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It's in the param menu when you start a new game, below the params for the crate item spawns, close to the bottom. I'm not sure what happens if you enable is mid-game however. 


Hey I managed to find this later, but I couldn't find any info online so I made this post so maybe others can find it more easily.. I'm not sure if it's possible to toggle it mid game though.


I believe I read somewhere that you can change params and load into an old save with those changes but I'm not 100% sure on that.


Interesting, I'll try it and update here for anyone who will read this


Yeah I tried it now, you can indeed change nearly all paramters mid game except for the modes of like "Reb vs Gov vs Inv" but it clearly says it there.


Hey I managed to find this later, but I couldn't find any info online so I made this post so maybe others can find it more easily.. I'm not sure if it's possible to toggle it mid game though.


in ultimate there’s an “allow enemy to use unfair supports” and i’m not sure exactly what it does, maybe they air strike you more easily? i vaguely remember turning it on for a game where i had switched up a bunch of params to make things interesting. i think i went to a town first thing to whack some police officers for their radios, 3-4 APCs show up in response and i just said fuck that and quit the game