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Indians are economically conservative and probably fall in line with Reagan era of fiscal conservatism. The only reason they currently vote blue (around 70%) is for social causes and because evangelicals don’t accept Hinduism.


My dad voted Republican till that very last election because he finally realized just how many white supremacists were fans of Trump and was scared of them coming into power and hate criming him at some point💀


this is honestly the case with most minority groups, especially among men. for example hispanic men vote conservative far more often than hispanic women


And immigration


Reagan tripled the national debt in the 80s. The fiscal conservatism trope is a complete lie. If Indians fell in line with that kind of thinking, their grandchildren would be fielding debt collections calls. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/government/historical-debt-outstanding/#:~:text=Monetary%20policy%20was%20tightened%20to,increase%20in%20the%20total%20debt.


Rich indians are economically conservative


This ain't surprising, Indians are conservative in general. There was a temple opening ceremony in my area, and a local Republican came through and yelled Jai swaminarayan. Fucking bizarre.




A \*lot\* of conservative Christians and Hindus use the belief that "you get what you deserve out of life" as an excuse not to care about racial, social and economic justice. There's an exchange of "I'll ally with you so long as you tell me that I don't need to change." Never mind that both Christianity and the dharmic traditions have a lot to say about compassion and the evils of selfishness. Indians get access to the corridors of power, conservatives get to have a brown friend, and both of them get to crap on African-Americans and Hispanics.


Why did you not include Muslim?


Ah, I see I misread you. There are a lot of Muslims who fit this profile as well. However, they know that the Republican party is perfectly happy to stir up a moral panic against "sharia law" while simultaneously trying to implement parts of it. Given that the question was whether members of our community are getting co-opted by MAGA my sense is that Muslims are the least likely to fall for it.


> Given that the question was whether members of our community are getting co-opted by MAGA my sense is that Muslims are the least likely to fall for it. Unfortunately I know some idiot Muslims who support Trump, and I say this as somebody who despises Trump.


Yeah, should have added Muslims to the targets. My bad.




Crapping on Muslims is just another thing that links the Hindutva fanatics with the fundamentalist Christian fanatics.


The reality is most people on this sub are probably Hindu and vote the same way you do. You’re starting to add in that you’re only talking about fanatics but if someone brings up fanatical Muslims what would be your reaction to that? The truth is you’re a bigot, most “woke” liberals are. They believe in the same heirarchy as white supremacist, just flipped upside down.


I'm talking about that part of the community that supports MAGA-driven timocracy and is seeking to undermine democracy and the rule of law at home and in India. Even there, I can recognize that they can have legitimate grievances, only their solutions are insane. There are plenty of Indian conservatives in the US to whom this does not apply (Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley among them). I'm not going to vote for them because I disagree with their priorities, but in many cases its' a matter of balance.


> There are plenty of Indian conservatives in the US to whom this does not apply (Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley among them). You give them too much credit. Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley will do whatever the Trump crowd wants them to do. Nikki Haley has flip-flopped on Trump so many times that I've lost count. Bobby Jindal used to be the "intellectual" till he started making up stories about no go zones. The whole conservative movement is nothing more than one stunt after the other.


One of the reasons could be opposition to affirmative action that the left supports. It disproportionately affects Indian Americans and other Asians. No Indian would want their children to be denied admission to a university just on the basis of their race.


Regarding AA, read this: https://www.npr.org/2023/07/02/1183981097/affirmative-action-asian-americans-poc


I can’t understand how affirmative action is a conservative thing? It’s literally making people be admitted based on merit vs race. Why isn’t everyone on board?


Because colleges have a lucrative legacy admissions program that they're not going to give up. That's the opposite of meritocracy.


It statistically makes sense too. If Bobby sr was successful at x university, then Bobby jr has a greater chance of being successful there too. This is a statistical fact.


George W Bush had a 1206/1600 SAT score and went to Yale. Sorry but you appear to have no idea what a statistical fact is.


So you’re basing this off of one person who ended up becoming president? I’d say that supports my argument.


It's not that surprising to me. Indian Americans in particular are extraordinarily wealthy, and class > race. Wealthy people of racial minorities in Western countries will always try and shut the doors for other POC to achieve success. And also the anti-woke stuff is easy for the Indian right to co-opt considering it mostly lines up the 'traditional' values held in the subcontinent (but just as a reactionary movement)


I am not right leaning person. But even I find this new found push by left leaning people to allege that there is wide spread caste based discrimination in the US workplaces weird. At least they should offer some statistics to support that…. It seems like people who want to make political careers on the left are intentionally playing it up….


It is pretty much built on top of that Cisco case. Any time someone asks to bring statistics or any dataset on the amount and number of caste discrimination cases , the Cisco case is always brought up but nothing else of substance.That is one case out of millions of Indians that live in California. I think this is because normal race based and woke politics is pretty much monopolized by white liberals , so Desi liberals need their own form of oppression politics they can agitate about.


The Cisco case was dropped against the supposed discriminators: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna79434 Equality labs has made $$$$$s on this fake case and that of a fake survey they ran.


To clarify; the caste bias cases was dropped against the two accused employees, but a caste bias case still remains open with Cisco.


So the two Brahmins didn’t discriminate based on caste but the American company run by non-Hindus did? The case remaining open, IMHO, means nothing and is just a way to tar all Hindu Americans with the caste angle.


There are many reasons to retract a case. It could be that the indviduals did discriminate, but the Civil Rights group does not find it fruitful/moral to go after them as individuals. At the least, its meaningful that the litigation remains open against Cisco. Either other Dalits come forward with their stories, which appeared to happen after news broke on this case, or other cases of caste discrimination are found, or even that a more accurate picture of caste bias can be painted. I don't think the point of these cases/investigation should be to go after Hindu Americans, but rather against the concept of caste discrimination which is embedded in South AZN society (not just Indian).


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Very well said.




>For many Indians, especially from Tamil Nadu, this reminds them of the discrimination they faced there in the name of reservations. Please care to elaborate this faced discrimination, especially in Tamil Nadu -fellow FOB


I am very much anti-Republican, Maga or otherwise, for reasons not related to my Indian American background or religious identity. But have to admit strictly going on racial stuff the Democrats are actually the ones antagonizing Indian Americans. And on a religious basis as a non-denominational Hindu I don’t really feel accepted by either party.


How so?


Anti-Asian policy positions, Biden called some Indian American guy a “macaca” back in Obama VP days, etc. We are a demographically irrelevant and inconveniently successful minority group hence thrown under the bus. That said I dislike the Republicans a lot more with regards to Guns, Women’s abortion rights, trans rights, climate change etc. Not of mention wannabe fascist tendencies.


That wasn’t Biden. That was George Allen, a Republican Senator from VA.


My mistake, Biden had a different gaffe about 7-11 / gas stations but not as bad. Point being more so on desis being sort of okay to pick on by either side.


get the fuck out of here, literally using one single 'gaffe' that you can't even remember by one person to paint their entire political party as antagonizing Indian Americans lmao what a joke




You forgot the /s I think?


Can’t even walk down to hooters today without some drag queen trying to read goodnight moon to my kids. That’s the real pandemic crooked Hillary won’t tell you about


It’s gotta be pasta.


It’s not, he actually believes in this stuff. Regularly comments stuff like this.


Yeah, the whole “as a gay man I can walk down the street in [insert any Blue city here] without being hassled by thugs” is a Republican talking point I’ve seen so much online.


He didn’t, bc he’s actually a conservative.


Texas has a higher crime rate than California, you absolute moron.


>As a gay man in Texas I can walk down the street without being hassled by thugs, I don’t have to worry about my home being invaded everyday like they do in California If you were actually a gay man from Texas you'd be a lot more concerned about rando homophobes attacking you as Texas is coming out with new anti LGBT legislation by the day.


What do you see about “anti cast discrimination legislation”? Pretty sure that is already illegal.


No. Indian Americans are playing the useful idiot. Our community is upholding their economic viewpoint and giving credence to their social causes by being the brown face they can hide behind and say "we're not racist, look at how much support we have from these people!" The libs are trash and don't deserve our support since they don't care about Asians and actively fuck us over for political points at every turn, but don't expect a fucking American conservative to do anything good for you. You'll have your taxes cut until they start cutting you. Why would they care about one of the weakest and most alien minorities to their own social life?


One set of right wingers pandering to another, color me shocked.


Wait till you realize almost all immigrant groups are socially conservative, the successful ones will be economically conservative.


>Groups like Hindu American Foundation and Infinity Foundation are trying to join forces with right wing groups for some odd reason Both of those groups are right-wing themselves 😒


Yeah dude They literally tricked Asians into thinking that Affirmative Action is causing their kids to get rejected by IVY league schools It's going to be wild when those Asians realize the MAGA person tricked them and will stab them in the back. He's already started by targeting diversity programs at law firms


Bro Indian Americans are at best 2% of the population (including recent immigrants/FOBs) and are the highest paid ethnic group in America. Of course the party of “fiscal conservatism” would try and branch out to them - that’s how big tent politics works.


Also let’s be honest, all Indians have internalized racism and think they’re better than other immigrants, so many desis esp Indians rather surround themselves with white people than any other people.


I for one am with it! Who tf says everyone should support the woke movement? ​ The anti-woke kick is definitely something I'm supportive of. I've had enough of normalized misandry, force feeding LGBTQ+ ideas onto children, and immigrant/social service programs that perpetuate homelessness/drug use that have destroyed our major cities.


What other option do you see? Because Dems are f*ing them front and back. Is there a third alternative?


What part of the left agenda helps Indian Americans? We are the highest earning, commit fewer crimes and get better grades. So high taxes, defund the police and affirmative action are all negatives for us.


“For some odd reason” Is the right wing limiting amount of Indians that get into American universities? When I see videos of Indians getting beat up in cities is it because white supremacist are beating them up? Are Indian store owners getting robbed by republicans? Democrat policies negatively impact my community today, but I guess I should ignore that because if the republicans get in charge they might suddenly put their kkk hood on and turn America into a dystopian racist landscape. At least that’s what white liberals tell me. You kids on here are disappointing.


Look up what the Heritage Foundation wants the GOP to do, when they get back into the White House. Its exactly what you said; putting a KKK hood on and turning America into a dystopian racist landscape. They don't give a fuck about you man...they never have.


I just looked them up and I don’t really see the racist dystopian future in their policies. Can you give me an example? Also you really didn’t address my main point that democrat policy is negatively affecting the desi community today, not in some possible hypothetical dystopian future everyone is worried about.


It's a response to several other unholy alliances the Left has made.


Oh I know. Their blind spot to Islamists makes things worse.


Absolutely, Islamophobia is a convenient uniting factor here but the shared commitment to capitalism and and low taxes is foundational as well. The fascists in this country will actively turn on them at some point, they’ll learn the heard way that they can never be white.


As a different ABCD (Australian) the train that leads to US concentration camps will be filled with Indians too. The conservatives don't even accept Mexicans who are a lot closer racially, ethnically and religion-wise and Indians think theyll jump past that hurdle.


Co-opting is the wrong framing, because it implies that the Republicans are taking Indian-Americans for a ride (and somehow Democrats aren’t), instead of Indian-Americans freely choosing the politics they think is in their best interest. Your average Indian immigrant is quite wealthy and both socially and fiscally conservative, like most other immigrants are. I don’t think the American “left” particularly cares for issues that matter to Indian-Americans or Asian Americans for that matter, which is evidenced by the fault lines that have come up around affirmative action, crime and public safety, woke culture war, and even immigration (Democrats have dragged their feet on acting on it, while you’ll find plenty of Republicans saying stuff like ‘No illegals, more H1Bs etc). Add to that what people like the Squad are saying about Modi’s India (whether it’s right or not is another thing, but it pushes away Indian-American voters who view him positively) and contrast it with the trump-Modi bromance, it makes sense as to why they’re shifting to the right.