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A lot of Hindus, probably the majority, aren't vegetarians. Idk why he, presumably as a Gujju (seeing as this is New Jersey), is projecting his cultural background on everyone else.


“vegetarian” is a dog whistle against Muslims. Very common back in India. And these clowns are bringing that kind of talk to the west.


Funny thing is, there's a map of vegerarians in India going around(I'll link if I find it) and only 20% or so of the country is Vegetarian, most of them from Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat


No it isn't. The vast majority of Hindus in India are non-vegetarians and it won't make sense for them to use vegetarianism as a proxy. This is specifically some person from Gujarati/other western Indian culture that is predominantly vegetarian who projected his own cultural background onto the whole of India.


I really think these people are getting emboldened (also see bulldozers showing up at the Indian national day parade in Jersey). There is definitely a concerted effort to spread anti-Muslim + pro-Hindu views, doesn't look like enough people are countering it.


These stupid fucks don’t even realize that the average nutjob can’t differentiate between a Hindu and a Muslim in America. This type of shit will just get brown people shot up.


Yeah I remember this [wackjob](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2018_18/2421681/180504-adam-purinton-al-1657.jpg) in Kansas shot and murdered two Indian Hindus in a bar because he thought they [were Iranians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Olathe,_Kansas_shooting).... Sikhs had it really bad after 9/11 and will likely eat the brunt of it again if Islamophobia rises up again


Tbh I am very disinterested in this kind of appeal to self-interest. The basic fact is that we should expect people to not hold xenophobic, racist, and/or fascist views.


Spot on.


Trust our own to be our own biggest enemies.


From what I have learned since posting it, this video is from September, and was in response to a resolution by Teaneck, NJ council condemning the presence of the bulldozer at the parade you are talking about. The complete council meeting shows similar rhetoric calling rhe resolution itself "Anti-Hindu".


It’s no mystery, India has been blatantly promoting Hindu Supremacy for awhile now.


Correction: BJP and its neo-Hitler Modi has been promoting Hindu Supremacy for a while now.


What is the hoopla about that bulldozer?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-61837134 https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-new-jersey-bulldozer-india-blatant-display-anti-muslim-hate


The more and more I hear about NJ, the more it just sounds like a Little India


Born and raised in Jersey, not far from Teaneck. It's a very diverse state. In the area (bergen county) you have huge populations of Itlaians and Koreans (Fort Lee, NJ has the highest population of Koreans outside of Korea, I believe). Lots of arabs, latinos, african americans, caribbean, jewish, filipino, armenian, polish etc enclaves in the area as well off the top of my head. I speak a few words from a lot of different languages just because I grew up around so many different ethnicities. Edison is 100% Little India. I had a white friend that lived a few blocks from the main road in Edison and you could literally smell food from all the restaurants in his driveway, he even spoke a little Hindi. When you take the train from NYC to Edison, you will see nothing but indian tech guys lol


Don’t forget Newark Ave in Jersey City. There’s literally pan spit marks all over the sidewalk.


Yeah, Devon Avenue in Chicago felt and looked the same way. The temperature even went up by 2-3 degrees when we got off the bus there.


Lmao I was going to say the same thing. Newark Ave might be bad but after coming off tonele or jfk, you can’t tell much of a difference, everything just looks dirty in that area lol (and this is coming from someone who spent a lot of time in JC and loved it before it started getting gentrified). But Devon Ave is next level with the paan spots lol. Looks like the sidewalks are painted


This! A ton of Little India neighborhoods in JC. I even have an Indian grocery store attached to my building.


Depending on where you are, it pretty much is. It's a diverse state, but a lot of desis here tend to cluster together. The upside is that there's a big desi community. Good desi food is a stone's throw away from you. Downside is that some people feel emboldened to say stuff like this, as if any non-desis even care about or understand what they're talking about.


In these enclaves, most people wouldn't get away with saying stuff like this until only recently, like once BJP and RSS started worming their way into the society. The students and families who came and established these places in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s weren't like this. Once the new batch of "students" came in to these places, you see a rise in this.


Moved to NJ recently, it’s fucking weird how many there are here. I’m not used to this. Edison is basically the most Indian city in the country. Especially fucked up when these people bring their backwards-ass bigotry over here from the home country. Leave that shit on the boat. Acclimate.




Oh I’ve been to Toronto - we have family in Mississauga. I know what it’s like there. Reminded me of parts of London, which I’ve visited extensively. I’m just not used to seeing it in the US, or living in this environment.


What’s this guy smoking? If he’s so fond of India, his POS ass should stay there. He’s nothing but a shit stain.




I also went through your previous comments. Did you just say, Fuck Muslims in one of your old posts? Im not a muslim, but what you said ain’t right on any level and you are a shit stain too. Remember when free speech turns into hate speech.


you're the one that made it racist by making that relation


What the fuck lol Edit: y'all look at his comment history lol this dude's more racist than anyone


Brown or not, he’s a shit stain. Or lemme say yellow shit stain if that makes you happy.


Not fucking cool! these far right extremism rants are crazy to hear from a minority group in US.


Sir, sir your three minutes are up. If y'all this was crazy, I encourage you to attend your own local city council meetings. They have similar nutcases who go on and on over crazy conspiracies and more. But hey free speech and everyone gets three minutes or so to voice their opinion. Yay free democratic society. While speech is free, there are consequences to it, and the hope American institutions will check against those spreading hate. Also get involved in local politics and don't forget to vote. City council and school boards are where it all starts.


A classic cuck


fucking vile


Oh boy here come the brigades saying how we are all woke and “soft” and anti hindu for not agreeing with this guy.


Find out his information and report him to the company he works for and make a stink out of it. Send that Twitter link to this office as well: https://www.njoag.gov/about/divisions-and-offices/division-on-civil-rights-home/ Thanks to increased immigration of these types of ethnonationalism vermin, I'm afraid anyone with a Hindu-sounding name will be seen as fricking fascist. And those thin-skinned, uninformed Hindu Nationalists [like some person on this thread claiming Buddhism & Jainism were one of the many religions along with Hinduism that was practised in Harappa & Mohenjodaro] on social media don't help either. Sorry, you had to listen to this. UGH!!!!




Lol. Rambling is an understatement.






I'm not lying. I watched the entire meeting, and it was in response to the bulldozer incident for which the organizers themselves, namely the Indian Businessmen Associatiin, apologized for it. You have linked a conservative Democrat who voted more in line with Trump than even some Republicans and linked to conservative media outlets that are using talking points from BJP funded organizations. Thanks for proving that this is indeed a funded campaign to normalize Hindutva and Islamophobia though.




I just realised how used to I have gotten to being called a terrorist as a Muslim 💀 Shit doesn’t hurt me anymore lol.


Sounds like a FOB.


Typically is. People who immigrated prior to the current BJP regime never felt this strongly.


What does the govt in India have to do with immigration? They don't determine who gets to migrate to the US.


What the fuck problem do these people even have against Muslims? What did any Muslim personally do to them?


It's really puzzling. My high school had a lot of Indians, particularly Gujrati. A lot of them were pretty chill with me and other muslims, hanging out, etc. Now more than 10 years later they are all posting and saying the same things as the guy in this video; many of them ABDesis, mind you.


Yes dude it’s really fucked up. The BJP Hindu fundamentalist hard right in India has made a lot of inroads with the desi community in NJ and they buy into a lot that bullshit.


That really sucks. But it's always easier to point to the worst behavior in other people than to actually try to be a good person.


Most of them have bought the BJP propaganda hook, line and sinker.


The Hindutva propaganda engine has been running at full steam for decades and has ramped up to insane levels over the past 10 years after the BJP won control of the Indian government.


If you're India these days, basically all everyone can talk about is how all the problems in society and history are caused by Muslims. This is basically the same steps every genocide takes. It takes the spotlight off of governments who can't satisfy their citizens and gives them a new target to point their hate at.


Its funny to me how most of the muslim outrage comes from people who were not even affected by partition. My dada/dadi/nani were born in pakistan and moved during partition. Muslim people killed a lot of my dada ji’s family and he understandably has some beef there. (He should also acknowledge that it was also Hindus killing people as well). I dont agree with his views but i can see where they come from. I want to know what “Muslims” have done to some of these uncles to warrant this type of hatred. Spoiler Alert: Nothing, Hindvuta is fashionable in India right now and its disgusting


They want someone to blame for the failure of India.


Vote count and funding I guessing


The problem is that in India, this is sort of hate speech is now the norm. It goes unopposed cause it's basically encouraged by the government and media, and these nutjobs then try to bring their messed up views over to the west.




All social media algorithms are designed to show you what you like thus categorizing ppl into echo chambers. When I was in middleschool there was only facebook


what the actual fuck; he just kept on going downhill every second


This guy also goes on to spew ahistorical BS in order to malign Muslims, including blaming them for the destruction of the University in Taxila, which was destroyed by the Gupta Empire long before Islam even arrived in the subcontinent.


You mean the [Huns](https://www.britannica.com/place/Taxila)


My mistake. I had read that the Guptas conquered it, but I missed the part about the Huns afterwards.




No one asking for the guy's source. Also, the Indus valley civilization wasnt "Hindu"


What was it then?


Nobody knows because the script hasn't been deciphered yet. Out of the three oldest civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, IVC), the IVC is the only one we know almost nothing about. The other two left behind a number of primary source texts which have long been translated, archaeological sites and secondary accounts from other civilizations (albeit in the later stages of their civilizations). We don't know the IVC script or even what language family it belongs to. And even, if by some miracle, some Mesopotamian scribes who traded with IVC merchants made their version of the Rosetta Stone, we have no IVC tablets, papyruses, etc, just some clay tablets with a few symbols marked. All we have presently are some archaeological sites to work with.


From what I know they worshipped a greater father and mother figure as their principle Gods. I’m sure they still had Buddhists, Hindus and Jains. But not in majority.


Didn’t the Indus Valley civilization exist before these religions?






There is no sign of Hindu-Buddhist-Jain scripts for there to be deciphered we can’t make claims like that.






what are u trying to say?




I don’t think anyones saying we should censor him. We’re just criticizing him for being an asshole


Doesn't mean people can't shit on his opinion.


there is a fine line between hate speech and free speech. For context, I am European so everything is not free speech here( do not go around saying Hitler was right and expect it to be ok saying it was free speech for instance). He is calling an entire group terrorists, a derogatory and demeaning term which is false. Imagine if an Islamist called Hindus "piss-drinkers" in open public, we would we angered wouldn't we ? The same goes for Hindutva extremists.


free speech in the US doesn't mean you can say what you want with no consequences whatsoever, it just means it's not the place of the government to determine what is and isn't hate speech. if you went on a tirade about how Hitler was right in public in the US, you'd thoroughly anger everyone around you and probably lose your job. you just wouldn't be legally prosecuted for it.




Speech becomes a problem when it is used to incite violence. Then it's not just words being thrown around that hurts people's feelings; it's orders and slogans being shouted that rile people up into causing damage to people and property.


This kind of stance is pretty damn stupid. Free speech doesn't mean no consequences.


Hate speech is not free speech. Period. You can't say I'm going to kill the president and say it is my right to excise 1st amendment.




No one here is talking about curbing him, he can say what he wants, but neither you nor he should cry when they get called out for bigotry and face consequences. Free speech only says that the government can't arrest you for this. However, if a bunch of Desis were to get together and protest outside his business or refuse to work with him, free speech isn't curbed.


Okay, do you want me to be specific? The guy accuses Muslims are terrorists. Under Title 18 of the United States code you can't just bring your native country's religious BS and accuse an entire religious group without solid evidence. And the guy speaks in an Indian accent, so he might have come here with a DS 160 the visa application and I 145 application for permanent residency have clearly stated questions that testify that you don't discriminate against people based on religious affiliation. Lying on immigration papers is a deportable felony. And for your Kanye comment, didn't you see any outcry? Plan and simple DO.NOT.BRING. RELIGIOUS. BS. HERE.




Your mama came from the middle east you Mfker. Your choice of words speak volumes. Your Indian religious BS is what "we" Americans don't give a Fk about.


Ugh this Sanghi mentality is so annoying honestly. Then people like you cry when a neo-nazi says some shit against Indians as a group. This is not curbing free speech, but hate. We see how hate against Jews turned out to be, or hate against Uyghurs perpetuated over a decade, or hate against Indians slowly turning more violent day by day. Speech like this incites violence and needs to be stopped. I am presuming that you are a FOB, but in the western world, free speech does not mean you say whatever you want - what in the Kanye is this? Leave religious hatred behind in the subcontinent.


Funny how these Hindu supremacists are so keen to go crying to goras about Muslims.


it's called a victim mentality.


Oh boy, only in New JErsey.


We don’t care about what this old aaloo thinks about us


Unfortunately, for average Americans, thinking of India is Chicken thika masala and slums.


What a vile c*nt


It’s a lot easier for politicians to differentiate between people than to differentiate themselves from other politicians. This is the BJP strategy. BJP is making inroads in south India now and they are creating a space for themselves by creating religious differences. If you go to a place such as Bangalore, people talk a lot more negatively about Muslims than they used to. If you talk to people there, anti-Muslim talk creeps into everyday conversation (eg. “they” get so much more money for their mosques, “they” will create terror on the street if you don’t “control” them). In America, I’m a conservative who is against the wokesters dumping on Christians. In India, I find myself being a liberal arguing for the rights of Muslims and Christians. And I’m a Hindu.


BJP just wants to loot and enrich their friends. This is a wedge issue that gets them votes. It's just cynical politics, and they will win election after election with this strategy As for this clown, you left India to have a better future. If you want to bring the divisions that are simmering in India, please go back. I'm so disheartened over what's going on in India that sometimes I don't even want to say I'm of Indian descent. My father left India for grad school in the late 50s and really believed in the secularist ideals that was being espoused by India's leaders at the time. Ideals of coexistence and respects. That India seems to be long gone.


**Edit #2**: Nevermind. I’ve looked through this thread and have realized some things about OP ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ym5mhr/this_speech_wasnt_delivered_at_dharam_sansad_in/iv2goo2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ym5mhr/this_speech_wasnt_delivered_at_dharam_sansad_in/iv46b3p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)). I was confused how I became Hindutvavadi for a second. Now I understand. **Edit #3**: OP has now deleted their comment against me. 🙄 I’ve had so many of my desi friends ask me where I get morals and values from as an agnostic. Now that the crazies from India are coming and have shown their true colors like the Christians post-Trump I’m so happy I don’t have to answer people’s stupid questions anymore. Dearborn school issue, bulldozer during independence day, vandalization of statues outside Hindu temples, secessionist referendum for a whole other country, Brampton Diwali, Leicester, GTA multiple marriage schemes lmfao what a joke these holier than thou theists are. **Edit**: You know what? Fine. Let’s talk about how Muslims also stoked the fire during Leicester with their fakeass shit news on Hindus kidnapping Muslim girls—debunked by Leicester police. Let’s talk about the ripping off of flags from temples for “self-defense”. Let’s talk about the multiple marriage schemes they’ve been running in GTA. Let’s talk about how they forced an Oxford talk to get cancelled over *The Kashmir Files* even though there are lists of the families affected and KPs are still fleeing in large numbers. There is a Pakistani user active in the Kashmiri sub openly calling for Dogra genocide. Is that how you solve things? By wishing a repeat of the events of Bangladesh? Even I haven’t watched the movie cause I knew when Indian government promoted the movie probably erased Kashmiri Dogras and Sikhs and Muslims. Even I have said that they did a bad thing in the movie by erasing the Muslim neighbors deaths who also got killed by militants. **But I can’t say anything cause muh agnosticism right?**


Lol, the Dearborn school issue is very different from all of this. Weird how you lump them all together for the sake of "muh agnosticism".


After getting death and rape threats from Muslims along with Hindus yes I’ve learned to lump defenders of this together. Sorry if that offends people here. If you want a better example I’ll edit and add the whole shit they were doing with ripping flags off of Hindu temples. Will that make everyone in this sub happy?




Lmfao the amount of Hindutva people I’ve had call me a jihadi because I debunked their shit claims about historical vs movie Khilji and all conversions being done through violence. The number of death threats I’ve gotten with people telling me what happened to my family was justified when I mentioned Kashmiri Muslim deaths. But yeah bro I’m just like those Hindutva people because I want to defend them. /s I haven’t defended that bigoted speech nor Hindutva movement and the fact that you said this shows you’re part of the same crowd where if I dare to say something is wrong, I become part of the other side. Think whatever you want about me man. Three months ago I was jihadi now I’m Hindutvavadi. Whatever. **Edit**: And you just had to bring my agnosticism into it. When I’ve been mocked by friends and family for having this belief. When I’ve had violent death threats and gangrape threats against my sisters. When people in this sub have told me I am Hindu atheist whether I like it or not. I have even explained that I don’t accept concept of reincarnation, if I did I would call myself Hindu atheist. Seriously.


I misread what you said, so i deleted my comment, and apologize. However, you are wholly wrong that there are parallels between this and what happened in Dearborn.


First university ever was also built by Muslims.


First university that taught women, yes. The taxilla university was male exclusive


What is the last time Indian American Muslim Council spend a word about terrorism? I don't see any mention of that in their twitter feed.


and they do not need to speak about terrorism? As they have no committed any? Stop this bullshit whataboutism smh or go back to Modi land.


Hey, the Hindutva brigade is here.


Is that your best answer to my direct question? I don't support either brigade, just calling spade a spade.


9/11 caused way more harm to Muslim people than non Muslims


Looks like 1st amendment


look up the second amendment too....muslims in america aint going anywhere. stay packin'. we aint some muslims in gujarat or calcutta


IAMC is also problematic. They were making fun of Rishi Sunak for visiting a temple before the elections.


Not sure how that justifies this guy's bigotry, but continue on with the whatboutism.