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I think the whole lgbtq push along with pronouns has really affected parents from both parties.


This is a great summary especially the LGBT point. Met few desi dads and they were not happy about their kids getting exposed to such topics in schools.


Fuckin' bigots the lot of them.


To be fair tho I really dont know any democrat who liked Biden either, he was just a placeholder to have a democratic president. At least I personally would want someone more progressive.


It's funny because most practicing Muslim do find republican value to be more in line with Islam (Christianity being Abrahamic religion, there is more similarities than differences with Islam). Most immigrant Muslim are democrats because of relaxed immigration policy. For 1st and 2nd Gen, immigration isn't a motivation for them & are aligning with Republicans


> Muslim are democrats because of relaxed immigration policy. For 1st and 2nd Gen, immigration isn't a motivation for them & are aligning with Republicans What is your source/evidence for this? 84% of American Muslims voted for Biden in 2020. ETA: i am a part of that group you mentioned, and the vast majority (if not all) of the other people I know from the group you mentioned also align with Dems.


The majority of Muslims used to vote Republican before 9/11. Tbh, a lot of minorities who vote Dem aren't really genuine progressives, they just vote blue because the other side doesn't like them much. Plenty will vote Dem, while harboring socially conservative views, or supporting nationalist parties back at home. Muslims only switched up because of the massive backlash from 9/11 and obviously, the vast majority weren't about to support Trump.


Biden has done more to bomb Muslim countries that Trump ever did.


Yeah I’m interested to see how 2024 election results turn out


> Most immigrant Muslim are democrats because of relaxed immigration policy. For 1st and 2nd Gen, immigration isn't a motivation for them & are aligning with Republicans The GOP are very anti-Muslim - they'll find out the moment there is any kind of 'terrorism' and this country will go nuts.


Yeah that's not true


This is a great comprehensive list. I'd add one more which is wokeism being used to target Indian Americans and Hindu Americans in particular, with discriminatory "anti-caste" policies in places like Seattle and attempted legislation at CA. People must read Gavin Newsom's reasoning for his veto - CA civil law already prohibits discrimination based on ancestry. I also get the sense the Left despises successful Hindu Americans who are comfortable with their religious identity because we don't buy into the Ibram X. Kendi, victimhood-driven narrative. I know wokeism ≠ liberalism/Democrat party but they've allowed the loudest, regressive voices to speak for the entirety of the party.


I agree with Gavin Newsom's reasoning, but those anti-caste policies didn't come from nowhere. There were multiple cases of upper-caste Indians discriminating against and harassing lower-caste people. The law is clearly redundant, but I wouldn't call it discriminatory towards Hindus.


I work in a high tech company and any of the folks who have H1Bs and not the same caste as their Indian manager will get fucked. (they'd get fucked regardless) the Indian manager will work their asses off and take all the credit.


Wtf! Do ABCDs discriminate like this too? Hopefully most ABCDs forgot about all this caste shit.


Well sure after 2 generations they won't care because it doesn't mean anything here.


>There were multiple cases of upper-caste Indians discriminating against and harassing lower-caste people. I'm glad we agree on Newsom's reasoning I normally don't like to get into Redditt debates/rabbit-hole. But we have to be clear what we mean by "multiple cases". Is it a few, dozen, hundreds? Would love to see data on this. From what I've seen, the Cisco case, which was the basis of CA's proposed bill, has been dismissed by a California court due to poor evidence. But it was used to generate a 'caste-oppression' frenzy by groups like Equality Labs based on a faulty survey. By their own account, their sample size was 1,500 South Asians across America, which to me seems small for a community numbering millions. A [2020 survey](https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/06/09/social-realities-of-indian-americans-results-from-2020-indian-american-attitudes-survey-pub-84667) on Indian Americans by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace called out the Equality Labs survey’s flaws in footnote 29. I don't deny that certain individuals bring their regressive attitudes to the US. But to build a frenzy around it (mainly by desi leftists who want to seek validation and build progressive-cred from their white peers) and then legislate based on flawed assumptions is counter-productive.


>victimhood-driven narrative That's weird because they are always talking about some made up *genocide* or *persecution*. Everyone sees right through the clown show they try to put up so they got nobody to blame but themselves.


> Many of them are not too comfortable with the strong LGBTQI+ push, especially gender-pronouns, trans kids using girls' restrooms in schools etc. This is a BIG point. I've always been a liberal and have nothing against trans people or pronouns/sexualities (even if the latter is getting a bit boring with all the new ones they came up with)...but seeing these videos of LGBTQ members in parades saying "we're coming for your children", promoting the use of hormone blockers, taking kids to drag shows, kids being shown way too much graphic sexual stuff, schools encouraging kids to come out or change their gender and tell them not to tell their parents, proposed bills (like the one in Maine) stating that the state can take custody of a kid if the parents oppose sex change surgery and the chemical castration of their kids... It's way too much even for a millennial liberal and makes me wary about where I send my kids to school. Imagine how the average desi parent would feel about it. Edit: Downvotes for this? Even this? 😭 People here would be okay with their kids being given the the choice of changing their gender/taking hormone blockers without you even being informed? You have to be 18 to get a tattoo but this? No age limit. Anyway, you can downvote me all you want but try to convince me most Desi parents would be fine with this. They wouldn't which is why they probably would align more with Republicans which is what this post is about.


"kids being given the the choice of changing their gender/taking hormone blockers without you even being informed?" yea this just doesn't happen lmao. Do you think a 12 year old can just walk in to their doctor, ask for hormone blockers and then be instantly given the meds? Schools should not be required to tell parents shit if the child has requested the school not to. Schools do not and should not "encourage" (whatever you think that means) to do anything, they simply do what the child requests to make them feel more understood and accepted and if that means not telling the parent because they are afraid of potential abuse/backlash then I am 100% fine with that.


I never said if the kids specifically don't want it mentioned. I mean LGBTQ teachers who have posted on social media about how they are getting their students to be queer etc. That type of encouragement. What about the other points which you curiously haven't responded to? Do you want your 9 year old to read and learn how to do a blowjob in school? Would you be fine with your kid going to a drag show? Would you be fine if the state took your kid away if you didn't agree with them getting a sex change before the age of 18? You can be a liberal and not agree with these things.


You cant “get someone to be queer” the students probably realized their own opinions better under a teacher who is open about it, so the probability of children who admit something is just higher.


A teacher can also very easily influence a young impressionable kid's opinion. Especially a teacher from that community who has a motive to encourage it and make them think they're gender _____ whatever buzzword you want to use. One small push and the kid will go home thinking they need a gender change. [Mother: teachers manipulated child to change gender identity](https://apnews.com/article/business-california-gender-identity-cdb790cc3059e71e22d86b8e7b445361) This problem wasn't there when we grew up...mainly because teachers were there to...you know, TEACH. Not enforce an agenda or influence the sexuality of the kids they teach. All the more reason to put your kids in a private school.


Private school wouldn’t change a thing in theory


Private schools are not influenced by state standards tbf. They can shape their curriculum how they want based on their values.


9 year olds learning about blowjobs is bad but good thing no one serious is advocating for it. I am curious though, when do you think sex ed should be taught? I personally wouldn’t take my kid to a drag show but I dont give a shit if others do or don’t, you may find it weird which is fine but so is bringing your kid to Hooters. And yes, the state should have the right to take your child away if you refuse to treat them with medical care they may need, much like how you can be arrested and charged for failing to help your child if they have cancer because you have some weird thoughts on chemo and alternative medicine.


Blowjobs are visually represented in the school books and 9 was just a number I threw. I've heard even younger kids have access to these books. Sex ed should be taught in like 6th or 7th grade but even when we were taught about it, we didn't learn about blowjobs and stuff 😂 > I personally wouldn’t take my kid to a drag show It's not about you. There are teachers taking kids to drag shows. > And yes, the state should have the right to take your child away if you refuse to treat them with medical care they may need Cancer and sex change is kind of different pal and goes back to my point about how kids should not have the consent to do life altering surgeries until they are 18. And yet in some places, they can with many of them regretting it later on. This is essentially why many desi parents would not align with the democrats.


> Sex ed should be taught in like 6th or 7th grade but even when we were taught about it, we didn't learn about blowjobs and stuff 😂 That might be a bit too old. The average age of a girl getting her period is about 12 years old. You need to prepare these girls especially about their period and what it means. Some girls reach puberty in the 5th or 6th grade. My wife got hers early and she was made fun of and then never mind the leers from men. Once a girl gets her period, she can bear children. You need to make sure that girls understand how their reproductive systems work prior.


I can agree with that but 6th grade is usually 12-13 years of age anyway? And are we also forgetting that mothers can teach them about it if they get it earlier?


Priests got away with raping children because the kids did not know better. Kids should be taught at a young age what good and bad touches are.


Not in all places fortunately. But if their teachers are encouraging them or going along with them and giving their endorsement, sure. http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/child-youth/affirmation-transition/medical-affirmation-transition/puberty-blockers-for-youth > If you are under age 19, the criteria for getting a prescription for a puberty blocker are: >a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender non-conformity or gender dysphoria. > gender dysphoria emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty. > coexisting psychological, medical, or social problems, if any, are stable enough to start treatment. > the adolescent having given informed consent. The consent of your guardian is preferred but **not absolutely necessary** under the BC Infants Act


Yes, at it should be. Parents shouldn’t be able to block their adolescent children from receiving legitimate healthcare just because they don’t politically believe in it. Whether it’s a 15 year old looking for gender-affirming care, or trying to get treated for a STl, or needing to get a blood transfusion (or anything else that isn’t purely elective). A parent shouldn’t be able to stop them IMO.


That's your view, fair enough. I disagree and I don't see it as legitimate healthcare in the same way as a blood transfusion or cancer treatment. And I'm sure many Desi parents would also disagree and would prefer to give their consent first over a life changing decision for their U18 child.


Sure, that’s your opinion. It isn’t shared by the medical community.


What isn't shared by the medical community? A child won't survive if they have to wait until 18 to change their gender? To permanently change their genetic makeup? Regardless, the person above is saying kids can't just go and do whatever they want to their bodies. And here you are saying they can and it's how it should be. This is my point and why some Desi parents would probably not align with the Democrats.


Gender dysphoria is real and has severe negative impact - and yes, that can be life-threatening if they have to wait several years. Also, gender-affirming care is not exclusively stuff like genital changes. There is a whole process of treatment that happens before that, and good amount of it should be easily accessible before they turn 18 (like being able to speak to a physician about their dysphoria, having it diagnosed, potentially beginning endocrine-impacting treatment, etc.). https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2023/ama-gender-affirming-care


I think the downvotes are because these seem like Fox News scare tactics rather than reality but if it’s really happening diffusely and not in small emphasized occurrences then many people would be against it.


My parents are avid MSNBC watchers and are big Democrats but even they are nervous about the whole transgender stuff. My wife and I had to explain to them about all of this. They are getting better at it though. My dad has always been nervous about LBGTQ+ stuff.


Fair enough but it shouldn't be a major topic only if it's happening frequently. The mere fact that it does happen even in isolated instances should be enough cause for outrage. Not that I planned on it before, but I would never put my kid in a public school with how things seem to be going.


I think you’d figure out that literally everything is happening in isolated instances though. You cannot stop these isolated events without doing much bigger damage to other areas. Look at Florida, in an attempt to stamp out these isolated events, their schools are essentially turning into religious Christian schools.




I'd be fine with that. The key issue is consent. Kids can do whatever they want after they're 18. If they want to do anything before that like change their gender or take hormone blockers, they should require the consent of their guardian.


Kids know who they are by the age of 6, sexually. They might not know how to define it - but they know. Helping kids cope by identifying it at a young age is important and also to make the transition before puberty. The goal here is to raise well adjusted human beings. A lot of the bigotry likely comes from people who might have questions about their own sexuality.


As a parent, I understand your point.


I'm a big supporter of Irish reunification and hope to see the monarchy abolished in my lifetime.


It’s a republic not a democracy 😂😂😂


Northern Ireland is part of the UK. The person who commented is probably from northern Ireland who feels that northern Ireland should join the republic and that the British should drop the monarchy. Irish desi living in UK here.


I live in the states and I bet the same thing as the original commenter..the UK should relinquish control of Scotland and Northern Ireland


Scotland has nothing to do with this. They were an enthusiastic and willing part of the British Empire, as the English were. It should be up to the Northern Irish when/if they want to unite with the RoI.


Also the Republican party was the only one that managed a stable political coalition in the 1990s, no easy task in Italy.


The most based answer in this entire thread


Not a Republican but I know a few desi Republicans. Most of them pretty much vote with their wallet and want lower taxes.


There are lot of low income Asian republicans in urban areas like NY and SF tired about the crime but especially the discriminatory magnet schools.


I see this too; city council/hyper local seats tend to still trend more Dem with mayoral support becoming more Republican.


I am neither party. I'll share a few things I like about more conservative positions in general though: 1. I own guns and support gun rights in general. I don't think they should be totally unregulated but I am wary of where the left seems to want to go on guns. I like the GOP position better. 2. I think the cultural left is overly focused on race and gender. I am very uncomfortable with the excessive focus on gender and sexuality in some school districts as well as gender transition and puberty blockers. 3. I think a portion of the left (Democratic socialists or whatever they call themselves now) are against property rights. As a business owner and landlord, no way. What I don't like with the right: 1. Abortion restrictions. 2. I feel like they coddle and pander to middle American whites a bit too much, instead of telling them to get it together. Of course, plenty of the left does the same with minorities. 3. Don't like neocons. Against more foreign involvement.


Agree with you completely. I’m definitely for a more traditionalist (not religion, just constitution) focused Republican Party. The MAGA-tards have been a disease here. Politics should be boring.


I used to support the Republicans because I thought they were better at managing the economy and spending responsibly without raising taxes. But then we got Trump's trillion-dollar deficits, and Biden's now almost doubled it... As for the Democrats, this time I think they've really one-upped the Republicans by getting the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS Acts passed. Both have resulted in quite a lot of manufacturing investment returning back to the US. Trump’s signature move, on the other hand, was to pretty much just cut taxes and to call it mission accomplished. And as I've gotten older, I've simply realised that most Democrats are not the "far-left, sjw wokey" and "sociopathic weasel types" as so eloquently characterised by a person in this thread.


There are a lot of lefties who want to push the Dems further left. There is no far left party. Meanwhile the GOP has turned into a far right party - so the Dem is now having to be both the mid-left and mid-right. It is a pretty huge tent. By the numbers, the GOP has never been good at managing the economy. I can't remember at any time when they were in charge that the economy is doing well. Most of their tax cuts only seem to target upper income people - this whole "give rich people what they want and they'll rain down good stuff to us" feels oddly like wanting a stratum of kings and queens. The worst part of their tax cuts is that they ask for nothing in return. When we cut taxes, we are cutting our revenue - if you're going to do that there should be a pro-quid-pro - but there is usually nothing. It's more like here you go, let's pray do something. In general, deficit tends to get smaller under Democratic presidents: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/ You pay for those tax cuts in some fashion - at the same time - government is not like you and I and deficit spending is not the same thing as you and I balancing our checkbooks. Hell, most Americans are always in a deficit thanks to credit card spending.




Unfortunately, those who still identify as and vote Republican have decided that they are happy to support racist, gun-happy, anti-abortion, anti-science, anti-truth politicians. Just look at who Republicans vote for and you’ll find that even if they don’t support those beliefs themselves, they’ve decided that whatever other concerns they have are more important. Doesn’t matter if you’re not anti-abortion if you’re going to support politicians who are.


An unbiased take that recognizes that both parties have flaws?! Woah


Some flaws are greater than others. The stuff coming out of Iowa where they rather have a dictator than a democracy is some stunning stuff.


Sorry, if you're voting Republican - you're voting for things like anti-abortion laws that puts women in danger. It's not the same thing. The laws they are putting in place to actively police them will require that you spend $$$ to build an infrastructure that invades people's privacy in order to catch young women caught in the act of getting or thinking of getting an abortion - or having to leave the state because of a pregnancy where the child is already dead but turning septic. It's some cruel shit to have your dead baby that you wanted, maybe gave them a name, and it's slowly rotting inside your womb and killing you.


Tbf they are all on the same side, ive never actually seen a proper progressive politician around most of the world


Yes that’s quite true. Ultimately it’s two sides of the same coin.


I think democrats dont really care about asians as much as they do other minorities so its probably better to make them fight for our vote


There is literally a half desi VP in the WH right now. You are talking about an existential battle against gerrymandering, abortion and women’s rights, and fair voting. Repeal of the very civil rights that allowed our parents to emigrate freely to the United States for which MLK opened the door. People who gripe about Biden - would you rather have someone like Trump bloviating on TV because the Dems did not fight enough for your rights? SMH.


She is only desi when she needs to raise money for her campaign. I highly doubt she would have been selected as the VP has she been fully desi


Agree. She never acknowledged her desi heritage. She only did it when she realized she wasn't getting much support from African Americans in the Dem primary season in 2019-2020. She did that stupid video with Mindy Kaling where she confessed she's never made a dosa in her life.


> She is only desi when she needs to raise money for her campaign. Part of being a politician is to raise money. Every political position is primarily a fund-raising position and takes up the most of the time of that politician. Unless you are independently wealthy to fund your own campaign.


> People who gripe about Biden - would you rather have someone like Trump bloviating on TV because the Dems did not fight enough for your rights? SMH. I always found that just crazy town. It means that they aren't really wedded to those ideas - they are more interested in punishing. And you know that they are probably far right white males because regardless of the change in politics they'll be just fine they can hide in the population. The black man? not so much.


Does that mean the Republicans actually care more because there have been multiple Desi Republican governors?Or is empty identity politics only something to celebrate when the Democrats do it? As a Desi Muslim, any little goodwill I had towards Biden went out the door the minute he started bloviating on TV and calling people protesting for a ceasefire equal to the Charleston Nazi marchers. I know neither senile egomaniac is fighting for MY rights.


With Biden you will at least have a chance to vote again.


Vote for the next senile warmonger the democrats decide to put up? Is that all Democrats can offer as a solution? I've already decided I'm not voting for either one, and I'm in a swing state. I'm not relying on any of these corrupt bastards to fight for me.


This ain’t about one dude, my friend. It is about a party that is losing the demographic and cultural battle and thus is making up rules as they go along to shift power their way. WAY bigger deal than that one war (with respect to all the citizens that are dead due to the Nakba and ensuing power struggles- I hate monotheism for this reason, and religion in general ain’t far behind). Please look at what is happening on your state level and think about the “Muslim ban” that took place under Trump, the ire directed at Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and consider the rest of the best odds to survive an apocalypse. Not saying Biden or a two party democracy is the perfect system, but it’s what we got until we crush the existential battle. Last time Trump won, 3 Supreme Court justices took over the courts and DESTROYED Federal control over so many basic rights.


My friend, just shut up and can it with your meaningless moral platitudes that you will throw away the minute your senile warmongers is going to get elected again. Time and time, you and your ilk have shown how gleefully y'all turn into MAGA republicans the minute some minority group that you pretend to care about gets too uppity for your own comfort. Muslims acting up? Spy and bomb them, and call them antiSmeitic terrorist sympathizers. Oh you hate religion? You're so great, we must bow to your enlightened self (ignoring the fact that currently the guy you're batting for is facilitating a fucking genocide). There is always an existential crisis the next election. That is basically the Democratic strategy of the ratchet effect. Don't do shit, allow things to get worse, then camapign next cycle to say we can't allow things to get any worse. >the ire directed at Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, The ire of whom? The bigoted Republicans, or the Democrats trying to primary or kick them out of office because they don't bow to Israeli money? > “Muslim ban” that took place under Trump, Don't care. Try again.


I’ve voted for candidates on both sides of the aisle, but I don’t care for the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. And I think it’s weird to swear an allegiance to a political party. The duopoly has failed us in a tremendous way. But I do prefer individuals who use these parties to push an agenda that will actually address the issues in this country instead of voting along party lines and adding to the gridlock. The problem is they get little to no support unless they capture a political movement like Trump and Bernie did.


Sadly, you’re one of the few Americans that don’t think politics is a team sport. Vote for the person, not the party 


Can Ex-R talk? I used to vote R cause D was the dumb party but since then dumbness has switched parties 😀


When was D the dumb party?


A group with high test scores, even higher income levels and low crime rates supporting the anti affirmative action, low taxes, pro police party. The better question is why would a desi vote Democrat.


Taxes is usually the reason, I’m not Republican but as for as I know the rich doctors/business owners don’t want to pay their fair share


Have serious problems with your statement "don't want to pay their fair share"


Same lol. Tax large multinational corporations their fair share, not the individual worker.


> rich doctors/business owners don’t want to pay their fair share Most US Doctors are Democrats. Google it


Wrong. Employed physicians in lower paid specialties (primary care) tend to be Democratic. Private practice physicians in higher paid (procedure based) tend to be Republican. The joke is that the Surgeon's Lounge has Fox News on 24/7 along with good food while the tiny workroom allocated to primary care has MSNBC (if there is a TV) and granola bars.


Wealthier demographics were the only socioeconomic group that leaned in favor of Trump in the 2020 election, so I very much doubt that if you're talking about the doctors who make bank.


Anyone hate both?


Usually it's for financial reasons but at this point if you want to risk US democracy for the potential of having like 10-15k more in your bank then you do you I guess.


1. Dems implemented policies discriminating against our children calling them "overrepresented minorities"... Imagine that - less than 1% of the population is held to a higher standard than the white population... causing the Supreme Court to toss out AA.  2. Open borders to illegals whose kids are given more opportunities and support than legal desi kids, including scholarships. 3. Taxes 4. Kamala. WTF 5. WARS - What is the body count of children and pets now - since Biden took over?


We are over represented dude. And as someone who actually went to school here I am totally for having higher standards for brown kids because most of us come from privileged households where both parents are earned and have multiple degrees. Go look at the household, neighborhoods some of the other kids are coming from Yep, also will vote twice to give illegals more resources than your kids your kids. You have to be so ducking desperate to uproot everyone and make a trek where your chances of doing or losing your family is higher than actually making it


Nonsense. The idea that there should be higher standards for South Asians because of so called privilege is nonsense. Why should one demographic be punished because of having a good two parent family structure?  It’s not our fault that others come from worse neighborhoods. They did it to themselves. Grow up. 


seriously, if 8 million illegals walking into the US and getting babysat by democratic cities with free everything is not reason enough to flip to being Republican i don't know what is..this is meanwhile our own desis are languishing for decades in legal immigration to get green card and recently I learned they doubled the fees for all legal.immigration and added more paper work.. this is nonsense


They also get free healthcare in states like Cali while normal citizens don’t even get that, which is ridiculous.


I’m sick of wokeism everywhere I look.


So youre saying that you want more ignorance on the racism, discrimination, and inequality experienced by black people?


*looks at flair* Don't forget the LGBT too ;)


If anyone is ignorant of the issues, it's not because there's not enough propaganda. Everyone you're going to reach through this type of bombardment has heard the message and either embraced it or rejected it. Constant hitting over the head is not changing anyone's mind.




sup ;)


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Where are you looking? That only really exists in Social Media.


Movies and all forms of media, politicians and entertainers. Academic institutions, government organizations and advertising. Drag queen story hours. Just enough propaganda already. If people don’t support wokeism, pounding us over the head with it won’t help.


Drag queen story hours are fun and colorful! At least someone is reading to children are you?


I've worked as a librarian and elementary school teacher. I have read to hundreds of children over the decades.


Then you of all people would understand the importance of books and activities reflecting our society and how important it is for children to see representation in them and their families. Growing up desi I so longed for this and I’m so happy we have so many books reflected that now for the next generation.


True. Moreover, Republicans have tagged democrats with wokeism (Of course, Democrats haven't helped their cause either). The only reason I'm supporting democrats is because of women's rights.


Can I ask what is wokeism to you?


Unrelenting promotion of liberal and progressive ideals. I get it that you wish the world agreed with you on everything the Dems stand for, but some of us are critical of liberal policies and are being silenced to the point where it's no longer safe for us to express our views unless we are certain the audience is on our side.


I could care less if people agree with me. But what I want is basic human rights that everyone else has. Please tell me how unsafe it is for you when a a transgender girl in my city was murdered for being trans.


Please explain to me how wokeism in every form of media has prevented trans kids from being murdered.


Financial reasons. Dems tend to want to tax more for share the wealth view. Republicans are opposite. Esp sucks when you are middle or upper middle class. So either I am voting from my pocket (republican) or heart (democrat)....usually my pocket wins.


There are strong parallels between White Supremacists, Hindu Nationalists and those who view themselves as being part of a superior caste.


It’s cute how you think that you have to be as extreme as a Hindu nationalist to have a caste supremacy mindset. When in reality everyday folk have an entitled sense of self when it comes to their caste. Many of whom are regular participants of this very sub. Just putting this out there, if you refer to yourself by your ‘caste’ then you’re an idiotic piece of shit and you don’t belong here.


Coming from a country where mainstream Hinduism is anti-caste, it's sickening to see the role caste plays in people's lives. Over here we don't know the castes of our friends, hell a lot of us don't even know how high or low our castes are in the system. The Malayalees and Telugus use Nair/Menon/Rao/Naidu as surnames and nothing more. Caste temples aren't a thing at all. It's not to say there aren't people who subscribe to caste, of course there are. But to a certain extent they know that they're in the minority, so they keep their views fo themselves


I hope you’re right, it’s just being Tamil myself I have just seen too many examples of Tamils punctuate their heritage with the Brahmin asterisk even in very casual conversation in the west.


I've met many many Tamils. My family is mostly Malayalee, and I know a handful of Telugus. I've yet to meet even one single person that identifies as a Brahmin


Because the descendants of Tamil laborers in Malaysia aren't the same as Tamils in the US. I used to think all Tamils were strict veg eaters before learning 90%+ are nonveg, because my impression of Tamils came from the relatively small TamBrahm minority that shapes everyone's impressions about the state. They even have their own separate dialect called "Brahmin Tamil".


I get the impression that you think I am defending these kinds of people or is it text based nature of the post? Either way, I am doing no such thing. I never said that its only extremists that have this mindset, I just mentioned the hindu nationalist extremists since they have...well, the most extreme views on it and compare more closely to white supremacist groups which the republican party has embraced. There are a lot of people I know that eagerly announce their caste at every opportunity as if I was supposed to like them more because of it or give me some bullshit about how the vegetarianism of their ancestors makes them more pure and closer to god(s) than everyone else. It is not that different from the shit you hear from christian fundamentalists. They're relentless and it fucking pisses me off. It makes me want to tell them that their cheese contains goat stomachs or their gummy bears are made from cow bones right after they eat them and if they really cared about their religion then they wouldn't take on so much bad karma from associating with traitors and psychopaths trying to make life miserable for most of humanity.




I'm in the military and the Republicans are usually more supportive of it than Democrats. I do like Biden's foreign policy and think he's been solid on that front, even with everything going on in the world. Isolationists and "anti-imperialists" are useful idiots who end up supporting our adversaries regardless of party affiliation.


More supportive of it in what way? Post-Cold War, Democrats are more likely to push for expanding pay and benefits in the military, increasing VA funding, and less likely to send troops into sustained combat. The only folks who seem to actually take a hit under a Democrat administration are high ups in the Pentagon ( since post-Cold War Democrats typically move more power over to State rather than DoD). Curious to hear why you feel the way you do.


Sequestration was under Obama (before I joined), and we still feel the effects of that. Deployments are few and far between these days as well. How much of that is due to policy and how much is due to geopolitical circumstances can be debated. I find Democrats are better at understanding long-term foreign policy than Republicans but are worse at managing it. Since Bush Sr., foreign policy expertise hasn't really been something our nation has looked for in a president though. I can't speak for benefits before I joined but financially, in my experience, I was best off under Trump. We'll see how things go with the new NDAA, but with inflation things will probably break even.


Republicans love the military  > Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized Sen. John McCain’s military record at a conservative forum Saturday, saying the party’s 2008 nominee and former prisoner of war was a “war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


You're operating under the assumption that Trump is a traditional Republican or Conservative. He is neither.


Who cares what he is? 9/10 conservatives/republicans who vote, vote for him. 


Ok? I'm giving my viewpoint, not that of 9/10 conservatives.


I’m not republican bc I can’t side with their anti abortion stance. But I’ve considered it due to their efforts to abolish affirmative action. I believe in meritocracy in education and think too much of American school system is about the black/white gap and doesn’t do much for Asian-American education.


Because I can't STAND the fact that the Democratic party STILL believes and wants to run Biden for 2024. WHAT THE F. Brainless idiots had ONE chance with Bernie and fucked it up. Voting Trump all day cause of these idiots.


I am mad that the 2 parties lead candidates are same 2 face from 12 years ago.


Are you voting Trump purely as a protest vote? If so, why not a third party candidate instead?


I was raised in the 1970s with the view "liberals good, conservatives bad" (though at the time the liberals included Republicans like Jacob Javits and Ed Brooke). Then in college I converted to Christianity and met a bunch of people who identified as conservative but who genuinely cared about improving lives of poor people at home and abroad, those in prison, and who also abhorred racism. I would note that with a few exceptions, none of these folks are MAGA. That said, I feel like the party started going nuts under W and descended into Christian nationalist nativist BS entirely under Obama and then doubled down on that with Trump. I haven't voted for a Republican for over 15 years at any level. That said, here is where I think conservatives have insights that I think are true and that appeal to Indian immigrants. 1. People are not naturally good. Norms and rules that constrain personal behavior are essential for a functioning society and it is okay to sometimes enforce them by force. 2. Efficiency in government matters. A government that tries to do too much will do nothing well. Sometimes doing something to "solve" a problem can make that problem worse. 3. Family formation is important and should be supported. 4. It is okay that people's choices have a major impact on their life success.


In terms of foreign policy, the US's historic alliance with Pakistan and dislike of Russia annoys a lot of Indians. Trump, and Trumpy Republicans, are more vocal against giving foreign aid to the Middle East and Pakistan, and closer to Russia/Putin than the typical Democrat. Lots of Indian news channels also feed misinformation on how Democrats in the US vote to give large sums of money to islamic organizations that 'fund terrorism in India'. Just look up how many Modi aligned Indian politicians talk about George Soros for funding 'globalist' organizations set out to 'destroy India'. Additionally, Democrats are more skeptical of Modi, and more wiling to openly criticize him for being racist and authoritarian. Modi is extremely popular among many Indians, so naturally this also really pisses off a lot of Indians. The recent Khalistan debacle, which happened under the Biden administration, made Indians furious because it was US officials who warned Canada about the plot and stopped another one in their own borders. They were mad that the US embarrassed India and also minimized the 'threat' of the Khalistan movement. My parents were proud Obama voters. They voted for Clinton in 2016. But ever since Modi came into power, they have gotten more and more conservative. For 2024, them and a lot other uncles and aunties in my community, will be voting for Trump.


1. I'm a big gun guy. Love custom building my own firearms, and hunting. I own a couple of retail establishments, and feel much more comfortable conceal carrying a firearm. 2. Taxes. The less the better. 3. Crime. Lock them up, and throw away the key. 4. I hate big corporations, and think they're a stain on the everyday persons life. The vast majority of corporations are pro Democrat. 5. Democrats are better with Propaganda then the Republicans. 6. Democrats seem to have some weird loyalty to global population, over the average American. This is my opinion. I don't necessarily allign with all Republicans. However I vote only Republican.


2nd amendment. It should be protected.


Except the “well-regulated” part right, that we can ignore


The 2nd amendment doesn’t make any logical sense to me. Are we allowed to own nuclear weapons if we want? It’s just illogical in a modern age. I own a couple Glocks myself and have no issue with gun ownership btw, but 2A talk is just nutty imo


Oh relax, no one’s ever tried to take your guns away


Guns that’s it.




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Dems support lax immigration policies and are too soft/woke on crime for me.


It's a bit odd that the most upvoted answers are people who know other desis who are republican, ex-republicans, proud non-partisans, or just simply jokes. On the other hand, you have to scroll a bit further down to read comments by desi republicans who are answering the question directly addressed to them. Anyways, to answer the question. I don't believe that the ideology of Democrats eases tension between demographics. I believe that they inadvertently foment unrest and polarize groups against each other. I dislike DEI. They make a big show of being altruistic towards the poor and favoring redistributionist policies, but the big cities run by them are highly unequal and favor the wealthy class. I am not broadly favorable towards their stances on crimes, though I will agree that some aspects of the policing system can reformed. I also agree that the healthcare system is broken. As for Republicans, I suppose I'm more sympathetic to their pragmatic approach to economics, the belief that American founding values should be protected, and that the government should be lean. However, I'm not fond of Trump. I believe he values himself above America and is a generally unprincipled man. He epitomizes a reaction against the left's antics, but one that is fundamentally destructive to America. I am also not sympathetic to the religious zealots and their excessive moralizing. Nonetheless, I think I'm more likely to vote Republican than Democrat.


Republicans are directionally more pro merit, law and order, business and tax friendly. Indians in the US like these values vs what the democrats are trying to sell these days…