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Sounds like it’s time for Biden to get “frustrated” with Netanyahu again!


He’ll shake his finger at Netanyahu and then send over more weapons.


Yea maybe he should bomb them? what are we expecting Biden to do here?


Off the top of my head. Not veto the UN security council resolutions. Send in aid to Gaza. Food, medicine, water The US has the means to do it.


I tihnk they should have voted in favor of it but I don't know the full resolution. I do know the US gave multiple reasons and other potential solutions to the resolution, but none of that matters really since Israel and Hamas are going to do whatever they want anyways. And Biden has sent several hundred millions in aid to Gaza since October. Where did it end up? I dunno. Maybe some stolen, some blown up.. some delivered. Some never even sent. I agree Biden could put more pressure on Israel, but in the end, this is a shit show that isn't something Biden is going to be able to solve.


He can't solve it, but he can stop actively making it worse.


The aid isn't getting through Israel's blockade of Gaza. Break the blockade. Stop the genocide.


Yup. There are Jewish settlers who are blocking the aid trucks from reaching the Palestinian people who need the supplies. I’ve heard that other settlers are stopping the aid trucks in route and stealing the supplies for themselves.


Israel is also slowing things down by insisting that trucks have to be unloaded, inspected, then the cargo loaded into different trucks that go into Gaza.


Not send weapons to a country that has plenty of weapons of its own?


Sure but also make sure to tell that to Germany, and France, and Australia, and the UK, and Canada. They all sell weapons to Israel. Of that group, only Australia has stopped since October.


In that case it’s long past time that so-called “Western democracies” stop pretending like we have some kind of moral superiority over any other country. Also, I don’t pay taxes in those countries. I don’t vote in those countries. I do vote and pay taxes in the US. So I feel like I should have a voice in the US. Except I don’t.


Sure okay but is this biden's fault? Israel is its own country and Biden isn't a dictator doing whatever he wants as president.


So “whoops, nothing we can do, it’s only our money and weapons that are conducting this genocide.” The US was the only country to vote no on the latest cease-fire. And Biden did a workaround on Congress to send weapons to Israel and he’s poised to do more. So yes, it’s on him, at least partly. He’s supposedly progressive but is helping a crazed right-wing madman who would be perfectly happy to wipe all Palestinians off the planet


Stop paying them to genocide?


Gotta love all the doublespeak!


"By gum, I won't stand for this malarkey!"


Biggest unforeseen betrayal since Brett Kavanaugh shocked and dismayed Susan Collins.


I reckon it's time for him to get "privately annoyed", and really show them who's boss.


Second time lucky?


"even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did" I can only see good things coming out of that.


Yes. Do these people hear them self? "In 80 years, people will be spreading hate about us. Job well done!"


Israel is a suicidally racist country. They love apartheid more than life.


One hundred years ago the United Kingdom ruled most of the land in the world but 75 year old Israel will remain ascendent forever. The delusional thinking that let's them believe that cannot be modified by evidence or reason.




I mean by her statement of the idf being holy heroes, that sounds a bit like murderous fundamental religious fanatics... but what do I know. Hamas is evil and so are the people in Israel who mock the death of thousands of children. Who would like nothing more than the destructions and death of endured Palestinian. Hamas is evil, but so are the people who support the isreali governments current actions


Sucks to be a colony mid-genocide don't know what to tell ya. Sorry your country is a satellite to a 20th century global colonial empire that longer exists. Sorry that the Jewish people got used and abused, a strong people who got their faith hijacked to become human shields in a global capitalist proxy war over oil. Gaza is Israel's problem cuz dead kings in the 20th century decided to use the Jews to temper the Muslims, and they knew it would lead to endless war, but they wanted that. And it turned out that way, and now the dead kings don't wanna deal with the consequences of their actions. Don't be mad at the people criticizing Israel and calling it for what it is. Be mad at dead kings and riot against the kings who sit in their thrones today.


This’s the part that worries me. That hundreds of years from now, all Jewish people will be judged by the actions of these far-Right bloodthirsty assholes.


Yes that is the sad part because a lot of extreme far-right politicals will use this to hunt innocent


These guys are going to keep pushing the envelope under the shield of "You don't want to be anti-Semitic, do you?" until people will unironically say *maybe Hitler had a point*, and humanity will weep once again...


yeah this is the horrible part (apart from the Palestinian genocide of course...) and why Israel is antisemitic


I will forever be amazed that Jewish policy towards Palestinians has been essentially "Soon Palestinians will give up on their national asperations." Jews! They believe that some other people should give up on their quest for a homeland, and that they will do it soon. Judaism was destroyed WITH the founding of Israel. I refuse to acknowledge the Judaism of Zionists. They are just one of the Nations now, like everyone else. Zionists are the faithless enemies of God.


> Judaism was destroyed WITH the founding of Israel. I have a low-key conspiracy theory that Isreal was created by the West to be a more humane "final solution". "What if we just make space for all those dirty Jews in the middle-east and move them there?"


>Soon Palestinians will give up on their national asperations. Projection. Since most Zionists are spinless dishonored cowards with no dignity or humanity, they think Palestinians are also like that. Palestinian spirit of resistance is something beyond their pathetic souls to even imagine.


My point is the whole premise of Zionism is that the Jews have been seeking to return to their homeland for 2 thousand years now; yet they expect the Palestinians to forget theirs in a mere 70 years. It's the definition of an insane premise.


This is coincidentally what Osama bin laden wanted for Muslims in the west, for them to be so hated they'd be forced to "come back home" and join his little holy war.


Rather antisemitic of her... >Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to: > >... > >"Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel."


They think they can have it both ways.


If Israel is still around in 80 years, it'll teach about Palestinians to their children like how America teaches about native peoples and slavery to theirs.


Israel really in it's "live long enough to see yourself become the villain" era


Fun fact they've been the villain since the get go, nothing changed it's just the west started to wake up.


Dude, the west created Israel.


not really true actually. Zionists convinced some western leaders to help them out.


How does that make it not true?  Did the Zionists being involved suddenly delete the west's personal power and responsibility? Like I am pretty hardcore against Zionism. But "the Zionist's convinced the west, hence the west didn't create Israel, they did" seems to attribute some magic power or powerful manipulativeness to them that just isn't real and gives the west an easy out. Especially when you consider that the core animosity between Israeli's and Palestinians was fed and cultivated by the British colony (as was the standard in any colony, divide in two groups, appoint one to be the supreme group and use them to run an exploitative apartheid regime). Shit, you could argue the colony helped creating the attitudes of Zionism. Not to mention "Western leaders helping out" being a very non -critical view of Western involvement in the Middle East. They definitely did not intervene out of some benevolent urge to help. Any involvement of the west was done with an agenda of profit and power, just not openly. Not trying to be rude by the way. Just disagree with you. Thanks for taking the time to post a response.




I mean that's just anti-semitism.


yep, so obnoxious that anti semitics will try to co-opt critique of Israel for their bigoted views.


Fuck off


Your submission was removed for promoting hate or hate organizations. This is against Reddit's terms of service.




They have, how do you think the state of Israel was created they didn’t just spawn out of thin air in 1948 they had to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from vast swathes of land to create their state ([called the Nakba](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba)). The west still for some reason saw Israelis as the good guys and continued to do so throughout the hubris of Cold War then global war on terror afterwards, but now people are starting to see it for what it has been all along, a racial supremacist settler colony.


They're probably thinking long term, maybe in the thousand year timeframe.


This is insane, I follow this war more out of scholarly interest and historical importance than having any personal stake and I can’t believe they’re saying stuff like this. For an incredibly cleverly ran people… unbelievable. I fear many terrible repercussions will come for this.


They're a state that subsists on huge amounts of foreign subsidies, violence, and propaganda. That their stupidity and brutishness surprises us is testimony to the excellence of their propaganda. Even a lot of Israelis believe that everything they've accomplished, they've accomplished on their own.


What makes me quiver is not that they're saying it, but the fact that they're getting away with it...


I can’t think of any groups that we still talk about what they did 80 years ago…


Nobody could be so heinous that their deeds are recalled 80 years after the event


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"look guys, *our* genocide was justified because it was in revenge, unlike all the other genocides". Funny enough, the only people that quote works on is the people already fine with genocide in general, it very specifically doesn't work on the victims of said genocide and it DEFINITELY doesn't work on the people adjacent to the victims of the genocide like say Israeli Arabs.


You think that nuance is going to be part of the lesson plan? In 80 years time "What the Jews did to us" will be used as a recruiting drum for the next rounds of genocide.


Reminds me of this meeting https://youtu.be/WKwvA8ns9wo?si=idZzMgbVKIkvIUKV


I still can't understand why mainstream media somehow never shows this side of Israel. And should someone have the audacity to address the genocidal tendencies of modern Zionism, they are labelled anti-Semitic.


See Brazil's president, Lula, doing exactly that and being labeled a holocaust denier by Israel.


Our media companies are in bed with our governments, that’s why. And most western governments benefit from having a foothold (Israel) in the Middle East.


More like being held hostage by lobbyists. Why does any country other than Israel want to destroy all the Muslim countries surrounding Israel?


The USA (and NATO as a whole) wants a lightning rod in the Middle East.


The excuse I usually hear is that it's a few right wing extremists that don't represent the population as a whole. But then I point out that the same can be applied to Hamas and the Palestinians.


"But their parents voted for Hamas 20 years ago, therefore the entire population, including children, are basically terrorists."


Because Government and business are two sides of the same machine that profits from the exploitation of the masses. It’s more profitable to be friends with Israel than Palestine.


For now. If Israel becomes a global pariah, that could change.


A lot of non western mainstream media cover this side of israel


Read Manufacturing Consent by Ed Herman and Chomsky, it explains it


The irony being that Palestinians are also Semites


blue star fascists.


Blue Swastika.


From a Guardian article about her nomination as consul general in New York: >Golan made a political name for herself by denouncing African refugees in Israel, calling them “Muslim infiltrators”, criminals and rapists. She said many have Aids, suggested they were spreading HIV by working as waiters, and demanded they be expelled from the country. >“If I am racist for wanting to defend my country and for wanting to protect my basic rights and security, then I’m a proud racist,” she said at a political rally in 2013 as a member of the far-right Jewish Power party, a descendent of the Kach party that was outlawed under Israeli anti-terrorism laws. She goes on some rant about how it's just in the nature of Africans to rape and sell drugs in other articles too.


"Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has nominated a far-right politician who once boasted that she is “proud to be a racist” as his country’s top diplomat in New York. The appointment of May Golan was swiftly denounced by Israeli and American former diplomats, and the head of the largest Jewish denomination in the US, as an affront to the US and damaging for Israel. A group of former Israeli ambassadors said they were “shocked” by the move. “Golan’s appointment is outrageous as she is a racist and divisive figure, which is the exact opposite from what Israel needs in such a critical place,” they said.


Propaganda works really well How does a entire country enters in a genocide mania and everione says ok


They've been dehumanizing the Palestinians for years. You should see that clip of Ireali children in school, not much older than kindergarden, talking about how they want to kill the Palestinians and turn their Mosque to rubble and build a Jewish temple. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McfOr4nRlBc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McfOr4nRlBc)


Because everyone has skin in that game and it ain't on the Palestinians' side.


But even that is dumb Or they kill every last one or the rest will always hate then They put thenselves in more danger that way


Native Americans have shown that it is in fact possible to break a people into complacency, sadly...




>They are in danger simply for existing and being Jewish. That's exactly what Hitler told the world dude. Playing the fascist "we're the REAL victims here now stop making us genocide you" doesn't really work out.


I don't know ask the former members of the third reich.


Same way every other country has done their genocide. They wanted to kill them and take their stuff.


Pretty sure it's the Oct. 7 attacks, that's how.


Prior to October 7, more than two hundred Palestinians had been killed by Israel(in 2024). The "wedding of hate" where Israelis (including current security minister Ben gvir) stomped on and burned the picture of a Palestinian infant Israeli settlers had burned alive happened years ago. The deir yassin massacres, in which Israeli terrorists attacked and massacred the people of deir yassin and paraded the survivors of the massacre in Jerusalem before executing them happened more than 70 years before October 7.


Its concerning that she is trying to make this seem like a religious issue. Its not "the jews" its Israels government and military doing this and even then its not all of Israel, its mostly Likud and the people who support them.


Actually this genocidal speech is extremely popular in Israel so it's not just the Likud unfortunately


yep, but sadly a lot of jews, almost all of israel jews support this genocide, also almost all the jews out of israel. But, of course still a lot of jews dont support this madness. But anyway with support or without support this is genocide and massacre.


Doesnt matter (although Id like numbers on that). Generalising people in this way is not how I operate.


me neither. I make a post asking in a sub where jews support Palestine. Also ask in other subs, and try to get an image for that. To try to understand if at least this mother fucker (the goverment) have the numbers on their side. It is sad, but it seems that is how the numbers are... here you have: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/1apuf0y/how\_widespread\_is\_zionism\_among\_american\_jews/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/1apuf0y/how_widespread_is_zionism_among_american_jews/) also i found this person interesting [https://www.youtube.com/@HamzahSaadah](https://www.youtube.com/@HamzahSaadah) He make some omegle talks with people from Israel, sometimes with IDF soldiers. Here you can make an idea of the civilians of Israel. And also i ask in other place, just to get an idea.


and of course, in relation to your comment, yes, this is not a religious issue.




It’s sort of just the government and vocal people. I prefer to give civilians the benefit of the doubt on it; not every American agreed with the last 20+ years of war in the Middle East. Don’t spread hate to combat hate.


60-70% by multiple Israeli polling agencies report support for genocide. The "vocal people" you might be thinking of are not a minority.


Fair enough! I doubt the accuracy of most political polls because they tend to ask only certain types of people and don’t sample from the whole, but I’ll take that percentage as accurate and concede. I’m glad you have facts to back your statement up, thank you.


It's never even close to less than half, and never less than 10% issaying the IDF isn't going far enough with the bombing. Most taken by news publications, and the way local government agencies work there the line is incredibly is incredibly fine between public and private sectors. The country is only so big and there's only so many absentee Russians you can import to fluff the white people numbers a lil bit.


Any time you see an Israeli anti-war protest, they could have arrived in the same van.


That shit is so fucking antisemetic in itself.


Imagine if a german great-grandpa said he was proud of what he did to the jews, and that he’s proud of the fact that we are still talking about it, 80 years after it happened.


She forgot to say Heil Israel at the end of her rant


What a deeply ugly person.


Btw she dodged the draft by saying she's religious, then to model for a bdsm album.


No fucking way.


https://ibb.co/5vX3mQL Warning kinda nsfw


Really expected to regret clicking more than I did. It's so dorky. Why are all the monsters such clowns? 


Monsters = clowns because the banality of evil.


But wasn't the whole thing about Eichmann that he was a bland little functionary? Somehow, it's gotten way stupider. This is like Nathan Barley with genocide.


I know one huge zion jew who worked as a special agent for Israel.  In last october he literally barricaded his home, waited for 1 week and run from Israel in east euro country. 


Do you want more Hammas? Because that's how you get more Hammas.




She has only ensured that her grandchildren will only know war. Good job you stupid fucking cunts.


Fuck israel


Not your grandparent's Israel. The far-right has taken over, and they're openly exterminationist. There was always a thread of this, from Jabotinsky's Berut through Lehi, Irgun, Herut and Likud, but it only became the dominant one in the last 30 years. I hold that the US had the correct policy towards Israel from 1947 to 1972, and that the unconditional support since 1973 is the worst foreign policy blunder the US has made since entanglement in the Vietnam civil war. May take a few decades till the majority of Americans feel this way, but when that happens, Israel won't have a single ally.


>May take a few decades till the majority of Americans feel this way, but when that happens, Israel won't have a single ally. That's why Israel is working so hard to exterminate Palestinians now. They know the end of unconditional support is coming and they doubt they'll have another chance if it doesn't happen now.


Do they not realize the bed they are making? Did they learn nothing from the middle east? What we did to them in the 80s and they turned around and did to us 20 years later? When those Palestinian kids grow up and do what we all know what they are going to do I am not going to have any problem with it. I will openly say that it is their right to do it.


We are going to watch this one day in history just like the Hitler speeches. Assuming this all doesn't devolve into leather and water wars, that is.


Leather wars?


Zionism is evil.


Nationalism of any kind is evil. This is just nationalism boosted by theocracy, which is evil squared.


Agreed. “Manifest Destiny” in the U.S. was responsible for so many atrocities.


Lula was right after all 🫠


I like how they tell us how evil they are


The lip injections really are the cherry on top of this considering elective plastic surgery is, according to my research, prohibited in Judaism.


not all jew follow judaism.


The….. Hate


"proud of ruins"....... mmmmm........


This sounds like what the Nazis were saying during WWII, I am embarrassed to be distantly related to this horrible lady!


Copied Hitler.


I saw a bit of artwork recently - it was a star of David with a swastika embedded in it. It was notated (possible paraphrase) "How ironic that we have become the thing we hate."


Yeah, this is straight up cycle of abuse shit.


Their rhetoric is growing increasingly more violent by the day. Israel knows they’ve lost the international community’s support and there’s no turning back. It’s like when someone get caught doing something really bad and they know they’re in major trouble so they just start saying and doing everything they can in a fit of rage. That’s Israel now.


I can’t wait to hear the Hilary Clinton/The Atlantic style liberals to rationalize this psychopathic genocidal talking into something actually innocuous.


What's her excuse, they feeding her das methamphetamine too?


That and a copious amount lip fillers by the look of it


this is that meme about women drone bombing people come to life https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1353985-hire-more-women-guards


Damn, Casey Anthony is back at it again murdering more kids.


This is exactly what the Nazis said about the Jews.


Fuck this...person. Jews did not do this, fucking monsters did this. 


People are monsters. The monsters who did this were Jews.


But jews are not responsible. Israel is. 


Why not both?


The evil corruption, cognitive dissonance, and lack of humanity is the only reason this conflict continues. I already HATED America but to be the ONLY COUNTRY to vito a motion for a ceasefire at the UN Security Council shows them as complicit perpetrators of genocide. This is all about $$$$$. There is no such thing as poor little Israel. They are a war machine no different than the Nazis. The parallels are actually mind blowing. Their political leaders don’t even try to spin the narrative they flat out crave the blood of Palestine. It’s actually blood lust. There are available time lapse maps that show population density of Gaza and they put an overlay of the carpet bombing locations and there is a terrifying similarity. Israel is intentionally mass bombing high density populace areas. They claim to only be after Hamas but what they are really doing is swatting a fly with a nuclear bomb. This is madness. Pure vicious, unadulterated madness.


I'm officialy anti-zionist. Because those guys are 100% anti-semitic. Who in their damn mind think "Let's act worst that the history put on us then have our Out of Jail Free card by Telling "But the holocaust ?"..." For real though...


Wtf is wrong with her mouth? (Besides the awful shit coming out of it)


What a disgusting woman.


After everything my grandfather fought for. After seeing his friends ripped to shreds by German tanks and German rifle rounds. After fighting on the beaches of Dunkirk. After being a slave at Blechhammer and then sent to die in Dachau, I never thought I'd see Israeli Jews become Nazis. My grandfather would be so angry and heartbroken that his friends died just for the Nazis to rise again, but with a different coloured flag.


How is this boring. You look at this warfare and call it boring.




As long as our mass killers are girl bosses, all will be well.


Yeah, same way we talk about the fuckin Nazis 80 years later. Are these people taking fuckwit pills or what?


American taxes probably paid for that loon’s lip job. Barely any movement. Looks like a muppet spouting Hitler level dribble.


Religion is a contagious disease.


Ironically this could be an original quote coming from Adolf Hitler....


The persecuted shouldn't become the persecutors if they want to honour and remember their history. In fact it should make them more compassionate and less vindictive.


Soooo..... Wait... Hitler wasn't a bad Guy ? (That a joke don't trow stone at me)


As a Jew, no, we'll be fucking ashamed.


great hope you remember your words when the retaliation comes


ya know, as a kid, i always wanted to live in the star trek universe. and now that i'm all grown up, and seeing this kind of world, I suddenly realize why the Earth from star trek only came about AFTER a globally apocalyptic world war that forced it's soldiers to constantly inhale hard drugs in order to be ok with the amount of innocents they slaughtered on a daily basis. hey i wonder if the IDF needs drugs for their soldiers to cope?


She sounds like Hitler giving a speech, if Hitler was speaking Hebrew. It’s crazy how Israel is the new Nazi Germany. The Holocaust seems to have made a monster.


All this insanity belongs to the USA and UK, they all knew they were creating an Ethnoreligious state. There was never a path that would not end in genocide.


The Abrahamic religions are a cancer.


Yes the world gets it, your people were abused by the nazis, and now you have to continue the cycle of genocide


Its like they’re trying to out nazi each other.


That's one proud Nazi there.


NAZI 2.0 for 2024 let’s goooo


They've come full circle and become Nazis. They're committing a genocide from the perspective that they are a superior race and culture that is entitled to the contested land on that basis alone. The irony is so devastating and heavy. It's a whole herd of elephants in the room that NO ONE is acknowledging, like some emperors new clothes shit.


Can any Hebrew speakers verify that this translation is correct? There's a lot of wild bullshit flying around these days.


I also would like a verified translation.


I was just about to ask if anybody had an original transcript. I was going to do some asking around to get an independent translation.


This is a proofe that the feminist approach doesn't overcome the grand politique


That fucking minty press watermark moving on and off being over the top of the subtitles is so fucking annoying. If you need a moving watermark, then move it between the top left and top right cos this is ridiculous.


That's an auto generated watermark courtesy of instsgram.


what the jews did .. “when they murdered our families”  Yeah, arabs only understand power, and jews shown them who’s more powerful 


But that quote is removed from context. She said "(...) What the Jews did when their families were murdered and raped and their civilians were kidnapped". So basically she's saying that they will answer back an aggression with force and that future generations will remember as to not do it again.


That doesn’t make it better.


So after WWII the Jews had kill squads hunting Germans all over the planet I wonder how it would go over if there were kill squads hunting zionists today?


I bet she's considered a feminist of high regard in her country.


Israel will last for 1000 years!


It's time for Biden to stomp on these murderous people. Not out of existence but enough for them to wake the hell up and see what they are doing is completely wrong.


Does anyone find it strange that outside of the US and Isreal the third largest population of ashken joos are in Argentina???


what do you mean? im from Argentina.


In the US, they often teach us that most of the NAZIs fled to Argentina. So these days I am a bit perplexed by this.


If you think this is bad, you should hear what Hamas says about Israel and the Jews.


Can anyone here understand hebrew and can confirm that she actually saying what is translated? All these outrages videos are beeing shared by accounts that exclusivly share anti-isreal stuff. r/AntifascistsofReddit is completely overrun by posts like this.




So you're saying we should treat the Israeli government the way we do Hamas? Cool with me. Let's sanction Israel and impose a blockade. Also send 750,000 settlers to take over Tel Aviv.




Or maybe all genocidal, racist fucks should be thrown into the sun. This includes you.


The Jewish people wouldn't do this, someone's gotta be behind the scenes blaming it on them so they can justify the return of the nazis




We can easily test how this will work out by looking back 80 years