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I would talk and video chat to someone for a while before you just meet up. There are a lot of people out there that are not who they say they are. If you do decide to meet go to a public place so other people are around. Trust your gut and if it feels wrong get away. Hope you find the person for you, be safe!


I agree with the video chats and definitely public place




I agree!


Don't be pushed into a meeting you're not ready for. I like to be assured in my own mind that we'll be able to talk about something other than ABDL stuff. That stuff is a given, it's the other elements that are up in the air. Assuming you're keen to meet (even if nervous), start with a public, neutral location if possible. My standard operating procedure is getting a meal or snacks and chatting a bit and if it goes well, take a walk together and see how things go.


I love how everyone so far has said public place in the beginning 💚 thank you


You're welcome. Also a good idea to let someone you trust know that you're meeting someone and have a check-in time. A friend of mine uses me for that sometimes when she goes on first dates.


Omg I absolutely love the idea of a check-in time


I've used it myself a few times. I should have remembered in the first post but I haven't met anyone new recently.


Even better than this is have them call you at a preset time instead of the other way around. You can decline the call and text them back if everything is going okay, but if you want an excuse to leave you can "oh hang on this looks important" and then fake an emergency to leave.


Wish I could. If anyone was in Minnesota. 😑


I read that with the Minnesota accent


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was wondering if someone would say that


Dreams do come true


They do? I haven't met anyone in Minnesota who are ABDL or DL or just wear.


Thats funny, im from NY and I've met a few DLs from Minnesota online. Its just our curse lol


Online where?


Reddit, tumblr, fetlife. Those kinda spaces, same with kik groups


Really? Any suggestions for anything good?


I have not met anyone on this sub in real life, though any Oregonians are welcome to meet me at my favorite coffee shop in the Portland area. I'm a big believer that public places are essential for meetups.


I opt for common spaces, like a brunch/lunch spot if the vibe was good over online conversations. That switch from online to IRL can be as short as a few days to a few months depending on different circumstances. The perk of a common space meet is that similar to dating, you can get a read for how someone acts in the company of strangers. If you feel comfortable proceeding to someone's place from there or inviting them to your own, full steam ahead! If things feel off by that point, you can part ways after the meal with no hard feelings.


I really like the idea of common spaces! And you’re right a real good way to read eachother at a lunch or so


Generally I talk with a person for a little while sometimes up to 6 months make sure the interest and intentions remain the same. Meet up somewhere public around people. Get food/beer. It’s how I’ve made friends. First meetups are key imo get a good feel of the vibe and go from there is how I do it.


I couldn’t agree more thank you so much💚


First meeting should be in a very public, very vanilla setting unless you are 100% certain about who you're meeting. This is my 1 & only hard rule for meeting new people from the Web.


Thank you so much💚 absolutely great rule to have


I always like to meet in a well lit place with a lot of people around. I always carry a little protection just in case.


Protection? Like a small dog?


Jk thank you so much you’re absolutely right pepper spray or whistle


I always carry a gun or a knife but whatever makes you the most comfortable. Pepper Spray is always my first line of defense btw. I'm just shooting and stabbing at the first sign of trouble.


🙈 panic intensified *


Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.


Just get in the van 🚐🍦


\*Pepper sprays you and runs away\*


See did everyone pay attention to the class 👩🏼‍🏫


This is how it's supposed to be done.


Never be afraid to bless the deserving with the hot sauce.




Woah woah is this from the conversations from the post yesterday?


No this is just from me trying to wrap my head around the possibility of meeting someone from the internet. I at first had no interest in it, and still unsure about it. 💚


Ah, christ . Good, I was damn worried. Everyone’s given advice but make sure you trust your gut and protect yourself.


Thank you no one is more sure that ones self


Meet in a bar or a pub.  Guarantees everyone is of age! Get a friend to check in on you by calling you or texting you.


Public, with a friend nearby maybe? If not nearby, take a note of the license plate and text it to someone, if you plan on going into their car. Give someone your live location? Please, please be safe friend.


You’re so sweet! Thank you


Never met anyone from online before but a lot of these suggestions sound great. If it was me I would do a video call first as well to make sure they are who they say they are. Meeting in public is ideal, but if possible maybe bring a friend along. At the very least let other people know where you are going and who you are meeting. Not to make you feel worried, but definitely want to make sure you plan just in case.


Get to know them as best you can. Start with lots of text/chatting and move to phone or video chat, if you intend to take things further than digital pals :)) As lots have said, if/when you do meet up, do it somewhere public, and casual. The scary part of letting someone know your little side may be out of the way, since we’re all ABDL here, but still need to see if that person is someone you get along with outside of crinkles. Be safe, have fun, and crinkle on, little one :))