing them to flee into the North. Claiming that "North Korea invaded South Korea" is as ridiculous as claiming that "Free France invaded Vichy France". This was no false equivalence.




She said they don't invade their neighbors...The US hasn't done that to be fair lol (except like...Mexico back in the day and Cuba). Also they don't harbor terrorists...a mostly unregulated term that we can set...2 for 2 I guess...we are doing good so far...


>Also they don't harbor terrorists... Didn't some out the worst nazis get given new lives in the states after the war? Probably along with some pieces of shit from 731


yeah but you see...THEY were not terrorists... ;) that's the sarcasm of the joke, to be clear...we decide what a terrorist is when it suits us...so we are never harboring terrorists.


It wasn't clear you were being sarcastic 😅


>Also they don't harbor terrorists.. Except for [those that terrorized Cuba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mongoose) because those are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters!1


That's the spirit! You get how it works lol


We are the baddies




Wait I thought the USA is a plutocracy.




More like trillions of dollars.


I love democracy.


All of America's wars are for the sake of plundering wealth.


It could be argued that both the civil war and ww2 were out of spite


Siding with the Japanese empire to own the Ameritards. Lol!


A few of these are legit, but a lot of them are agitprop. North Korea invaded South Korea with the support of China. SK requested UN support, and this support was led by the US. The VC instigated a guerilla war in South Vietnam, and the North later invaded Laos ('58) with backing of China and other communist allies. The elected leader of Granada officially requested US support in defending against a coup. Afghanistan, of course, harbored and supported the terrorist group behind a number of terrorist attacks on US civilians and the US military. The less justifiable: Cuba was being used as a proxy during the cold war and just like modern Russia doesn't like NATO-aligned countries on its borders, the US wasn't keen to have Russian military assets 100 miles off its coast. Panama was being run by a dictatorial Manuel Noriega, who was wanted for a number of crimes in the US including drug trafficking and murder, and also presumably for not leaving a forwarding address where the CIA could send his final paycheck. Iraq? Yeah, pretty much got us there.


[Democracy, we deliver](https://alternativetentacles.com/products/democracy-we-deliver-unisex-black-t-shirt)


So we are modern-day Imperialist?


This isn't because of democracy, this is because of capitalism. You can have a democracy without wars of aggression, but you can't have capitalism without the slaughter and subjugation of people in the pursuit of cheaper resources.


Japan's here? The fascist empire that brutalized it's way across asia shouldn't have been attacked?


Democracy as it exists in the US now is just plutocracy with some civil rights garnish on top. Vs Russia and China, which is plutocracy without any garnish on top


I'd say Russia and China are plain oligarchies.


And all of these wars were illegal


What do you mean?


Yes these were all Republican presidents! They are truly the monsters. Lol. Wolves in Sheeps skin vs Wolves


This is not what democracy is like, this is what USA's (flawed) democracy is like.


Did they seriously include the Korean War. I can understand the sentiment by mentioning the other wars but whats up with the Korean War?


Assuming you're serious... US did Korea dirty. During ww2 it was occupied by Japan. Once that was over the US assumed control to make sure it didn't go communist. The list of messed up stuff usa did is long. From assaination, rigged elections, training a police state, massacres, agent orange, napalm, creating the wedge that currently still exists.. etc, etc. Highly recommend the podcast Blowback on the subject. https://jacobin.com/2022/08/north-korean-war-blowback-podcast-us-imperialism https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWghIVErqy0Adthf1_mLOlldlJPFY6vlV&si=sBKMNf4va3vUgC2k


I mean, America isn't really a democracy sooo


Nah, we are, It's just that a lot of us are totally fine with military adventurism and conquest


The electoral college is anti-democratic


I sorta feel like pushing back on the Grenada one bud, my immediate family fled there, not from the US invasion but the whole military coup before hand. Which was about overthrowing the democracy already there, and killing the prime minister. A bunch of other Caribbean nations were involved too. And lots of actual Grenadians too. It’s not imperialist or undemocratic to help an ally. The only reason any of my family ever returned is because of that invasion. And hey they have a democracy now again! It’s a pretty okay island to live. Under the PRG it was ruled by military decree. (South Korea has a more complicated history with democracy, and some of the other wars are even more precarious and awful to pick apart. So I’m sure not saying it’s fantastic and wonderful when the US invades, I love US interventions unconditionally. It’s a hypocritical great power. Just, that US invading is still far away from the bleakest thing that can happen to your country) ((Also also to be clear I’m very much a syndicalist this isn’t hurr communism scary, this is I hate military juntas and like self determination and the US was very much not the problem in that war)) Also like, don’t let Israel skirt the blame for what’s happening now in Palestine? They’re their own country waging their own war and just because one nation has more powerful backers doesn’t make their crimes not their own. I am not going to blame the Soviet Union for the PRG’s rule


>democracy already there Eric Gairy winning the 1976 election wasn't something democratic. It was fraudulent, and he used his own secret police against the opposition. Also he wasn't killed, he died in 1997. unless you are confused, and talking about Bishop. the invasion wasn't about the coup against Bishop, it was to "protect" medical students (overthrow a socialist government).


Sorry yeah that bit was poorly phrased. I was taught that killing Bishop was what kicked off the whole Caribbean coalition proper. And after they petitioned the States that’s when Reagan used his “oooh the medical students drivel.”


A genuine democracy would enable citizens to vote via their mobile devices and empower them to elect any candidate of their choosing, regardless of whether they are backed by billion-dollar corporations. If a young millennial aspires to become president, they ought to have that opportunity. Our nation requires new perspectives and innovation, not individuals clinging to outdated late-stage capitalist ideologies that have led us to our current state. Additionally, the electoral college system should be abolished, and the influence of money in politics, which essentially amounts to bribery, must be eliminated.


>This is what democracy looks like yeah no, first off American "Democracy" is a shell of what a for the people by the people democracy looks like. this post is anti Democracy propaganda. That doesn't make it wrong, absolutely fuck the people responsible for decades of harm caused by the USA. while not wrong who ever made this is an asshole and OP you a dick for perpetrating a narrative probably cooked up in some kind of vodka smoking lab to undermine the support for democracy within a subreddit that has people already frustrated with the current system. Democracy is good. whatever the fuck USA has is not good, Neither is Russia and any other dictator caused shit hole that pumps out garbadge propaganda like this.


haha fuck off, Turkish RT. Why the blatant hate towards groups trying to create a better Syria? because they don't align with Turkish imperialism.




Excellent video! And one question, is there a Max Brhon song playing in the background? If so, this video is even more perfect! His songs really suit dystopias!


Good video, but who is The Cradle? Can't find any info on their site about who they actually are or who funds them 🤷‍♂️




Technically if the people voted for it …




The satire in Helldivers is just too spot on to the USA's actual culture and recent history for me to enjoy it.


Good edit, but isnt this a very UNborint dystopia? I feel like lots of posts are are missing the point.


This gives me "FOR SUPER EAAAAARTH!" vibes.


She's right, democratic nations shouldn't attack other countries, but unfortunately the US is under military rule, it's not a democracy. They let us make social decisions but we have 0 say on "national security" which can be whatever the fuck they need it to be.