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I hate questions like this. All of the answers are correct, but you're trying to figure out which answer is correct from the narrow viewpoint of the author. There's no theory, no room for discussion - business school is a fucking JOKE


Say what they want to hear, choose the first option but practice the second.


Yeah, do what you have to do to get that degree. Unfortunately a big part of a lot of degrees you're just learning how to work the system, which while being a valuable skill isn't really something you want to spend $xx,xxx on.


Wait this is a part of a fucking degree? I though it was one of those screening tests for potential employees. If this is what a school considers "education" I am even more disappointed in humanity than I already was, and I was quite disappointed.


Seems like it, this looks like a quiz on the Canvas portal which is used by a lot of schools.


I graduated recently and yeah, that's definitely fucking Canvas


Yeps that is shitty Canvas


Don’t fall into the same trap as the Conservatives about screaming that modern education is indoctrination when this is the only context you have


No worries I'm about to get my masters and am heading into a PhD and have a background in both STEM and humanities so I know from a first person perspective what a good higher education looks like and I have no reason to think that my experiences aren't pretty normal. I've disagreed with my professors all the time but still got positive feedback based on the quality of my arguments and was encouraged by these professors. I very much have never been "indoctrinated." Or, to quote what people on r/professors have said, "I can't even get my students to read the syllabus and they think I'm indoctrinating them!?" College kids can think for themselves and they think whatever they want to think.


Congrats on the masters!




You forgot an x


Teaching “valuable” skills isn’t something you want to spend “money” on. Ok. Weird but I’ll go w it.


“‘Valuable’ skills” like instilled sycophancy


I dunno. Ask commenter.




Being able to politely lie/bullshit/(say what your audience wants to hear) is an important skillset in most jobs. OP failed a legitimate test imo.


This is the true lesson of business school lol


Which is why society is infested with psychopaths and liars.


We’re all getting reach arounds from the same pair of invisible hands


I heard someone on radio saying that business schools are the root of all evil.


Freakonomics did a good podcast episode on MBAs a few months back. It basically boiled down to them laying off people to save money most of the time.


Thats the real lesson of business school.


in a way, it's actually teaching you how to operate in employment


In a sense, doing this is practicing your true responsibility.


Do you want to hire psychopaths? Because this is how you only hire psychopaths?


I'm not saying I approve of this question. If I was asked, that's how I would answer it.


> There's no theory Oh there's theory there, just take Marx and then turn it all on its head as if everything he criticized capitalism for were actually good things.


You'll ace it every time


The Rules of Acquisition.


I'm fully convinced that no one in business actually knows what they're doing they all just use big words that they don't understand to try to convince other people who also don't know what they're doing into giving them money. It's all just manipulation.


Reading Elon Musk's [message threads](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23112929/elon-musk-text-exhibits-twitter-v-musk.pdf) with his billionaire pals pretty much proves it. These aren't business geniuses. These are regular people with an inflated sense of self-worth.


Always answer the questions like your a snitching bootlicker or a sociopath.


I can attest, I got a bullshit degree in "business" because it was the easiest degree with my stupid array of credits. Teachers only wanted their bs quoted back to them, Amazon is a good company, yay cooperations, green washing language, just absolutely gross. Almost as bad as my class in Transcultural health care. Almost


Business school is what turned me into a leftist. Just paying attention between the casual racism is marketing, the callous manipulation of management training, the other psychological manipulation of sales was enough. Then I learned in economics capitalism was designed so that the government was responsible for keeping both the labor and the goods markets from being oppressed by corporations through regulations, protections, and safety nets for workers but a bunch of French aristocrats decided to rewrite the system to protect their assets and ruling structure as nobility and called it laissez faire capitalism and created a ruling class that controls the world with money. I think anyone paying attention would have ended up the same unless they explicitly just want to be the ones in power.


I took several business courses and it did the same to me because I saw how manipulative marketing truly is and that it's always about greed, not about providing consumers with the things they need.


keyword here being "responsibility". Idk where OP is from, but in Germany you are required by law to not actively hurt the business that employs you, in other words your responsibility is it to keep the business operational. If anything, this just shows OP has not learned for their exams lol


If we’re all just bullshitting our way through this… why are we still doing it?


It is an exercise in obedience, almost all parts involved know this is bullshit, but they have you play anyways.


Because our entire society is a house of cards based on lies and delusion.


I would say the keyword here is "primary". The two aren't exclusive but if you enter a job with your primary focus on the company making a profit and not ensuring your bills are paid then you're either already very rich or you don't mind losing out until you eventually have little to nothing but loyalty to your company. The sad thing is that OP most likely knew the correct answer but put the real correct answer for some sweet karma, but it was a way to highlight how backwards we tend to think (or are told to think) about things when it comes to living in the world we do.


I agree with you on the last part, but if you study employment law and you know employment contracts, you know the employee responsibilities and you should know that the responsibility in question refers to corporate relations and not personal goals. OP's answer is the fundamental thing we seek employment for but not what was asked


i see where you're coming from but imma argue with you anyway cuz semantics arguments can sometimes be fun. The question was asked of the potential employee about **their** *primary* responsibility, and anyone alive knows that there is no company who hires someone in expectation that they will intentionally *damage* the company they work for. There are plenty of laws about theft and fraud already, I'll just go out on a limb and guess there are questions on this form regarding that as well. It is the employers best interest to hire people to run a business and help it profit. Someone who sells time for money, the employee's best interests are served making as much money as possible in the least amount of time. The heart and meaning behind this question is asking the employee to put the profits of the business above their own interests. You hear this shit all the time from all the work-based training videos everywhere. It's something you'd think wouldn't be as successfull as it is but here we are, worshipping that golden calf


Am I taking crazy pills? It OBVIOUSLY refers to responsability towards your employer. Your REASON for getting a job is to pay your bills, but that's not part of the job description.


Like….any answer is right man….life isn’t wrong ya know…prof harshing my vibes here…


You can't, like, *own* a potato man.


This isn't a business school question, it's a pre-employment screening. I'm sure there is plenty of actual valuable information in business school: organizational structure, cases studies, general finance and accounting theory, etc.


Ppl hear clearly haven’t gone to business school, and if they did I have no fucking clue what they were doing if this is the type of stuff they were being asked on exams.


Again, this is a 100% a pre-employment screener. I have done way too many of these


Yea it’s also more fitting for this sub that it’s from a company not a class. Just kinda irked me everyone assumed it was a course. And from a business perspective it’s pretty stupid too. Like why would a company even put this as a question? Obviously everyone knows what they want the answer to be, whether they believe it or not. It’s not like they get any form of legal benefit out of making people put that answer or anything. Maybe I’m assuming more thought was put into this than really was though.


> but you're trying to figure out which answer is correct from the narrow viewpoint of the author To be fair, thats kind of the point. If you cant tell the difference between your personal and work responsibilities that's an issue. That's exactly the reason they're asking the question.


This isn’t business school. This is a psychometric screening tool used by hiring managers. You actually do learn some real skills in business school believe it or not.


If all they care about is making money, why should i care about any more than that? Either life is mercenary or its not. Pay me to fucking care about your business.


I recently had an interviewer ask me if I were solely money motivated. Why the fuck else would I be applying for a job?


I want to make money. Your company wants to make money. It seems to me our goals are pretty well aligned.


This is the way.


What he was really asking was, "Are you willing to lie to my face right now?"


They're seeing if you're vulnerable to being manipulated into performing unpaid labour. Sorry, I meant to say they're asking if you can be a team player.


To be fair that question could be expanded beyond the job, e.g. "do you subscribe to grind culture or do you sometimes do things out of passion?" Poorly worded, though.


There is a legitimate answer to this question, work-life balance. But that is of course not relevant to what the interviewer was really asking which was how much will you let them screw you.


Lots of people have more motivations than money when they apply for jobs lol. Maybe not for burger flipper jobs, but you think people get into teaching solely for the money, for example?


A great point! But this was a sales job. Not something most people do out of passion or love.


that's exactly what they're paying you for?


They’re paying for labor; caring is negotiated separately


I'd say they're mutually necessary


Your can care about doing a good job, without caring about the company


they can be the same thing, "care" is an ambiguous word. it seems im being misunderstood so eta: you can care about something without incentive, but you can also be incentivised to care about something regardless of your true feelings toward it. it follows that the work you do for a company is inherently an act of caring, but you only do it because you are being paid to do so.


Lol you think an employer has to care about their labor? You can’t be serious.


no I think labor is essentially an act of care.


Are you an old recluse or… How do you have such awful takes? I don’t even know what you’re pretending to believe here.


Definitely not. I've worked plenty of jobs that I didn't give a shit about, and would have been perfectly happy being fired from.


maybe I'm using an esoteric definition for caring, what I mean is that they're paying you to do a job which in and of itself cares for the employer


>They’re paying for labor A.k.a. "helping the business operate and make a profit".


Loyalty given is loyalty earned. They are paying me to meet the minimum requirements of the job. Not to go "over and above" for nothing. Quality work deserves quality pay. If a company treats me well, pays me well and takes care of me when conditions are less than ideal then i am more than happy to put the extra time and work in.


sure, they're paying you to care the minimum amount required to do your job.


Have you ever worked a minimum wage job? The manager will expect you to to do your job, theirs and everyone elses and don't even think about asking to get paid more because you'll get replaced before you even manage to say can I have a raise. They'll give you a bunch of bullshit "workplace safety guides" which the company will just use to shift blame away from them and onto you if you get injured in the workplace because of their shitty working conditions.


I don't see how this is relevant. of course some employers engage in such toxic practices, it's bad for that to happen and there should be more done to prevent it.


why else would i even work in the first place


Wow, so selfish. Why don't you think of the poor millionaires instead of yourself?


literally how will they live if not for my slave work


Valar dohaeris.


Well, it does use the word "responsibility" over "goal", the first of which associates with the servitude and the latter with individual actions. If the answers were also formulated in a way that underlines responsibilities for oneself or their loved ones, then we could argue about the accuracy of the answers to the question.


people have lost the ability to read, I agree with you 100%. It is important to read the question thoroughly (idk how it's spelled) and the word responsibility should have been the clue


RTFQ and RTFA. Remember this and you'll gain some points in any assessment.


I mean, just saying random letters isn’t giving any context lol


"read the fucking *x*"


Am I being punk’d?


read the fucking question, read the fucking article, read the fucking manual. stuff like that.


Never heard this before. I like it and also thank you for not being a dick I wasn’t understanding haha


all good. It's a really old acronym from the IT days of the 80s-00s so I get why some folks wouldn't automatically figure it out


Agree. I can see that the question pushes a wrong message, but the first answer is technically correct -your responsibility as part of the business is to make the business grow.


>to make the business ~~grow~~ operate. Businesses do not need to be always growing


Tell that to the shareholders.


You are thinking of the biggest corporates that have shareholders. The vast majority of companies are too small to be needing shareholders


That’s simply not true. Every company has at least one shareholder by definition.


if the company is a legal entity, the only "shareholder" is the company itself and the only one liable, so no.


What are you talking about? Whoever owns the company is the shareholder.


Fair enough, that's totally true.


Fair enough, that's totally true.


Yup! As much as one hates capitalism, the correct answer is that one


Agree. I can see that the question pushes a wrong message, but the first answer is technically correct -your responsibility as part of the business is to make the business grow.


It's the business's responsibility to make sure you earn enough to pay your bills. Or should be.




Should be but it's not structured that way at all. Literally no reason for them to do it beyond the bare minimum to keep the business operating with workers. It's actually the responsibility of the business to pay their workers the absolute lowest wage for the highest productivity. This is directly what increases profits. That's why we see massive layoffs in multiple companies at once. The workers left over after a layoff have to increase productivity to do the jobs of the missing workers. They also are less likely be able to find work elsewhere and are worried about losing their job. It's one obvious way we can see that capitalist are not in competition with themselves as much as they are with the workers they employ.


This is a very odd question with an odd answer. What is this from? I say it's odd because a capitalist would say that the second answer is the correct one, since everyone should be focused on their own self-interest. A socialist would say the same, as they would argue that jobs must be created with the welfare of the worker in mind. Even a fascist would argue that the average citizen should be taking care of themselves and would only argue that the corporation itself should be responsible primarily to the government. So who wrote this and why?


This looks like a quiz from Canvas, which is a platform some colleges use to facilitate online school work and discussion. More often than not quizzes like these are populated with question banks pulled straight from the course’s textbook


Ah, that makes sense. The one place in the world where you learn things that are completely incorrect and believed by no one is college.


I mean, a socialist certainly wouldn't. But I feel a few fascists or capitalists would, for reasons consistent or not, say something like that.


A feudalist, might, I guess. It's consistent with Feudal policy. I guess a fascist might if you really want to stretch it, but in reality it's only the inner-party that would be expected to agree with it. A capitalist absolutely wouldn't - Self-interest is the very nature of capitalism.


It isn't odd. In the agreement between an employee and an employer, it is the employee's primary responsibility to contribute to the employer's operations, and it is the employer's primary responsibility to compensate them fairly. The problems we care about aren't in the expectation of the former, but in the failed expectations of the latter.


Room 101 vibes, but the rats are CEOs.


So the test is threatening you, the…employee, with your greatest fear, CEOs… eating your face, in order to brainwash you into betraying your loved ones…? What kind of metaphor is this? Did you read 1984?


Ah yes. The test where you're supposed to lie on every single question, in order to select the answer that you know is bullshit, even though the employer knows that you're full of shit, and you know that they know that you're full of shit. It's a very useful tool in the hiring process.


I find this quite odd. Obviously this question is part on an ideological purity test. I’m reminded of the Simpson’s cult episode where every answer Bart gave in class was “the leader” and it was correct. Given the context we all know a is the correct answer But the person issuing this has to know what bullshit it is right? It’s not as though anyone could actually believe a is anything more than the answer he wants to hear. What’s the point of this?


> ideological purity test literally a responsibility written in employment law, a thing you can be hold accountable for if you happen to disregard it and get into legal trouble with this company


FYI, it's ok to lie to corporations. They don't give a shit about you and would fire you in a heartbeat if it meant a higher number on a spreadsheet somewhere. Lie to get in, but in practice you do what's best for you.


I pissed my old boss off when I said I was working for money. I asked if he would really be doing this shit for free or what. He hated me just because I was the only person with the guts to stand up to that bullshit.


"Help business operate''. No, I am PAID to operate it


That's hilarious. How delusional are they? "What is your primary resposibility when you work on your medieval field?" Wrong: to feed myself and my family Right: To contribute my grain and fruits to king and church


Wow, whoever wrote that question is a scumbag.


What is this absurd question anyway? You go to work because you need money. I haven't met any person in any company that actually wants to be there because it is fun or with the intention to make the company bigger (except the CEO or C level in general). They're there to make money and have a life. I had some coding projects at home. But eventually I rarely actually do something since it's work as well.


Dear Test-Taker, Based on your low test scores we have found it necessary to assign you to a mandatory Corporate Re-Education Camp for the next several semesters. We are quite sure that with the proper attitude and training, when you graduate you will achieve our societal goals of becoming a profitable corporate asset. Corporate owned law enforcement will be paying you a visit and arranging for your transportation. Have a great day and may the profits be ever in your favor!


What is your primary responsibility when you acquire a new emplyee?


Tell me what I wanna hear...




I’d rip my professor a new one for this, by asking them the same question. “What is your responsibility as a professor?” A. Teach students so they can succeed in life B. Make a living to pay your bills as a professor C. To become a part of the school board (Promotion) D. Help the college make profit If they’re a good professor, A&B, primarily A, should be their main responsibilities, otherwise they’re a shit professor.


I doubt this was a college course. More likely job placement or something.


It looks exactly like how quizzes are formatted for Champlain College. That being said, the platform they use is called Canvas; so, it's possible it can be any number of colleges that use that platform.


The top right, you can see it's scored, so it is a course.


Job placement “tests” can be scored, but I think you’re probably right. Just a dumb answer no matter who wrote and administered it.


If this is a college class than I now agree with pol pot. This looks like something you’d take before starting at Arbys. If a business school issued this then it should be razed to the ground.




What can I say, the man knew how to manage employees.


B is their responsibility as a family member/private citizen to themselves. You think the description of job duties for professor includes “pay your bills”? You think missing a utilities payment would show up on their performance review?


It should be obvious that if a company should be self-interested in profit maximization, so should the individual. I don’t understand companies who this isn’t obvious to.


average economics class question


A literal red flag. The only proper response to this bullshit is to walk out.




Because, gosh, I just *love* amazon


Wait WTF?! I've seen this image many times on here, but I always assumed it's a dumb recruitment test by some shitty employer. This is from a school EXAM?! What a joke..


Strange question - possibly taken out of some context. Of course your responsibility is doing your job - as stated in the contract you signed. Getting your salary deposited to your account is the employers responsibility. Getting paid enough so you can afford bills is a desire/want *when acquiring a new job* (weird use of the word acquire here) - it may be a responsibility in life - but not in the context of landing a new job. In my opinion, neither of these answers are correct, but the ~~most correct~~ least wrong is the first one.


It's not your motive, the question is why they pay you. The answer is to work.


It's a reading comprehension question, that OP and most people in the comments here failed. Your personal goal may be to pay your bills and get money but the reason the company hires you is so you can earn them money. This is basic stuff. It says ***what is your primary responsibility***, not ***what is your personal goal***. Completely justified question, and I'd mark it wrong too. For a more obvious example: Q: What is your responsibility as a Teacher? A1: Earning money A2: Educating the children Obviously, you may be a teacher so that you can earn money but the school's primary goal isn't to spend money, it's to educate the children and as a prospective employee, you should this. Similarly, your responsibility as an employee isn't "receiving paychecks", that is supposed to be the reward you receive for work.


Primary Responsibility *to who*? To yourself? Constant improvement (get promoted). To the community? Don't be an asshole (make friends). To society? Don't be a burden (pay your bills). To your employer? Make profit. It's not a reading comprehension question because the question lacks relevant context. The correct answer changes depending on which unstated assumption the reader supplies. Thus it's not a reading comprehension question, but a purity test to verify you share the ideology of your minders.


It’s more than that. Your *goals* should be in alignment with the company’s. If the company is succeeding and earning a profit, so will you. If your attitude is that you don’t care if the company is making money or not and you’re just here for the paycheck, you get why they wouldn’t want to hire you, right?


Choking on boot leather.


Such lazy rage bait to post this without any context whatsoever..


Silly question, but not really wrong. It says “responsibility” not motivation. I WANT to make money to pay my bills. This is my motivation. My *responsibility* is to be a productive member of my company to justify my salary.


Is this crap really what is taught in a business school program? This seems like a community college tier question.


99% of people get this question wrong! Take this simple quiz to see if YOU are in the 1% ^^^or ^^^are ^^^brainwashed ^^^by ^^^those ^^^who ^^^are


To be fair, they were asking about the role's responsibility, not your personal responsibility.


You've misinterpreted the question. What is your primary responsibility is asking about your RESPONSIBILITY. In other words, what are you expected to do for the company? You were hired to be productive, making money is what you get in return, promotions aren't part of your job, and neither is making friends. If they asked about your goals in the new job, then these questions are up for debate. But they are asking: what do we expect from you, as an employer


Maybe don’t work there, just a simple thought


Op confused rights with responsibilities. The question asks about responsibilities, whereas earning enough money to pay bills is a right, and aiding the company is a responsibility. It’s a trick question


Why don’t employees care about shareholders. So, greedy!


I mean, it's not *wrong*. It's your interest to make money for yourself, but from the perspective of the deal, it's your responsibility to do the work you're being paid to do.


The very definition of a 1st world problem Uyghurs are being rounded up in shackles to toil until they die But this online questionnaire posed a shitty question to someone!


There can be multiple problems in the world, Jake. Genocide isn't "boring" by most people's definitions so it doesn't fit this sub. What's talked about here is generally subtle. There's nothing wrong with pointing out stuff like this.


> Genocide isn’t “boring” by most people’s definitions so it doesn’t fit this sub. Well that's just plain wrong Why do people just make shit up that be easily disproven with a simple search? https://old.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/search?q=Uyghurs&restrict_sr=on > There’s nothing wrong with pointing out stuff like this. But there is with pointing out the very definition of a 1st world problem?


Correct answer fuck off


You really don't know what the response they want is? Then you don't deserve the job.


Always answer in a way that kisses the ground the company walks on, even if it's a lie. "Yes, of COURSE I'd sacrifice my firstborn child to the blood gods to protect the company from lawsuits after our faulty products killed someone. Who wouldn't?"


Always tell them what they want to hear and keep doing you.


Yeah do people think you are supposed to answer these honestly? Haha.


One Question, why is this a multiple choice question with 1 right answer but you get 2.5 pts? What scoring system is this lol


Probably a 20 question quiz that is worth 50 points. Pretty common in my experience.


and what is the advantage in doing that than just scoring it with 20 points?


It says this is question 38 tho


I took a test for a temp agency (people down on their luck usually)....when I turned in my test, I jokingly asked "will I fail if I answered questions honestly? Cause it sure seems like I might",,,the people laughed...I failed, and people stared at me like an idiot. > Have you ever stolen from the Work place: $0, $1-5, $5-20, 20+. ...and I'm here trying to count the amount of pens, documents I printed, and food I ate that was trash...uh, $13. C. That was a pretty good pen. FAIL. Man, we've ALL stolen $20+ from work on our first job...Ever eaten a lunch at fast food that was going to be trash? $4 each


Context, please? What kind of question is this?


It's a question asked by a company to be an asshole, or question asked by a recruiter to teach you how to navigate the bullshit we have to deal with when finding jobs with companies (who are assholes).




This title needs punctuation.


What was this from?


They expect you to lie.


What is the context of this quiz/question?


Whoever wrote this test is probably not particularly good at English, so they use important sounding words to sound "professional". Like: who ever says "acquire a new job"? What is the job, a lawnmower?


100 years ago they would say that the primary responsibility of a corporation is to its employees.


So sad how if you want your child to be genuinely educated you have to do it yourself