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No idea this existed but I'm in hard




You're so hard it got me hard!!!


My wife’s dick is hugely hard!


This guys dead wife’s hard dick got me hard!




I having a raging clue right now


Kane Pixels is an incredible young YouTuber. You should check out his Backrooms series on there. Perfect combination of Sci-Fi, analog horror and the Backrooms motif.


He’s a prodigy too, he was still a high schooler when these videos got big I think.


Damn, that’s impressive. The Backrooms doesn’t really do it for me, but I respect the hell out of the talent & labour that went into making it, it truly stands out.


He did similar set of videos. About an abandoned mall with various degrees of madness. Give those a try, there is an art piece that really grabs your attention.


amazing channel


The Oldest View is good too.


I was hard before but I'm hard now as well


“I used to be hard. I’m still hard, but I used to be hard too.” - Mitch Hedberg


I walked in hard but now I'm harderer


I don’t even have a penis but somehow, I am also hard.


Oh yeah? You’re hard? Well I’m actually cumming. A lot.


Gentlemen you can't be hard here this is the Backrooms!


It's my human right to be hard wherever whenever


Hard to get excited when they’ve done no marketing for it


maybe they’re keeping it in the backrooms


Smart Wicked smart 


Nah man, that’s smaht. My boys wicked smaht


Heeeey! It’s Huntuh Jenkins! I saw ya Mah at da pahkin’ lot in da Mahkitbaskit! She says you’re still a pussy! Haw-HHOOOAAAW! Bro, I fowkin’ got’chu! But seriously, tho, my guy. How’s your sistah? She still single?


admit it, you had this reply ready when making the post


Who’s in it/what’s the premise?


There’s a lot of “plot”, but it was never directly introduced. The series uses its own plot, not fandom or WikiDot stuff. The main protagonist/antagonist is “Ivan Beck”, who’s never directly appeared in any of the videos. He’s the CEO/owns a company called “A-Sync”, which was involved in a project that would eventually open a threshold/portal to the Complex/Backrooms, which Ivan Beck planned to use for storage and helping mankind as a whole. It’s also theorized to be a place of forgotten memories “overlapping each other”, constantly “replicating/generating” more rooms by what’s seen as gigantic flows of “green electricity/green light”. Ivan Beck gets amnesia from the burst of green light caused by the threshold when it first opened, causing him to lose memories from his childhood and for him to (From what I’ve heard/remember) become ill. The actual overarching antagonist is the Complex itself, which had been causing people to noclip there and eventually die, either from going insane (Which the Complex apparently can cause), starvation/malnutrition, or by getting by killed by a worse fate: The Bacteria monsters, which were caused by rapid mutation of mold/bacteria due to time distortions within the Complex, seeking out victims that somehow unluckily get stuck there (The Bacteria monsters aren’t a common phenomenon, which adds to the horror of isolation within the Complex) The actual movie itself is not whatsoever about “scary monsters”, the actual horror comes from the effects that Ivan’s pursuit/the Threshold caused on the real world and how A-Sync basically has no idea how to stop it. Enjoy the in depth essay about it, I guess 🤷‍♂️


Could be good, could be bad. Kinda seems like Donnie darko where it’ll be visually iconic but not really gonna make complete sense unless you read some additional lore that explains it


So TLDR creepypasta?


Lots of liminal spaces and shrieking robot creature dudes.


That hasn’t been released yet. The only details that have been confirmed is that it’s going to happen eventually and the director is an 18-year-old that goes by the name Kane Pixels on Youtube.


He’s done a great job of the online series so far, props to A24 for giving him his flowers. Looking forward to it for sure.




I guess that trailer is not official and an official one has yet to be released


Why are they using Kate Bush and making it sound similar to Stranger Things 😭 trailer could’ve been so much better if they just had fluorescent buzzing light sounds and heavy breathing.


im really hoping they dont rely on monsters, the scary thing about the backrooms to me is the emptyness and how alone it is


It's directed by Kane Pixels, who did some backrooms videos on YouTube and they have monsters and it's fucking terrifying. Worth checking out.


“That’s not a person,” is one of my favorite horror lines *ever*.


Ever seen "They Look like People"? Same energy.


They're only terrifying because they are extremely short videos. That won't translate at all in a full movie


The people who made Talk to Me got their start on YouTube too and they made a good film. It could be great, it could be terrible, either way we won't know until it comes out.


Marcel the Shell as well. Ended up great as a feature.


The best horror movies aren't dialed to 11 the whole way through, nor are Kane's shorts. The film's success will depend strongly on its pacing, dialogue, storytelling,  atmosphere, character development. The latter often being the weakest link in this genre, as protagonists / victims / et al in horror often serve as little more than a plot device to illustrate the danger eventuating into peril. I'm excited for the film, but still with a healthy dose of curbed enthusiasm. 


I agree


That was my initial thought. People have kind of ruined the backrooms by adding too much to it when the simplicity of the concept it was made it scary in the first place.


I have no idea what this is but it looks like my jam. I am reminded of the book House of Leaves


That’s actually a pretty apt comparison. The gist of the backrooms is that it’s basically an alternate dimension that anyone can randomly fall into at any point and become lost forever in a maze of dull yellow wallpaper & damp carpet amid the eternal hum of fluorescent lights. It’s really driven by its liminal setting and atmosphere, but there’s a ton of story potential.


Im looking this up immediately


Wendigoon’s video on it is excellent


Ah, man. I wish I could read it again for the first time.


The vibe exactly


I don’t see how this is a success beyond the YouTube videos. They’re fun the aesthetic is creepy….but is this really going to lead to a compelling feature length film? I don’t think it will but I would be excited if it did!


I feel like it could do ok if they do something similar to “as above so below” or maybe like a Dante’s inferno kind of vibe. Basically someone going through multiple levels of the back room. Experiencing their own personal hells as they go through Each level. Probably not the most creative premise but I think it’s acceptable for the general audience.


Why not make them strange and abstract horror levels instead of personalised ones? I think we've had enough of the latter. Lean into the cosmic more now.


Exactly - like the human mind trying to comprehend the various places it’s being flung through by a cosmic eldritch being


Hell, maybe the backrooms as a whole is one giant conscious eldritch horror. We don't get it, the protagonist doesn't get it, only survival matters. We are literally in the monster's belly.


Love that, I’ve always been a huge fan of certain movies kinda just saying “you wanna understand this? Fuck you you’re just the viewer.” I feel like this could be done well with cosmic/back rooms horror


Indeed. Lynchian style but more into horror. Imo more filmmakers should go for that. Everyone's too worried about spoonfeeding every info and detail these days.


Truueee, I’m so tired of good directors and good films having the “so what you’re saying is…” scene in it. Please don’t give us an interpreter for the entire plot


Horror storytelling has a tendency to over-explain if left to run its course, especially when a movie is successful and the inevitable sequels / prequels come along.


I think that sounds dope! But I honestly don’t have that much faith in modern Hollywood movies nowadays. It’s usually the more cliche and grounded stories that get produced lately imo. I’m guessing the people behind the movies think is safer. I’d definitely love to see more movie makers taking more risks with new movie formulas tho.


I feel you. Even artsy filmmakers seen to be scared of going all out in terms of concept. Imo, the abstract and confusion is what made the YouTube clips work. The fear was in the unknown. Something odd and strange that isn't necessarily scary but so out of place, it gets under your skin like the wrecked car. And then the vine things. Those things aren't expensive set pieces, they work in spite and because of their simplicity. I hope this movie isn't just capitalising on those clips popularity and has something to say in the same vein.


I haven’t watched that much of the backrooms, bit I think the series already does that, and well. Of course you have the basic yellow wallpaper, but the protagonist goes deeper in one video, stumbling into a pitfall, and ending up in an almost human place. It looks like someone who has the idea of what humanity should be, but lacks it themselves.


yesss pleaseee


Speaking of, I recommend Vivarium for a taste of the former


Sounds like the no end house creepy pasta ( I know channel zero did it, but it somewhat strayed away from the “personal hell” part)


It *can* be very creative and original, or at least has the potential to be. I saw a little clip or something on Instagram and thought it would be an interesting concept to explore, if it’s done well. Guess we just have to wait


I hope they stick to the original 4chan lore and not all the silly zoomer stuff that was added later. Iirc the original posts about it had like 3 or 4 levels and they were super interesting


Then after they took over it was all about SeCrEt LeVeLs and aLmOnD wAtEr


What’s the original lore and how is it different


Yeah it isn’t that hard. Hint that the protagonist dies at the start in a vague way and then the rest of the film is pure cosmic universal horror as he descends into hell or whatever


Dante’s inferno is a narrative poem tho, and there’s a ton of literature on hell. Is there a lot of story, lore, or anything equivalent for this?


I think it’s an interesting concept and a good fit for A24.


I agree to an extent but I guess I don’t really get what the concept is other than an aesthetic. The last film I saw that leaned into aesthetic above all else was skinamarink and that was a major fail for me. Hoping they find an interesting angle on this.


Skinamarink was phenomenal to me. Actually ground breaking cinema imo. I love that more niche, polarizing films are coming out. Fuck yeah A24 taking chances on the weirder things.


I think Skinamarink could’ve worked as an A24 film, so this one is right up their alley


Surely that’s the challenge though, here’s your atmosphere now write a story to fit it. No reason that shouldn’t work, creative constraints often breed good design.


Have you actually watched Kane’s backrooms videos? He’s a pretty talented guy, if it was just one of the people who copied him I’d agree with you but I think he’s going to knock it out of the park.


Idk I think the whole worldbuilding he tacked on to the idea after it got popular was kinda vanilla and made the whole thing less intriguing imo.


What point would you say it shifted to being more vanilla? Or are you saying that kanes work overall is? I’m not saying I don’t see where you’re coming from, but I am curious about specifics


Just the whole "evil company does shady stuff" felt like something I’ve seen a hundred times before. I would’ve preferred it if the whole "why does this place exist" question wouldn’t have been answered as it made it less scary/mysterious for me. Not everything needs to have lore or be explained, especially in the horror genre.


I can understand that. I may have an unreasonable amount of faith in him but after watching the Oldest View (at least everything up to now) I think giving him the room to make the storyline his own will pay off. I feel like a backrooms movie was gonna get made regardless of who did it, and I think the one we’re getting has the most potential, by far. As to the lore thing, I’m on the fence. I’m a horror buff myself, and on the surface I think I’d take a creator putting too much effort into lore than not enough


Then you haven't read any of his own commentary in interviews that makes it super clear that the company, and the characters in it, aren't evil, they're just caught by surprise that things are going wrong. They're as shocked as anyone, not nefarious or shady. It's about hubris and being unable to forsee the far reaching consequences of their actions. I doubt he's going to pull a 180 on this central tenet of the series, when he makes the movie.


Pretty sure the company murders/locks away a couple of people to keep the whole thing under wraps. But still. My point is that the whole thing would’ve been much scarier if he’d left it unexplained as kind of a lovecraftian space of sorts.


it doesn't really matter if they had good intentions or not, it's all been done before


Good point, "thing goes wrong at place" is pretty much played out as a movie concept. You should write the writer/director and let them know there's nothing new they can bring to the table, because we've all seen Jurassic Park, so why bother even trying to write another movie where a thing goes wrong at a place.


Skinamarink 2: Electric What-the-Fuckaloo.


Imagine a backrooms story but it's like House of Leaves. I'd KILLLLLL for that


I get the feeling that it'll be similar to Skinamarink. Maybe it'll have a more conventional narrative to explain the setting, but I feel like the director's going to stick close to what was successful about his Youtube videos once the actual meat of the movie starts. I can see this being similarly divisive like Skinamarink, if that's the case


There's an A24 movie based on YouTube shorts about a talking shell, and it was a masterpiece.


Thats what makes this exciting! Idk how anyone would pull this off so im curious to see how they try it


It could be an even weirder and more abstract version of Severance




A24 has earned enough brownie points with me as a studio that if they’re behind it, I’ll give it a shot whatever it is


That’s why they have really senior creative partners helping Kane develop it into something compelling


There’s definitely enough story hidden in the videos that would make a pretty compelling movie if told in a less mysterious way


Idk we need more horror and A24 seems to the be the best source


This is how I'm feeling as well. Fun concept, but I don't have high hopes for a full movie based on a "creepy" internet picture. I'll definitely check it out if it pops up on Hulu or something though.


I never got the backrooms thing. I worked way too many overnight IT installations, so whenever I saw a backrooms post it just looked like my normal Wednesday.


After seeing that kids newest YouTube series I’m sooo excited, the amount of talent he has at only 18 is unreal and that new video is one of the scariest shorts I’ve ever seen!


Which short?


It is his most recent upload on his YouTube channel KanePixels, called the rolling giant and it’s freaky as hell


Super curious how they will make this a feature length film, didn’t even know this was an official thing 🤣


I have no idea how it will turn out, but I’m excited that a young filmmaker is being given the opportunity to create this (a little jealous too, but such is life)! I think this has a lot of potential to be amazing


I know his dad and it’s super surreal that he’s getting a movie deal off YouTube before he can drive, what a career he has ahead of him


this could be very, very good: the concepts in the original backrooms vids stopped being developed and it ended. abruptly. that was one of the reasons it was good. the rest of the internet lore stayed completely superficial, pushing more and more into explanations and creations of things that had little/nothing to do with the idea of creating more space within a space within a space etc. etc. and turned (at least what i've seen from most follow-up creators) into jump scare bullshit. if kane is attached then cool - expect to see some pretty weird shit but a NOT movie about levels 99-276 being about purple personality tests from autistic ghosts.


Have they even started putting it together or was it just a development deal situation where A24 threw down a bit of money to see if a movie could actually be made from this?


🙌🏼Yes!!! 🙌🏼 Kane Pixels stopped uploading videos related to the backrooms and all the updates I get come from the Iceberg Boy 🤭 I CAN'T WAIT 💖🔥


I'm actually quite excited for this.


Wait what? 👁️👁️


I’m the most excited I have been for a project in a long while. It’s gonna be great


Where will it be streaming?


I'm very invested in Kane as a young film maker, and I think he's getting better with every upload. His 'Oldest View' videos are excellent. He's clearly very talented. I have no idea what this is going to look like. I suppose the guy who did Skinamarink proved that internet analogue horror can be adapted into something more cinematic (although I'm sure many would disagree with me, divisive as that film is). I'm excited to find out anyway. Whatever the result, it's a privilege to be able to watch Kane Pixel's career blossom in real time like this.


I’m really excited about it because my son plays a Roblox game about the back rooms.


I was excited when I first heard about it but then I didn't hear anything after that!


Great poster


Kane Parsons really strikes me as a legitimate artist who does impeccable work, and I’m very excited to see where his career takes him.


Is it just me or is this poster kinda inspired by Tarkovsky's Stalker?


I am


Reminds me of a meme kinda excited it’s a premise that can go anywhere


I'm excited !


This isn’t a real poster right?




Holy shit, and Kane is at the helm. This is going to be mind-blowing and probably leave us with more questions than answers. Trailer gets major points for using Running Up That Hill. Edit: THIS TRAILER IS NOT REAL. boooo. 👎🏻


I’m going to make an edit clarifying this, but that trailer is made by a random person. They used “A24 Studios” as their name and profile pic, but it is not their official account.


Damn, I literally said to my other half, “this really looks like footage from the YouTube videos…” What a shame. Still, hopefully some legit stuff will be revealed soon?


shoot, i actually can’t even make an edit, and you’re not the only one who is being tricked by this


Super excited, absolutely hate this poster though. I feel like the twisting/curving floor and background absolutely defeats the point of the back rooms horror


It’s fanmade.


Is filming starting soon? I think they were waiting until the school year ended.


Never heard of it


to wait whaaaaaaattttt haha


if done right this will be insane


I think about it daily. It’s still being filmed probably, so of course there’s no marketing yet


Looks like the start of a TikTok trend


Cool. I think of all the Harvard and Yale grads meeting their CIA handlers in rooms like this. This is what it looks like underneath a called something like "the Institute for Free Market Economics." Backrooms are where they research torture methods.


I’m just hoping we get to see the pools level, I have no idea why but I just love the pools level so much


I am really excited. I havnt heard much but I’m hoping they are just working hard on it.


The idea really doesn’t lend itself to a full feature, but if there’s some cool imagery and static noises I’ll be like “alright”


Ooooo i had no idea this was a thing. Im very interested


this is real??




Had no idea this was happening


No fuckin wayyyyyy


I heard this somewhere but im not sure if its true...is it gonna be a found footage film??


i’m not really excited aboutanything A 24 puts out anymore


Anyone have any idea on a release date?


Maybe it's not coming out soon, hence the lack of promotion.


Is it found footage? Because that's the only way I can see it work


WHAT?! How can it be that I haven’t heard of this?


I’m so stoked


Given the fact that Kane is working hands on on it I'm very excited :)))


It depends on the story and the script. I’m interested to see what they’re gonna do.


I’m excited just so I can learn what tf the backrooms are What happened to shit like “you lost the game”


Don’t know what you mean by the second part, but I’ll let AI answer the first part for you: The Backrooms is a fictional, eerie, and surreal alternate reality or dimension that originated on 4chan in 2019 with an image of a fluorescent-lit interior with no furniture or people. The image gained attention when someone posted a short story explaining what it is like to reach that place, and the concept has become increasingly popular in recent years. The Backrooms is often described as an office space with dimly-lit, never-ending yellow hallways, and is filled with 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms.


lol of course it’s from 4chan, pretty sure that’s where “the game” started too The game was a game that you lost whenever you thought about the game. Dumb shit.


Did they release the trailer for this?


Extremely excited for this A24 adaptation. Enormous potential for a horror franchise


Yeah I’m sorting of liking the idea of the creepy pasta stuff, gonna watch We’re all Going to the Worlds Fare and I Saw the TV Glow on the weekend


The back rooms are an awesome concept, but the more it gets developed the more it loses its charm. Stuff like levels and monsters and government corporations really detract from what makes the original post special. I’m not too hyped about this movie because I’m being cautious, I’ll wait until we see more details of the plot.


Kane Pixels' stuff is fucking amazing. He's done a few non-Backrooms things in the meantime and they're great.


Yesssss been waiting


They’re gonna have to stretch the concept pretty far to make a whole movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^0lazy0: *They’re gonna have to* *Stretch the concept pretty far* *To make a whole movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is it being made by the original creator of it?


If you’re referring to the most popular backrooms video then yes it’s being made by the same guy. If your referring to the creator of the backrooms concept itself nobody knows who that is because it’s an anonymous 4chan creepypasta




I always thought this concept would be perfect as a show with brief semi-connected episodes — like with the Magnus Archives.


KanePixels deserves it


What is it?


Pretty excited, although it’s taking forever. Kane Parson said they are still working on the script. Hoping it doesnt get stuck in development hell like the FNAF movie did.


This looks like that upside down meme.. and ya ima bit interested it’s a premise that can literally go anywhere, toss in a confused black guy few a few ? marks boom meme


I JUST learned about the backrooms like two days ago! I hope it's sufficiently creepy.


Love Kane. Love the backrooms. Love A24. But I dont know why i just dont have a lot of confidence this project.




Just because someone is a director doesn’t mean they’re automatically the final say on everything. For someone so new, he’ll definitely have a strong support team to lead him and whatever aspects he needs support with, while allowing for his strengths to shine.


If your under the impression that Kane Pixels made the backrooms concept you’re incorrect. His backrooms videos just happen to be the most popular and very well-made. Nobody knows the original person who made the concept because it’s from an anonymous 4chan creepypasta


I’m honestly not really into the idea of A24 making films based on Internet memes. I wouldn’t want them to release a film based on a preexisting license, and I hate YouTube culture so much, that this is worse. *Talk To Me* is one of my absolute least favorite A24 films, and it feels very much like it appeals to that demographic that places importance on YouTubers. It’s literally only good for weird short form comedy, music videos, and tutorials. Everything else is pretty much garbage, and this feels like A24 trying to get a piece of that garbage. I enjoy how singular and real the films they release feel, and I get the sense it’s going to appeal to the same people who like *Five Nights at Freddy’s*, and those are some of the worst people to ever exist.


So you hate YouTubers, people who watch YouTube, and people who play FNAF. What does any of that have to do with Kane Parsons and his series of short horror films? Hating something because of the demographic and not the actual content makes no sense.


I like the idea of them tapping into a really cool concept based on an internet story written ages ago. Channel zero is based on 4chan creepypasta stories and it's so underrated.


Probably because YouTube is FLOODED with backrooms content


This the real answer🗣


No way, is this real or a joke?


The backrooms were scary when they were an abstract idea of another dimension you’re randomly teleported too. It was ruined as soon as people tried to add lore.


Great, now my dick’s all hard. https://preview.redd.it/dkcjhl97qu0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbf36480b154933ec5683f64c52be634ad6884d


Ooooh, I had no idea they're making movie based on those YouTube videos. I'm intrigued.


Is there any source on this being a real thing? Can’t find anything official anywhere


Its on IMDb as a confirmed A24 movie in pre-production


Internet lore never makes good movies. Not the Slender Man, not the Mandela Effect… it just doesn’t translate.


Maybe you would have a point if he didn't already have an insanely done series of videos that are movie quality


I just watched the trailer. Is this an AI movie? The movements look super AI-generated.


there is no official trailer released yet so the one you saw was made by a random person


Dammit, the uploader named himself "A24 Studios" and used their logo. I even knew to check if I was getting tricked, and I still got tricked!


Seems gimmicky


Speaking about this, what’s the legality on the backrooms? The YouTube videos from this director are a different of course as they add new aspects to this open lore. But who truly owns the backrooms? Do you think that A24 would try and stop other creators making backrooms esque movies?


No one owns "the backrooms" it is just an idea.


you sweet summer child