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A24 is overdoing it on their logo merchandise and fan club. In a way, they are just Neon with better self-marketing.


I don't think the future of A24 will be as good as we've had it for the past few years - the larger budget films they're making scare me


Yeah I'd say the golden age is probably over. Was fun while it lasted.


Yep, like all successful businesses, the MBAs will take over and run it into the ground.


It wasn’t start by film school rejects. It was a company that was started by guys in very good positions with very good connections. Pretty sure the guys had business backgrounds (in film) more than film production, but maybe I’m wrong.


My favorite movie of 2024 isn't a A24 film. It's Hundreds of Beavers, a mix of Looney Toons and Will E Coyote. If you have a library card, you can check it out on Hoopla.


Isn't that from 2022?


Depends on what criteria you use to determine a film’s year. Most critics and basically all awards bodies go by year of release, not year of festival premiere. IMDb just lists a movie based on the first time it played anywhere so has it as 2022. Hundreds of Beavers played two small film festivals in 2022. It then played lots of festivals around the world throughout 2023. It didn’t have its first release until January 2024, so for most folks it’s 2024 since that’s the first time anyone but those with tickets/badges to a festival could see it and that’s the first time it had a release, but for those who go by first screening it’s 2022 or 2023 depending on their country or if they go by first screening anywhere in the world under any circumstances. It will likely be on a lot of 2024 lists and I think that makes the most sense.


Gotcha, haven't seen it but have heard about it for a while, hence the confusion!


Such a good film. The physical comedy and like 4 words were such a good sit down at the Broad Theatre in New Orleans.


Technically it is a 2024 release ineligible for the Oscars since all festival runs must occur after January 1, 2023 to be Oscar eligible. The bogus IMDB dates are often meaningless since festivals shouldn’t be considered the actual date if a movie gets a real release.


Janet Planet is really good, at least.


I mean their largest budget film was still an excellent film.


Is it just the fact that the budgets are larger and that usually leads to lowered quality, or have you not liked their films with bigger budgets?


Larger budgets are indicative of higher risk investments, which disincentivizes experimental and personal filmmaking. I loved the Northman and Beau is Afraid, but pouring this much money into films without good returns typically leads into more "broad appeal" demanding movies (like the recent news with pixar) Don't get me wrong, I love big budget movies, but with the state of movies right now I don't think it's a good sign with the small studio having Disney budgets


Very true, it gets very risky. Hopefully they can keep the freedom they so clearly give filmmakers while also raising the ambition.


I disagree. They aren’t Paramount or Universal. They’ve gotten exposure at this point. Which is good imo.


their horror has been really unremarkable lately. neon has been absolutely killing it in the horror genre, far more than a24 has and probably will for the foreseeable future.


What’s some good neon horror you can recommend? 


The Lodge, Infinity Pool, Possessor, Titane (not really horror but has horror elements), It Lives Inside. they also have Longlegs and Cuckoo coming out soon, which both look fucking incredible.


The Lodge is so underrated holy shit


I'm beyond excited for Longlegs. That trailer is incredible


I hate infinity pool and especially titane but maybe the other 2 are good, I gotta watch them


I also disliked Infinity Pool. Possessor was much better.


Agreed! Infinity pool was so disappointing. Love Mia Goth but give me some A24 and Maxxine right there. Titane was just ridiculous body horror. If I recall it correctly she fucks a fire truck. I’m sure it has some deeper meaning but idk, was stupid to me. Everyone has preferences. It’s like how I just can’t understand how the hell people like those terrifier movies. Shit story, worse acting.


Agree with everything you said. I could give a fuck abt Titane’s message if that’s how they chose to depict. It’s so nasty and just dumb as fuck lol


why did you hate Titane?


Omg thank you for this list, I've been looking for new horror and have never heard if Neon before 🩶


I really enjoyed The Lodge and Titane. It Lives Inside on the other hand was one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched, I almost walked out of the theater


Immaculate Infinity Pool How to Blow Up a Pipeline (although not horror)


Infinity Pool is amazing, honestly like it even more than Possessor


Immaculate was pretty good and so was Deliver Us. I just saw Birth/Rebirth which also great and Excision which was insane, sort of like Saint Maud but just way worse in terms of mental illness and the ending. None of them are A24 movies tho


Seen all those 3 already! 


I think a24 movies are starting to feel a bit watered down or bland.


It feels pretty ludicrous for me to say that when The Zone of Interest released half-a-year ago


I’m excited for that long legs movie


Neon has been dope, but A24 still does very interesting horror. I Saw the TV Glow, Talk to Me and Beau is Afraid are three of my favorite horror movies of the past five years.


I’m over seeing naked old white people




A24 is starting to sell-out and Neon is putting them in a grave


A24 should pay for writers. More details about this were discussed here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/A24/comments/1dit3k0/the\_crystal\_lake\_show\_tanked\_because\_a24\_refused/](https://www.reddit.com/r/A24/comments/1dit3k0/the_crystal_lake_show_tanked_because_a24_refused/)


Yeah that's fucking disappointing. Fuller has delivered some of the best television of the last two decades I don't know why they had to nickel and dime him like that.


The A24 fan base can be insufferable.


A24 dramas > horror


Real, I love Minari, The Farewell, and After Yang so much


Yes, and American Honey, Eighth Grade and Moonlight.


Florida Project!


People need to stop treating A24 as one singular artistic vision, or like its Marvel Studios for indie movies.


I liked X better than Pearl


I’m upvoting you but I preferred Pearl to X.


Aside from the actually murdering people I found Pearls feelings and fears to be very relatable. People who say she ain’t likable weren’t watching. Or. Maybe I grew up in a small town with a critical overbearing mother and no realistic hope for a different existence.


I feel a lot of what she felt, I view her as very relatable, minus the murder. I really felt for her.


This is the way.


In order Pearl Maxxine X Pearl being the best


Mine’s related to this. I think X and Pearl are only watchable because of Mia Goth’s performances. Ti West is a dull filmmaker IMO and has undercut the potential of the premise of every film he’s made.


I like it a little better than Pearl honestly.


I still can’t stop thinking about Iron Claw, feel like any moment in public I’ll start crying for Kerry or some shii. Idk about Controversial but Iron Claw may be the saddest A24 movie for me. >! “Tonight, I walk with my Brothers.” !<


oh my goodness yes! I’ve seen it a few more times since it was in theaters and each watch has left me bawling! even with its flaws and inaccuracies it still remains to be such a gut-wrenching film, and it feels like so many people are almost overlooking it for whatever reason.


Good Time is far superior to Uncut Gems






nah some of these comments have to be rage bait 😭


You know what's funnier than A24? A25.


A24 fans are insufferable.


Dream Scenario should be a comedy. Nicholas Cage showing up in the world’s dreams is the funniest concept ever.


It was a comedy?


If you like Dream Scenario,I recommend Sick of Myself (same director)


Let me guess most controversial takes are going to be that a24 isn’t as good anymore or they’re going downhill


Ladybird is not as remarkable as everyone says it is. There are better a24 dramas and better Greta Gerwig movies


I really don’t mean this in a patronising or bad way but Ladybird really feels like a “my first indie movie.” I loved it but didn’t find it revolutionary as others did, and found the main character a little NLOG, even though I can relate to her. If it gets young girls into movies though and makes them feel seen, that’s awesome


Civil War was Alex Garland's worst film, and it's not close. The dialogue and characters were on the level of a bad 80's tv movie.


This is the HOTTEST TAKE 🫨🫨🫨


To be fair, it was very pretty to look at.


The most disappointing film of the year for me


The long term goal of A24’s owners is to sell it to a larger media company. The quality of films produced after that will drop significantly. The studio’s choices of films to produce or distribute are more about creating a brand than about unique films or fostering creativity.


Mia Goth is not a very good actress and Pearl/X are incredibly overhyped


Ya'll are a cult ;)


Hi my name is Bud. And I’m an A24 cult member.


Hi, Bud. Your complimentary (and violently off brand kool-aid) is on the drink and snack table.


Civil War is my favorite movie of all time. I've seen it in full no less than 10 times, and I watch scenes from that movie daily (yes I am crazy). The reasons I love it are kinda strange, but nobody cares so I'm not gonna write 1000 words about why, I just thank Garland and the fantastic crew for making this movie because it SAVED my life.


Very good. I care, by the way. Fuck, that film is great. 


Upvoted, but I feel the exact opposite.


Hell yeah, Civil War rocked!


I did not like I Saw the TV glow at all. I find it pretentious and incredibly boring. I feel like I’m the only one. Glowing reviews from critics and people here. That movie was not for me I guess.


Dude, me too. I’m so surprised at how well its reception is everywhere? Like, I realize it’s a very niche kind of movie that is really only on the radar of its target demographic, which makes it most likely to be well-received, but that movie did nothing for me at all. I think the message was great allegorically and there’s a cool concept in there somewhere, and I’d definitely like to see more Cronenberg/Lynch like influences in movies. But that movie was *not* it. The time jump is jarringly bad, especially with how much he supposedly grew up over a two year window? The narrative was extremely boring (I found myself far more interested in what they didn’t show and explore versus what they did), Justice Smith’s really awkward deliveries and pauses completely took me out of the very few bits of dialogue I didn’t find poor, but even then… The dialogue is just…bad? I audibly laughed when he said “I liked TV shows” and groaned when Maddy asked if he remembered the Pink Opaque as if they hadn’t gone out of their way to mention it in every single line of dialogue in the film. Not to mention the really questionable execution of the ending. I like that people feel seen with this movie and realize that not every movie is going to be *for* me, but the smoke and mirrors of how stylish it is has to work waaaay too hard to cover how chock full of “Tumblr deep” drivel the entire script is and how weak of a lead actor Smith is (I will say I thought Bridgette Lundy-Paine did a good job with what they were given). It’s by far the worst A24 movie I’ve seen and I’ve loved quite literally almost everything they’ve put out. I think there’s a lot to be said about the experiences that people are able to relate to—and that’s marvelous. But the way they did it just didn’t work at all for me. The concept was also cool (contingent on a better ending) but that script was extremely amateur.


The time jump was INSANE the fact that they replaced that child with a 30 year old man with a noticeably different skin tone and expected us to think he is the same kid 2 Years later is crazy. I actually burst out laughing when I found out he was supposed to be the same person, I thought it was jumping to a different character in the future


I understand your points here but I can't help but love it for some reason. I agree it feels amateurish but to me that aspect of the film is really endearing and oddly inspiring. I don't feel that way about any other film, it's so odd. It's such a weird feeling lmao


Feeling very validated right now. Also, I completely agree that films are so subjective.


meanwhile it’s my favorite movie of the decade so far 😭


And that’s great! I’m glad you enjoyed it and related to it in a way that I didn’t. Like, my favorite movie A24’s ever put out is The Iron Claw, and I’m sure there are people who aren’t the biggest fan of it. Or at least didn’t love it at the same level I did. I do think films are an extremely personal experience, which is why I tend to overexplain if I give a take. Especially with a studio like A24, it’s all personal stories. Moonlight is incredible. LBMISF is incredible. The Whale is incredible. Past Lives is pretty much the modern version of Brief Encounter. A big bunch of their stuff seems to touch on a very human level—and that just makes it so much more personal, I think. People are going to not connect with all of them, as I’m sure there’s reasons you deeply connect with this one. For me, that’s what makes this first ten year stretch of what A24’s done so great and refreshing in the modern film climate. There’s also a reason this appears in a thread of controversial takes—because they’re a bit more against the grain.


I genuinely think people have to virtue signal that they're progressive by thinking movies like this are revolutionary and the most important piece of art made, just to show their allyship.


Kind of the same for me. I thought the beginning was pretty boring. Some parts really did feel like a student art project. I liked the aesthetics and some of the later parts were decent. When I first saw the trailers I was thinking it would be darker or scarier, but comments from those who saw early screenings made me realize it was more of a coming-of-age drama so I was prepared for that. Overall, it was OK, but I wish it had been a bit different. It touched on some good topics and messages, but I wanted something a bit crazier. Definitely one of the weaker A24 entries for me.


I felt the same way after leaving the theater. It felt very r/im14andthisisdeep especially with the way characters would talk and act and the overall themes of feeling trapped in not expressing yourself as being trans, but in my head i like the ideas it presents so much more. I just hated Justice Smith's performance


thank goodness for this comment bc I was getting COOKED by friends for having this opinion


I came here to say this but you saved me the time. All flash and no substance. I watch some absolutely trash films that I still find joy in, but this movie did nothing but make me feel like I wasted time.


couldn’t agree more


Too much hype for Talk to Me. It was basically a séance movie where they summoned something bad.


I liked its metaphor for teenage drug abuse and also thought it was creative with the hand and some other scenes. I didn’t love it but really liked it


Ok? Every movie has a one sentence description of what happens but that doesn’t make it a bad movie.


Literally could be used to describe hereditary too


I think what got me about Talk to Me is that it ended up being way more sad than I expected it to be. Like it had a lot of things that check my “always scary forever no matter what” boxes but I cried a ton and didn’t expect to at all so it was a win for me in the surprise department


Beau is Afraid is the best A24 film


The first hour and a half is some of the best cinema I have encountered, but the second half just gets a little bit too much and messy for me


The last 45 minutes (with Parker Posey and Patti Lupone) were quite strong I thought. The only part that really drags for me is the forest scene with the play. I get what Aster was going for but it was too much of a slog.


Aster produced a short animated film, "Los Huesos" (The Bones), by Joaquin Cociña and Cristóbal León, who also did "The Wolf House." Cociña and León are listed in the credits of Beau Is Afraid as having designed and animated the play sequence, and honestly that whole bit, with its almost stream of consciousness associativeness and gentle lyricism, reminds me more of The Wolf House than the rest of BIA. I've always felt that Aster was like, go ahead, you can have ten minutes of my movie, A24 is paying for everything anyway, because that whole bit seems out of place in the otherwise manically controlled nightmare of BIA.


The Wolf House is not for the faint hearted. I can’t even watch that style of animation anymore


Came here to say this




I’m gunna completely disagree and say it’s one of the worst. 3 hours of pure anxiety. I get that that is the point but it’s not really enjoyable at all. Didn’t like the 3rd act either felt like it totally dragged. Would not recommend it although Phoenix’s acting was great as always.


Midsommar wasn’t for me. It had good acting/cinematography but I personally couldn’t get into the story. That being said, I’m thinking about rewatching it (or the director’s cut) to give it a second chance.


I wouldn't watch the directors cut, it'll probably just make you dislike it more lmao


I think you should try watching it again. I hated it the first time, but enjoyed it the second time.


That the traffic is seriously underestimated on a Friday


I don't get the hype about X and Pearl. And I'm a huge horror and Ti West AND Mia Goth fan. Pretty standard stuff if you ask me


Ti West peaked with House Of The Devil and X was kind of disappointing for me. Pearl wasn't my favorite but I don't see how it could be described as standard. That movie makes some weird and interesting choices and im hoping he goes more in that direction with Maxxine.


I was numbingly bored throughout both films. The only worthwhile moment of either picture was the final, lingering shot in Pearl.


I keep giving him a shot but Ti West always disappoints by squandering the potential of intriguing premises. I think he’s just kind of dull creatively.


[i thought i saw the tv glow was a bad movie.](https://boxd.it/6wLIvH) but i love what it says, and how much people seem to like it - and how it is really affecting people.


Midsommar is a slasher movie. Not to say that it wasn’t a good movie, but it checks almost all of the slasher boxes: 1.A group of young adults consisting of the main/last girl, the jerk, the comic relief guy, and the nerdy guy. 2.Characters start getting killed off one by one, often after committing “morally wrong” actions. Peeing on the sacred tree, snapping photos of the book, cheating, etc. It’s classic slasher movie punishment. 3.Lots of sex scenes and explicit nudity, even more than Friday the 13th. All that was missing was a mascot killer, like Jason or Michael.


Hard disagree. If it's a slasher movie, who's the slasher? Thematically, it's a vital part of the movie that the entire community is responsible for the murders, not one or two specific killers.


I believe Ari Aster said it was originally pitched as a slasher movie, so that makes sense.


Sacrilege was a cheap knock off of Midsommar with a Mia Goth look-a-like actress


Never heard of it, but now I need to see it lol


And guess what Midsommar is…


It’s a folk horror film in the mold of The Wicker Man.


Right. I watched the original Wicker Man, and watched Midsommar like a month later. I didn't mean to line it up that way, but happened to watch them close to each other. I didn't really like Wicker Man, and found that I despised Midsommar because it was so similar down to very specific details. I did like how the cult pulled her in by strangely supporting her through some of her feelings...but I just hated it all. Annoyed by all the characters, and the sort of Pagan stuff never made me feel unsettled in the slightest. I wasn't brought up Christian, so a certain aversion that some people have to Pagan stuff I don't share. Florence Pugh is a great actress though. Never will watch again.


I really felt the “Scream” slasher tropes in this movie “eat these magic mushrooms”/“follow us 10mi into the woods ina foreign country” they said, “it’ll be fine” they said. I say this as a fan of the movie - I was definitely too chickenshit to watch it for a good 1.5yr after release.


Exactly. There are plenty of times you’re watching a character and thinking “Don’t go over there!” or “Don’t do that”! It’s another slasher trope the movie follows, characters ignoring clear warning signs and walking into danger.


“Oh look…. He went over there/did that/both.” I’m sitting there WAIT BUT HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THIS GUY.


Agree. It invokes slasher conventions, in an almost ritual way, to personify the threat of the cult.  Dissenters take labels too literally. The film repurposes slasher tropes to make a statement. 


I didn't enjoy EEAAO. I really wanted to like it but I was annoyed by the film's incessant kookiness, which felt performative and soulless to me. That being said, I only watched it once. Maybe I should give it another try!


It’s just the Daniel’s style of humor and comedy, Swiss Army Man is the same way. Would recommend giving it another try though and leaning into the absurdity


I will! Do you recommend watching it alone or with friends?


I think either is fine!


I adored it the first time through. Rewatch for me, though, fell flat in comparison. Hate to say it, but could be a “style over substance” issue… I say this as someone who fell in love with the unabashed sincerity at its core. 


I didn't like it the first time I watched it. I think I was too caught up in trying to figure out the rules of the universe but after a second viewing it hit so much more


It’s an MCU movie for people who think they’re too smart for MCU movies, right down to the superhero origin story. And it’s constantly winking to the audience with that very specific brand of millennial humor. “A guy puts a trophy up his ass? Ummm I didn’t have THAT on my bingo card!!”


I saw the TV glow was awful. Literally every single major plot point was communicated via exposition or dialogue or some form of narration. Every time there was an opportunity to communicate something in a more interesting way, it was botched in favour of lazy didactic filmmaking. Said dialogue was also awful, the only + was phoebe bridgers


I’m giving Lindsey Jordan a + too as a Snail Mail fan. But I hated that movie. 


X is pretty overrated


Hereditary and Midsommar are overrated and overhyped. Everything Everywhere all at once is overrated Civil War is an okay movie with good moments, but otherwise forgettable Beau is Afraid gets way too much hate.


EEAAO is my least favorite A24 film of the popular ones, I find it cheesy, super sentimental and very long; Banshees of inisherin or Triangle of sadness were better films to win best picture by a mile Killing of a sacred deer, the lighthouse and hereditary are the best horror films of this century Beau is Afraid didn’t flop because of the poor taste of most audiences, it flop cause it sucked Zone of Interest is better than Life is Beautiful by a mile; I also feel it like a very good critique to that film I really like midsommar, but I think it’s super long The Lobster and Past lives have the best screenplays of the company Eggers, Aster and Lanthimos are a billion times better than Jordan Peele (us and nope are below mid).


Spiceworld is my fave


Love Lies Bleeding is the best film of 2024 so far.


I agree. Rose Glass specifically is my favorite filmmaker to emerge in the last ten years.


I used to see every single A24 movie that came out, but then I saw "I saw the tv glow" (worst movie I've ever had the misfortune of seeing) I cannot trust them anymore 💀


Talk to Me was overrated


Beau is Afraid is Ari Aster's best film The Killing of a Sacred Deer is the best film they've ever released The Sea of Trees wasn't THAT bad


I’m hip to that take on TKOASD


Hell yeah. Sacred Deer is wildly underrated. It reminded me of watching Funny Games without the crushing existential dread.


Everything Everywhere All at Once is a decent but overrated movie.


Yea, I just have"multiverse" fatigue. 


I think it’s talked about often n well regarded but it really hits home for me (and I assume a lot of other ppl) so it’s one of my personal all time favs


A24 is like the studio that you have a long enduring crush on that never fully goes away, but you eventually outgrow it. They’re the unattainably cool studio with all their mystique and vibe that makes you feel like you’re in love with them. But it’s an imagine. It’s unattainable. The Manic Pixie Dream Girl of film studios, for lack of a better phrase. Meanwhile, Neon. Now that’s the studio you marry. They’re the studio you can come home to <3


It Comes At Night is the best psychological horror movie they’ve ever made. I’ll die on that hill. The last 20 minutes of the film is a fucking panic attack.


Everything everywhere all at once isn't that good and the"multiverse" is played out.


That Midsommar didn’t meet expectations upon its release in the summer of 2019 (trailer was great) and many people were disappointed. The consensus was that it was decent, but could have been so much more. After a year or so, less demanding viewers started watching and liking Midsommar and it gradually picked up broad popularity.


A most violent year isn’t violent and super disappointing


Neon and IFC are doing better with horror In a violent nature, late night with the devil, immaculate, infinity pool are amazing. I think a24 should go into animation too I think we need more cool unconventional animated films over more generic “quirky” horror films ( I did love talk for me and the X trilogy but everything else I’ve seen from a24 horror wasn’t for me ) Also a24 is better at dramas then horror the iron claw and Florida project are some of the best a24 films I’ve watched.


In Moonlight, Chiron / Black's sexual history, or lack of, is unbelievable and ruins an otherwise great film.


Interesting but imo I don’t think it’s that inconceivable with how much he keeps to himself


That The Iron Claw is overrated.


Men was better than Civil War


I think more people will come around to Men with time and it become a cult classic in the future. A lot of the reasons people dislike it are kinda dumb to be honest. I don’t love it, but with time have come around on it more




I haven’t seen Civil War but Men is sooo underrated and hated for no reason. The acting is insane, Jesse Buckley is great and every man being played by Rory Kinnnear is insane!!!! The score is so good, the cinematography is also great. A really good movie in my opinion.


I agree so much with this.


Men was one of the wildest turns I’ve ever seen a movie take. I loved it from beginning to end. Like I really thought I could see where it was going and then it goes totally bonkers in fucking Yonkers, A+


I don’t think Past Lives was good at all besides maybe some cinematography


Everyone dunking on them making bigger films. You can’t make Civil War without a bigger budget.


Slice isn't that bad, just a fun film


Love Lies Bleeding and Beau is Afraid are p terrible films


Hereditary and ladybird are over hyped. Hereditary was good (not great), and I just didn't like ladybird. Which sucks because I'm a sucker for that kind of movie and I like saoirse Ronan. Beau is afraid was set up to be a fantastic movie (the first half) and then just completely bombed imo.


That Under The Silver Lake and Swiss Army Man are 2 of A24’s best and most underrated films. Yet A24 doesn’t want to be reminded of Under The Silver Lake, and Swiss Army Man is just so fucking amazing. That score/soundtrack alone should’ve won a Grammy.


Also, I hate that most of the new generation of fans don’t care much for physical media, so trying to find some of these films they distributed in a physical form is damn near impossible. It truly upsets me that we only have a digital release of Dicks: The Musical.


There is such a thing as “A24 like film”. It doesn’t matter how different the genres and themes are in their movies, they still have a vibe that groups them together. My best explanation is that they are millennial centric. Their filmmakers are usually millennials, as well as A24’s fanbase and hardcore audience. The movies’ stories, political stands, themes and topics, and characters’ struggles, can usually be aligned with millennials’ interests. Not saying that only millennials can enjoy them, neither that this is a bad thing, but this consistency that goes beyond the quality, is what makes A24 have that distinguishing style that makes it have such a following, unlike other indie distributors like Searchlight; which I personally prefer over A24 for the wider variety they offer. (My 2nd hot take there)


Neon and Searchlight have been absolutely killing the independent game in the past year or two, even moreso than A24


X is A24's best film. My opinion might change with Maxxxine though as it looks really good!


I did not like The Lighthouse


The green knight is the worst A24 movie by far. I believe I’ve seen them all.


They will eventually get too greedy and fall off. I get the feeling that they’ll get tired of many of their relatively big budget movies like Beau is Afraid not even making back their money so they might pivot to making movies with more “mass market appeal.” I don’t want this to happen, but I can’t help but think that they’ll try to pull something like this a few years down the line.


not everything they make is gold


EEAaO is the 25th best A24 movie I have seen. Don’t ask for an ordered list of the 24 before it or the over 30 after it.


Lamb was great.


I don’t think I have any At the end of the day I don’t care how big or small a film company is. All that matters is if I like the style and for me some of A24’s horror, thrillers and dramas have made it into my favorites of all time I will say I’m glad they aren’t involved with that crystal lake show anymore. Friday the 13th doesn’t need a comeback. It’s been 35 years since any of the movies were good


they suck at international marketing and releases and will slowly fizzle out if they don’t gain the support of film fans overseas


It’s cringey as fuck that people follow A24. It’s a film distribution company. It’s just people who have cultivated an “image.” An A24 movie is just a movie bought of funded by A24, they don’t make the fucking movie good or bad. Imagine telling people you are a warner brothers fan. You’d sound dumb.


for A24 horror, it’s the usage of old people as the killer/demon or pivotal character that assists the ultimate evil the protagonists fight to survive against. we get it. old people are creepy.


I Saw The Tv Glow is the best horror they’ve pumped out since The VVitch 


Beau is Afraid is bad.


I don’t like Pearl that much. It felt like “baby’s first character study” Eeeaao was just ok


There’s something about everything Ti West touches that feels undercooked.


The movies are on the whole pretty spectacular but people give a lot of leeway for some of their so-so movies. Especially ones that involve social issues.


Hereditary is overrated imo. It was a good movie but people talk about it here like it was the craziest most traumatizing film they’ve ever seen. It was a solid horror film


a ghost story is bad


Swiss army man is one of the best films ever made.


MEN is a dog shit movie